• hace 4 días


00:00You know, it's a, it's a, you know, it's a legacy
00:29that, you know, American taxpayers should be proud of.
00:32Let's not forget that historically up until now, it's in less than 1% of the budget.
00:36And you know, come on, talk to the average American.
00:40Do they want to see people dying because of assistance cutoff?
00:45You know, there would have been a very clear and particular way to reform the foreign assistance
00:52sector in this country, to reform USAID.
00:55And frankly, a lot of people sort of wanted to see that.
00:58This could have been done in a much more genuine and relevant way, and it, you know,
01:03it really wasn't.
01:04Yeah, exactly, yeah, we'll do USAID.
01:17We're cutting off millions of children from food to like, to save ourselves like pennies
01:26on the dollar.
01:27You know, again, in less than 1% of our budget, like, that's not a saving.
01:32And this, this important, this work is literally life and death for some people, so it's not
01:37a savings.
01:38Oh, there's so many emotions.
01:47I already cried this morning when I arrived, you know, someone said, you know, thanks for
01:53being here.
01:54And I just burst into tears.
01:55But I, I want to be here because I, you know, I came early to support my colleagues.
02:00I think community is the most important thing, and that's, that's what we work for around
02:03the world.
02:04We start at home.
02:05I mean, I think people don't understand the thing, we're sending money away.
02:09But really, we're, we're, we're building community at home.
02:12We're supporting farmers here, bringing, and bringing that, you know, sense of community
02:17and support to the world, to be good neighbors.
02:21I worry about the people that have gone this many days without food, without medicine,
02:32without the humanitarian assistance that we promised them.
02:37My hope is that the work isn't abandoned completely.
02:48I think the misconception is that bureaucracy is bad.
02:53I worked on developing a lot of projects, and you don't do those overnight.
02:58Those have lots of checks in place to define what you're doing and to make sure what you're
03:04doing is meeting priorities of the agency.
03:06You just don't create something because you think it sounds good.
03:09It really has to be grounded in priorities for USAID and for America.
03:15And I think the misconception is that we weren't doing that.
03:18And that's not true.
03:19We were.
03:31It's a sad day when the American, when the American government decides that American
03:35values are no longer important, that it's no longer of value to export what we believe
03:41in to the rest of the world.
03:49USAID is one of the most accountable and transparent parts of the United States government.
03:55The Office of the Inspector General has done numerous audits and has found no fraud, no
04:02What Elon Musk thinks is that he has found things he disagrees with.
04:07And that's fine.
04:08People in this building have spent 65 years responding to what the president wants, have
04:15spent 65 years responding to the needs that the president says.
04:38We're here, we thank you, this is not happening in the dark.
