Melanggar Alih Fungsi Lahan, Empat Tempat Wisata di Puncak Bogor Disegel
00:00Minister of Environment, Hanif Faisal Norofik, Minister of Coordinating Officer, Pangan Zulkifli Hassan, Governor of West Java, Denny Mulyadi, and Regency Governor, Rudy Susmanto,
00:15sealed off four tourist attractions in Puncak, Bogor, West Java, which violated the land function on March 6.
00:22Minister of Environment, Hanif Faisal Norofik, said,
00:26giving one-week time for the Deputy Minister of Law Enforcement, Gakum KLH,
00:30to complete the installation of monitoring boards at 33 locations in the area due to violation of environmental documents.
00:38According to Faisal, KLH found a change in the land layout in 2022.
00:44From 15,000 hectares to 8,000 hectares, which is now a building around the agricultural area.
00:52The next step is to install monitoring boards.
00:58In this monitoring, it means that the law cannot be distorted.
01:03So this law must be proven to be accurate and concrete.
01:07So what is accurate? We need to do research, sampling of land samples.
01:12Then the erosiveness, we have to measure everything.
01:17Then, sir, this must be dismissed. Who are you? All of this has a right in our country.
01:22There are also the first locations in Segal, namely the Teh Ciliwung factory,
01:26Hibis Fantasi, the construction of PT Perkebunan Nusantara, PTPN 1 Regional 2, Agrowisata Gunung Mas, and Eiger Adventureland.
01:35From Bogor, West Java, Fazar Ilham, Antara News Agency, reporting.