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00:00Every doctor that I've seen has pretty much told me that my health is very complex and there isn't
00:04a definitive answer for why this has happened or what it could be. Obviously I have many
00:09diagnoses that are answerable and there's reasons behind them but my skin and my severe allergies
00:15are just something that has puzzled every single doctor we have been to. We have seen dermatologists,
00:19we have seen allergy clinics, we have seen everyone we possibly can and they have all just been shocked
00:24at the severity of it and not found a definitive reason for why it's happening.
00:28When it first started it was basically just my skin. My skin would burn open and eventually it
00:33spread across my whole body but thankfully now it does stick to my face and chest area
00:39but as soon as the skin kind of started was when I had to stop using products. My mum couldn't use
00:44cleaning products around the house, we couldn't use air fresheners, we couldn't use certain
00:47washing materials and then eventually that led to foods. I would start being extremely sensitive to
00:52my mum cooking and then one day someone opened a bag of chilli crisps around me and that was the
00:58first anaphylaxis I went through and from that point to now I now have a long list of food allergies
01:03that most of them I am thankful that are just allergic reactions on my face and my skin pairs up
01:09but to the severity of them because they are airborne I'm unable to leave the house most
01:13days because all it takes is me walking past a restaurant and boom I'll be in anaphylaxis.