• 2 days ago
We try and hit the HARDEST Trickshots in Trickshot Simulator

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @BiffleWiffle

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

#gaming #ssundee #funny

Thanks for watching!
00:00Boys welcome to the most infuriating game we're ever gonna play this is called trick shot simulator
00:06You saw that marble right there, right?
00:09Here's what we have to do
00:10We're all recording so whoever gets it first gets a point by the end of this video whoever has the most points
00:16Get something really cool. So you guys ready? I love cool. So how this works, uh, you see in the bottom, right? I have to throw
00:24And here's the deal
00:26I'm using my mouse to throw this and it's very finicky if I throw too hard, but watch what happens
00:33If I throw too soft, what's what happens? I
00:37Can't see you got to get it right in the middle. Oh, I hit I hit the other marble. Okay
00:45Oh, you can throw multiple wait just spamming just spam it just spam it remember whoever gets the most points at the end of this
00:53Did you almost get it?
00:55Look how many marbles are on my table
01:04No, wait, the purple one is on it no, no, no, no that counts the purple one is sitting on it
01:12Does it have to be in the middle one? Yeah, I am literally on it. No. No, I'm literally on it
01:24No, I'm trying are you guys doing anything good like
01:34I am going to uppercut. No, that should count it. So whenever you get it, what did you get it?
01:44Okay, listen whenever you get it the timer stops oh
01:48Guys listen do me a favor if you think this is gonna be the most painful thing you've ever seen hit the like button, you know
01:55I am going to probably jump also hit the subscribe button in game. Why am I throwing it that way? Yeah, obviously in game
02:05What's wrong with you no, no, no, no, no sigils I feel for you I'm gonna rip out what little hair I have left
02:15Get in there get in there the green one go
02:19It went into the wrong hole. You're supposed to go into the five not the three or the two
02:24You're supposed to make it into the body to the left or the right. I'm just throwing his out and hoping for your mom
02:30Okay, I don't know. Okay, listen, I think so. Listen the tables on Ridge. I scored twice, right? No
02:39Please there it is. There is a corner. There it is. I'm mad. There it is. No, why did you fall off?
02:45What I have an idea. What if I just do this again? I'm using the other camera
02:48Hold on. Hold on. Oh, it's much better. I'm just spamming. I am just spamming. I almost got one, but it didn't work
02:57Okay, okay, okay. Oh, I need a trackpad I don't want to use a mouse anymore
03:06I I I I
03:10Going to break
03:13This is only the first one we still have so many other maps. Hold on
03:18I'm spamming them. Wait the pink
03:22Are these marbles
03:27Did you get their corner hole wait if it stays there it'll block the one that would go to the middle it will
03:34Okay, this is the most infuriating game I've ever played my life. Why did you guys say let's record this?
03:42I've been going at this for eight minutes. I've never done anything in my life more than eight minutes
03:48Let's try the other camera view maybe
03:51Please please. Oh my gosh, your mother was not a
03:56Person it's in one of the holes. I've got it into three of the five holes. Yeah
04:05No, no, no, I replaced the pink one with the green one in the same hole
04:10Why don't you just jump over go to the middle?
04:25Believe you before you're literally recording you're literally recording
04:36Figure out the next game we're gonna play do we want to go to the card one? Oh wait, let's no
04:40I want to do the hangar one. I did the hangar one for let's try the hangar one throw a hangar and then you got
04:45To get it stuck on the yep
04:48What okay, so you just got to throw it
04:55Wait before it has a point. Hold on. We got a we got to keep that point
04:58I got to write that point down cuz I'm gonna forget wait
05:02Oh, I hit it
05:04Switch camera. I'm going to this game. What if you just spam it?
05:07Yeah, I mean why not I hit it again easy I hit it I hit it again it as well
05:13There's so many hangers. Where are these hangers coming from? This gives me so much more respect for dude. Perfect. I like the marble one
05:20They do this in real life. I'm flicking my hand and I want to throw my hand out
05:29I'm pressing R. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay, you guys don't understand or this is let me show you on my hand
05:35What I'm doing, I'm doing this. This is my mouse, right? I'm clicking and I'm doing this
05:39Did it? Okay, this is what I'm doing. Watch
05:43See, this is what I'm doing it on my hand currently
05:50No, it's spun around and did it
05:55Okay, I just uppercutted it I want to move into this house me too
06:06No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's spun I think like ten times and then dropped off I
06:17Do you hear me I
06:19This is the most infuriating game ever played in my life
06:23Should I up my sense thing? I'm upping my sense. Oh now I don't have to throw my entire arm at it
06:30Like 80 and I was dying. Oh, that makes it a lot easier. Okay now I don't have to yeah now I can throw it to
06:36the heavens
06:39Look what I'm doing. Okay, you gotta play for real now. I was throwing him at the ceiling. I keep hitting the
06:54Okay, Zod and Biffle both have a point that's what I'm talking about. That's my pookie. Okay
06:59We're losing right now. Um, which one do we want to do? Let's do let's try table tennis ball top top middle
07:05No, Biffle. Come on. We got it
07:07Okay, so
07:09Hold on. So we got to throw the ball bounce it bounce it into the cup, but you also see that the cup spins, right?
07:15Yeah, here we go. Oh, this is fine. Oh
07:21He says that now oh no, oh dad
07:25You have to bounce it on all the tables I would assume so
07:30Get in there you ugly. Oh, I'm getting it though. No, no, I'm getting it. I'm getting the rhythm
07:39It hit the rim
07:43Yeah, right sure having a good time with my friends
07:47Oh, are you
07:50No, we didn't no we didn't
07:55Okay, bottle flip. All right, what do a bottle flip? What do we do? Do we have to land it on the die?
08:01To come on easy. Come on
08:07So you have to look in the top left you have to throw it forward and then yeet it backwards halfway sure I
08:13Don't like this
08:15No, where's any key? What's the any key?
08:18Oh, I landed on its head my game crashed did it shooting shooting my dice moved
08:27Wait, I landed the bottle upside right? No, I win. That's that's the point. I can't get it to go forward
08:32That's cuz you're bad. Okay. I don't want to do this one. I'm going to I'm finding a different one
08:37That one made me very upset
08:39Do we want to do which one do you want to do the card one card? All right card top left
08:44All right, so we have a card we have to throw it
08:46Uh-huh, and it's got to go in between the two orange things. Are you kidding me?
08:52Are those cheats you got to throw the card in the cheeks?
08:57Okay, I don't think it never goes anywhere or goes flying no, no, no, no, no, no, no you didn't
09:07Okay, you got to find the right angle right angle, oh that was close I found the F on the angle I
09:13Didn't I was kidding. Oh, let's keep going to the left like that. I'm throwing it to the
09:19Press. Oh wait, I figured it out. I didn't I hit the painting. Please get in there, please
09:25Oh, I hit the table finally mom
09:29I know what to do. I changed my camera view. So then now I'm yeah. Yeah, it's much easier
09:34What'd you figure that way? I can't the camera view doesn't really help me
09:40Okay my arm
09:42No, my arm is burning
09:45Like a maniac right now
09:49That was close, okay, what do I do mouse look at me let's have a conversation. What do I do next?
09:55Try to put down. You know, I need to know how am I supposed to flick?
09:59How am I supposed to flick you? Am I supposed to throw it this way or this way?
10:03Why are you not answer? Why am I talking to a mouse?
10:06No, I've actually lost it
10:09Three and a half minutes, but it feels like oh it feels like an hour and a half
10:14Okay, my mice. Oh my gosh. I thought that was it. Okay, my solar plexers. That's a thing, right?
10:20That's hurting. My lobes are hurting. I just want to score one
10:26Hey, why are we doing this? No, no, I need to know
10:34No, no, no, you didn't no
10:40No way
10:45That's insane dude, this game is so tilting. All right, we got the top four done all me by the way all me
10:56Let's do
10:57Dart you wanna do dart middle, right?
11:00Okay, what is this? Yeah, I think I saw it. Yeah
11:03Yep, so it automatically throws up the chip and you have to throw the dart into the chip to get a bull
11:08So we're gonna do this. So you did a bullseye to even begin with one. I hit a bullseye
11:13No, you did it, but I didn't hit the chip. I hit a bullseye, but I didn't hit the chip
11:17Okay, I need to increase my sensitivity more so I can do it with one fail swoop of my swoopers
11:22No one's getting this. I hit a bullseye, but I can't I can't get a bullseye. I literally can't
11:28Do I need to have another conversation with you mouse?
11:34It's not a final mouth my hand my fingers are sweaty. Okay, hold on. Hold on
11:37I just got an achievement for hitting the clock with the dart. Nice. Wait, what really hit it?
11:43I can't even hit the dart board
11:49I'm just spamming it
11:55No, I did not get the thing I got the range I got the range boys
11:58I got the range and now I lost I gotta work out. I'm gonna use my left hand
12:01I don't even know. I'm throwing it anymore. I'm falling. Okay, hold on
12:04I want one. This is the one
12:07Okay, I am NOT good. I am NOT good at this. Oh, I got almost another okay
12:12I gotta wait for the for the yellow thing
12:19Are you guys hitting the bullseye consecutively
12:23That's not the trajectory that it goes. Look at it. It goes to the right into the bottom
12:27Like the little thing no, you have to hit the bullseye you have to hit it into the bullseye
12:33Okay, I don't like this one
12:37I'm spanking my hand. Oh, I thought you nailed it
12:46Hold on I'm losing so many hair follicles
12:51We are grown we are grown men yelling at our mice you guys are
12:57Why are we not doing this in real life? I'm hitting the wall. I'm just gonna ruin the
13:01Security deposit. I can't hit the bullseye if I wanted to
13:05That was close
13:07Hold on if I get this I'm calling my mom
13:10Please what do you find her for? I don't know. I can't do this. I literally can't I I went I went from I went
13:17From hitting the bullseye to not even hitting the board
13:20I'm losing patience. Okay. I'm putting it on performance mode. Can it shoot more often? I put it on performance mode
13:29I don't know, but I did it and it didn't do anything. So I don't like it
13:43Okay, I'm going I'm looking for a different one I don't know Biffle you keep doing that one why me what do you mean
13:49You keep at it. What is this one? I hit this you guys have to go to sleep. Let's do bounce ball dart. I
13:55Clicked a different one. No, no. No, what is this? No, no
14:02I'm gonna do badminton shuffle. What is this?
14:08Throw and you hit it what what am I looking at?
14:10Look at this
14:16You got to throw it hit it and it goes into the cup. Oh, I hit it. Hold on. How do you that was so close?
14:23How do you hit this?
14:25Losing my mind. I am hitting it consecutively at this point
14:31Hold on I'm kind of cracked at this one. Hold on. Hold on. Let me cook. Oh, I see
14:34What you buy it for friends are like going through the racket
14:37That's cuz you're bad. Sorry and you're ugly
14:40Okay, guys, listen, whoever invented this game. Do you think everything's okay at home with them? Look at what they're doing in their attic
14:48Why are we in an attic?
14:56No, mine is still on the table I'm looking at it
14:58My wrist hurts, bro
15:02Just in sadness just staring at it. Yeah, can I just a nuke the server? It's not a server
15:09Hold on hold on
15:11Because I'm doing the worst thing I've ever done in my life. I hit the table again mom. I keep hitting the table
15:19It ran to the cut it went in the cup and it came back out
15:22Why did it go in the cup if it was just gonna come back out?
15:24That doesn't make sense if you're gonna go in the cup stay in the cup
15:26Why would you come back out? That doesn't make sense. Let me calm down. Sorry, please
15:30Please welcome back to the podcast of where we just do trick shots
15:34Yeah, guys, what's your thoughts on cinema? I hate cinnamon talk about cinema. What you hate cinnamon. What is wrong with you?
15:40How do you hate cinnamon? That's like the most liked flavor. What you are absolutely wrong. Wait, can you make it?
15:47Going into the thing. Hold on. Well, I don't like just straight cinnamon. I like cinnamon and sugar but like
15:53Gosh dang it guys
15:55I made on the table. You don't have to hit the badminton thing. What?
16:00No, did you not break in the game? I'm breaking the game. I'm throwing it at the table, too
16:05Yeah, just throw it in the cup
16:07Do you think that that drills ever gonna run out of battery?
16:12Please dad dad this one seems doable. This one seems doable does it? Yes
16:17Okay, here's the deal whoever scores this one first. Here's the prize that you get. Okay, you here's the prize
16:22You get a doh Walt you get a doh Walt a drill set
16:33In his curtain room
16:44We're so close I can see getting in the cup I can snip this one
16:47I'm hitting the racket now at this point. Yeah, me too. I'm not I'm like getting worse
17:00Okay, I'll send you the drill set you get the doh Walt drill set guys
17:03We will never play this video this game again hit the like button subscribe button. This is torture
