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Video uploaded by
00:00We've moved house today. We're hiring someone today. I hire a new editor
00:07Sorry, joel. Good afternoon. Good evening. And good night. Technically. It's not even editor. Is it it's uh,
00:12It's a another streamer also someone said to take this and put it here
00:16Apparently it looks better might make it blue. I quite like the blue. So, uh, we have
00:21$2200 I think today. We just need to build a second pc. We can basically get another streamer to work for us. That's that's
00:32The key here. I think also I saw every single person saying about the internet. I do understand that it is a
00:39Uh a booster I get that $75 per day though. Maybe maybe it's worth it. Maybe it is. Let's go with talk to me like
00:48We're gonna go camera quality 2k
00:51Quality 1080. We have about 15 25. I think we can do it. Let's go 60 fps
00:58Satisfying are you joking? How's it decent? What could be better right for 60 fps do that?
01:04Decent decent quality. We'll buy that look at the light now. There ain't no way i'm doing that awful
01:10Awful awful ever said that terrible so we've bought it
01:13So if we go here now, I need to buy a new mic actually I need this
01:17Let's just buy this now and take this and the mic
01:20Can now go to this so every time I upgrade something here, I can just put it over there
01:24It won't be the best setup, but you know what I mean?
01:25Like it'll be it'll be good enough brother. You took so long. Oh, I need to order food actually, don't I?
01:29I've ordered three burgers. Where's my burgers? I don't know what's going on. Okay, so we can put that there
01:33Seriously, where's my burgers? No, you better fuck off mate. Okay, well, you know what we're just gonna start stream
01:38We're gonna see how much we can get here
01:43Right, look at that quality sound quality, okay, that's exactly what we want this level is exactly what we want
01:49Look at the quality of this so we can stream
01:53Green to all my it was your support. So from what I remember seeing
01:5839 000 I can basically stream to thousand bit rates per one meg and i'm about 40 right now
02:06Take put the burgers in here. What are we saying? We're saying
02:10Here we go read. Okay. I think the the 75 a day is low-key worth it discount what we got
02:18I ain't talking to you. You know what screw it. Let's see if they go up
02:21Yes, i'll always take some money open this
02:27Why am I seeing so many skippity toilet memes
02:36Copyright i'm not i'm not getting copyrighted this one
02:40Bro, what is happening? Why am I saying baby banana cats screw it subscribers?
02:45700 we've got so our viewers we haven't actually got the viewer like the extra viewers yet
02:50I want this to be like a mad stream though. We've gone we've gone three hours
02:55We need to shower i'm just gonna go shower quick
02:57I want this stream to i'm tempted to try and do like a 24 hour stream, you know
03:01400 viewers 900 subs. This isn't gonna work. Whatever I do
03:05Screw it
03:07Yeah, it was never gonna work
03:12A lot of people said as well I should get like
03:14lights and stuff like
03:16Paintings and shelving and stuff like that. I need that all around the room and I hear it 50 dollars
03:21You know, you're playing perfectly
03:23I'm, even playing i'm i'm staying on this. I might it might be 24 hours amazon
03:27I'm about to buy all of this stuff. So we've got that we need camera. No, that's too much
03:31I'll go for this one though computer case. We need a computer case 870 three and a half star
03:35Do we need any more? Right? We don't have that yet. Oh my god. This is crazy, though
03:40We're not really getting viewers, but with our subs are still going up and donations are just going crazy
03:44Stress levels decrease. I don't really care about that. It doesn't really do much. I need the employee first
03:51asmr stream gaming streams dancing skills inflatable
03:56That's what I need. I should probably just do this 80 screw it like it is 80 but
04:02But we basically we've just made over 80 dollars, uh some mornings I feel computer I'll send the viewers when you're on stream, okay
04:08I mean we yeah, we didn't even we haven't even had the the extra viewers
04:13And we haven't had that extra money. So next time we stream we should be
04:16we should we should get a mad amount like i'm tired demoralized but
04:22am I
04:24Am I so we have about 2.8k. So that's 1.6
04:27Got that we need a chair you can spend 470 on a chair. I don't know 450 script
04:36Keyboard glad that one
04:39Please write your favorite streamer. All right
04:412500 you know i'm gonna just take it and then
04:44I'm gonna order that it's crazy though how much
04:48E i've just realized
04:50how much
04:52the pc is gonna cost to
04:55Like to get everything inside that pc
04:58It's so much if I want a good pc, but i'm hoping that I can just like I can literally
05:02That person just earns me money then from then on come on a thousand subs thousand subs thousand subs
05:07That'd be freaking huge if we can get that two and a half three thousand dollars in two days
05:12Now we're starting to get into the point where we're earning some money 500 viewers. I need it because if i'm gonna try and
05:18Pay for all of this and hire someone
05:21We got a thousand subs a thousand subs i have to go to the toilet i'll go to the toilet quick pp
05:29The toxic donations I can't imagine I waste the time but like
05:32$23 to tell me just to just to waste my time i'm completely okay with that the ones who actually that one my favorite streamer
05:39Four dollars a lot of toxic ones richer. Hey, okay, crazy crazy. All right, we've done it stop stream. Absolutely freaking huge
05:45That is absolutely huge. So i'm gonna get
05:483.2k upload 12 hours i'm interested to see how much this one earns
05:53Because I think it is the longer the video it does actually earn you more. Yeah, look it's already at two dollars three dollars
06:00My most viewed video well, my highest earning video is like nine dollars and this has already earned ten dollars
06:06Oh, no, never mind. Thirty one dollars five and a half thousand views thirty one dollars, but the quality of it
06:12Is crazy. Let me take a quick picky nonchalant, you know in my new hoodie
06:16I forgot I got new clothes that bit is just so jokes. Why am I such an insta hoe? You know what we're gonna sleep
06:23We've earned this we've earned this sleep 12 hour stream. All right, i'm hungry aren't I eat?
06:29Oh, how is this poo on my wall did I order this I did
06:32Okay gaming chair nice little pink chair, you know get this keyboard. I didn't actually need a camera or a mic. All right, so now
06:40I need a mouse and computer parts. Yeah, look fifty dollars already on that video, right? Let's buy
06:46Let's buy a mouse first screw it
06:49It's cheaper than the others cpu cpu cooler graphics card. Oh my god
06:54$6,000 is what we need. Holy shit
06:57There's an easy way to make six thousand dollars and it's to gamble to gamble and win. I am about to win
07:04So easily. Oh, we got three hundred dollars. That'll do
07:07Here we go
07:09Twenty dollars. It's a big win day today
07:12Five dollars. Okay, so you spent 80 i'm at 25
07:1830 i'm at 30
07:20Still at 30. Oh, i'm not gonna get any five hundred dollars
07:24Shit, well i'm actually so famous like every single person in this town
07:29Is a fan
07:32See look everyone's a fan
07:34It's crazy I need to get out of this town i'm too big for it. Okay, i'm not stressed
07:38I am just i've just gotta do it again. Now if i'm honest i'll just have to literally stream
07:436300 although I am actually about to have a huge stream, aren't I?
07:46I'm about to have all of them and i'll get an extra 140 there 6300. Okay, so I need 5200. I didn't change my name
07:56Yes, let's go let's go come on give me all of the donors sure. Oh, that's stressful, you know, sure
08:04Shit bro, this is exactly what I need though. I need donos for days 770. There it is 900, you know, uh 99. Sorry
08:13All right. Where are you? Where are you discount send?
08:17That oh shit. I didn't take the money out
08:20How much do I have? I have 590 plus whatever I have here. We have over a thousand viewers right now, which is crazy. Uh
08:27Subscribers worth it. That's what we need. Okay, so they are about they are going to disappear
08:33Have I earned more than that
08:36Probably I know I should be watching these videos. But honestly, I um, i'm just trying to grind out to get this
08:41I need this employee. I need some more money hundred dollar. Don't know, you know
08:48Gone yeah still 650, you know, I was still getting $50 donations. All right, two and a half. Okay, we're out
08:53So we have hit three thousand dollars. We are halfway. I don't want to do the stress
08:57It's gonna do awful, but I did well
09:00I spoke eloquently
09:02rather eloquently
09:04All right, three thousand dollars has been hit
09:08I mean the other thing is
09:10We have to remember
09:12In one day, we're gonna get four thousand dollars. So we actually
09:16We stop now and go to bed
09:18We've done it. They're saying that I don't want to waste stuff
09:21So I am gonna i'm gonna carry on streaming because we've still got seven hundred dollars
09:24I want this to be you know, I want to use this internet. I want to use this boost of internet
09:29Turn some money we've already earned almost three thousand dollars like 600 viewers
09:33We're streaming in 2k
09:3660 fps. Do I have to set the stream up for for my employee or do they just do it?
09:41Parmi wants to keep going till I get to four thousand. That's quite slow
09:46Much age to dancing. I think this gets you more donos c s w l. All right
09:56l w
09:58d j d j
10:10C viewers went down a little bit
10:12Not much though. We're only three hundred dollars off. Come on edit stream name
10:17Dancey dance. Yeah, only a hundred hundred and twenty dollars. Okay
10:21Eighty dollars. Come on. We can get we can get eighty dollars
10:24We're almost at 1.2 as well. Okay, so after this we should be good
10:27L l k l j l
10:33All right, we've done it. All right read read read read
10:40Stop stream beautiful. That
10:42Was a phenomenal stream four thousand dollars right there. So when we wake up, we should be good. Let's take a picture
10:49This is my only fans content right now. Let me put my my bed in the photo. Oh
10:54Sexy time two days we get a thousand dollars as well, right?
10:58We're tired. I want to go to sleep so that
11:00We get our money then we can order it all and then we can hire someone
11:03I wish I could have a separate toilet like bathroom
11:05It does kind of annoy me. We have
11:097700 let's go
11:13Like we still have fourteen hundred dollars crazy. We are we're actually earning now. Let's go
11:19Don't you dare try and come to my house you?
11:23weirdo look at this
11:28This pc might be better than mine, this is good. This is good. This is a very very good pc start
11:35Should be a good pc
11:37Desk is a little bit poopy. So if I do if I do a test on this
11:40I assume I just need the router the router
11:43I just need the router for
11:46the house right 1400
11:49We'll just pay it. I don't I don't like having them lurking, you know, see it's still activated
11:56Or do I just pay 75 a day then so this is it this is the moment
12:02we go
12:04link worker
12:07Oh wait
12:08house painters
12:09No a cleaner for two hours. It cleans up the mess in your home and it doesn't let it get that's just not worth it
12:14I don't need that. Okay, one of the most interesting an employee who who will stream and fundraise for you needs a computer
12:20Yeah, there's a two-star streamer two-star streamer three-star streamer. Carla
12:25Kind of want big boy
12:27I don't have enough. I don't have money for that. I don't really want to hire the one and a half star
12:31I kind of want to hire like Carla for
12:33That I could also hire big boy. Yeah, I have to spend I have to
12:38Have the money don't I do you need money? I literally would love money. Okay, so 1600. I only need 800
12:43Let's just do a short. Let's just do a quick stream, you know whisper
12:54Whisper daddy, I don't feel like 660. Okay, cool. Take that
12:58uh this
12:59Send it back. I don't think this is gonna earn me that much money is the issue
13:05But i'm okay with it i'm gonna hire big boy big boy might be better than me though. Um, you know what no
13:10I'm a higher i'm hiring. Carla. I mean it's doing well almost i'm a 700 viewers now
13:15When did asmr become like like this?
13:17All right
13:18We have 1600 but I kind of want to have at least like 400 dollars left because I hate they're like i'm feeling poor
13:24Nah, man, can't be doing that upstream
13:26All right, just chuck that up as well. I look we're gonna get another 50 dollars. That was a short short stream
13:31Here we go link worker
13:33We could save up for big boy
13:36Realistically one more stream but
13:38I kind of don't want to go all the way to five star
13:40I kind of want carla to earn me some money carla will earn me enough money to get big boy
13:44If carla's earning me a decent amount and I stream I can afford big boy within you know a day and then I have two
13:51I also I want ultimately I want all of them. We need 9k to hire them all but obviously we need the setup for all of
13:57Them i'm gonna hire carla
14:01Oh my god, we've done it that was that was it it was simple as that
14:08Oh my god carla that was terrifying interact
14:12Hmm how much is the desk script let's order that i'm not gonna
14:17Keep this desk. I feel like the desk is the only thing i'm also
14:21Where are you?
14:23Where's my delivery? All right, here we go
14:26Take that
14:27Can you stop following me around? This is a this is a workplace taking a piss get out my house man get out my house
14:35Get out my house carla get in all right chuck that here chuck that here
14:40Chuck the mic there and then shut the camera carla a sign
14:44I'm in a good mood. I've got a feeder
14:47The hell okay. She's streaming. Where's your face cam? Okay, so i'm actually gonna
14:53Lots of food, right? We order all that food shut down. Why is that?
14:58What's what's happening here, oh no, no, why has this happened
15:02Is it because they're in the same room all right chuck that here
15:06Get the hell out of my house. All right. So what's happening? What's happening? What's happening? Why why am I?
15:12Why are you in my bed? Wait, so apparently
15:15I might not be able to you can only have one registered pc per house
15:19So I might actually have to just put this setup in the other house
15:22So if I cannot do I still own this other house, that's the question. Can everyone stop following me, please?
15:27I'm, just i'm a regular guy just like all of you except slightly better
15:31So I low-key need to give them their own house each as well, which is wild
15:36All right. This one is yours five hundred dollars though. So I should put the fridge in here too
15:40Actually, she has food. Do I need a fridge?
15:43Probably not. I can just order food. Whereas they seem a little bit
15:47Seem a bit dumb. Don't they this room is very boring though. I kind of need to make this room look
15:53Sick as well. I should have a bed. I assume she'll just take food from there
15:56So i've i've given her a lot of food left. Okay, so she should be good. I'll buy it
16:00I'm, just gonna do this house up again, basically. So this is why i'll need a cleaner
16:04Okay, so I should buy her a bed and some some cooler stuff. I mean she's already earned me eight hundred dollars
16:08I don't know how often I have to pay her. Right? So what do we want? We want web
16:12zamazor, I didn't buy a router
16:15Should I have a router? Okay fifteen hundred dollars tomorrow
16:20Whack up a stream quick any of this stuff. No
16:24No, okay. Okay. I just need to do this. I just need to get a bunch of uh, have you ever considered?
16:30I need to just get a a bunch of money. I literally just have to stream until I I have money 550 dollars
16:36right, let's
16:38No, actually i'll stream i'll stream first
16:42And then once i've got my money we're down to 400 views what's happened. I want to do any of this 33. Fuck it
16:50Damn it
16:52I'm down to 400 viewers. What's going on? Realistically now one stream and I can pay for all my bills and the other streamers
16:59Salary i'm in a safe space
17:02I just need to make money dodo saying three days. Yeah
17:05Okay, so we'll get I mean we're averaging like 3k as well every three days. We get a grand a day
17:10hundred dollars every couple days from that thousand dollars every three days from
17:15the other
17:18I don't like it. I really don't like that noise
17:20I don't know. I hate it. I like that one. Yeah, boy. Okay, what should we go for? Let's go for about 800
17:29So when we get to 800 i'll stop because that'll get me up to 2000 I can buy the bed take that over
17:36Yeah, bye, all right 90 come on, thank you
17:45That one that one hits me in the feels, you know, I don't even like cats
17:48There we go. Welcome to the best stream in the world baby. Take money 2000 buy the bed. Let me go to
17:57My videos chuck that up send it over a hundred dollars again quickly peepee
18:02It's annoying because I feel like I need to make that other place look better at the same time
18:06i'm, just like I don't want to
18:09Spend all that money. We'll send these over. I don't actually know if I needed this router. I'm actually kind of annoyed
18:14I probably should have checked because I swear she was streaming. Anyway, screw it. It's gonna chuck that there
18:18She dead interact eight hundred dollars. She's got no energy. She's still got motivation still got food
18:24Like she's now earning her salary. She ain't even taking off any food. What the hell wait?
18:27Well, she had one cola good to know that's actually very good. There we go
18:30She's got a bed now as well. I'm gonna sell this desk. Come on fans. Come here, bro
18:34Mad yeah, don't stop. Follow me you weirdos. Let's sell this computer desk
18:40and then
18:43$20. All right, you need to make 80. That's it. Just $80. We're on 20 25
18:5840 45 we lost money. I wish there was more easter eggs in this game
19:02Like I wish there was random briefcases of even like $50. Why is this don't tell me these have started linking now, please, please, please
19:09Tell me in the comments down below. How the hell do I stop them linking because the fact that i've just gone to that house
19:15And it's turned off and then i've come back here and this one's turned off
19:18I don't know what to do two and a half thousand dollars. I'm buying this
19:21a three hundred dollar skin case, please
19:25150 I can open one more
19:28Please give me something good. Give me something good. Give me some that's dead. That's a butter knife
19:32Let me know in the comments down below. How the hell do I?
19:36Sort out that other streamer. They'll earn me my money. I will also stream the next thing we'll do
19:43Get crypto, maybe or we find out what's going on. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
19:49I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
19:51Get crypto maybe or we fully decorate the house like we'll do a stream earn like
19:57five to ten thousand dollars and just
20:00Like make this house look sick. Let me know what I should be doing and main thing is yet
20:04Please let me know because I need the streamers to be able to work so that I can earn money from them
20:08I can get the next house. I can put big boy in this house and I can live in the next one
20:12That's it today. Thank you guys for watching. Leave a like if you enjoyed peace
20:17Why are you back do you mean you don't have a desk
20:21All right, what's happening i'm sleeping please let me know what to do