Presenting Hollywood Action Comedy Movies In English Full HD (Hollywood Movie English, Action Movies, Comedy English Movies, English Movies) "THE MEDALLION" Starring Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, Claire Forlani. Exclusively
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00In English, please stop wasting time Chiska
00:00:17All around
00:00:29Positive ID on discard goon yum temple, and he's got company copy that for your position
00:00:50It's our guy
00:00:59Snakehead see how what's not coming from the water. We should wait my intelligence says he's here and guess God is his number one
00:01:06We're going in
00:01:43Did not agree to this we are supposed to be partners
00:01:46This is an interpol operation the Hong Kong Police Department's involvement is strictly a babysitting service
00:01:54You don't like it then take it up with your boss
00:02:12It's true
00:02:14Tell him we found it and we're in
00:02:45A full force man razor-sharp and all that
00:02:54What are you doing, that's a temple it's a holy place you cannot take guns in there
00:03:01Don't worry Eddie because you see these guns they're holy guns
00:03:06Because they make a rather big holy
00:03:10Holy get it holy
00:05:44You will give me what I want
00:07:44It's too late try again later
00:08:53Four-months work
00:08:55What did he want in the temple?
00:08:58He's a smuggler Eddie, I don't know perhaps he's trying to buy for black market Buddhas the point is
00:09:05Is you let him get away?
00:09:10Watson I
00:09:12Also saw his face
00:09:19Interpoles all over me and I can't stay here any longer. You must bring me the boy in Dublin. I
00:09:27Trust you make my country bring me that boy
00:09:43Good job. Okay, that's what I want. Yeah
00:09:46All right, notify the team
00:09:50Yeah, thank you got it let's see horizon
00:10:42Where are you keeping the boy? He's in a safe place. Very good. Take me to him up there
00:11:37Where is he over here?
00:11:42Put him down untie him don't hurt him careful. Be careful. What's going on? It's Nick has me
00:11:50Yes. Hello
00:12:01Good morning, sir. Show me the boy. Oh, of course
00:12:12Treat him like a prince. No problem, sir. We are ready to go
00:13:09Are you ready
00:13:12I'll cover you
00:15:15We've interrogated the prisoner inspector the boy's been taken to snakehead in Ireland
00:15:26I'm a vacation for me in Ireland. Bring me back his dickhead
00:16:13Yes, I'm inspector Eddie Young from Hong Kong, oh, yes an appointment to the commander
00:16:26Nicole inspector Eddie Yang. I knew that there can be two of you
00:16:32You clean up well
00:16:34Thank you
00:16:42Come on
00:16:57It's been a long time three months I was assigned overseas and oh
00:17:04You were gonna call me. I
00:17:07Didn't know if you have been assigned to Ireland
00:17:10Yes, yeah, well you missed a few beats Eddie
00:17:12I am now the official liaison between the local Interpol office and Southeast Asian security forces
00:17:19Maybe if you stayed in touch like you promised
00:17:23Nicole I should have called. I'm sorry
00:17:29That's what something
00:17:32Not a lot but something
00:17:35Commander I'm inspector Yang is here to see you
00:17:41I'm hammerstock smile delighted to meet you. It's like my wife's commander
00:17:46commander I was just
00:17:53Bloody hell is he doing here? Hello Watson
00:17:59You're not telling me he's going to be working on this case
00:18:03Watson we need all the help we can get yes
00:18:08You remember this boy
00:18:12Yes, I saw him in the temple so who's he one moment
00:18:17Yes, I recognize him this is Lester Wong
00:18:21Snakeheads number two man well, that's privilege information eyes and we need to know in all that I need to find him Watson
00:18:28Yes, well, I'm sorry my friend, but that's classified
00:18:33We've received a tip-off that snakehead does have a new shipment arriving tomorrow in Ireland. Maybe the boy will come with it where?
00:18:41We don't know
00:18:42Go back East Eddie stick to what you know
00:18:47Watson what I mean
00:18:50Any more nonsense like this and you will be off the case and the inspector here will be in charge of it
00:18:59Don't even have five minutes
00:19:05Watson you are in my filing cabinet
00:19:18Yes, I was just getting these
00:19:25I think we're in trouble
00:19:30Yes, I think everything is in order what do you think is it well, yes, well, let me have it checked out. Yes
00:19:42Sorry is somebody talking to me
00:19:45We're good together
00:19:47You need oh
00:19:50So, what do you want me to do just welcome you back with open arms we had a good thing going and you
00:20:00What's it
00:20:01It just wasn't for me anymore. I
00:20:04thought you understood I
00:20:07Understand I understand that you didn't like me always being on top. Hmm. Hmm
00:20:15Okay, you can be on top whatever you want let's just do it together
00:20:21No, but you have fun doing it by yourself, right?
00:20:35You think because of the way
00:20:59Well, we're not
00:21:03Yes, I know there's nothing wrong when two people love one another it's it's a good thing
00:21:45Think I know just what you need
00:21:54Yes dinner
00:21:55We need Watson for this investigation Eddie. He's stubborn, but if we can catch him off guard, maybe loosen him up a little
00:22:02I think we can work it out. I'll just be myself
00:22:11One more thing
00:22:13Watson's family. They don't know that he's an Interpol agent
00:22:17What do you think it is a library a library
00:22:25Nice April, thanks
00:22:27Just turn up in bulging, you know
00:22:45My barrier
00:22:50Charlotte this is Eddie Yang
00:22:53Are you staying for dinner? Yes. Yes
00:22:57Thank you
00:23:06What's that call no, no, I love victim Oh
00:23:16Come on come on, you know the school you eat you work
00:23:57What brings you to Dublin
00:24:05Actually, we were wondering if Arthur would help us find this one. Oh
00:24:10Well, unfortunately, I'm looking for that book myself. Maybe we could find it together
00:24:20But but I'm head librarian right, right
00:24:53Hey here directions where to meet Watson tomorrow
00:24:56Told me to give him to you
00:25:00Why can't you just pick me up it's Watson, you know privileged information I was only need to know and all that
00:25:14Okay, okay
00:25:20Nicole yeah, you know, what's fun?
00:25:49Excuse me, is this place far away or close by far away hop in the car and I'll take it. Thank you
00:26:56What are you doing
00:28:17Where's the boy
00:28:20It's very English you have to understand
00:28:25Sounds like fun
00:28:27One more chance until you take the can you mean kick the book it what you mean kick the book it if you say so
00:28:37What kind of music you like
00:28:55Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you
00:28:59What's the matter you sound like an obscene phone call you're out of shape you should keep fit right
00:29:05Well, let's not waste any more time. Shall we?
00:29:10Pier five. Well, that must be the ship if Gizco's telling the truth. Let's hope so. It's all we've got to go
00:29:32Now these are very dangerous people, all right, do you have a gun
00:29:37No, are you gonna give me one? Oh get your own bloody gun and remember I'm head librarian. All right
00:29:50Here's the plan. I'll circle around to the left you circle
00:29:55You circle around and I'll just bloody well talk to myself
00:30:47Welcome chosen one
00:31:15Excuse me, you're under arrest
00:32:06Where's the boy we couldn't find him
00:32:44Go get the boy
00:33:07Hello hello, it's me me who
00:33:10Where are you? I'm trapped inside the container with the boy stay right where you are. I'm on my way
00:33:18What color is it I don't know
00:33:25Watson it is in the container which one I have absolutely no idea
00:34:09Just hang on
00:34:46Don't be afraid I'm not afraid
00:35:00We'll be all right
00:36:54Please Eddie come back
00:37:07He's gone
00:38:09Oh, you've got work to do sure I'm sure
00:38:48I'm sorry. I
00:38:52Wasn't there when you needed me most my friend
00:38:56It was nice thank you
00:39:05What's the matter
00:39:09What are we doing
00:39:30You must be fake certainly looks like you
00:39:36My nose isn't that big
00:39:44Really me you sure don't you think I recognize my own thing? Oh, it's cold in here. I mean
00:39:52What's happening to me
00:39:59I'm sure there's a
00:40:01Perfectly rational explanation for this think back. You were on the boat in the container. What happened?
00:40:08Lies everywhere
00:40:10the boy
00:40:24What's this
00:41:00Excuse me nurse were from Interpol. Do you mind if we have a few moments with the boy?
00:41:11Know the man outside says you're not eating you should eat to gain strength
00:41:35How are you feeling
00:41:38Feeling feel feeling bit bumpy out there was it on the ocean waves bit rough
00:41:47Out there
00:41:52Out there on the high seas bumpity-bumpity
00:41:58Excuse me. We have to take him for a checkup now. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes
00:42:16I think this belongs to you
00:42:30Half for me
00:42:48Okay that nurse
00:42:56Her boots
00:43:00No her boots Oh
00:43:04Boots nurses don't wear boots
00:43:16Look out
00:45:11Let's go
00:45:39Watson are you there?
00:45:49What happened Oh snakeheads man, they were here for the boy
00:45:55Good idea keep him safe. Yes. Yes
00:46:00Watson you did all this alone. No, Eddie is I mean, I think I mentioned that Eddie wasn't the only one with a black belt
00:46:09So you're all right
00:46:13Great okay. I'll see you back. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna do a couple of press-ups and meet you back
00:46:20Yes, you just take care of the boy
00:46:38What's it something wrong snakeheads men got away again, but at least the boys I mean something wrong with me
00:46:47Hit me
00:46:49What go on hit me no, no, I can't do that
00:46:52It's okay. I don't mind. Well, I'm mine. I'm a
00:46:56Chap could break a finger, you know, okay
00:47:00Just this no, thank you. I went before I came out. No hit me with this
00:47:07For real yes
00:47:19Right harder I can't do this. It's ridiculous the Queen his habit
00:47:34Of course it hurt
00:47:36but nothing I
00:47:39Was shot before but I was okay
00:47:43Shoot me go ahead
00:47:45What no, I think the embalming flu has gone to your head my friend this is
00:47:50Give me the gun. Absolutely. I'll show you. No. Yes
00:47:54To fill out if I discharge my weapon. Absolutely not
00:47:58This is how accidents happen
00:48:14No blood
00:48:22See I mean still
00:48:39Stop that. I'm sorry. That was below the belt. I'm sorry. That's what I mean
00:48:52One of you explain this latest failure why you couldn't retrieve one small boy, sir
00:48:59This might sound crazy
00:49:01But I empty the whole clipping of a Chinese coffin. He still wouldn't die
00:49:07That's Eddie Yang he's supposed to have died yesterday drowned in that container
00:49:13Then it's true
00:49:21Professor doctor doctor. Thank you for being here. We've come across something very interesting
00:49:27Have you ever seen this before?
00:49:30Doesn't ring any bells for me. I've seen that doctor
00:49:35Life and a snake is the sign of the medallion you're gonna love this
00:49:42Now it should have a serpent on one side
00:49:47And a fish on the other oh
00:49:51And if what you're holding is real that is the holy grail of Eastern mythology and maybe the secret to eternal life
00:50:03So, where'd you get the medallion
00:50:05You got it from a kid, didn't you?
00:50:07Yes, the legend says every thousand years a child is chosen that can find the two halves of the medallion together and restore life to
00:50:14The dead now you get that kid and the medallion
00:50:17You're a god
00:50:21Guys the ancient texts say that if you want superhuman strength and immortality, you gotta have both halves of the medallion the only documented
00:50:30Genuine blah blah blah blah. You can't weigh it measure and smoke it. Look ancient texts aren't fairy tales
00:50:37Thank You professor doctor
00:50:40Cheerio for now
00:50:44Why would a young boy have something like this
00:50:48This snakehead chap is he after the medallion or the boy by the way, take good care of that kid
00:50:55The medallion can not only give life you can take it away
00:51:04Okay, here's what I'm thinking I'll cover the front door calling for backup
00:51:08You head around the room get up to Nicole's apartment as fast as you can got it
00:51:43Know for a little person you sure do eat a lot still going. What did you have?
00:51:58Here we go, try that
00:52:03That good
00:52:13One of my culinary skills other than peeling fruit, of course
00:52:19Just so happens to be a toasted
00:52:22peanut butter and jelly sandwich
00:52:25Which I might add Eddie could eat breakfast lunch and dinner
00:52:35Why because I can't really cook anything else
00:52:49Just can't believe that he's really gone
00:53:03He's not gone
00:53:21Joy do you not understand the dead? He's not coming back. I brought him back
00:55:17Told you he wasn't dead
00:55:51The boy sir, yes
00:56:10Welcome my old friend
00:56:21So a quick painless death
00:56:25followed by resurrection
00:56:29Immortality and
00:56:31powers beyond your dreams
00:56:34You sure
00:56:37His order is ruled by reverence for life
00:56:42my death before him must be reversed and
00:56:46if it isn't
00:56:48kill him and
00:56:50Then who would bring you back chosen one?
00:57:30Pitiful mortal
00:57:34So I
00:57:35Have no further use for you chosen one
00:57:39You're not immortal
00:57:41What to become immortal you need both halves of the medallion
00:57:46Where's the other half?
00:57:54You call it
00:58:01Just don't understand Eddie because I was there and I saw you oh and
00:58:06It's me, but you see it's just that I was at the container and Eddie you were dead
00:58:11I mean you you were dead Nicole the boy uses the medallion to give life. That's why I sneak had told him
00:58:19with the boy in the medallion he could
00:58:22He could become like you
00:58:24Yes, but he needs the whole medallion and he only has half
00:58:33This is a touching reunion we're all glad that Eddie's amongst the living but we still haven't found snakeheads helicopter
00:58:40Nicole could you get online find me anything that was in the air in the last hour?
00:58:44I don't care if it was a bird a plane or bloody Superman. No offense
00:58:49Eddie if he needs the other half he's gonna come looking for you
00:58:59If he's looking for me you'll be looking for my partner
00:59:21Cool see that's not normal. I mean that's not natural Eddie take my bike
01:00:15Have something I have to tell you
01:00:43This is no time for cleaning
01:01:06Yeah, I'll leave them away the wife
01:01:21Guns are very dangerous things. All right, right
01:02:06Where'd he go
01:02:23Where's the boy my guest is no concern of yours. All that matters is that you have the other half of the medallion
01:02:37Don't run Eddie you can't hide from me
01:02:49The medallion is mine
01:02:58You think it's a game
01:03:18We're the same you and I
01:03:34What a waste you don't know what powers you have
01:04:06Destiny calls
01:04:10He's sleeping at least I think that's what he's doing
01:04:14Watson he doesn't even look like he's breathing the boy
01:04:19She wouldn't do that
01:04:21You're all right
01:04:22The boys are in danger. Yes
01:04:25He's gonna kill him right? Snakehead has taken the boy to Ravens keep
01:06:11You should wash your hands
01:07:09What the hell are you doing here, where's the boy?
01:08:18What's up, are you crazy be careful
01:09:01Excuse me you looking for something
01:10:00You're in danger it's over you're safe now, I don't think so it's all right
01:10:19For your lives
01:10:32It's not nice to take things that don't belong to you
01:11:03My brother
01:11:05Don't be sentimental
01:11:07It's so
01:11:09Unnecessary, it's so human
01:11:12So normal you and I will live forever
01:11:16We are the Lords of time we can take whatever we choose
01:11:23What difference can a single human life like hers make to to us we are immortal let me show you
01:13:30Eddie use the medallion to end the life that it gave
01:15:16Can you
01:15:21It's your turn