• anteayer


00:00No kings, no tyrants, no kings, no tyrants, no kings, no tyrants, no kings, no tyrants.
00:17That's our executive branch of government right now.
00:20It's disgusting.
00:22Put them out! Put them out! Put them out! Put them out!
00:30Well, when we found out that President Trump was running for president again this term,
00:35we immediately went out and bought a flag because we are huge Trump supporters.
00:40Questioning what's happening right now, obviously.
00:44Individuals started receiving notice on Monday that they were going to have an appointment for termination on Wednesday.
00:49Tuesday morning comes, and we were informed that, hey, if you didn't get the email on Monday, you're safe.
00:56And I'm, like, skipping down the halls, right? Like, you know, I get to stay.
01:00And Wednesday late afternoon I received a notice that I have an appointment,
01:05a team's appointment with my supervisor on Friday at 9 o'clock.
01:08So I knew that I wasn't safe anymore.
01:12A probationary employee, you don't have the same protections, and it's actually quite easy to terminate a probationary employee.
01:18So they don't even need to cite it.
01:20It almost, so to speculate, this is part of the reason I'm talking about politics,
01:25is that to do this on a large, indiscriminate scale, it needs to have political backing, right?
01:32I just got a notice today, and I talked to the representative at, like, 8.30, and she's like, it's not uncommon.
01:38Oh, my gosh, yeah, Nathan, that's, like, the hardest part for me, honestly, because I'm a wonderful worker.
01:44Any job that I've ever had, I just, I feel like you should do everything unto the Lord, and I do.
01:49And to be sitting here today and know that that follows me, that I was fired for performance-based in any manner,
01:56I have wonderful reviews every year of my employment.
02:00I literally just had my last review in January, and it was outstanding.
02:24When you lose an income, it's painful.
02:28You know, we've had conversations about what our future looks like.
02:31As you can tell, we have a small home.
02:34But my husband and I have said, if we need to downsize and get a, you know, one-bedroom home
02:38or even a one-bedroom apartment, we'll do whatever we have to do.
02:43But it's hard. It's wrecking.
02:58The common theme is, you know, we voted for this.
03:01You know, and our friends that didn't vote the same, you know, there's always that back-and-forth conversation now.
03:06It's like, you knew this was coming, but we didn't.
03:10Like, nobody that I've talked to understood the devastation that having this administration in office would do to our lives,
03:17but other people that we love and care about, too, within the Middle High Valley.
03:25Cutting costs and waste and fraud, and, and, and.
03:28We love that big picture. I love that big picture.
03:30My friends, you know, we were excited about that, because it is true.
03:34But, again, I can't go, I can't help but go back to the fact that,
03:38what is the decisions that you're making right now solving in the big picture?
03:43It just, so, so the concept of voting for that again, voting for Elon Musk, essentially, to wreck people's lives, I can't do it.
04:00You know, we see the effects of what a decision like this can do.
04:04You know, the relapse that can take place, the lack of trust.
04:09I mean, if you can't trust your president and your vice president to do what they said they were going to do,
04:16you know, which is protect us, protect the veterans, love the veterans, support them,
04:21then it leaves you in a really, really ugly place in your thinking.
04:31People are afraid to go and open their email.
04:34Like, one email, one instance can change the trajectory of your entire life.
04:40And it's, in my opinion, it's abuse. It's emotional abuse.
04:51Yeah, absolutely, I feel a little bit betrayed.
04:54And to be honest, I don't know, like, what I would do if it was, if we knew what we know today and the vote was tomorrow,
05:03I don't know what I would do because of my morals.
05:06But I just don't think I could do it again.
05:10I don't think I could vote for President Trump again, knowing that this has happened
05:15and the impact it's had on the American working class.
05:19Fewer people, randomly, arbitrarily cutting federal employees is the last thing that we need.
05:25We were short-staffed to begin with.
05:27We do the important work that keeps this government functioning.
05:31So really, just kind of all of a sudden, within maybe like a day's notice,
05:36I was basically told that tomorrow's your last day of duty, based on, they say, performance, which was clearly a big lie.
05:45I am a federal employee. I monitor budgets and congressional delays.
05:49We're showing up and we're showing out. Unions are showing up and showing out.
05:54It's a disgrace. I almost feel like, you know, so much for serving my country all these years,
06:01we literally get slapped in the face with no explanations as to really why we got let go.
06:08I am a federal employee. I stay in a constant state of anxiety and fear because...
06:14Last 20 years, how many of you who have been civil servants...
06:17Just thousands of lives are turned upside down.
06:20Nobody really seen this coming, even the people that did, probably vote for Donald Trump.
06:24Elon Musk has basically taken over our government and has culling the shots, unfortunately, it seems to be.
06:38Elon Musk has got to go! Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Elon Musk has got to go!
06:49And now they're like basically denying our unemployment compensation claims.
06:53So they're starving us out at the same time. How am I going to pay my bills?
06:57I feel like everybody really needs to do their homework a lot more in depth next time, come voting time,
07:09to really try to figure out who these people are deep down inside, because they fool you a lot.
07:16They get in office, they don't do the things they said they were going to do or promise the people.
07:27I'm out here today because the unlawful termination of the probationary employees here at the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
07:42is a devastating loss to our community.
07:45This is one of the only places in this area where you can get a consistent, well-paying job.
07:52So many people around here depend upon this.
07:55I mean, some husbands and wives work together there.
07:57It's going to be a devastating economic loss to our community.
08:00And I'm here also because it was done under this false pretense that Donald Trump and Elon Musk
08:07and this fictitious entity Doge, this unlawful entity Doge, has any actual interest in rooting out government waste, fraud, and abuse.
08:17They're the only ones committing those things.
08:19They are the only ones committing those things.
08:21They have no actual capability, no actual interest in finding those things.
08:26It's a pretext for their unlawful expansion of executive power.
08:31It's destroying this country, and it's especially destroying this state and this city.
08:36Elon Musk, he bought himself a president.
08:39I mean, he's real rich, and he definitely is running and telling Trump what to do right now.
08:46You saw that in the cabinet meeting where he was standing up and walking around and telling,
08:51and Trump just sits there like this.
08:53So Trump bought—I mean, Elon Musk bought a president.
08:59He bought the presidency of the United States, and now he's going to destroy us.
09:04Because I love my country, and I think this has been one of the biggest threats it's ever faced.
09:13What with illegal firings and problems in having the rule of law,
09:24and possibly a president who thinks he doesn't have to listen to the decisions of judges.
09:35Vote them out! Vote them out! Vote them out! Vote them out! Vote them out! Vote them out!
09:46West Virginia stands to lose a lot in terms of suffering in the state's economy that results from these federal layoffs.
09:53West Virginia is at the very top of the states in terms of the federal workforce as a share of total workforce in the state.
10:00So if the federal layoffs happen, if they hit West Virginia, we stand to suffer a disproportionate share
10:06when those jobs disappear, when that income disappears, when that spending leaves the state economy.
10:18Well, it's important to remember that the suffering isn't just limited to the people who lose their jobs directly.
10:23You have to remember that these people, they spend money in the local economy.
10:26They spend money on housing, they spend money on food, they spend money on entertainment, they spend money anywhere people spend money.
10:32And so when a person's laid off, when that person cuts back on their spending,
10:37all the businesses where they would normally spend their money otherwise, all those businesses suffer as well
10:42because now they have less demand, now they have fewer customers.
10:45So those downstream businesses suffer, and those employees who work for those downstream businesses also suffer.
10:53So it's important to remember that the overall impact of these job losses isn't just limited to the people who lose their jobs.
11:01All the people in the community where those people do business, all those businesses also suffer.
11:07And other parts of the economy suffer as well, like tax revenue.
11:10If these people are receiving less income, if they're spending less money, that lowers the tax base as well,
11:16and that can have further downstream ripple effects to reduce school funding, funding for transportation infrastructure, other areas.
11:24So it's important to remember the broad spillover effects.
