"Octomom" Nadya Suleman, who gained international notoriety after delivering the world's first healthy set of octuplets in 2009, now says she has only one regret about her family journey ... not taking her overactive fertility doctor to court.
00:02This last from the past, you know, it is a blast from the past
00:06but there is a present for her and
00:08It is shocking to me because that picture is one that we got and we posted back in
00:162009 that was the first first time we saw her with with a children and I
00:24Remember thinking this is a train wreck of train wrecks
00:28She is never going to be able to raise these kids
00:32We thought the kids would be taken away from her that she had no
00:38No known ability to make money
00:41She went through all sorts of iterations trying to do that
00:45How would she support all these kids? She pulled it off pulled it off and here we are 16 years later
00:53And we've seen look at that family photos at that it is really really amazing
01:00It is so amazing that there is now a new docu-series
01:05That lifetime is doing about her as well as a film about her life
01:09scripted film and
01:11but the docu-series is what is really interesting because they
01:15explore something that happened in the aftermath of her giving birth to those eight children and that's
01:22Her fertility doctor a doctor
01:25Cam Ravo was his name, which is somebody we covered extensively because there was a ton of
01:32Criticism that you would implant that many embryos in somebody
01:38What hoping that some of them take but what if a bunch of them take and it was very
01:44Controversial at the time and as a matter of fact, he ended up losing his license, right?
01:49And in this
01:51Docu-series Nadia Suleman. That's her her name. Although we go by octo mom
01:57She actually is going by Natalie now. Really? That's actually a real name
02:01She changed it to Nadia, but she's going back to Natalie. Oh, yeah. All right. Well today here's what she had to say
02:09about that doctor and
02:11The role she played in what happened to him in the investigation while the investigation was going into
02:18What he had done. She says I do regret not suing the infertility doctor
02:23I definitely regret that because his insurance would have been the one paying and it would have been some millions and it would have been
02:31Helpful for my family. She's right. Yeah, I mean, although it's really interested
02:36I regret that I kind of threw myself under the bus to cover for him and I shouldn't have but I was grateful
02:42I got to say this this would be the most would have been the most fascinating lawsuit
02:47Because what she's saying on the one hand is I love my children
02:51I want to raise my children, but I'm upset that he gave me so many right and and that's it feels like on a level
02:59It's at odds keep it my two things what they're really not and by the way, we shouldn't we should mention
03:05That she has 14 kids, right?
03:07If she had six other kids right sides with the eight and so just the idea that this woman could come out on the other side
03:15raising healthy
03:17Happy children where it's a real family
03:22It is stunning. So here's a little clip from the doc. I'd love to explain what happened and why I became optimum. I
03:31Always wanted to be a mom. I wanted a big family
03:35I set my mind to achieving a goal. You know, I achieved that goal. I think I may have overachieved with being a mom
03:49So did you lie for dr. Kamrava I
03:54Think we all remember that
03:56Jarring photo of her being pregnant with her belly so massive and it looked very very painful
04:03And I think everyone just kind of assumed she was kind of this quirky lady that just wanted eight kids
04:09But when you really unpack the backstory kind of like what you guys talked about
04:14She already had six kids at the time that she would she got IVF for you know
04:19What she thought was gonna be only one additional child
04:22She had said that she always envisioned herself with seven children lucky number seven
04:28She grew up as an only child and wanted this big family
04:31Well, you know he the doctor actually implanted twelve embryos instead of the original eight that he had mentioned
04:38And by the way, the usual is two
04:43So yeah, she definitely got a big family
04:46She did and and she did cover for him because my memories that he did he said that there were six
04:53Implanted do you remember the press conference? Do you remember the press conference at the hospital?
04:58With the doctor because initially do you remember this they were celebrating the birth right and
05:04all of a sudden I remember during the press it all turned and people started asking questions in the news conference and it just
05:13Devolved right everyone started asking what what happened here?
05:16How did this that's right and all of a sudden this celebration that the hospital had thrown is this news conference?
05:22they ended up saying we're done we're down and
05:25But here's the thing she struggled I mean she has done a
05:30Lot to make money to raise the family, but ultimately it worked a lot of the kids are vegan
05:37I think there's one special needs child and she's taking care of of that child
05:43She's done a remarkable job. So the documentary is gonna premiere in lifetime. We are gonna have
05:50She goes by Natalie now. We're gonna have her on on Friday on TMZ live
05:54I'm not Raven from from Alaska
05:57Why are the early odds coming back to haunt us between this and Casey coming back to social media?
06:03What is the ghost of Christmas past trying to tell us? It tells us there's hope that I mean, honestly, I I
06:12Absolutely believed these kids were gonna be taken away. Yeah, I I thought there's no way that this is
06:19Gonna have any kind of a happy ending and it did. Yeah, and I was wrong and I'm glad I'm wrong and
06:25I can't wait to see this. Yeah, can't wait to talk to her