• 2 days ago
02:05The breakwater, as fast as you can!
02:42I can't get very close to that fire.
02:44You've got to! There's places aboard that ship!
03:17You all right, boss?
03:19Yes, but it's mighty hot up there.
03:21Head for the big pier. That's the nearest way home.
03:25There we was, creeping along.
03:29And the Spider's men was all around us.
03:32And me, I was right behind Mr. Tracy, protecting him.
03:35When all of a sudden, just like a bull defender, six men jumped on us.
03:40I bet you were scared, Mike.
03:42Who, me? Say, it takes more than six men to scare me.
03:45Well, I already had three of them down.
03:47And I was getting ready to tackle the fourth one
03:49when six more of them jumped on me.
03:51And I looked all around and there was a half a dozen more coming right at me.
03:54Well, how many did that make, Mike?
03:56Huh? Oh, 22.
03:59Now, as I was saying...
04:00Well, I only count 12.
04:02Now, don't interrupt me, Junior.
04:04And then what did you do, Mr. McGurk?
04:06Well, now I know that something had to be done real quick
04:09or else they'd get to Mr. Tracy.
04:11Mike McGurk.
04:12Well, how do you do, Miss Andrews?
04:14Oh, hello, Mr. Otis.
04:15Mr. Potter.
04:16Well, here I am again, always turning up like a badger.
04:19Well, here I am again, always turning up like a bad penny.
04:22Why, not at all, Mr. Otis.
04:23You're always welcome, you know that.
04:26I suppose there's nothing new regarding Mr. Tracy's brother.
04:29Not a thing.
04:30Gordon's disappearance remains as much a mystery as ever.
04:33Well, I suppose we'll just have to keep on hoping for the best.
04:38By the way, whatever happened to that engraver?
04:41The one the spider's ring tried to kill
04:43when he refused to make the counterfeit plates for him?
04:45Why, nothing that I know of.
04:46He's probably still in the hospital.
04:48Well, that's an amazing case.
04:50How Mr. Tracy rescued him and almost lost his own life doing it.
04:53That all goes with the job of a G-man, Mr. Odette.
04:56Yes, I suppose it does.
04:58Well, tell Dick we dropped in, will you?
05:00Oh, he'll be glad to.
05:04Goodbye, Mr. Potter.
05:07What's the first place the spider's ring took you to, Mr. Colder?
05:10Can you give me any idea where that is?
05:12Well, when my mind became clearer,
05:15I discovered I could see under the blindfold.
05:19The walls were paneled to the floor.
05:22Must have been a rather large house to have paneled walls.
05:25Did you see anything else? Any of the people?
05:27I was afraid to try.
05:30But I did see a large black cat in the room,
05:33and I heard a man walking.
05:36It sounded like he was lame.
05:39Could you see his feet?
05:41Hello, doctor.
05:42Glad to see you, Mr. Tracy.
05:44Well, we're losing our patient today.
05:46How's that?
05:47Mr. Colder's family are anxious to have him at home.
05:49They called me again just now,
05:51and I agreed to let him go this afternoon on one condition,
05:54that the bandages are not to be removed until I say so.
05:57That suits me.
05:59They're sending a car for you at 3 o'clock.
06:01I'll leave word at the desk to have you ready.
06:03Doctor, could I see you alone in your office for a few minutes?
06:06Why, yes, of course.
06:07I'll be in my office.
06:09I'll see you there in about 10 minutes.
06:17Miss Jennings, there will be a car here for Mr. Colder at 3 o'clock.
06:21Please see that he's ready.
06:22Yes, doctor.
06:23That's the patient in 404?
07:04They're going to take Colder out of here at 3 o'clock.
07:06Stand by and keep watch.
07:08Report immediately if there is any change in the time.
07:17They're taking Colder home at 3 o'clock.
07:22They're calling for him at 3 o'clock,
07:25but they'll never take him home.
07:27Colder carries the mark of the spider.
07:30No man has ever borne that mark and lived.
07:33That is very true, but...
07:35There must be no exception.
07:36Gordon is right, Moloch.
07:37It will serve as a warning to Dick Tracy
07:39that the spider never sleeps.
07:41Very true, only it is too bad
07:44that we must abandon our plan
07:46to have him make the counterfeit plates.
07:48Colder is such an expert engraver.
07:51But he has already refused.
07:53And it is also very true, my dear Gordon,
07:55but I recall a surgical case
07:57wherein a man's nature and his mind
08:01were completely changed by a simple little operation.
08:06I seem to have a vague recollection
08:09of hearing or reading such a case.
08:15The operation was on the brain...
08:17There is nothing strange about that.
08:19Such cases have always received considerable publicity.
08:23You undoubtedly read of it in the newspapers.
08:26Then you believe such an operation
08:29would bend Colder to our will?
08:31I know it would.
08:33Then it shall be done.
08:35There is just time to countermand my previous plan
08:38and make new arrangements.
08:40But at 3 o'clock, Colder will be here.
08:57That was the preposterous, unthinkable idea I ever heard.
09:00I won't allow it.
09:02As a matter of fact, I positively forbid it.
09:04But you can't forbid it, Clive.
09:06It's our one sure chance to trap the spider.
09:08Good Lord, Dick, if anything should happen...
09:10Nothing can happen. I'll prove it to you.
09:12Mike, get that road map off the wall.
09:25You're a lot of help.
09:27Well, I got the map, didn't I?
09:34Now, let's see.
09:36Here's the hospital.
09:38We throw a ring of our department cars
09:40with their two-way radio
09:42completely encircling the hospital.
09:44If the spider ring shows up to get Colder, as I expect,
09:47their car will be spotted by one of our guards
09:49and his description immediately broadcast
09:51to all the other cars.
09:53But with so many cars following Dick at this...
09:55Only one of our cars will be following the spiders at a time.
09:58The others will be on roads paralleling the route.
10:01Oh, I get the idea.
10:02Then there'll be a net around the spider car all the time.
10:04And if they turn off into another road,
10:06the other cars will be immediately notified
10:08over the two-way radio,
10:10and one of them will take up the trail.
10:12That way, no matter how often
10:14the spider's car changes its course,
10:16a different car will be following it.
10:18I guess that's a good idea, Chief.
10:20They lead us to that spider's hangout
10:22without even knowing that we're following them.
10:24That's what I hope they'll do.
10:26It's a perfect setup, Dick, but the question now is,
10:29will the spider make the attempt to get Colder?
10:31They need those counterfeit plates,
10:33and you can bank on it.
10:34The spider will try again to force Colder to make them.
10:37All right.
10:39I withdraw my objections,
10:41but it's against my better judgment.
10:51This is that third-degree burn case, Miss Jennings.
10:54Yes, Doctor. 402 is all prepared.
11:01You may go now, Miss Jennings.
11:03This nurse will be all the help I'll need.
11:05Very well, Doctor.
11:31Hey, you're not by any chance
11:33worrying about me, are you?
11:35Why, of course not, but...
11:37I am a bit anxious.
11:42The ambulance is here for Mr. Colder.
11:47Well, let's go.
11:49You're not by any chance worrying about me, are you?
11:52Why, of course not, but...
11:54I am a bit anxious.
11:59The ambulance is here for Mr. Colder.
12:01Mr. Colder's all ready to leave.
12:03He's in room 404.
12:19All right, Mr. Colder, the ambulance is here.
12:22I recognize that voice, Miss Andrews.
12:24That's one of the Spider's men.
12:41There's the signal.
12:45Stand by, everyone.
12:47Jackson calling.
12:48He'll be leaving any minute now.
13:15Jackson reporting.
13:16We're heading south.
13:21Start rolling.
13:46I don't see why we got to stick behind all the rest of them.
13:49I'm getting tired of being last all the time.
13:51Well, no use taking any chances
13:53on the Spider's men recognizing us, Mike.
13:55They'd know something was up.
14:10Here's the description.
14:11It says,
14:12Here's the description of the car.
14:14A white ambulance.
14:15No distinguishing marks.
14:17Speed, 30.
14:19Dashing Cane Boulevard.
14:23Cane Boulevard.
14:24See where that is.
14:27Here it is.
14:28You gonna mark where the G-men cars are, Mr. Anderson?
14:30Sure thing, Junior.
14:31There's three of them spread out over there.
14:33Three over here.
14:34Gosh, the Spider's car's right between them.
14:42That car in back of us
14:44seems to be sticking on our tail.
15:04That car in back of us
15:06seems to be sticking on our tail.
15:12I'll turn off the Chester.
15:16Watch if it follows.
15:25False alarm.
15:26He went right by.
15:30Car just turned into Chester Boulevard.
15:33Going east.
15:34That is all.
15:35Take over.
15:37All right, Jackson.
15:39Anderson calling Fox.
15:41Anderson calling Fox.
15:54Come on, Coulter.
15:55You're getting out here.
15:56Yes, it's not wise to keep the Spider waiting.
16:11Gee, I think something's wrong with the radio, Mr. Anderson.
16:14We should have heard from Mr. Morris before.
16:16Morris reporting.
16:18No sign of car.
16:19Going through Casper to investigate.
16:22All right, Morris.
16:23Other cars, stand by for Morris to report.
16:26Something's up, and I'm gonna find out what it is.
16:28Why, he's gone.
16:29They've switched cars.
16:38Steve Lockwood.
16:44Steve Lockwood.
16:47Steve Lockwood.
16:48Steve Lockwood.
16:49I didn't recognize him.
16:50Where did he go?
16:51He was at the back of the house.
16:53I turned and looked around.
16:54What you got me.
16:55You know where he's at.
16:56It's Steve Lockwood.
17:04Hey, what's up?
17:05That's what we'd like to find out.
17:06Here's the amulet that Dick Tracy
17:08and the Spider Gang have disappeared.
17:11There's been another car here.
17:13Did any car turn out at Casper while you were watching?
17:16A Flower Street delivery car.
17:18It headed south.
17:19That's it.
17:20They switched tickets on that Forrest truck.
17:22Quick, broadcast the description of that truck
17:23to the other cars.
17:24Come on, Mike.
17:25We've got to get that truck.
17:40I'll be back as soon as I ditch the truck.
17:42Step on it.
17:43Come on, Porter.
17:48Come on.
17:49No funny work here.
17:57Welcome, my dear Mr. Colt.
18:00We are delighted to see you again.
18:02We're wasting time.
18:03Take Colter to the operating room.
18:05All right.
18:06Take him up.
18:07Get over there.
18:08Get over there.
18:09Now, back up.
18:10Back up!
18:19I wouldn't use that telephone.
18:22Drop that gun!
18:28Mr. Colter seems to have made a sudden
18:30and remarkable recovery.
18:32My dear Moloch,
18:34you had better examine Mr. Colter's head.
18:36It may need a new dressing.
18:41Dick Tracy.
18:43Seems your wish has come true.
18:45Dick Tracy is here to take Mr. Colter's place.
18:48A marvelous opportunity.
18:51Take the great Dick Tracy to the operating room.
19:10Why, you dare blame us!
19:12Hey, did you see a florist truck go by here?
19:14Yeah, I seen it.
19:15Went by here going lickety-flickety-flickety-flickety.
19:18I say, he was really going.
19:20Was the truck going straight?
19:21No, he turned off up there on the curve
19:23by the old powerhouse 90 miles an hour.
19:26It's a wonder he didn't up, up, up, up, up.
19:28He might have turned over.
19:46He's ready in the cone.
19:49Would you increase the heat under that sterilizer, Gordon?
20:00Is that my brother, Gordon Tracy?
20:03The great Dick Tracy did not recognize his own brother.
20:08What have you done to change him so?
20:10It was really a simple little operation on the brain.
20:16And that's what you're planning to do to me?
20:18We planned it for Colton.
20:20But since you have taken his place...