• 3 days ago


00:04Ultra C, the most difficult level in the show!
00:08Super Kamiwaza!
00:10In a 160kmph high-speed battle!
00:13This man will challenge for the first time!
00:16Mr. Kamiwaza!
00:18Stone's Jesse!
00:20There it is!
00:22Mr. Kamiwaza!
00:24He has succeeded 5 times in Kamiwaza!
00:27Mr. Kamiwaza's man, Jesse!
00:29Will it be a one-two?
00:35In a 160kmph high-speed battle!
00:42The moment the ball is released,
00:44he pulls out his katana and makes a one-two!
00:50From the center of the ball,
00:52he has to make the top and bottom of the ball
00:54Super Kamiwaza!
00:58He holds his katana every day
01:00and trains every day
01:06It took him 8 years to succeed in one try!
01:14But you should have seen
01:16the miraculous moment
01:18that has made many impossible things possible!
01:24That's right.
01:25This is a very difficult technique.
01:28That's amazing!
01:30It's like a windmill.
01:32A windmill.
01:34I really want him to go to the Olympics.
01:36I really do.
01:38I want him to aim for it.
01:42That's amazing, Jesse!
01:47This is Mr. Kamiwaza!
01:51This man should be able to do 160kmph!
01:55This is a challenge.
01:57I'm going to go all out.
01:59Like this?
02:01No, no.
02:02Oh, like this.
02:04You're going to hold it seriously?
02:07You're going to hold it seriously?
02:08I'm going to hold it seriously.
02:09I'm going to do it seriously.
02:11That's not what I meant.
02:14Only for Jesse!
02:16I'm going to do it, Jesse!
02:17The usual thing, right?
02:18The usual thing.
02:19This is not going to change.
02:22He's angry.
02:24He's angry.
02:26All right!
02:29It's really scary.
02:30It's amazing that he can do it even though he's so slow.
02:33Instead of doing it like he did before,
02:35he's doing it like he's a professional.
02:39The distance is 18.44m,
02:41the same as the distance between a baseball pitcher and a home base.
02:46Shouhei Otani throws a super high-speed ball.
02:50It's a super godly technique.
02:53Kazumi Takayama, a second-generation Kendo player.
02:57I was so scared that I couldn't do it.
02:59Shouri Sato, an athletic genius.
03:06It's a super difficult challenge.
03:10He's fast.
03:11Will he be able to make a miracle happen in his first attempt?
03:28It's scary.
03:31He can do it.
03:33He can do it.
03:34It's amazing.
03:39In his first attempt, he pulled out a sword.
03:45The distance between the sword and the ball is only a few centimeters.
03:48It's suddenly very close.
03:51It's amazing from the first attempt.
03:54He's fast.
03:55He's amazing.
03:56He can shoot the archery at his own timing,
03:59and if he thinks it's wrong, he can return it.
04:01It's like a weapon.
04:03It's like, ah, it's over.
04:05He's fast with the sword.
04:06Of course, he can pull it out accurately.
04:10It's amazing.
04:11He has the mental strength to overcome the 160-kilometer-long fear.
04:16It's scary.
04:17What do you think, Mr. Umeda?
04:19If there's someone on my right,
04:22I'd like to bring them here.
04:24You'd like to bring them here?
04:26Do you want me to challenge you?
04:28I can do it at 180 degrees.
04:29180 degrees?
04:31Mr. Umeda, please do something.
04:35And tonight, there's another challenger.
04:39Who is it?
04:40He's been in a lot of popular films.
04:42He's a break-up actor.
04:44Kaito Sakurai has joined us.
04:50Kaito Sakurai has been chosen as the main character
04:53in the live-action version of Oshinoko, which caused a social phenomenon.
04:58The brothers in the film
05:00challenge each other in Kamiyaza Challenge.
05:07I've been watching this kind of show on TV since I was a kid.
05:11I wondered why I couldn't do it.
05:14I thought I could do it if I was confident.
05:18When I was in high school,
05:20I was in a football team.
05:23I won the championship in Italy.
05:29I was the best in the world.
05:32I'll definitely beat him.
05:36How good is this big mouse?
05:40Sakurai, the athletic monster.
05:43Let's go!
05:58Go, go.
06:04That was close.
06:12It was under.
06:19That was close, too.
06:21Even though it was his first try,
06:23the difference was only a few centimeters.
06:29It was difficult.
06:32The sword was too high.
06:34But the timing was good.
06:36The timing was good?
06:37The height was good.
06:39That was close.
06:41But the height is the biggest factor
06:43in deciding the fate of the game.
06:47Even though it was a machine,
06:49the height of the ball was different.
06:58The difference was about 30 centimeters.
07:05When the ball was released,
07:07he checked the height in just 0.4 seconds
07:10and took out the sword.
07:12He took out the sword.
07:14If the height and timing of releasing the sword
07:17don't match,
07:19he won't be able to achieve kami-aza.
07:24Jesse, do you play baseball?
07:26I play baseball.
07:29And I catch the ball like this.
07:33He's laughing.
07:34He's kind.
07:39My legs are shaking.
07:43He's really cool.
07:44It's the first time he's tried a variety of challenges.
07:47Judging from his previous experience...
07:51I want it to come out more.
07:54It's fast.
07:57Sakurai was completely overwhelmed.
08:03There are only 4 balls left.
08:07The pressure is unbearable.
08:10Let's see how much pressure he has.
08:15Do your best.
08:16The lower body is important.
08:36He cut through the air.
08:39I see.
08:41Maybe it's a little fast.
08:44Even if it's a little fast,
08:46it's still a long distance from the ball.
08:50At the level of Namitaitei,
08:52it's a tough kami-aza.
08:55The third pitch.
09:03It's slow.
09:04It's a little slow.
09:05How is it?
09:06It's slow.
09:07It might be difficult.
09:08I was really scared.
09:11My voice is getting smaller and smaller.
09:16He's shaking his katana,
09:18but he looks nervous.
09:22Are you nervous, too?
09:24I'm nervous every day.
09:26Is there a way to distract yourself?
09:28It's better to think of it as a game.
09:32I thought it was a game.
09:38The fourth pitch.
09:40I'll do it.
09:43I think I'm a strong man in the game.
09:49He practices hard behind the big mouse.
09:55This is amazing.
10:01Sakurai got a free throw.
10:07Show us what you've got.
10:21I want him to score.
10:22He's a strong man.
10:23Do your best.
10:27Did it go in?
10:32That was a good timing.
10:34Did it go in?
10:36How is it?
10:37It touched the ball.
10:38The ball was a little high.
10:39How about this?
10:47Finally, the katana touched the ball.
10:50There are three centimeters left until the 1 million yen.
10:55It's going up.
10:56It's going to a good place.
10:58It hit the chest.
11:00It's just the height.
11:04I can see it now.
11:05I see.
11:06You're getting used to your eyes.
11:10Sakurai's eyes have a soul.
11:14I thought I could do it if I had a hand.
11:16I thought so as a viewer.
11:18When I kicked the ball, the ball went up.
11:22Will the big mouse's prophecy come true?
11:25I'm serious.
11:26I want to score the last goal.
11:31Sakurai, show us your ability before the big mouse.
11:37The last goal of fate.
11:39The Kamiwaza Challenge.
11:45It's the last goal.
11:46Do your best.
11:47It's getting closer.
11:57Will the Kamiwaza Challenge be successful?
12:08Did he score a goal?
12:10Did he score a goal?
12:15I think he scored a goal.
12:18How about this?
12:21Let's check the replay.
12:26The sword hits the ball.
12:29The only thing left is the position.
12:32It's broken.
12:33It's broken.
12:34It's broken.
12:36He checks the ball in a hurry.
12:38Will he score a goal?
12:47He scored a goal.
12:52It was close.
12:53The ball didn't reach the goal line.
12:58Sakurai failed the Kamiwaza Challenge.
13:04I'm frustrated.
13:07I'm sorry for my bad attitude.
13:14Please, let's fight.
13:18He's humble.
13:20He's honest.
13:21I'll leave it to you.
13:25The success is in his hands.
13:29Even if he takes a move before he scores a goal,
13:33he can't do it easily.
13:38If I try to take a move,
13:40I'll definitely get hit here.
13:43If I do that, the sword will break and I'll lose my hand.
13:47Where will you lose your hand?
13:50It doesn't matter.
13:51I'm sorry.
13:53Defeating his fear
13:55is also an important element of this Kamiwaza Challenge.
14:00By practicing over and over again,
14:02he can only defeat his fear.
14:08Then, Sakurai couldn't do it until the end.
14:11He was asked to pretend to be horizontal.
14:13He practiced with a bottle cap.
14:20He did it.
14:21It was a great success.
14:23This is Mr. Kamiwaza's ability.
14:27Now, let's see Sakurai's brother's ability.
14:31Mr. Kamiwaza Jesse's second match.
14:35The Kamiwaza Challenge.
14:45I have a bad feeling about this.
14:50It was too late.
14:52It was too late.
14:55Oh, this is not good at all.
14:57He was late and the timing was off.
15:02It's too late.
15:03It's hard to take a move.
15:05This is a five-ball.
15:07This is a five-ball for me.
15:11The fake sword is broken.
15:14It's broken.
15:20Mr. Kamiwaza experienced the most difficult Kamiwaza in history.
15:26I have always fought in the world of sumi-ryu.
15:31This time, I will cut it with the feeling that I can succeed.
15:39Decide the most difficult Kamiwaza in history.
15:49The Kamiwaza Challenge.
15:58Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
16:00Jesse's first match.
16:03Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
16:06Jesse's second match.
16:14Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
16:19It's broken.
16:20It's broken.
16:22Did he succeed?
16:23Did he succeed?
16:24He succeeded.
16:26Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
16:33Did he succeed?
16:34It's a perfect match.
16:36It's beautiful.
16:38It's beautiful.
16:41The sword that was pulled out beautifully catches the ball.
16:45How is it?
16:49The rest is the place where it was cut.
16:51The condition is that 1 cm in the middle of the ball is successful.
16:55How is the result?
16:57Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
17:05Did he succeed?
17:07Did he succeed?
17:09He succeeded.
17:11Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
17:15It's beautiful.
17:20This is Mr. Kamiwaza Stone's Jesse.
17:24It's a perfect match.
17:27How much is it?
17:286 million yen.
17:31Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
17:34Mr. Kamiwaza.
17:41Thank you for coming.
17:46Mr. Oda.
17:48It's been a long time since I took a video.
17:50Is it the first time in a year?
17:51That's right.
17:52Kamiwaza 160kg Iaigiri.
17:54Here you are.
17:57This is the parking fee when I went to eat the other day.
18:01Jesse, you are amazing.
18:04Next time, prepare a ridiculous archery.
18:14There is a traffic jam in the school cafeteria.
18:17This time, young people make a long queue.
18:22The stage is the school cafeteria of TOYO UNIVERSITY.
18:31The menu is omelet rice.
18:34The price is 550 yen.
18:38The most popular food is fried chicken.
18:44The concept of the school cafeteria is cheap and large.
18:49This is the quality of a high-class restaurant.
18:52This looks very delicious.
18:54This is a luxury.
18:56This is the best and cheapest school cafeteria in Japan.
19:01Famous entertainers and TOYO UNIVERSITY are making school cafeteria menus.
19:08This is an original menu sales competition.
19:11This is cheap and large.
19:14This is very delicious.
19:17This is delicious.
19:20This is a heated battle with TOYO UNIVERSITY students.
19:26Famous entertainers and TOYO UNIVERSITY are making original menus.
19:32This is sold from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
19:35This is sold for a total of two days.
19:39The first customer is a blue-haired university student.
19:46What kind of menu will he make?
19:50He puts something on the rice.
19:54The person who came up with this menu is GALSONE, the first queen of TOYO UNIVERSITY.
20:03She challenged TOYO UNIVERSITY last time.
20:09She came in second place.
20:13I was very frustrated.
20:15I aimed too much at the food.
20:18I was aiming for cheese and white.
20:22That wasn't good.
20:24This is a revenge match.
20:28The strategy is a brown menu for male students.
20:35I used this as a reference.
20:38I like boys very much.
20:41This is a popular pork bowl.
20:53This is a sauce that you can eat with rice.
20:55This fragrant scent stimulates appetite.
21:00I have a good feeling about this.
21:04Thank you for the food.
21:07This is a pork bowl for male students.
21:11This is 100% pork.
21:13The fat of the pork melts in 12 minutes.
21:16This is a strategy to eat rice.
21:19This is a sweet and spicy sauce with soy sauce and mirin.
21:23This is a special dish.
21:26Anything is delicious if you fry it in a burner.
21:32This smells good.
21:34This is good.
21:37This is a special pork bowl.
21:39This is 540 yen.
21:42This is a juicy pork belly and a rich sweet and spicy sauce.
21:46This is a delicious triangle that stimulates the appetite.
21:52This is delicious.
21:54It's good to fry this.
21:56This is good.
21:58This is delicious.
22:00Even old people can eat this.
22:05There is a special trick in this pork bowl.
22:11Four male students come to this pork bowl.
22:16Thank you very much.
22:19This is a rich pork bowl.
22:21This is a special pork bowl for male students.
22:27This is very delicious.
22:31Who made this?
22:32Four people made this.
22:33This was made by KIMURA TAKUYA.
22:35This is a dish called TIMONDI.
22:38This is a dish that can be made by anyone.
22:41This is a round dish in the kitchen.
22:47This is a round dish.
22:49The atmosphere is different from usual.
22:51What is this?
22:53Who came up with this dish?
22:56This is my first appearance.
22:58Nice to meet you.
23:02This is YUGO KOCHI, who is good at cooking.
23:05YUGO is good at cooking.
23:07When I cook, the food is on the menu.
23:11I want to make a dish that is not popular.
23:13I want to eat a lot of food.
23:15He was called to a place.
23:21What's wrong?
23:22Why are you camping when you're shooting a school meal?
23:28Have you ever eaten a camp bug at a school meal?
23:32KOCHI is a camp instructor.
23:35He is very good at cooking camp food.
23:39This time, he uses this kebab as a menu.
23:43Kebab is the best.
23:44This is a school meal.
23:47I want to satisfy my stomach.
23:50I put rice in the kebab.
23:52Why do you put rice in the kebab?
23:56This is a tortilla.
23:59Carbohydrate on carbohydrate.
24:05Do you put rice in the kebab?
24:07I mix rice with chicken soup and ginger.
24:11This is delicious.
24:13I put chicken in the kebab.
24:16This is amazing.
24:20This is amazing.
24:23I lost.
24:25How is it?
24:26This looks delicious.
24:29This looks delicious.
24:31I think this is delicious.
24:33Singapore rice and kebab.
24:35This is a very thick tortilla.
24:36This is 580 yen.
24:39This is an aurora sauce with chili powder.
24:42This is definitely an aurora sauce.
24:44This is an aurora sauce.
24:48I didn't think of that.
24:50This is amazing.
24:51This is a fashionable man's meal.
24:53Wait a minute.
24:54I may be a genius.
24:56This is amazing.
24:58I have a good voice.
25:01The rice is soft.
25:03I don't feel much rice.
25:05I was wondering if the rice and the skin would go well together.
25:07This is very good.
25:09There is a lot of rice in this.
25:10I can satisfy the stomach of a college student.
25:13This is very delicious.
25:15A group of three women came to the store.
25:18This is a tortilla.
25:20This is a tortilla.
25:23This is a three-in-a-row tortilla.
25:25This is a female customer.
25:28This looks fresh.
25:30This caught my eye.
25:32This is unusual because it is not in the usual school meal.
25:36This is a hot menu in the kitchen.
25:39This is a must item, TETSUNOBE.
25:44Is this a steak?
25:46This is a huge meat machine.
25:48This looks delicious.
25:50Who came up with this menu?
25:55This is a school meal that was unpopular at that time 18 years ago.
25:59This is sold four times as much as it was in the spring.
26:03This is the school meal master, YONEDA KATSUHARU.
26:08This was amazing last time.
26:11This is an omelette rice with a transparent tube.
26:15This is a grilled meat set meal dipped in cheese.
26:19This was delicious.
26:23This time, they aim for the first place.
26:26I can't get rid of the keyword meat.
26:30This is a combination of char siu and steak.
26:33This is a new menu of char siu and steak that students love.
26:40Homemade char siu is very popular.
26:44This is a steak.
26:48The sauce is soy sauce.
26:51This takes 5 hours.
26:53This is a soft-boiled pork.
26:56This is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.
27:03This is a tornado char siu steak.
27:06This is 580 yen.
27:09This is a dream.
27:11This is soft.
27:14This is delicious.
27:16This is very delicious.
27:19This char siu is very delicious.
27:22This is the best.
27:24This can be eaten at school meals.
27:26This is really delicious.
27:28He is angry.
27:30He is angry because this is too delicious.
27:33One, two, three, four.
27:38The students are eating char siu steaks.
27:42This is a tornado char siu steak.
27:44I'm a college student, so I'm attracted to char siu.
27:48This meat goes well with rice.
27:51This is the next new menu.
27:54This is fried food on rice.
27:59This is a sauce of brown and white.
28:02What is this?
28:05Who came up with this menu?
28:10I'm Yuno Nagao. Nice to meet you.
28:13Yuno Nagao is the youngest challenger in the world.
28:18He is a talented actor who is active in dramas, commercials, and variety shows.
28:23Thank you very much.
28:25He has a lot of imagination.
28:27He seems to like college students.
28:29He makes a dream dish.
28:35This is a kitchen knife.
28:37I like cooking.
28:40So I bought a kitchen knife for my child.
28:45What does Yuno Nagao like?
28:50I like curry and stew.
28:52I can eat curry and stew.
28:55I think it's good.
28:58The dream collaboration of curry and stew.
29:02This is very good.
29:04This is a luxurious dish that Yuno Nagao came up with.
29:08In addition.
29:11This is a dream topping that goes well with curry and stew.
29:16This is it.
29:17Cutlet, chicken, onion ring, fried chicken, curry bread, curry and stew rice, and beets.
29:25This is a long menu.
29:28This is a catch copy.
29:30This is a fried chicken party in various ways.
29:33What does it mean?
29:35Fried chicken, fried chicken, fried chicken.
29:39I'm a little persistent.
29:41Only fried food.
29:43I'm a little persistent.
29:45So I made a fried chicken party in various ways.
29:50That's great.
29:53What did you choose to fit your budget?
29:56This is my favorite.
29:58I would be happy if all the university students were happy.
30:02I think I can win.
30:04That's great.
30:07Curry and stew rice, 580 yen.
30:11This is cheap.
30:13Curry with the umami of meat and vegetables.
30:16Rich cream stew is a miraculous combination.
30:23This is very good.
30:26I definitely want to eat this every day.
30:31Fried food is coming up one after another.
30:36This is a huge amount.
30:40Catch the heart of a boy student.
30:44YUNO's strategy worked well.
30:47I can taste everything.
30:49This alone is enough to eat seven dishes.
30:53What is it like to be under the same age as YUNO?
30:58It's hard.
31:02Do you have a favorite entertainer?
31:06Why do you like him?
31:08He's not funny, but he can do anything.
31:12But he's not funny.
31:16You know it well.
31:18I don't have a child's heart.
31:21This is the first day.
31:23All the products are ready.
31:26It's 12 o'clock.
31:28It's time for lunch break.
31:31It's coming.
31:34Many students are already in chaos in front of the counter.
31:40I'll go there.
31:43It looks delicious.
31:46What did she order?
31:50It's a tortilla.
31:53Do you eat rice with a tortilla?
31:56It was delicious.
31:58It's the first time I've eaten it since I was 19 years old.
32:03It's a rare sight.
32:05Catch the heart of a boy student.
32:10The kitchen is in a mess.
32:15YUNO and GALSONE are aiming at the counter.
32:21Who will win?
32:25YUNO won.
32:28I enjoyed it once and twice.
32:30It was a new experience.
32:33This boy is...
32:36It's a pork bowl.
32:39GALSONE and GALSONE are fighting.
32:45Who will win?
32:48The entertainers are running away.
32:51Is KAMI still coming?
33:01KAMI is coming.
33:06The number of TORNADO PORK is increasing.
33:13KAMI caught GALSONE.
33:21Who eats pork bowl?
33:24Did you eat it last time?
33:27Who eats it?
33:28I eat it.
33:30It's delicious.
33:33KAMI won.
33:35A girl student who loves chocolate is here.
33:41How does it taste?
33:43It's delicious.
33:45It's delicious.
33:48Is that so?
33:50It's delicious.
33:53It's a big problem.
33:58YUNO and GALSONE are separated.
34:01What happened?
34:03I don't usually eat pork bowl.
34:06There is curry.
34:10Curry is a signboard product of the cafe next door.
34:15This is painful.
34:17YUNO's curry is out of stock.
34:19I see.
34:22The three asked for three consecutive pork bowls.
34:29What is this?
34:31This is soup.
34:34This is also soup.
34:36This is also soup.
34:37What is this?
34:39This is soup.
34:44This is soup.
34:45Doesn't this look like something?
34:48This is HIKIMABUSHI.
34:51This is HIKIMABUSHI.
34:54Men can eat HIKIMABUSHI.
34:58This is HIKIMABUSHI.
35:02I want to eat HIKIMABUSHI.
35:04I like this more than HIKIMABUSHI.
35:08This is delicious.
35:10I was thinking about this.
35:15KAMI is wearing a hat.
35:20This is four consecutive HIKIMABUSHI.
35:22GYARUSONE gives a woman's vote.
35:26At this table, KAMI's TORNADO PORK BOWL is served with rice.
35:32What is this?
35:33I'm glad to be able to eat HIKIMABUSHI twice.
35:38This is KAMI.
35:39GYARUSONE is also surprised.
35:41What is this?
35:44This is the best.
35:51This is served with garlic sauce.
35:55This is served with garlic rice.
35:58I'm glad to be able to eat HIKIMABUSHI twice.
36:02What is this?
36:03This goes well with rice.
36:06This has a strong taste of garlic.
36:09This has a strong taste of garlic.
36:12Did the strategy work?
36:14GYARUSONE and KAMI are selling a lot of food.
36:19They are rivals.
36:24The first day is coming to an end.
36:26What will happen?
36:30The first day was sold 600 times in total.
36:33The first place is KAMI's TORNADO PORK BOWL.
36:39GYARUSONE is in the lead.
36:44GYARUSONE is selling a lot of food.
36:47This is the second day of the game.
36:52GYARUSONE is playing with brown rice for boys.
36:56This is a reference.
37:02This is a new Katsudon.
37:07But there is a problem.
37:10I can't serve pork cutlet.
37:13The price is high.
37:18Thank you for the meal.
37:19Then why are you eating?
37:22Are you just eating?
37:23I'm just full.
37:25GYARUSONE's answer is.
37:28This is popular.
37:29This is a Katsudon that doesn't close.
37:31This is popular on SNS.
37:33This is a Katsudon that doesn't close.
37:38This is a low-priced pork cutlet.
37:42This is a sauce that students like.
37:46This is a tartar sauce.
37:49Students can eat three bowls of rice.
37:53This is a chicken cutlet bowl.
37:55This is 580 yen.
37:57This is a crispy chicken cutlet bowl.
37:59This is a fluffy egg bowl.
38:01This is a thick tartar sauce.
38:02The rice doesn't stop.
38:06This is a chicken cutlet bowl.
38:12This is a chicken cutlet bowl.
38:14I like tartar sauce.
38:17That's why I chose this.
38:19Tartar sauce is delicious.
38:21The third-place coach is not defeated.
38:26This is a pork cutlet bowl.
38:28This is an iron pot with rice on it.
38:31This is a bibimbap.
38:34This is a bold arrangement of the coach.
38:39This is a kimbap.
38:41Girls like Korean food.
38:45They eat hot bibimbap wrapped in seaweed.
38:48This is a dream collaboration of popular Korean food.
38:52In addition,
38:54they eat cheese fondue, their specialty.
38:57They eat cheese fondue.
38:59I'm going to camp again.
39:01I'm going to camp again.
39:05This is delicious.
39:07This is a pork cutlet bowl.
39:09This is an iron pot kimbap.
39:11This is 580 yen.
39:13This is a spicy bibimbap.
39:15Seaweed and cheese go well together.
39:17This is a kimbap for women.
39:21This is very delicious.
39:23This is very delicious.
39:24The cheese is also delicious.
39:26I'm looking forward to this.
39:28I've already finished eating.
39:30This is very delicious.
39:32The fourth-place coach is Yuno.
39:36This is an egg and sea.
39:38This is a cup of coffee.
39:39This is a sea of vegetables.
39:41This is healthy.
39:43This is a cup of coffee with sea.
39:45This is healthy.
39:47This is a fried rice seasoned with soy sauce and chicken.
39:52This is a thick oyster sauce.
39:55This is a thick oyster sauce with vegetables.
39:59This is a boiled egg.
40:02This is an egg.
40:03You are good at cooking.
40:05This is amazing.
40:07My mother made this for me.
40:10I was very happy.
40:12I don't want to eat this.
40:14But I eat this.
40:16I don't want to waste this because it's cute.
40:19This is an egg and sea.
40:21This is 520 yen.
40:24This is a thick fried rice seasoned with soy sauce and chicken.
40:28This is a boiled egg.
40:30This is the best match.
40:35This is an egg and sea.
40:37This is a thick fried rice seasoned with soy sauce and chicken.
40:40The sea is very delicious.
40:42I feel sorry for the egg.
40:46But this is delicious.
40:49The girls order fried rice.
40:53The girls receive the food as the coach wants.
40:57This is an egg.
41:00This is a thick fried rice seasoned with soy sauce and chicken.
41:02This is cute.
41:06YUNO and TAMAGO start a counterattack.
41:10This is the second game of YONEDA.
41:12What is the ultimate strategy to aim for the first place?
41:16This is a match I can't lose.
41:19This is a match between YAKINIKU and SUSHI.
41:23This is a match between YAKINIKU and SUSHI.
41:28This is a match between YONEDA and KAMI.
41:37This is a match I can't lose.
41:40This is a match between YAKINIKU and SUSHI.
41:44This is a match between YAKINIKU and SUSHI.
41:48YONEDA and KAMI aim for a perfect victory.
41:53This is a juicy pork cutlet.
41:55This is a fried rice with a rich taste of fried chicken.
42:02This is a pork cutlet with a spicy green onion salt sauce.
42:05This is NISHIMORI.
42:08This is a soup with gochujang.
42:14This is a pork cutlet and green onion salt rice ball.
42:18This is 550 yen.
42:22This is a lunch break.
42:24Who will win this game?
42:30This is a match between KOCHI and YUNO.
42:38This is KAMI's pork cutlet.
42:40This is KAMI's pork cutlet.
42:46The food does not only have meat in it, but also tastes sesame seeds and green onion.
42:52I am good at cooking.
42:58This teacher does not look like a college student.
43:01This is a chef's research.
43:04This is a university professor of Food and Environment Science.
43:06This is a professor of Food and Environment Science, which studies food development.
43:10This is a broil of meat.
43:13The sweetness and saltiness are the flavors we like, so it's more delicious than having fat in it.
43:21The taste, the appearance, and the women's response.
43:24There's nothing missing from the taste of Kami.
43:31What a meat sushi explosion!
43:34Ayakumo is in the lead!
43:37On the contrary to the first day, the entertainers are chasing after Kami's back.
43:47This is...
43:50Meat sushi and katsudon!
43:52Matsuo. You're Matsuo, right?
43:55I'm Matsuo.
43:56I like Matsuo.
43:58Call me Matsuo.
44:01I'm calling you Matsuo. I love you.
44:04Matsuo, don't leave.
44:06That's harsh.
44:08This is the KINPYOKAI, where all kinds of KAMIWAZA menus are shared.
44:18In the KINPYOKAI, there are two votes for GYARUSONE's katsudon.
44:23Go for it!
44:33These two gals in blonde hair, what did they order?
44:37It's delicious.
44:40The blondes are the blondes!
44:42The blondes are the blondes!
44:44And a double!
44:45It's fun to play with them.
44:50This is KINPA!
44:53The coach is approaching KAMI!
44:56The coach is after KINPA!
45:00The KINPA boom is coming to the center of the women!
45:06Will the three blonde gals be the blonde KINPA?
45:14Yuno's Tamago-chan!
45:18Three in a row! Tamago-chan!
45:22Here, all four of them are shooting Tamago-chan.
45:27There is no fried rice in the standard menu of the school cafeteria.
45:32Unlike yesterday's curry, Yuno-chan is chasing after her.
45:41She quickly replenishes the plates on the iron pot.
45:46The washing machine is also running at full speed.
45:49Actually, the minimum temperature on this day is 6 degrees.
45:52The iron pot corner is growing in the cold.
45:57Half-cooked fried rice and KINPA.
45:59Both of them are doing their best.
46:03I want to get a lot of vegetables.
46:06This is a great fight!
46:12What did this man order?
46:15Here it comes!
46:17Tartar Katsudon!
46:20This is a triple!
46:25This is a KINPA and three Katsudon!
46:29What is this thick book?
46:32The test starts next week.
46:35I chose Katsudon to win.
46:41I have a test, so I'm going to cheer up.
46:45This is a Gyaru-sore.
46:48Students who are serious about the test are out.
46:53Can they run away?
47:00I ate my own lunch.
47:03My friend ate it, so I bought it.
47:06He pulls his hair back to get revenge.
47:10There is little time left.
47:14The two-day confrontation is coming to an end.
47:19Kami's meat sushi is the last spurt.
47:23Time is up!
47:26Who will win?
47:29To be continued.
47:53100,000 yen in one day.
47:57The total is 179,900 yen.
48:00How about this?
48:03What is the result of the entertainer?
48:06Go! Go! Go!
48:08Go! Go! Go!
48:11Yuno Nagao was the first to stop.
48:15I want to do it again, but I will never lose.
48:19I'm sorry.
48:22The rest is Gyaru-sore.
48:25Will Kochi be a Kami-goe?
48:28Go! Go! Go!
48:31Kochi also stops here.
48:34This is the most subtle.
48:39Then I have to lose to Yuno.
48:43Can he get revenge from here?
48:46Go! Go! Go!
48:49Gyaru-sore stretches.
48:52What is the result?
48:55Go! Go! Go!
48:58Go! Go! Go!
49:01Go! Go! Go!
49:07Gyaru-sore won the second day.
49:10Kami-goe was successful.
49:13Kami-goe was successful.
49:16This is amazing.
49:18Yoneda, how was this result?
49:21I can't show my face at the school cafeteria.
49:24On March 19th,
49:27Stones' 14th single, Barrier, will be released.
49:30It is a mixture rock of Stones' new song.
49:33Please watch it with the music video.
49:37Next week, the number of visitors to Japan is the largest.
49:40The behind-the-scenes of USJ.
49:43Kami-creators think seriously.
49:46Super-difficult quiz versus USJ's favorite entertainer.
49:51The popularity is increasing.
