Penyidik Ditreskrimum Polda Jawa Tengah melimpahkan berkas perkara Aipda Robig Zaenudin, oknum polisi tersangka penembakan Gamma.
00:00The Directorate of General Criminal Research at Tres Krimu, Central Java,
00:08has handed over the records of Aibda Robic Zainuddin,
00:11a suspected police officer who shot and killed a junior high school student in Sumarang,
00:17Gamaris Kinata Oktavandi.
00:20He was arrested in Sumarang on March 6.
00:23In addition to the records and evidence,
00:25evidence such as a pistol-shaped firearm was also handed over,
00:29as well as several bullets used by the suspect.
00:33The head of the Sumarang City Police Department, Chandra Saptaji, stated,
00:37the records of the cases handed over have been completed
00:41and will soon be handed over to the court for trial.
00:45In this case, the suspect Robic was charged with Law No. 35 of 2014
00:51for child protection or Law No. 338 of the Supreme Court of Indonesia
00:55for murder or Law No. 351 of the Supreme Court of Indonesia
00:59for inciting someone to commit suicide.
01:02Based on the objective and subjective reasons,
01:05according to the law, we will hold a detention for 20 days
01:10in the Sumarang 1st grade dormitory.
01:13And then, in the near future, we will immediately hand it over to the court for trial.
01:20The shooting that was carried out by the police members of the Sumarang Police Department
01:24took place on Sunday, November 24, 2024.
01:28As a result, Robic was sentenced to non-respectful detention or PTDH.
01:34The sentence was decided in the Ethics and Professions Court
01:37held in Mapolda Jateng on Monday, December 9, 2024.
01:41From Sumarang, Central Java, Surya Wijaksono, Antara News Agency, reported.
01:50For more information, visit