Nadya Suleman -- better known as "Octomom" -- says Child Protective Services basically set up camp at her home in the early days after she gave birth ... 'cause she says they showed up at least once a week, and never knocked her parenting.
00:00I want to start with an apology because when I first saw what was going on where
00:08you were about to give birth to eight children and you had six others I
00:14remember and I don't think I was alone saying this is never gonna work she's
00:19never gonna be able to do this she's a single mom it's insanely expensive not
00:25gonna happen and I was wrong so I apologize to you and I also think you're
00:31remarkable so I want to put that out right at the beginning thank you so so
00:35much that means a lot to me actually especially coming from you and I you
00:39were there from the very beginning Harvey and so and I really never
00:43perceived anything you ever did on your show about me as derogatory I never did
00:49I just didn't think I didn't think we were honest we were honest about think
00:54you could pull it off I didn't know I could eat that's the thing is I didn't
00:58know I could I had to prove it to myself it's been a journey so many different
01:02seasons and and I I am actually grateful for all the trials tribulations
01:07adversity I didn't realize I could come out the other side of all of it stronger
01:12and more resilient and knowing that you know maybe my story be an inspiration to
01:19people out there moms anyone who's struggling you know who's in a very dark
01:23season in their life that they can come out the other side stronger more
01:27resilient and just keep pressing on you know despite despite any given
01:32circumstance I'll speak for myself I know the reason that I was a doubter
01:35initially it was you had 14 children and I know from my own mother's experience
01:41how hard it was as a single mom to raise to raise two kids on her own and so I'm
01:49wondering if you had what were your doubts at that moment I know you were of
01:53course thrilled to have your kids but then to actually be at home and be
01:57surrounded by that it's it had to have been absolutely daunting every morning
02:02you woke up yes and no I mean I was in survival mode I Harvey there's so much
02:07you don't know too you don't know that I don't know if you know about the doctor
02:10I think you know he lost his medical license for medical malpractice I don't
02:13you know that he did a double transfer he transferred six and then I was sedated
02:18and he transferred another six I really regret not filing a lawsuit against him
02:23for for what he did I had a statute of limitations for two years I if I had if
02:29I had sued him I don't think I would have had to you know shamefully embrace
02:34the octo mom caricature was just a dehumanized compartmentalized
02:39caricature I was also doubting myself I I knew I was educated I knew that I love
02:46my kids and would do anything for them and I still do so all I knew knew is all
02:50my pride my priority which of precedence over everything was just keeping them
02:53safe safe healthy thriving focusing just on them and I I believe I had I was
03:01optimistic because every single time CPS came in and they were called and they
03:06came in in the beginning more than at least once a week they never left they
03:11never left the home without saying that that I'm doing a great job the public
03:17didn't know this they didn't know this it's like the CPS and the police they've
03:22been really the greatest supporters you mentioned that you you have regrets
03:27about not filing a lawsuit against the doctor against dr. Kamarava I'm curious
03:34we talked about this all the time that there are lawyers everywhere who see
03:39things happening and they reach out to people I'm curious if there were lawyers
03:44who contacted you and wanted to file to file a lawsuit on your behalf I would
03:49imagine that that did happen did it and you just rejected them so there was one
03:54lawyer he was referred to me by my mom at the time and he's still our family
03:59friend attorney and he was a pro bono wonderful human being just a kind loving
04:05person and he strongly encouraged me to file a lawsuit he said I that the
04:11insurance company will pay quite a bit of money to my family and I and I I
04:15didn't I couldn't do it why not why not I was terrified for my family's life for
04:20my life the death threats and the stalkers and I was terrified I also
04:25didn't have the heart to move forward with it because if it weren't for his
04:28innovative in vitro fertilization procedure I wouldn't have had any of my
04:31kids I just couldn't do it I could I'm not litigious by me I'm just not but I
04:37am very grateful that I did move on he did convince me to sue the hospital
04:43because the reason I ended up getting catapulted into the public eye was
04:47because they breached HIPAA unbeknownst to me while I was in the hospital when
04:52they thought it was seven there were many hospital staff that were already
04:56calling the media and when I was on the delivery they discovered there were eight
05:01and that's why all the helicopters and and reporters from everywhere were
05:06there yeah I never wanted it I've had social anxiety my whole life I was
05:11hiding in college I never wanted that's one of the biggest misconceptions that I
05:16wanted this you are amazing you are just an amazing person and I love you proved
05:22everybody myself included wrong and honestly I wish you and your family
05:29absolutely nothing but the best continued success so glad that they are
05:32so happy and healthy and and it's much of it is you know is to your credit
05:38thank you very very much I'm beyond worried and great I'm so grateful to you
05:43both thank you so much this means a lot actually