Victoria llamó para entregar potente testimonio.
00:00this phone call because probably someone we need to help hello hello hello hello
00:11what's your name victoria victoria how can we help you
00:18yes, I discovered a secret, I'm not going to forgive my brother
00:30because I discovered my older sister with my partner
00:42I can't believe you, you are still with your partner?
00:51and they know you discovered them?
00:53yes, they know that you found out, you discovered them, you saw them with your own eyes?
01:03and I can imagine how strong it must be to be in shock because you never suspected anything?
01:11I never suspected anything
01:16how was it? tell me how it was and how long ago was it?
01:21well, this story started like this
01:28my sister told me
01:34you know, I could accompany your partner to pay me
01:41to the supermarket, pharmacy, shops, etc
01:49then he was independent
01:54he had plenty of time
01:58and he mobilized her in our car
02:03always the two of them alone
02:09but you never suspected anything?
02:12I never suspected anything, how could I suspect my older sister?
02:24how can we help you? because I imagine that in some way you faced it
02:30you told him, I don't know if you have children, you told the rest of the family or you have kept this secret
02:35or finally this is the secret that you discovered
02:39I told him, I can't hear you well
02:44yes, now I can hear you, can you hear me?
02:47yes, correct
02:49tell me
02:51I told certain people in my family
02:56that even when I saw them, I mean, I really discovered them
03:07it was for a vacation
03:11and my daughter was just
03:20your daughter was just?
03:23my daughter was just married
03:28he made us an invitation to go on vacation
03:37of course, at first I told him, I didn't tell him that we were in a pandemic
03:45I told him, I didn't tell him, you know that I have a feeling that something is going to happen to me, something is going to happen
03:55and what did you do?
03:57everyone left because of the pandemic
04:03so my daughter came and told me, but you are going to get vaccinated and we are going to go on vacation
04:11and while we are not going, I got vaccinated
04:16and the next day we went on vacation
04:21the whole family went on vacation, your partner too?
04:25also, my older sister too
04:29and what happened? tell me a little more about the story
04:34there, we arrived at a hotel
04:42because of the pandemic, they gave us a room with three beds separated by refrigerators
04:53really, here come the strong and distressing things that have happened to me, this has been more than a year
05:04I caught them
05:10I really caught them in the act
05:16I caught them
05:18Victoria, stay up to date with your partner Victoria, but it is also important to know what your reaction was
05:25and of course also know how to help you, tell us that second part that you owe us
05:32ok, there is more?
05:36yes, I hear you
05:38also, he confessed to me that it was true
05:43it is true what your sister told me
05:47but we did a lot of things
05:50also, here referring to my story, referring to him
06:01and he with time now denies it and tells me no, it is not true, I told you so that you stay calm
06:09but it shows that you are not calm and somehow you also communicate with our program to vent
06:16do you know how to overcome this situation or has it been very complex?
06:22I have been strong, yes
06:26but you know Priscila, that the most important thing for me
06:32of him, that he talks every night
06:40it will be a year and months that he talks about her
06:46every night and all night
06:51for me this is not normal
06:53he talks asleep and refers to your sister
06:58give me a second Victoria, because I want the world of Campusano to be able to guide you
07:04that it is also difficult to overcome this if you understand that when you are sleeping you are still thinking about her
07:08they are two super different issues that are complemented, infidelity as a symptom or as a problem in the relationship
07:16I understand that she is still with her husband
07:18what I would recommend if you want to continue a healthy relationship is to ask for help from a good partner therapist
07:25there is also free, we have a free center, you can ask for help
07:31and another issue has to do with the question he asked about his sister
07:34how to forgive my sister?
07:36I am an opinion between personal and technical, but the question would be why do I have to forgive my sister?
07:42is it necessary?
07:43I know that family relationships have a requirement and a much more complex composition
07:49it seems that friends are more disposable than family of origin
07:53but sometimes family of origin, brothers or types of relationships bring more problems than friendships
08:00therefore there are times when you have to make healthy decisions for your own mental health
08:04and the question would be why do I have to forgive my sister?
08:07maybe I don't have to forgive my sister because she bled something fundamental
08:11a level of loyalty that today can be this and tomorrow anything else
08:16and it shows that she is also well in love with her partner
08:18because her conflict was not I don't know how to forgive my partner
08:21but it seems that you already forgave your partner Victoria
08:23what generates conflict is that you cannot forgive your sister
08:28Victoria thank you very much for opening your heart
08:30for telling us your experience and hopefully all the advice we give you here will help you
08:35yes? do you want to say something?
08:47it shows
08:50it shows
09:07of course
09:11yes Victoria that is why it is so important that in some way you can talk about this
09:16couple therapy can be fundamental and there you can also get key tools
09:21because it shows that you love your partner
09:24thank you very much Victoria a giant hug