Presenting Hollywood Action Thriller Movie In English (English Movies, Hollywood Movies, Action Movies In English, Thriller Movies In English, Dave Bautista Movies In English, Jodie Foster Movies In English, Jeff Goldblum Movies In English) "KILL CHAIN" Exclusively
Short filmTranscript
00:00:0013, uh, we've just been taken out. We got bottles through the window, uh, like to pull on our station to the point that we must-
00:00:08The largest civil unrest California has ever-
00:00:11The Clearwater riots are now headed toward-
00:00:13Welcome to Union Calibean, the west coast fever bay.
00:00:36The body count is rising fast, and the question has to be asked, is anywhere safe in Los Angeles tonight?
00:00:45God damn it! We're still not through!
00:00:47This job is a giant fuck-up, man! I thought you said you could get us in!
00:00:51Yeah, and I thought you knew how to run a bank job, fat boy!
00:00:54Three minutes.
00:00:55No! No! I've had it with this shit!
00:00:57You! Look at me! You! Open the fucking vault now!
00:01:01I can't! Central office controls it!
00:01:05Hey, whoa, whoa. Wait. That vault's not opening anytime soon.
00:01:10So, what now, huh?
00:01:12You work with what you got, not what you hope for.
00:01:15And we've got them. A bunch of maids and grass cutters.
00:01:20Okay, everyone. You're here in the middle of a riot, and I've got a theory about that.
00:01:25I need you to stand up if your boss is a millionaire.
00:01:28Come on, man.
00:01:29Come on.
00:01:31That's it.
00:01:32Now, stay standing if your boss is an asshole.
00:01:41Good for you.
00:01:42How is this helping?
00:01:48It's the most violent riot in L.A. history.
00:01:50Rich folks need to get their lootables to the bank.
00:01:52Who do they use for that?
00:01:54A bunch of maids and grass cutters.
00:01:57Two minutes till the cops show up.
00:01:59Okay, okay. I get it, man.
00:02:00All right, change of plans.
00:02:02Keep what you can carry. Let's go!
00:02:04No, no, no. Wait. What about the vault?
00:02:06You have to pull out the fucking back wall now!
00:02:08You know what to do. Come on.
00:02:09Fucking amateurs.
00:02:10Thank you. Gracias. Gracias. Thank you. Gracias.
00:02:13Give that to me!
00:02:14Thank you for your service and shit.
00:02:16Keep moving, brother.
00:02:20That's real nice.
00:02:22Believe me, you don't want it.
00:02:25No, I really do.
00:02:27Ew. Thermal smother. Back wall. Now.
00:02:29Come on. Jesus Christ.
00:02:40You know what I signed up for.
00:02:43Yeah, great move. Great move, son.
00:02:45Right into a fucking riot.
00:02:46That's right. The crowd gets us to Wilshire.
00:02:49That's where the backup wheel man's waiting for us.
00:02:50Hey, hey, hey. So you had this whole other plan.
00:02:52You didn't tell us.
00:02:53You're not my crew.
00:02:54I don't know you. I don't trust you.
00:02:55What about your brother?
00:02:56We need to move.
00:02:57Hey, hey, hey, man. That's not your call.
00:02:58Hey, big brother says we gotta fuck.
00:03:00I'm part of this game.
00:03:01Can we promote him, please?
00:03:02You piece of shit.
00:03:03We got riot control coming right now.
00:03:05Cut the shit out.
00:03:06Hey, hey, hey.
00:03:07Back wall! Hit the ground now!
00:03:10You hit the fucking ground!
00:03:15Love, stay down!
00:03:18Ah, shit!
00:03:26I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry.
00:03:28No, stop! Stop!
00:03:31Why do you never listen?
00:03:40I'm sorry.
00:03:43What the fuck do we do now, Sherman?
00:03:45I got a plan.
00:03:48I need to make a call.
00:03:49I got a plan.
00:03:51I need to make a call.
00:04:08How can I help?
00:04:11How many?
00:04:13Yeah, I got two rooms left.
00:04:16Yeah, have a safe.
00:04:33Thirty-six hours ago, the Clearwater Corporation
00:04:35cut off the public water supply in Greater Los Angeles.
00:04:38That has united the most violent riot in California history.
00:04:42Contractor ProShield has announced a mandatory curfew
00:04:45for all citizens of Greater Los Angeles.
00:04:47Just another Wednesday.
00:04:48Yeah, me too.
00:05:18On a winter's day
00:05:21I'd be safe and warm
00:05:25If I was in L.A.
00:05:27If I was in L.A.
00:05:29California, California
00:05:32Dreamin' of your face
00:05:37Stopped into a church
00:05:41I passed along the way
00:05:45Well, I got down on my knees
00:05:49And I began to pray
00:05:53You know the preacher liked the cold
00:05:58He knows I'm gonna stay
00:06:03California, California
00:06:06Dreamin' of such a winter's day
00:06:14Dreamin' of such a winter's day
00:06:19Dreamin' of such a winter's day
00:06:24Dreamin' of such a winter's day
00:06:29Dreamin' of such a winter's day
00:06:44It's showtime.
00:06:47Jesus fucking Christ!
00:06:48It's fucking hot!
00:06:50We're gonna be all right.
00:06:53We got a cold red and a possible cold gray.
00:06:55I'm gonna need a gurney down here.
00:06:56Too damn sweet.
00:06:57Give me a hand here.
00:06:58He's blacked out.
00:06:59I got a bullet in my neck.
00:07:00Okay, Sherman?
00:07:01Seriously, I feel like I'm gonna die.
00:07:03Easy, fellas.
00:07:04Everybody's gonna get fixed up.
00:07:05You, lose the heat.
00:07:07Stop the fucking gun, miss.
00:07:09All right!
00:07:11All right, now verify your memberships,
00:07:13and we're off to the races.
00:07:18You're peachy.
00:07:19How about the no good neck?
00:07:23He's fine, too.
00:07:24You're up, neck hole.
00:07:30No dice, slick.
00:07:31This thing is covered in blood.
00:07:32It's always covered in blood.
00:07:33I have the fucking chip scar, look!
00:07:35Yeah, well, that could be from any dark room in the country.
00:07:38I'll pay you then, all right?
00:07:39That's against the rules.
00:07:40Yeah, I gotta run checks.
00:07:41You could be a serial.
00:07:42You could be a pede.
00:07:43You could be a terrorist.
00:07:44There's plenty of other hospitals out there.
00:07:45Where the cops are fucking looking for us.
00:07:47You see, that's your job, lady,
00:07:48to fix people like us up, to open the gate!
00:07:51You raising your voice to me?
00:07:52That is also against the rules.
00:07:54Right there in the membership background,
00:07:55do not kill the other patient.
00:07:57Look, out of the way, puke.
00:07:59Fuck you!
00:08:00All right.
00:08:01I'm sick of your shit, Harvey!
00:08:10You know why they call him Everest?
00:08:13I think you do.
00:08:23Everest, incoming.
00:08:29Give him a shot and take him out the Spring Street exit.
00:08:31It's a long way.
00:08:33He need the exercise.
00:08:35I don't fight, you son of a bitch!
00:08:37And I swear he'll erase me!
00:08:41Everything's fine, bro.
00:08:43Come on.
00:08:44We're safe here.
00:08:45Your brother's got multiple entry wounds,
00:08:47significant blood loss, and an air-conditioned liver.
00:08:49Hang in there, man.
00:08:51Code names.
00:08:52He's Honolulu.
00:08:53Makes you Waikiki.
00:08:55You know the way by now.
00:08:57I do.
00:08:58What's your damage?
00:09:00Three shots, 45 millimeters.
00:09:02Vest caught, too.
00:09:03Feels like a third slug.
00:09:04I'm lucky.
00:09:05You got side land.
00:09:07That'll keep you on your feet for now.
00:09:10I thought you were done with all this.
00:09:13I got out for a minute there,
00:09:15but, uh, you know how it goes.
00:09:18You were never out.
00:09:19Not up here.
00:09:21Kept paying your membership.
00:09:27Put him there, under the lights.
00:09:31Okay, Alpha, give me a hepatic scan.
00:09:33Beta, expose and clean the wound.
00:09:35Liver scan commencing.
00:09:37Hey, hey, right here, right here.
00:09:40You all right?
00:09:42Oh, man.
00:09:44I'm kicked in my new suit.
00:09:47We'll get you another one.
00:09:49Without all the holes in it.
00:09:51Wait a minute.
00:09:53What's that?
00:09:54Consider it a thank you!
00:09:57Liver irreparable.
00:09:59Could you be more careful, please?
00:10:01Wait, you want me to leave the bullets in there?
00:10:03You want to help?
00:10:04Why don't you hold his hand, tell him you love him,
00:10:06and then drench that vein in superglue
00:10:08so that the drip don't tear.
00:10:09You fucking kidding me?
00:10:11I'm about to play laser tag inside his ribcage.
00:10:13So he needs as much of the good shit as we can get in there,
00:10:15especially with what's coming up next.
00:10:17His new liver.
00:10:193D model infected.
00:10:21Internal call.
00:10:22Acapulco suite.
00:10:23Pick up.
00:10:26Mr. Acapulco.
00:10:27Don't patronize me, okay?
00:10:29I got an eyeball that's falling out of my fucking face!
00:10:31I need you here now!
00:10:32Yeah, well, I'll be with you momentarily.
00:10:34Why don't you help yourself to some morphine?
00:10:36End call.
00:10:37Asshole room number 4.
00:10:42Power outage.
00:10:44Probably just riot control.
00:10:45You know, we got another generator.
00:10:47Is this place going to hold up?
00:10:48Son, me and the Artemis, we've been here for 22 years.
00:10:54Just another Wednesday.
00:10:57Biopsy in progress.
00:10:59It's okay.
00:11:00Here she goes.
00:11:04Commence printing.
00:11:12This is not a drill.
00:11:14What's happening is under drug shield jurisdiction.
00:11:17You out there, big guy?
00:11:19Yes, nurse.
00:11:20All right, I hate to interrupt your field trip,
00:11:22but the cops killed Grizz.
00:11:24That backup's older than you.
00:11:26Yeah, yeah.
00:11:27Just head up to the roof
00:11:28and keep this place Christmas-y, will ya?
00:11:30Can't you do it?
00:11:32You know I'm not going out there.
00:11:34I just can't.
00:11:35Well, what about that anxiety tape I got you?
00:11:37Eh, that thing still works.
00:11:39Now, go on.
00:11:40Get your fat ass out there right now.
00:11:42How fat?
00:11:43Right now.
00:11:44Yes, nurse.
00:11:55Come on, man. Really?
00:11:58Who the fuck do you think you are
00:12:00just leading me out here?
00:12:02Hey, you see that badge?
00:12:05That means I'm a health care professional.
00:12:08But that knowledge goes both ways.
00:12:10So if you tell anybody about the Artemis,
00:12:13I will hunt you down
00:12:15and unheal the shit out of you.
00:12:20Now wait.
00:12:21And also, when I walk away,
00:12:23don't jump on my back again, okay?
00:12:25If you do, I'm gonna fuck you up for real this time.
00:12:30I got a hole in my neck, man.
00:12:32So apply for membership.
00:12:34Don't do this.
00:12:35The riot's headed this way.
00:12:37Have a good night.
00:12:38I'm dead out here!
00:12:43Keep Los Angeles in your prayers tonight.
00:12:45It is a vision of hell out here on the street.
00:12:53Hey, can I give you a suggestion?
00:12:55You know, you might want to buy some scented candles or something,
00:12:58because it smells like somebody fucking died in here.
00:13:01They did.
00:13:02Of course they did.
00:13:03How are you feeling, Mr. Agapulco?
00:13:05Oh, how am I feeling?
00:13:06What a great question. Let's see.
00:13:08Like I got stabbed in the back.
00:13:11And somebody ripped off half my face.
00:13:14Well, these keloid scars
00:13:16mean that the nanites are doing their job.
00:13:18So you look over there.
00:13:19Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:13:20I know what nanites are.
00:13:21It's a fucking eye.
00:13:23I'm sorry, Buster.
00:13:25Partial psyched.
00:13:26You know, there's experts out there that can...
00:13:28Are you kidding me?
00:13:29Well, what the fuck am I paying you for, then?
00:13:32From the looks of all the nail polish
00:13:33that I took out of your cheekbone,
00:13:35that's how you're paying me for discretion.
00:13:37Oh, that's great. You're a comedian.
00:13:41Hey, are we safe in here from doomsday?
00:13:44I mean, are these walls fortified with anything?
00:13:46Those people are animals.
00:13:48I just want clean water.
00:13:50Well, then they can get a fucking job
00:13:51and pay for water like the rest of us.
00:13:54How do you like that?
00:13:55You one of those bleeding-heart types?
00:13:57Well, hey, cops kill poor people,
00:13:58poor people kill cops.
00:13:59That's the circle of life.
00:14:01Hakuna matata.
00:14:03These are for the robots
00:14:04swimming in your out-to-canal.
00:14:06Take one in an hour,
00:14:07and then after that, you can go.
00:14:08All right. Hey!
00:14:09Uh, my TV's broken.
00:14:11I want to watch the riots.
00:14:13There's an old one in the game room.
00:14:14It's hardwired. It should be working.
00:14:16Hang on.
00:14:17You want me to go out there with the criminals?
00:14:20Hakuna matata, buddy.
00:14:24Oh, that's cute.
00:14:26No water in L.A.,
00:14:27but it's raining assholes in here.
00:14:30Excusez-moi, nurse lady.
00:14:32My TV broke.
00:14:33I am?
00:14:34Sorry to hear that.
00:14:36You want to kill yourself quicker
00:14:38than that .45 in your bicep?
00:14:40Why don't you try sparking up a jetan in my hospital?
00:14:45How's that arm doing?
00:14:47It hurts.
00:14:48A lot.
00:14:52Thankfully, you did a pretty precise job.
00:14:55Inch lower, and you might have lost use of that hand.
00:14:58Oh, my God.
00:15:00What are you trying to say?
00:15:01This is America, honey.
00:15:0385% of what I fix is bullet holes,
00:15:06entrance angles, muzzle burns.
00:15:09Just to be some connoisseur.
00:15:11You checked yourself in here.
00:15:14I needed someplace quiet...
00:15:16for a while.
00:15:18Hotel Artemis is a great place to hide.
00:15:22You know those will kill you, right?
00:15:26You sound like my mother.
00:15:28I tell her my job is stressful.
00:15:30She tells me to get another one.
00:15:32It's tough to argue,
00:15:34especially on a night like tonight.
00:15:37This is what I do.
00:15:39You can't pick what you're good at.
00:15:49Goddamn it.
00:15:51I'm telling you.
00:16:18Connect secure line.
00:16:20Detroit client.
00:16:22Contact initiated.
00:16:24Motor City Waste Disposal.
00:16:26I'm in position,
00:16:28but I had to fucking shoot myself
00:16:30to get close enough to the target,
00:16:32so I need extra compensation.
00:16:34Reconfirming job.
00:16:36Job reconfirmed.
00:16:39However, in failure,
00:16:41the company bears no liability
00:16:43for assets, medical, travel, or legal fees.
00:16:48Enculé de radin.
00:17:17How's he doing?
00:17:19You want the good news or the bad news?
00:17:21Let's start with the good news.
00:17:23There isn't any.
00:17:25These 3-D-printed livers, they're sketchy in the best of times.
00:17:28When you clone them with the toxic tissue...
00:17:30Wait, what does that mean, toxic?
00:17:33Dictionary definition of.
00:17:36That's that ice cream he's been shooting in there.
00:17:44When you boys move,
00:17:46he's gonna need a really heavy tranquilizer for the pain.
00:17:49Like the kind they give to baby elephants.
00:17:53No, I'm serious.
00:17:54Real baby elephants.
00:17:56This shit'll kill most people.
00:17:58Come on.
00:18:00Sit down.
00:18:03Let's see how you're doing.
00:18:05First, we'll crank up these nanites.
00:18:10You know he told me he'd quit.
00:18:15I can tell you about that beagle I had.
00:18:19Not that I recall.
00:18:22Marvin was not a good dog.
00:18:24Always playing in traffic.
00:18:27Yeah, I loved that dog.
00:18:29Too much.
00:18:33I kept fixing up his cuts and his bruises and his broken bones year after year.
00:18:37And then I turned my back and...
00:18:4018-wheeler took him out anyway.
00:18:43I get it.
00:18:45You're more of a cat person.
00:18:49I gotta keep moving.
00:18:52Remember, everybody's got their 18-wheeler today.
00:19:16How can I help?
00:19:18Shut the fuck up and listen, lady.
00:19:24How dare you hang up on me, you fucking cat.
00:19:26You're a rude little prick.
00:19:30It's for Ori and Franklin.
00:19:33Yeah, now you're listening.
00:19:36He's 52 minutes out and he needs a room.
00:19:39Yeah, now you're listening.
00:19:41He's 52 minutes out and he needs a room.
00:19:43That's too far.
00:19:45Fix him someplace closer. He owns half the city.
00:19:47He says he always comes to you for emergencies.
00:19:49Yeah, that's true.
00:19:51But rules are rules.
00:19:53If somebody else gets here first, I can't hold the last room for him.
00:19:55You do remember who Mr. Franklin fucking is, right?
00:19:58He owns you.
00:20:00Listen, this hotel was built on two things.
00:20:03Man's fundamental avarice and trust.
00:20:06I'm gonna break the rules in here and nasty people,
00:20:09I'm gonna carte blanche to do the same.
00:20:11Your boss, he knows that better than anybody.
00:20:15Hello? Still there?
00:20:17He's not my boss. He's my father.
00:20:19And if you won't hold a room for him,
00:20:21I'll come there and do it for you.
00:20:29He's done fat above my ass.
00:20:31He's been on that diet like three fucking days.
00:20:33Oh, she's calling a fat ass.
00:20:38Oh, great.
00:20:41Everest, where the hell are you?
00:20:44I'm on the roof where you told me to be.
00:20:48You enjoying yourself?
00:20:50No, because it's a war zone up here.
00:20:52This was going off. Drones everywhere.
00:20:54Helicopters exploding this shit.
00:20:56Maybe you got the right idea about never going out.
00:21:00You are my rock, big man.
00:21:02Get your ass down here. We got another Code Red coming.
00:21:04Half an hour out.
00:21:06Seriously? With all this happening,
00:21:08we're taking someone else in?
00:21:10Just another Wednesday.
00:21:12No, it's not just another Wednesday.
00:21:14That noise you're hearing out there?
00:21:16That's some hardcore riot control shit.
00:21:18Hey, you put your dirty boots on the sofa in your own house?
00:21:21Oh, hey, go fuck yourself.
00:21:26Hello? You still there?
00:21:30That riot?
00:21:32It's headed right for the Clearwater building.
00:21:34That's three blocks away.
00:21:36We might have to evacuate for real.
00:21:38We're 12 floors up.
00:21:40In a safe core made of chromium and carbon fiber.
00:21:44Hurry up. Code Red's coming in hot.
00:21:46These protesters are now headed toward downtown L.A.
00:21:50Their target is the headquarters of the multinational company
00:21:53behind water privatization here in California.
00:21:55ProShield has the legal right to open fire
00:21:57at the first signs of aggression.
00:21:59And from what we are seeing on the ground,
00:22:01that is the only way law will be returned.
00:22:03One cop remains.
00:22:05Please leave now.
00:22:07Please leave now.
00:22:09Please leave now.
00:22:19Pronounce nice.
00:22:21I was talking about your ass.
00:22:23Not your room allocation.
00:22:25Fucking animals.
00:22:27Ha, ha, ha.
00:22:29Laugh it up, Frenchie.
00:22:31But those slum rats out there,
00:22:33they're slinging balls at 500 rocket launchers.
00:22:35And not one of them can aim for shit.
00:22:37Believe me, I know.
00:22:39Aftershave, hairspray, flop sweat.
00:22:41You're an arms dealer, right?
00:22:43What, sis, you gonna give me a superior act?
00:22:45It's not an act.
00:22:47I tell you what.
00:22:49I'm a friendly guy.
00:22:51But don't push my buttons.
00:22:53Don't you do that.
00:22:57You're nothing without your toys.
00:22:59Oh, well, who says I don't have any toys?
00:23:01But let me ask you something.
00:23:03What would people like you even be
00:23:05without people like me?
00:23:07You don't know what I do.
00:23:09Well, you're in this place.
00:23:11You know, you talk to me,
00:23:13so I highly fucking doubt you're an au pair.
00:23:15But you know what gets me?
00:23:17Here you are, you're in my country,
00:23:19you're doing some lowball job,
00:23:21and you're gonna patronize me?
00:23:23I don't know what you're talking about,
00:23:25but I'm a 20-ounce sirloin.
00:23:27You're a housemaid with a handgun.
00:23:29But I own the fucking mansion.
00:23:31Your spray tan is running.
00:23:33You're funny. You stuck up little cunt.
00:23:35Please refill. Please refill.
00:23:37Please refill.
00:23:41Do we really have to make coffee pots that speak?
00:23:43Is that necessary?
00:23:45Hey, I'm in the middle of a conversation with a lady.
00:23:47It's a party for two,
00:23:49so why don't you skip the fuck along?
00:23:53You know, I'm trying real hard
00:23:55to keep myself to myself.
00:23:57But you're not gonna make that easy for me,
00:23:59are you, little man?
00:24:17Come on in.
00:24:19Come on in.
00:24:21Your room's a shithole.
00:24:23No maid service since 1976.
00:24:25Hey, you want a treat?
00:24:27Check out the Joker at the Flower Street door.
00:24:29What the fuck is he doing?
00:24:31I told him I wouldn't hold a room for his code red,
00:24:33so it looks like he's gonna seal up the doors.
00:24:35Guess he's making a big show of the fact
00:24:37that nobody else is getting in.
00:24:39See what I'm doing, lady?
00:24:41This is what I think of your rules.
00:24:45Seems kind of needy.
00:24:47It'd be a major pain in my ass
00:24:49trying to unseal those tomorrow.
00:24:51Then we'll just have to bill his daddy.
00:24:53He does own the place.
00:24:55The owner is our new code red?
00:24:59The Wolf King of L.A.
00:25:01Such a dumb nickname.
00:25:03My alarm's acting up again.
00:25:05Probably those goddamn raccoons.
00:25:11Fuck me.
00:25:13Is that a cop?
00:25:15Yeah, yeah, looks like it.
00:25:17I'll have a security breach.
00:25:19Please help me, Mrs. Thomas.
00:25:21Mrs. Thomas?
00:25:23Can you see me?
00:25:25Please help.
00:25:29This is a real problem.
00:25:31I think I know her.
00:25:37So what the fuck's your problem?
00:25:41Honestly, my problem is
00:25:43I need a hot cup of coffee.
00:25:45Hey, miss.
00:25:47Hello, Waikiki.
00:25:49You look good.
00:25:51You look tired.
00:25:53Thought you were out?
00:25:55Yeah, me too.
00:25:57Shut the fuck up.
00:25:59You gonna walk up on me
00:26:01trying to protect your little girlfriend?
00:26:03Fuck you, pal.
00:26:05Is it funny to you?
00:26:07Don't do that.
00:26:09Protect her?
00:26:11She could do to you with just that cup of coffee.
00:26:13I mean, I'm a professional,
00:26:15but, uh, this woman,
00:26:17she's the business.
00:26:19Merci beaucoup, Charmaine.
00:26:21Get your hand off the goddamn gooch
00:26:25before I shove it
00:26:27right up your fucking ass.
00:26:29You know, I'll leave you guys to it.
00:26:31You know where to find me, right?
00:26:59You can do better than him anyway.
00:27:03I even like a little street meet myself
00:27:05from time to time.
00:27:13What the fuck was that?
00:27:15You're lucky this place has rules.
00:27:19Fuck this fucking place.
00:27:23Welcome to Chopper, your aeronautic limousine.
00:27:25I need a pickup downtown, stat.
00:27:27Sir, I can barely hear you.
00:27:29Don't make me fucking repeat myself. I'm a VIP member.
00:27:31There's a giant pink neon sign on the roof.
00:27:33It says Hotel Artemis.
00:27:35Give me a fucking helicopter.
00:27:39I don't know. I don't know what's good there,
00:27:41but please come in.
00:27:43It's me.
00:27:45It's Corky Daniels.
00:27:47Can you see me?
00:27:49You know this chota?
00:27:51Maybe. You got to help her.
00:27:53You got to go get her.
00:27:55You let her in here, nobody trusts us ever again.
00:27:57I know, baby.
00:27:59You let her in while the Wolf King's here?
00:28:01Fucking dead. Okay, for real.
00:28:0320 years you never let anyone in here
00:28:05who wasn't a member.
00:28:07Now you want to change that for this fucking cop?
00:28:11It's been 22 years.
00:28:15Oh, no.
00:28:17No, no, not again.
00:28:19I thought you said you fixed it.
00:28:21Yeah, but riot control's
00:28:23taking out the grid for curfew.
00:28:25We're probably going to black out.
00:28:27Yeah, we need that power.
00:28:29I can reroute the G9s, hotwire the generator.
00:28:31I'll figure it out when I get up there,
00:28:33but forget about that chota.
00:28:53How's your shift?
00:28:55Busy night at the Artemis.
00:28:57At least we ain't out there, right?
00:28:59Hey, you okay? Breathing kind of funny.
00:29:01Asthma. I got to keep moving.
00:29:03Right on.
00:29:07Damn it.
00:29:37Damn it.
00:29:51Dealing with anxiety, module two.
00:29:55Breathe in and breathe out.
00:29:59Breathe as if you can breathe
00:30:01through your heart.
00:30:03Feel your chest rise and fall,
00:30:05and breathing out.
00:30:07Let yourself feel the relief that comes
00:30:09when forgiveness is possible.
00:30:11You can go where you like.
00:30:13You fall asleep easily
00:30:15and wake up intently
00:30:17when your body
00:30:19is as pleasant as your body.
00:30:23Breathe in and breathe out.
00:30:27I can easily walk outside today
00:30:29and not panic.
00:30:31There is no reason
00:30:33to be afraid of going outside.
00:30:37Breathe as if you can breathe
00:30:39through your heart.
00:30:41I do not allow panic
00:30:43to rule me.
00:30:45To rule me.
00:31:03Oh, God.
00:31:15Who is this?
00:31:17What's his name?
00:31:33Come on, T.
00:31:35Come on, T. Keep up, man.
00:31:37Come on.
00:31:39Is that a cop?
00:31:41No, just leave him. Let's go.
00:31:43No, no, no, no, no.
00:31:45Look, I can help you. I can help you.
00:31:47Here. Now, take these.
00:31:49I'm not an insider. I know it hurts.
00:31:51Now, take that.
00:31:53Hands up right now!
00:31:55Sergeant, you got a cop down.
00:31:57What are you doing out here?
00:31:59I live here.
00:32:01Not a fucking vagrant. Put her in the truck.
00:32:03No, no. I gotta take care of her.
00:32:05How should I proceed?
00:32:07Cuff her, and if she gives you any more shit,
00:32:09put her down.
00:32:18Respect your elders, police.
00:32:22Nurse, go inside, now!
00:32:24We gotta bring her in.
00:32:28Damn it, nurse.
00:32:36This is a terrible idea.
00:32:52These rioters are really stepping up their game, huh?
00:32:56Double-tap them to be sure.
00:32:58Is that really necessary?
00:33:00Uh, I don't know. What do you want to do?
00:33:02You want to get into heaven, or you want to make the Wolf King happy?
00:33:05All right.
00:33:07Hurry up. Dad's almost here.
00:33:09Oh, shit.
00:33:33Who says he doesn't have any toys?
00:33:44I can't believe you got his wallet before me.
00:33:47Hotel full of criminals.
00:33:49You gotta move quick.
00:33:51I did find this in the corridor.
00:33:56I think the old lady likes a drink.
00:34:07How long has it been?
00:34:09You know exactly how long.
00:34:11Okay, yeah, I do.
00:34:13Really stacking up those memberships, huh?
00:34:16It's been a busy year.
00:34:18The Dressler, Berlin.
00:34:20The Floridita, Miami.
00:34:22Hotel Sazerac.
00:34:24It's a lot of travel.
00:34:26You should try it.
00:34:28You could have been one of the greats if you ever got a goddamn passport.
00:34:31Hey, you know I only work domestic.
00:34:33Don't make that sound like a choice.
00:34:35You drew a line.
00:34:37You knew I couldn't cross it.
00:34:43It's with the implant.
00:34:45Oh. You noticed.
00:34:47That's sweet.
00:34:49They're industry standard now.
00:34:51What works so fancy?
00:34:53All I get is a shotgun and a duffel bag.
00:34:55Well, tonight I had to look my target in the eye
00:34:58while I slit his throat so the client can watch it later
00:35:01while he masturbates.
00:35:03That's fucking gross.
00:35:05That's what happens when you're on a trip.
00:35:07We only kill important people. You have heard that before.
00:35:10And how was your night?
00:35:16This happened.
00:35:19Oh, putain, Shaman.
00:35:21You need to leave here right fucking now.
00:35:25Get everyone inside. Let's go.
00:35:27All right. I gotta go.
00:35:34Oh, man.
00:35:36This thing's on its last legs.
00:35:43So you went outside for her?
00:35:47How long's it been?
00:35:49Does that make it, like, three years?
00:35:53A little longer, maybe.
00:35:55I'm not doing it again.
00:35:57I just can't.
00:35:59I can help you.
00:36:01I can help you.
00:36:04You do.
00:36:06You do, babe.
00:36:11All right, we're home. Let's go.
00:36:15Careful, careful. You can turn him, lady.
00:36:17Come on.
00:36:18You know you're risking everything for this cop.
00:36:20Yeah. I got my reasons.
00:36:22You know, I broke the rules once before.
00:36:24Worked out pretty good, if you remember.
00:36:27It was different.
00:36:29I was just a kid.
00:36:31Oh, so was she when I knew her. Wait, wait, wait.
00:36:37Great. Mr. Acapulco.
00:36:39All right. Code red's 18 minutes up.
00:36:41So get the crash cart. Meet me in my room.
00:36:43Radio me when the coast is clear.
00:36:45Yes, nurse.
00:36:47I don't care where. Uh, Cancun.
00:36:49Um, Guadalajara.
00:36:51Even fucking Acapulco. I don't give a shit.
00:36:53Just make sure there's a fucking infinity pool.
00:36:55And don't give a shit about twice the water, okay?
00:36:57You know how much fucking water comes through.
00:37:06It's bad. Right.
00:37:08You know what this is?
00:37:10I know who it belongs to.
00:37:11You know what's in it?
00:37:12No idea.
00:37:14Those things are tougher to crack than a Tecoco ball.
00:37:18You're professional. I'm the business.
00:37:22You know what these are?
00:37:24Yellow diamonds?
00:37:25Yakusha canaries.
00:37:27Worth about 18 million. Domestic.
00:37:32Wolf King's probably gonna want those back.
00:37:36This is no joke.
00:37:37You know what he does to thieves.
00:37:39You need to walk straight out the door right now.
00:37:41I gotta wait till Lev can move.
00:37:43It is too dangerous for you in here.
00:37:44You have to trust me.
00:37:45I do trust you.
00:37:46But he's my brother.
00:37:48There's so much more you could have done without him.
00:37:51You work with what you got.
00:37:54Not what you hoped for.
00:37:58You have a lot to live for.
00:38:00Out there.
00:38:02I don't know if that's true.
00:38:14It is.
00:38:39Fine. Oxygen?
00:38:40Let me get a line going.
00:38:43Stomped on her like they were making merlot.
00:38:45She's a cop in a riot.
00:38:47What did you expect?
00:38:48Oh, she's a community liaison.
00:38:50That's what it says. That's her job.
00:38:52Think that's all she knew about us?
00:38:54I don't know.
00:38:55Maybe she heard something.
00:38:56Maybe she put two and two together.
00:38:58And I know her from back in the day.
00:39:01In the day before this place?
00:39:04All right, I gotta go into old school.
00:39:06I'm gonna need a microwave scalpel set to two inches.
00:39:08Yes, nurse.
00:39:10Come on, chop chop.
00:39:11Yes, nurse.
00:39:12All right, prep pad.
00:39:14Come on.
00:39:27You okay?
00:39:28You need to rest?
00:39:29What? No.
00:39:31No, I'm fine.
00:39:32What I need to do is work.
00:39:33All right.
00:39:34You concentrate on that section.
00:39:36I'm very fond of this rug.
00:39:39That's it.
00:39:41There we go.
00:39:42Merlot time.
00:39:45Yeah, 74 Chevy Nova parking lot on Main Street.
00:39:49Appreciate it.
00:39:56Your hair is so fucking bad, man.
00:39:59Oh, bro, you don't like support.
00:40:01Yeah, but we scored, man.
00:40:04And the stash is safe.
00:40:06And me and you, we can go somewhere nice like that.
00:40:12Oh, yeah.
00:40:14Drinking daiquiris, man.
00:40:17Fighting off the hood.
00:40:20Fighting off the hula girls.
00:40:24So then we in the safest place in town.
00:40:26No, man, daiquiris aren't from Hawaii.
00:40:28Hula girls don't even exist,
00:40:30and the Artemis isn't safe for us, right?
00:40:33Because it is.
00:40:35A pen.
00:40:36It's not a pen.
00:40:37It's a goddamn curse.
00:40:39It's a portable vault,
00:40:41like the ones that Malibu mob couriers use, right?
00:40:45Exactly like the ones they use.
00:40:48Oh, fuck, man.
00:40:49That's right.
00:40:50Fuck, we stole from the Wolf King?
00:40:52You did, but by accident, though.
00:40:53Look, that excuse probably won't fly
00:40:55with the man who runs Los Angeles.
00:40:57You know what he does to people who steal from him?
00:40:58I do.
00:40:59He has them drown, man.
00:41:01Like in the ocean, like on a float, man.
00:41:03Calm the fuck down, okay?
00:41:06I called in a favor, got us a new plan,
00:41:08an exit strategy.
00:41:10All we got to do is keep our heads way down low
00:41:12until we can move you.
00:41:14Hey, can you do that?
00:41:19We'll be fine, man.
00:41:22Because you here.
00:41:24My big brother.
00:41:26This is the last time.
00:41:33I'll be right back.
00:41:36There's something I need to check out.
00:41:40There's a gold cage in it.
00:41:42It's a shit show, I hear.
00:41:44Detour to avoid the riot.
00:41:46Be there in 15.
00:41:49This is Brackett.
00:41:50We're five by five.
00:41:51Perimeter's secure for the Wolf King.
00:41:53Once he gets here, he's safe.
00:41:57Wolf King's almost here.
00:41:59All right.
00:42:00Let's, uh, let's get her talking.
00:42:03We're in the Benzo.
00:42:05Here she comes.
00:42:15Long time no see, huh?
00:42:18Don't look.
00:42:19This is Thomas.
00:42:25Your house looks really different.
00:42:29I know, Morgan.
00:42:35Always with the jokes.
00:42:38You haven't changed.
00:42:40Well, my hair's longer.
00:42:44It looks nice.
00:42:45I like it.
00:42:46And I get the shit kicked out of me more these days.
00:42:50Yeah, I spotted that.
00:42:52You know, I thought, I thought this place was a myth.
00:42:58Because once we get you back outside,
00:42:59that's exactly what you're going to think all over again.
00:43:02Ignore him.
00:43:04So you've really been here this whole time?
00:43:06Just fixing up criminals.
00:43:11Plenty of folks out there to patch up all the good guys.
00:43:14So why let me in?
00:43:16Great question.
00:43:18It's your family.
00:43:23That's how it felt.
00:43:26All right.
00:43:27Well, these staples should hold pretty good.
00:43:30And, uh, you just got to be real careful with them.
00:43:33And to be clear, I fixed up that cute little gal
00:43:38who lived next door, was always on the trampoline.
00:43:43I didn't fix a cop.
00:43:45I don't do that.
00:43:47Yeah, I understand.
00:43:50Mrs. Thomas, wait.
00:43:54I'm really sorry.
00:43:57It's not your fault.
00:43:58No, no.
00:44:00I mean, Beau.
00:44:07I can't talk about it.
00:44:13Mrs. Thomas, are you okay?
00:44:19We're done here.
00:44:21I got to run.
00:44:23Get dressed and wait for my signal.
00:44:25I got to prep Niagara.
00:44:27Mrs. Thomas.
00:44:28I'll walk you through the aftercare.
00:44:30I'm sorry, sweetheart.
00:44:32It was a busy night.
00:44:54There is a town in North Ontario
00:45:10Extreme comfort memories share
00:45:17In my mind I still need
00:45:22A place to go
00:45:26All my changes were there
00:45:34Blue, blue windows behind the stars
00:45:41Yellow moon on the rise
00:45:47Big birds flying across the skies
00:45:54Throwing shadows on our lives
00:45:59We were helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless
00:46:08Baby, baby, can you hear me now?
00:46:14We were helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless
00:46:36Arrival team, this is Gold Cage Unit. We're coming onto Broadway now.
00:46:40We're one minute thirty out, repeat. The Wolf King is one minute thirty out.
00:46:44Copy that, Gold Cage. We're in position.
00:47:10I'm great. Parisian ninja bitch.
00:47:38Look, I don't want any trouble, okay?
00:47:42In a minute I'm going to be out of your hair.
00:47:45Is your helicopter early?
00:47:47I didn't know about that.
00:47:48You're American. You speak too loudly.
00:47:51Look, I don't want trouble, alright?
00:47:53Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.
00:47:55I'm going to make you an offer.
00:47:57I'm getting out of here.
00:47:58This whole city is burning down. I'm going south of the wall.
00:48:01I don't have any security, so I can use some protection down there.
00:48:04Protecting people is the opposite of what I do.
00:48:06Well, whatever. It's the same skill set though, right?
00:48:08Look, try this. You come with me.
00:48:10See how you like it down there. I don't know, one thing leads to another.
00:48:13Maybe something romantic happens.
00:48:16You know, don't rule it out.
00:48:19Look, I'll pay you a shit load of money, okay?
00:48:23I already have my way out.
00:48:31He's here.
00:48:34I'll give you a signal when. You got to get the girl out of there.
00:48:37Yes, nurse.
00:48:39Everest, you look after her for me.
00:49:04Get him inside right now.
00:49:07Nice car. Looks like somebody important.
00:49:09Exact amount. I only kill important people.
00:49:13Shut the fuck up. That's your mark?
00:49:16Well, he just waltzed right in here. I think he's going to be fine.
00:49:19Or if I needed to get him on his own.
00:49:22Wait a second. You put your mark here?
00:49:54Open the gate.
00:49:56Guys, only six people maximum in that thing. You're killing me here.
00:49:59I said open the fucking gate.
00:50:01The wolf king is in the building. He's your one priority now.
00:50:05Now let us in.
00:50:07Guys, one thing at a time. Everybody, lose the heat.
00:50:10No, he needs to be protected.
00:50:12It's a little late for that sport. I told you there are rules.
00:50:14I talked about this.
00:50:16Rules, rules, rules.
00:50:18You say rules.
00:50:20Jeanie, without the rule breakers...
00:50:23Honey, where would you be?
00:50:25You look like death.
00:50:27I guess my ballroom days are over, baby.
00:50:31Wow, look at you.
00:50:33Jesus Christ. Swipe.
00:50:42Back to Niagara.
00:50:44Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang, hang, hang. Back up.
00:50:47Draw some more attention to yourself, why don't you?
00:50:49Lay another hand on me, I'll rip your fucking head off.
00:50:52Who's going to fix your daddy then, huh? Moron?
00:50:54That's enough.
00:50:56Do you have a choice, Jeanie?
00:50:58Because without me,
00:51:00you're going to have to answer to Captain Tryhard and, uh...
00:51:04Sons don't always do what they're told.
00:51:12But he's not coming in here. That's all there is to it.
00:51:14You fucking own this place, Dad.
00:51:16But she runs it, kiddo.
00:51:19That was the deal.
00:51:21Look, Dad, I know that I'm the youngest
00:51:24and maybe I never...
00:51:27I really earned your respect.
00:51:30But if you don't make it, I need you to know
00:51:32that I'll always remember the thing you told me
00:51:34the day I turned 16.
00:51:36You said, go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
00:51:41But my only dream
00:51:44has ever been to be more like you.
00:51:50I'm sorry, Cross.
00:51:53Because it's...
00:51:56bullshit like that that made you grow up so fucking soft.
00:52:02if I don't make it out of here,
00:52:04this is for you.
00:52:06All right.
00:52:07Daddy, talk.
00:52:08Family time's over. Come on.
00:52:10Take this. Apply pressure.
00:52:13If the time comes,
00:52:15I hope you know what the fuck to do with that.
00:52:21Code blue.
00:52:23Code blue?
00:52:25What the fuck is a code blue?
00:52:27Blue like a cup, maybe?
00:52:30Yeah, I know.
00:52:31I just never had a cup in here before.
00:52:33I wasn't talking to you anyway.
00:52:36Get you juiced up.
00:52:38Settle in.
00:52:39No, no, no, no.
00:52:40It's good to go.
00:52:42Get you out of here.
00:52:43You know, I get blood tested as part of my job.
00:52:45It's not my problem.
00:52:46Why would she let you in here anyway?
00:52:48Because I knew her kid.
00:52:51You know he died, right?
00:52:54That's why she started drinking,
00:52:56lost her medical license.
00:52:58She didn't tell you about that?
00:53:00I don't know. I don't want to fucking know.
00:53:02We got rules here, lady.
00:53:04How I got here, how you got here, the nurse, too.
00:53:06The rules keep the outside world fucking outside
00:53:09where they belong.
00:53:10All right, dude.
00:53:12So tell me, Tota.
00:53:15Can you keep our secret?
00:53:17Of course.
00:53:18Because you see this badge?
00:53:19That means I'm a health care professional.
00:53:22Hey, hey, save me the speech.
00:53:24I would not do that.
00:53:26Not to her.
00:53:29Good answer.
00:53:32Check out time.
00:53:48Connect to Cure Line Detroit Client.
00:53:58It was a pain in the ass, but the trap worked.
00:54:01The target is now prepped for an eye contact kill.
00:54:03I'm in position to finish the job,
00:54:05but I need a 30% raise for inconvenience
00:54:08and because you're fucking gross.
00:54:11Please hold for confirmation.
00:54:49Just keep your eyes down.
00:54:58Busy night in the Artemis.
00:55:01What room is she in?
00:55:04I forgot.
00:55:06Like you said, busy night in the Artemis.
00:55:11Nice boots.
00:55:13I assume you know to avoid the Beach Boys in the lobby there
00:55:16because they'll kill every one of us if they find they're in here,
00:55:18and that includes the old lady.
00:55:20Look, Mr. Waikiki,
00:55:23there's some membership-provoking talk right there.
00:55:27But who'd want to be a member of a secret hospital for criminals
00:55:29if it started letting cops in?
00:55:38That was in the details, big man.
00:55:53Here we go.
00:56:21Poor Gene.
00:56:23This place is still sucking your blood, huh?
00:56:27Only thing that keeps it ticking.
00:56:31You gonna see a goose out there?
00:56:33How'd you let something like this happen?
00:56:35You know, I'm a pretty girl.
00:56:38I'm graceful as Semtex,
00:56:41and, uh, an old man's vanity.
00:56:44I hear ya.
00:56:46Except the last time somebody flirted with me was 1986.
00:56:50How is that son of a bitch ex-husband?
00:56:54Who knows? Who cares?
00:56:56You know, I've had two wives since me.
00:56:59Two. Both nurses.
00:57:02What a fucking Clyde.
00:57:04You want me to take him out?
00:57:07Nah. He lives in Florida.
00:57:09Life took him out already.
00:57:11Hey, remember where you started?
00:57:13That, uh, free clinic?
00:57:16Oh, den mother to a bunch of runaways and junkies.
00:57:20Look at you now.
00:57:24Ten milligrams of Benzotrix,
00:57:26and everyone's a storyteller.
00:57:28You know, asking you to set this place up,
00:57:30that was, uh, that was one of my finer ideas.
00:57:33Best investment I ever made.
00:57:36But, uh, would you regret that deal with the devil?
00:57:41You're not the devil, Lorraine.
00:57:44Just another ex-hippie con man
00:57:47who swapped his beads for bullets.
00:57:49Oh, that's harsh.
00:57:50Patient sedation in 10 seconds.
00:57:53You know, it's not a trip, Jan.
00:57:56I don't regret the deaths these days.
00:58:02They're just the lies
00:58:05that when I told you...
00:58:12great name.
00:58:21Police report that...
00:58:24Attention. Curfew has begun.
00:58:27Los Angeles is on lockdown.
00:58:29Resistance to pro-shield officers
00:58:31will be back with lethal force.
00:58:33This is not a drill. Repeat.
00:58:35This is not a drill.
00:58:39Curfew has begun.
00:58:41Los Angeles is on lockdown.
00:58:44Resistance to pro-shield officers...
00:58:46Hey, man, tonight's going to shit,
00:58:48but I don't want you to freak out.
00:59:02Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:59:04Hey, can you hear me?
00:59:06Oh, hey, Jan.
00:59:08It's okay, Sherman.
00:59:09I only took a little bit to help you feel better.
00:59:12We need to leave right now.
00:59:14No, we can't, man. It's not green.
00:59:16Half the Malibu mob is in the lobby.
00:59:18The riot's around the corner.
00:59:20The Wolf King's probably here, too.
00:59:23It's the worst-case scenario.
00:59:24We got to get the fuck out of here.
00:59:25No. No, no, no.
00:59:27The nurse said that you can't move me, man,
00:59:28because I might not make it.
00:59:29Man, but we have a chance.
00:59:30If we stay here, we're dead.
00:59:32I can't take that chance, sir.
00:59:34I can't, man. I'm sorry.
00:59:35I just... I-I can't.
00:59:36I'm not... I'm not that strong, man.
00:59:38I'm not you, all right?
00:59:44That doesn't mean you shouldn't go.
00:59:53Can you level with me?
00:59:56Am I gonna make it out of here?
00:59:59I hope so.
01:00:00If we can beat this riot.
01:00:02Everest, you out there?
01:00:04Nurse, we're traveling.
01:00:06Copy that.
01:00:07Can I talk to her?
01:00:17Mrs. Thomas, I'm sorry about earlier.
01:00:20That's okay. You just got to keep moving, so...
01:00:22Yeah, I just... I need...
01:00:24I need to say something to you, okay?
01:00:29You couldn't have changed anything.
01:00:35And none of that was your fault.
01:00:40You got kids, Mom?
01:00:42Yeah, I got two.
01:00:46And you know?
01:00:48It's always your fault.
01:00:51Two kids, huh?
01:00:56You know, we've, um...
01:00:58You still got your old trampoline.
01:01:01It's probably a safety hazard, actually.
01:01:04We used to love that thing.
01:01:06Mo and Bo.
01:01:11That's how I remember him.
01:01:14That's how I remember him.
01:01:17I wish I could say the same.
01:01:20Patient regaining consciousness.
01:01:25I got to go.
01:01:27Bye, Mrs. Thomas.
01:01:34I could always settle down under my chair
01:01:37and drop the draft of the wind
01:01:40had it rather had a chance of getting itself outside.
01:01:45What the fuck am I saying?
01:01:48Ten milligrams of benzo-trix.
01:01:51Everyone's a storyteller.
01:01:54Thirty milligrams.
01:01:56And you get the troop.
01:01:58I never told you his name, Flo.
01:02:01I got a question for you, Orion.
01:02:03Did you know my son?
01:02:07102, 101, 100.
01:02:1199, 98,
01:02:1497, 96,
01:02:1795, 94,
01:02:2192, 91.
01:02:24Passage in Oregon of Los Angeles is prohibited.
01:02:27If the riot reaches your vicinity,
01:02:29do not exit your property.
01:02:36You ready?
01:02:383-D printing complete.
01:02:48What you gonna do?
01:02:51You're my brother.
01:02:55I love you.
01:03:00What choice do I have?
01:03:03So what?
01:03:05You got, like, a plan.
01:03:08Had a whole bunch of plans left.
01:03:11My whole life.
01:03:13And really, they were all about you.
01:03:17But you just kept fucking them up.
01:03:22So now we sit.
01:03:25And we wait.
01:03:27And we hope nobody finds us,
01:03:29because if they do, then, no, man, I don't have a plan.
01:03:32But, uh, I got the next best thing.
01:03:37I got a gun.
01:03:42Benzitrix level, toxic.
01:03:45I said,
01:03:48did you know my son?
01:03:55I didn't really know him, but, uh,
01:03:59I had this white 911,
01:04:02one of the originals with a vehicle turbo...
01:04:05Hey, hey.
01:04:07Did you know my son?
01:04:13Yeah, he stole my car.
01:04:16You know the rules.
01:04:18If you take something from me,
01:04:20I gotta give you back to the auction.
01:04:25A police report.
01:04:28I see what you all did.
01:04:30I owned the police, Jean.
01:04:32No. No.
01:04:34It all came full circle,
01:04:36because that's how I found you.
01:04:39This poor woman grieving for her son.
01:04:42So fucking drunk,
01:04:44she wasn't even allowed to fix her waves and strays anymore.
01:04:48I gave you a way to help people again.
01:04:51The universe brought us together.
01:04:54The Artemis was born.
01:04:57You killed Paul.
01:05:00You killed my son.
01:05:03You made a deal with the devil.
01:05:06What did you expect?
01:05:37Come on. Come on.
01:05:39Give me a helicopter.
01:05:4324, 23, 22, 21,
01:05:4820, 19,
01:05:5117, 16,
01:05:5415, 14, 13,
01:05:5712, 11,
01:06:0010, 9,
01:06:028, 7,
01:06:056, 5,
01:06:074, 3,
01:06:102, 1,
01:06:13Go to the bottom!
01:06:28Ah, shit.
01:06:30Nurse! Nurse!
01:06:34What's going on?
01:06:36Everest, cold black, Honolulu.
01:06:38What the fuck is happening?
01:06:42Where the fuck, Jane?
01:06:45What's going on in there?
01:06:51Pick-up location has been compromised.
01:06:53Your journey has been canceled.
01:06:55Don't cancel it. Come back!
01:06:57Come back!
01:07:01Come on, man.
01:07:04Come on, man. Wake up.
01:07:06Move. Move!
01:07:08What's happening?
01:07:09The liver's in shock.
01:07:10The vitals aren't responding.
01:07:11Don't let him die.
01:07:13Please. Please.
01:07:25Connect secure line.
01:07:27Who's there?
01:07:29Is that you?
01:07:33This is from Detroit.
01:07:34Oh, yeah. I love this.
01:07:36I could pay you.
01:07:38I could make that Detroit money look like a bathtub.
01:07:43They bought you a death.
01:07:45Don't give them your dignity for free.
01:07:52So this is how it happens.
01:07:56All right, baby.
01:07:58Send me down the river.
01:08:08There is your happy ending.
01:08:25Fucking bitch.
01:08:30Come on. Come on. Come on.
01:08:35Come on.
01:08:43He's gone, son.
01:08:45I'm sorry.
01:08:47I really am.
01:08:55What is she doing in there?
01:08:57Wayne Deese is in there with him.
01:08:59He's flatlining?
01:09:01Of course.
01:09:03She only kills important people.
01:09:06Wait. You can't. That's against the rules.
01:09:11Everest, get down here now.
01:09:13Things are going to hell in a handbasket full of blood and shit.
01:09:20The power's out.
01:09:21You know what the old man said?
01:09:22Yeah, got it.
01:09:32Don't look at me.
01:09:34Turn back around.
01:09:38What are you doing?
01:09:40Lev was on fucking life support
01:09:42when you pulled the plug on this place.
01:09:49I did not know that.
01:09:51You're the business.
01:09:53You knew.
01:10:05If you truly believe you lost him because of me...
01:10:24I told you not to touch my jacket, fucker.
01:10:31The accuracy on these is for shit.
01:10:33That's because they're U.S. made, right?
01:10:34Who sells this crap?
01:10:35Damn. I'm gonna fucking kill you.
01:10:37Oh, fuck you. You're not gonna do shit.
01:10:40I'm sick of you acting superior.
01:10:41You are not superior to me!
01:10:45You know, I was supposed to be safe in here.
01:10:47That's the fucking deal with this place.
01:10:48That's what I fucking paid for.
01:10:50But you had to go and fuck that up.
01:10:52Well, now I got to shoot you.
01:10:55And I didn't want to shoot you.
01:10:56We could have worked something out.
01:10:57We had some kind of fucking chemistry.
01:10:59But now I got to fucking shoot you!
01:11:04So who's superior now, bitch?
01:11:133D model accepted.
01:11:21Printer jammed.
01:11:22Printer jammed.
01:11:24Printer jammed.
01:11:26Printer jammed.
01:11:28Printer jammed.
01:11:31Printer jammed.
01:11:37Ah, jeez.
01:11:38I am not killing the other patients.
01:11:40They're rule number one.
01:11:41How many times do I get to say it?
01:11:42Uh, I'll pay for whatever footage it uses.
01:11:45Are you okay?
01:11:46You look like all the shades of shit.
01:11:48I'm fine.
01:11:49This thing's Kevlar.
01:11:50How about the bullet in that waistband?
01:11:53Oh, fuck.
01:11:56It's on.
01:11:57It's on!
01:11:58Everybody back!
01:11:59Get back!
01:12:00Let's go!
01:12:03What is that?
01:12:04It's a new owner.
01:12:06We got to get him out of here.
01:12:18Pull this thing apart.
01:12:19Use anything you can to get inside.
01:12:21Go through the floors.
01:12:22Go through the wall.
01:12:23I don't care.
01:12:24Get to my father!
01:12:25Get on the wall!
01:12:26Get on that side!
01:12:27Come on!
01:12:28Come on!
01:12:36Where's the girl?
01:12:37Where's Ma?
01:12:38She's safe.
01:12:39But we're not.
01:12:40We got to go.
01:12:41Come on, Amy.
01:12:43I'm going to kill you, ladies!
01:12:45I'm going to burn this fucking place to the ground!
01:12:47Go that way.
01:12:48Get the patients up.
01:12:49Hey, come on!
01:12:52They're coming through.
01:12:53I'm staying.
01:12:54No, stop!
01:12:58You're a tiny old lady.
01:13:00You ain't stopping shit.
01:13:05Hurry up!
01:13:06You always help everyone.
01:13:08Let me help you.
01:13:18Take a camera, okay?
01:13:19We're okay.
01:13:25Good boy.
01:13:38Please, tell him I did this.
01:13:40My heart.
01:13:41You can come with us.
01:13:42You fix people.
01:13:43I break them.
01:13:45We can't take what we're good at or who we love.
01:13:57Goddamn windspace.
01:14:02Feel that?
01:14:06Wait, where is she?
01:14:07You need to stay behind.
01:14:08Yeah, Harry.
01:14:09She's trying to say she's sorry.
01:14:11Her way.
01:14:13Her way.
01:14:32Hurry the fuck up!
01:14:38Apparently, you guys don't know the rules.
01:14:42Visiting hours are never.
01:14:45What's going on?
01:14:46Where's my father?
01:14:49Can't save everyone.
01:14:56Don't cross my line.
01:15:30In hospitals, we use codes.
01:15:33A slow code.
01:15:35That's when a patient's already dead.
01:15:37But you know, we gotta make a show of it.
01:15:40Get your family into the idea.
01:15:42Why are you telling me?
01:15:44Because, Junior.
01:15:46You're a slow code.
01:15:48See, your homies here, they don't know it yet.
01:15:51But you're dead.
01:16:23I'm coming for you, slow code.
01:16:56Oh, what the fuck happened tonight?
01:16:58Oh, shit.
01:16:59Well, people broke the rules.
01:17:01No guns, no gas, no bombs.
01:17:03No insulting staff.
01:17:04No killing the other patients.
01:17:05And no cops.
01:17:08I met your friend.
01:17:10She's not my friend.
01:17:12She knew my son.
01:17:15I didn't know you had a kid.
01:17:18Yeah, I used to.
01:17:1918 wheeler story.
01:17:27I got you!
01:17:46I already told you.
01:17:51Don't cross my fucking mind.
01:17:55Let's get you out of here.
01:17:56Come on.
01:18:03All right, it's here now.
01:18:07Put your weight on me.
01:18:08That's right.
01:18:09Which door are we leaving out of?
01:18:11They sealed all the doors in the tunnels.
01:18:13But there's one they missed.
01:18:16Is this the front?
01:18:17That's right.
01:18:18You're going up.
01:18:19We ain't nobody uses anymore.
01:18:21The way I walked in 22 years ago.
01:18:23Wait, hold on.
01:18:24Back up.
01:18:25What do you mean?
01:18:26I'm going.
01:18:29You let him die.
01:18:31He made me bring him here and you fucking let him die.
01:18:35Okay, just wait.
01:18:37Something you need to see.
01:18:38Right here.
01:18:40Who the fuck are you?
01:18:41I'm the guy who stole your diamonds.
01:18:43Now, daddy's dead.
01:18:46Your mom's gonna need a new boss.
01:18:48Somebody special.
01:18:49Somebody who's got what all your daddy's other kids don't.
01:18:53Six Yakuza canaries.
01:19:00Okay, I'll take that deal.
01:19:01You can go.
01:19:03No, you!
01:19:04You can go!
01:19:05She fucking stays.
01:19:07I'm going.
01:19:08Go on, get out.
01:19:09Get out.
01:19:11Come on, come on, come on.
01:19:25Get his eyes!
01:19:49What was that?
01:19:51I told you.
01:19:52Maybe fucking elephants.
01:19:56His men.
01:19:58There may be more of them coming.
01:20:00We need to get out of here.
01:20:02I can't do it.
01:20:03We can do it together.
01:20:04Okay, come on.
01:20:05Come on, take this, let's go.
01:20:06Come on, let's go.
01:20:13You got keys?
01:20:22You okay?
01:20:24I don't know.
01:20:26Getting out's always tougher than getting in.
01:20:29Believe me, I know.
01:20:32There you go.
01:20:35Come on.
01:21:21We gotta go.
01:21:36Come on!
01:21:56Car's right around this bus.
01:22:05Come on!
01:22:15There it is.
01:22:17We're gonna make it.
01:22:20All right, one sec.
01:22:28We're good to go.
01:22:29We're good to go.
01:22:35You know what?
01:22:39It looks like it's gonna be a nice morning.
01:22:43I think I'm just gonna take a walk.
01:22:45No, hey.
01:22:48Tell me you're not going back inside.
01:22:50Yeah, Artemis.
01:22:52Nah, we're done.
01:22:57You know...
01:22:59If I leave town,
01:23:01who's gonna fix all these people?
01:23:03Let's just get in the car.
01:23:04Come on.
01:23:05No, I'm old.
01:23:08Helping people's all I know how to do.
01:23:10I'm good with that.
01:23:14This reminds me.
01:23:16That last bullet.
01:23:18That Mr. Mesenteric artery.
01:23:20Still gotta get that cleaned and stitched.
01:23:23There's a dark room in Vegas.
01:23:26It's called the Apache.
01:23:28Head not that way?
01:23:32Honestly, I don't know where I'm going next.
01:23:36First time in my life I can do whatever I want.
01:23:40Never planned for that.
01:23:43You'll figure it out.
01:23:48Getting out's always tougher than getting in.
01:23:54Come on.
01:23:57Come on.
01:24:27Come on.
01:24:47Keep it Christmassy, babe.
01:24:57Keep it Christmassy, babe.