The Express & Star talk to Jack Mills and his dog Murphy from Dudley at Crufts.
00:00So here I am with Jack. Jack, obviously if you just want to introduce yourself for the people at home.
00:04Yeah, I'm Jack Mills from Dudley. This is Murphy and it's our first year competing at Crufts this year.
00:09Fantastic. So obviously we're here today. Today is the day. You excited? Nervous?
00:13Yeah, a bit of both. A little bit nervous but really excited. And he's really took it all in stride today.
00:19So yeah, really pleased with him.
00:21Fantastic, fantastic. So what's your background then? Because you're a horse groomer is it?
00:25Yeah, yeah. I've competed in horses all my life really. And last year I decided to get into dogs.
00:31And I brought Murphy and ever since then we have a look back. He's been a pleasure to have on the end of the lead.
00:37Oh, that's fantastic.
00:38Yeah, he's been golden.
00:39Yeah, that's fantastic. So rumour is that your dad's a bit of a legend as well.
00:42Yeah, 20 years ago, 2004 I think it was, he won his class here at Crufts. So like 20 years ago.
00:49So there were 17 in his class. So he keeps winding me up now saying see if there's as many in my class today as there was 20 years ago.
00:58Yeah, yeah. So what's the hope for today then? You're going to come first, yeah? On the top?
01:02I'm hoping he'll do well. But I'm just here for the experience.
01:06Absolutely, yeah. And with a gorgeous face.
01:08Oh, he's golden. He's absolutely golden.
01:10You can't be disappointed even if you don't play.
01:12He's a lovely family dog. Lovely dog.
01:14That's it. Fantastic. Well, lovely. Thank you very much. Good luck to you.
01:17Thank you. Thank you, Daniel.