• 2 days ago
The latest look inside Australian households shows income inequality has risen substantially since covid-era financial support ended. New data shows Australians are also spending more hours working more time problem gambling and men are still being outdone by women in the household chore department.


00:00News just in, the rich are getting richer, while younger people are facing increasing
00:08obstacles like hex debt and housing affordability.
00:11We're seeing that wealth is increasingly concentrated amongst older households.
00:16A yearly university study has followed the same 17,000 people for more than two decades.
00:23It reveals inequality between the haves and have-nots is at a 20-year high.
00:29More than 6% of women and nearly 13% of men are high risk or have suffered consequences
00:35because of problem gambling.
00:38And on the home front, men are not doing any more housework than they were 20 years ago,
00:44despite women spending more of their time at work.
00:47You might have expected that that would therefore translate to a more equitable distribution
00:53of the housework amongst couples, and we haven't really seen that.
00:57My son will tell you that he does a lot, but he actually doesn't.
01:00I think most women do most of the work.
01:03I think men could probably do a bit more.
01:06My father didn't do anything.
01:08My stepmother did everything.
01:09I do a lot.
01:11Men tend to believe they share the load fairly, but women are still doing close to 50% more
01:17housework than men.
01:19Women especially are citing an unhappiness with this life-work balance that is really
01:26causing stress.
01:28There is no aphrodisiac quite like men doing their fair share of household work.
01:36Solving the generational inequality gap is no easy fix and requires major changes to
01:42taxation, housing supply and the availability and cost of childcare.
