A spaceship skimming 100km above the Moon is capturing some of the best footage since NASA's Apollo missions.
Texas-based Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lunar lander is in low orbit as it prepares to touch down on 2 March.
The company said on Wednesday (26 Feb): "Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander captured more incredible footage of the Moon during its third lunar orbit maneuver on February 24 that inserted the spacecraft in a near-circular low lunar orbit."
The firm explain the video, which they sped up ten times, "was taken about 100 km above the lunar surface, showing the far side of the Moon and a top-down view of Blue Ghost’s RCS thrusters (centre) and radiator panels on each side."
They added the radiator panels were moving nominally to protect Blue Ghost’s subsystems from extreme temperatures.
Texas-based Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lunar lander is in low orbit as it prepares to touch down on 2 March.
The company said on Wednesday (26 Feb): "Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander captured more incredible footage of the Moon during its third lunar orbit maneuver on February 24 that inserted the spacecraft in a near-circular low lunar orbit."
The firm explain the video, which they sped up ten times, "was taken about 100 km above the lunar surface, showing the far side of the Moon and a top-down view of Blue Ghost’s RCS thrusters (centre) and radiator panels on each side."
They added the radiator panels were moving nominally to protect Blue Ghost’s subsystems from extreme temperatures.