Keseruan wisata paralayang yang memacu adrenalin di Bukit Pangrango, Puncak, Bogor.
00:00 [Music]
00:10 Puncak Bogor, West Java never run out of tourist destinations
00:15 One of them is the Fishermen's Tour
00:19 Tourists can try to fly and take a boat to visit Puncak Bogor
00:27 I also want to try it, but before flying I have to read the direction of the pilot
00:33 Also use self-defense equipment so that the flight is smooth
00:38 [Music]
00:52 Fishermen's tourism is very dependent on the weather and wind direction
00:56 So the wind direction must be opposed to the direction of the wind when we want to fly
01:01 For those of you who are interested in flying with the fishermen, don't worry
01:05 Because you will be accompanied by a certified pilot
01:10 Although I was nervous at first, I finally dared to fly straight away
01:17 The price of a ticket to fly on a kite in this mountain is 500 to 600 thousand rupiah
01:27 Don't worry, this moment will be forgotten
01:29 Because you can rent an action camera for 250 thousand rupiah
01:35 After enjoying the excitement and seeing the green scenery that is dazzling
01:38 It's time for me to prepare to land
01:43 Point your feet forward and follow the pilot's instructions to land perfectly
01:49 Anyone wants to try flying too?
01:53 From Bogor, West Java, Aswar Muhammad, Antara News Agency, reporting
01:58 [Music]
02:03 [Silence]