• el mes pasado
It's difficile, dude! Also @CDawgVA is in this!

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#GettoWork #Difficiliosity #GetStickBugged
00:00You're watching Game Grumps, but you can find us on The Grumps at www.youtube.com slash
00:07at the grumps.
00:08I thought you were kind of like lay down some like lyrics to this sick beat, you know?
00:13You're watching Game Grumps.
00:15Hold on, let me start over.
00:18You're like, hold on, I'll lay down a sick beat.
00:22Hey, I'm Grump.
00:23I'm not so Grump.
00:24And we're the Game Grumps.
00:27Okay, here we are.
00:30It's Wealth.
00:31No, it's Get to Work.
00:32It's Get to Work.
00:33Excuse me.
00:34It's Wealth Magazine that features this well-dressed gentleman with roller blades on his hands,
00:40knees, and feet.
00:41And I forgot what it's like to punch something.
00:44What'd you punch?
00:45There's just a box in my, like right by the front door, and I was waiting for some food
00:52to come to the front of the office, and just, I don't know.
00:56Were you angry?
00:57I felt disrespectful.
00:58It wasn't even my package.
00:59I just, you know.
01:01I'll punch your package.
01:03Here we go.
01:04Oh, new game.
01:06You are poor and bald.
01:07Get to work.
01:08Well, they didn't have to rub my face in it.
01:11I mean, it seems kind of like, oh, wait.
01:19Oh my God.
01:20Oh my God.
01:21Wow, you are flying, dude.
01:22Holy shit.
01:24Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:26What's our objective?
01:29Applying for jobs.
01:33Am I stuck?
01:34Oh, I just have to.
01:35No, you're good, dog.
01:41Oh, right trigger to break.
01:44Oh, yeah.
01:45Look at that.
01:46A little spider dance.
01:47This is how a crab walks.
01:48Doot doot doot doot doot doot doot doot.
01:50All right.
01:52This isn't about, oh, you're twerking ass.
01:53Oh, oh, you have to stay up here.
01:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:58I thought I was going to escape.
01:59Is a metaphor for climbing the corporate ladder.
02:00Oh, ah.
02:01And you may be thinking that the roller blades are a little goofy.
02:04But just last year, people were selling other people digital copies of monkeys to try and
02:09get ahead.
02:10So rollerblades are really not that far fetched.
02:12Oh, yeah, the NFTs.
02:13And who doesn't like a little speed in their life?
02:16So rollerblades it is.
02:18But just remember that everyone struggles to get job interviews, so try not to be too
02:23Good luck.
02:25Thank you, Connor.
02:27Connor. Connor Seadog VA everybody. You know him? Yeah. Cool. He's a handsome and talented man
02:36Great. Well, you're poor and bald
02:39That's me. What can I say? But I'll get there. I'll get there someday. I'll get to have hair and money
02:48Do you think the hair comes first and then the money? I think it's very dependent on the situation
02:55You can grab stuff too. I can? With the right trigger. Grab.
03:04So it wants me like grab onto walls and shit. Oh I see
03:08Alright. Hah!
03:11Okay, hah! This is a good little training course
03:20My skull would be devastated no this your baldness would protect you oh shit
03:32Let me try again
03:34All this beautiful man if you have if you have the head for it. I don't mean either
03:39I've got a real lumpy head. I've lumps all over my head. I've got a really hold on to my hair if possible
03:44I think I don't you know what I don't have a lumps on my head. I have bumps on my head
03:48I'm constantly having bumps on my head my lice or something
03:52Not and I I feel as though
03:55My skull comes to some sort of apex has anyone else noticed that Aaron Hansen scratches his head a lot
04:01Do you think that he has lice?
04:07Am I going where am I going where am I going? What am I doing? How am I doing it?
04:10You were doing it. You're trying to get up there. Okay. It's hard though. I know
04:17You were up there, and then you took a flying leap. Yeah, it's difficile for daddy
04:24I think this is the training level. No. This is the epic level for epic gamers such as myself
04:32Surprised you couldn't see that of course you wouldn't see it. You don't even speak the language of epic gamer
04:38Okay, here. We go. It's like a wall of j-double the gook
04:43Gabba did you?
04:44There you go. Uh-huh yes
04:48Oh, yeah, yes
04:51Oink so this goes up like this is that right? I thought you had to ride the other. I'm like half. Oh the other rings. Yeah
05:13Can't even remember what it's from but just there's such an image in my head of you being like no
05:20Can't remember
05:22It's from the Batman
05:24The Batman yeah, I told you this like yesterday. Oh, maybe that's why it's so fresh. There was the Riddler the Ronkler
05:31Yes, yes the Ronkler where he's like
05:33No no no
05:35Cuz Batman's like oh, that's right cuz we're talking about Baldana
05:38I'm gonna kill the guy I'm gonna get him and he's like no that's not how this is supposed to go
05:43Okay, cool. Should I should I see that movie? I don't know I've never seen it
05:46I told you that the last time we were talking about it. You didn't see it last night
05:49No, why would I see it last night? I don't know I thought maybe our conversation sparked some fucking curiosity in your world
05:57I'm busy doing other shit
06:00Such as I played this shitty neo-geo pocket color game called dark arms. Yeah, you're right that stop the press
06:07It's like Pokemon for zombies. Okay, and it sucks great
06:12Trying to like get something out of it every time I play it
06:15I'm like this is not great, and then I'm like, but there's got to be something to fuck
06:19Oh, I really have to just put faith in myself. Oh
06:22Oh, I can get hurt average American applies for 40 jobs before they get a single interview
06:29That's real damn. It's a lot of jobs according to c-dog. It's real, dude
06:35Okay, here we go
06:39All right all right all right all right all right
06:41none and none and none and none and none and none and daddy likes to go up the ramp and down the ramp and now up
06:47The ramp and going through the ramp and going around and sneaking around with the thing in my hands
06:53down oh
06:56Oh, yeah, your first interview is up there mm-hmm, okay, so I have to do 40 of these oh
07:07You can slow down a little bit you can slow down a little fucking bit
07:12Ouchies some of these you need momentum though some of these you need the speed that was too much speed
07:19It's exactly where you fell off last time trying though. It's hard. It's difficult to stiffy seal. I'm sure it's
07:26It looks very difficult, I don't question the differentialness of this the difficulty
07:34Can do this one you do this one with the speed at which I am constantly going yeah?
07:38I don't know if I can do this one with the speed of way. Oh, I can
07:42Okay, daddy goes up
07:45Daddy falls down. Okay. Here's where you pick up way too much speed daddy goes around. Yes
07:50Did he go through?
07:55Keep it keep it chill keep it chill chill going up
08:07Bro, do you even fucking see how chill you have to keep it?
08:16Okay kind of tapers to the left there
08:19Gonna make you smile. Oh, no, it doesn't it's straight. That was an optical illusion
08:36Okay, so you'll have to go back and enter all of your resume info into their online for more time easy-peasy
08:43Okay like reset, okay
08:48Things are looking good
09:08Slippery it's slippery. It's slidey
09:10No, you got this dog very beautifully done. I think I've got the rhythm. Yes, just don't pick up too much speed here
09:17I think I have the rhythm of a gamer
09:26Chill chill
09:43Race down the stairs and through the temple gate
09:46Whoa, you're all right
09:49Yeah, you're right. You're right. Can you change that camera angle this way? I need the camera go that way. Okay
10:00Set up straight before you go hurry. No, no, you don't have to apologize
10:06Yes, such an excitable boy. Tony is pointing out that it is it is the get stick bug to meme. That's what this. Oh, yeah
10:13Yeah, absolutely
10:19My god, this is racking my nerves racking these nerves daddy's got racked nerves
10:30Just chill just chill presents. Yeah. Yeah. I gotta get it straight. Yeah, you gotta be like a bit
10:40You got a scoot there you go. All right nice and easy. Oh
10:46Don't want to be going horizontal. Oh, oh, hang on. Okay. What's that over there?
10:51It's some kind of bonus and I don't have time for it. You can get it
11:01Okay, maybe a straight shot is the way to go
11:06I'm beerin. Oh, I'm beerin. I'm beerin. I'm beerin. I'm beerin. I'm beerin
11:13Don't wanna let go
11:15All right
11:20You'll be all right as long as you just land on that
11:29Just make sure to grab immediately hold on I think I could get my legs up there
11:32What are you talking about? Look look, I'm seeing it. Look at what happening
11:37All right. Ready? Yeah. Oh
11:40My god, Aaron, what did I fucking tell you you spineless wonder?
11:45And I mean that as a compliment
11:47All right. Oh, no, this is easy. Oh, yeah
11:56Okay, you're good you're good that will require a little speed. All right, here comes the speed
12:02power speed agility
12:08No, I can get back up you can I can get back up you get back up
12:16Hup! No! No! No! No!
12:20Oh, man
12:22Our company got your online resume for you. Looks like they're now wanting a traditional resume
12:27So if you could send that over that'll be great. Shut up you posh bastards. That I mean, yeah, how quickly we turn on the narrator
12:37Boy that hup that you screamed into my ear was like a sledgehammer on the side of my head. Hey, look at that
12:43Well, this is like the special area right now. Whoopsie whoopsie tootles. Very special. Whoopsie tootlie whoopsie tootlie
12:49Oh, you can go after that bonus. Oh
12:52the carrot though?
12:56Messed up I gotta I gotta restart this whole thing. Oh my god, that's okay
12:59It's just I'm just getting better the whole time, you know every day in every way. You're getting better and better
13:12Remember that scene in Tron? I've never seen Tron. Not on the way. Not all the way through. What about the second one?
13:17Not all definitely even less. Really? Yeah, I think it's cool. I think it it's cool-looking. Star Wars and computers is what it is
13:25Alright, video game Star Wars
13:28That's like but 1982's idea of a video game, which is a very different kind of thing. Well
13:35Like the Frogger years. Yeah, well, that's still a video game. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just saying it's not like it's less of a video game now
13:42It's no, it's just now we have
13:45the Doki Doki
13:47Literature Club
13:49Is that your idea of like a like a peak video game? No, that would be dining on Rumpel. Okay
13:56Look at this you just tear ass and okay might want to give this a little relaxing stop
14:05Now just skither over there
14:09Align with the grain on the floor
14:18All right now you need more speed than you yeah, I really do huh, so I got a really yeah
14:28God oh
14:32Exactly the same spot. Oh, it's not it's different. Ah, no shit shit
14:38Daddy goes
14:40Daddy go so fast
14:42Didn't find a high achiever team player or crypto anywhere and automatically rejected you. Sorry
14:53Making fun of my boy what fun of my boy fucking no, I made this game is funny Connor from Wales
15:00Is he from Wales? I love Wales
15:03the animal and the country
15:07Do it's true. It's true in both cases
15:11Are there the whales in are there whales in Wales? I don't believe so. Are there Welsh wills? I
15:17Think I don't think they wouldn't name the country that if that was the case I do too close to home
15:22No, that's not how it works too close to home is how they used to do it
15:26Oh, and honestly, it was better that way, you know, it's like if it's like, you know, Larry Baker or whatever
15:32It's like yeah. Yeah, it's cuz at one point your family was like I bake that's my thing. Yeah, but that's Larry Baker
15:39They have a dragon on their flag. You think they have dragons?
15:44Never know
15:46Maybe should be a little more fucking open-minded
15:50Can be dragons they have a great flag is that a dragon? It's a dragon. Oh cool
15:56Tony put a picture of the Welsh flag. No, okay. Tony doesn't edit our episodes Tony tell the editor to put up a
16:04That's that's editor. Tony Tony. What do you do?
16:08This is producer Tony and then there's editor Tony. Oh, I got it. Oh
16:13Everything's fine. No, everything's fine. Oh, everything's fine. Oh
16:19You are the strongest viewer I've ever seen
16:23No, it's really easy to veer. It's easy to veer special features
16:29He's okay
16:33Okay, I like that I get to stare up this dude's butthole the whole time I'm doing it is your dream 16 minutes of this
16:44And we haven't made it at all no we haven't made it to the first
16:48We got it. So
16:53Mean us and the crew, you know the the viewers
16:58Totally that word they're a part of this. Sure. They're partly responsible. Yes
17:02We wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for that
17:05I'd be fucking chewing on gum in a corner somewhere in the city broke
17:11Broke smoking dude, have you ever chewed gum and smoked at the same time? It's fucking awesome. I not many years
17:19It's a real thing that you can do with your body. It's it's kind of amazing to me that I I
17:27Smoked weed as much as I did because I hate the act of smoking
17:31Really? Yeah, I
17:34I I love the feeling it gave me but not the not the act of it really because I sometimes I
17:41Sometimes dream about smoking. Oh some people love it, but I've never done it before. Oh, really? Yeah
17:48It's easy
17:50You should give it a try. Yeah, maybe everyone should try it
17:54Sounds pretty fun to me smoking is good
17:59Cigarettes weed crack. What's your choice?
18:02There are more options. Those are just the three that I recommend
18:07That's my Olympic podium of smoking
18:11No, don't do crack
18:13What I don't feel I feel like I
18:15Shouldn't have to say that to the people at home. I'm doing crack every day when I stand up to don't yeah
18:20Well, we're all doing crack. I'm for sure readjust my pants God
18:25Yeah, yeah, yeah going up the obsidian ramp and then going up the ramp made of wood it's like birch wood
18:33soft wood
18:34Scratched up cuz it's soft wood
18:37What is soft soft wood?
18:40This entire course is made of rich mahogany
18:44Millions of dollars. It looks nice cuz it's bright and it takes oil well, but it also gets scratched a lot
18:50done in a nananana
18:54Okay, here's where it gets difficile
18:59Dude dude, dude, dude, my man, dude, my man
19:07Up this way
19:10You need both
19:18Picking up speed going fast. Oh, yeah
19:31Please what Aaron's back up, please back up. You're already off the course. You're all dead
19:54That was a that was an eye-opening movie to watch when I was a young teenager live-action
19:59No, I just saw the anime. Just so many people's heads exploding. Oh, yeah
20:08I was just like hanging out at my parents house with my eyes frickin wide open like oh my god
20:24Okay, all right Aaron
20:26Here's my plan that will not be helpful to you in any way. Uh-huh
20:32Once you get past this one just get past this one first. Hold on. Oh
20:38You sneaky snake wanna do something a little sneaky in the meantime you mean fall off this beam
20:49The grind set the grind set
20:54Welcome back to the grind set the only business minded podcast that gets you real results
20:59This is episode 69 nice
21:04Question what's up Chaz? What's the one thing that'll get you a job guaranteed answer a clean resume?
21:13Let's get serious only sheep make resumes cowards hear me out
21:19Rollerblades love it. Your employer needs to know. Okay. Here's my thought about efficiency go off
21:26They need to know you're going to risk it all for trying to use the speed
21:31But first like when you're near the top
21:35You deserve extortion right after this break don't go anywhere
21:41the grind set
21:45Okay, I like the grind set oh, yeah, I feel like it helped you and there's this they were fun there we go
21:52I'm getting too carried away with the speed
22:09Wait is that a thing to get you down there?
22:12Look at that that looks like tailor-made
22:16That little slide isn't there one like angled up towards you. I guess I won't do you much good
22:21that white board
22:26Maybe if you land on this yes, that's not as bad. Where's that going? I don't know. I don't think that's going anywhere, dude
22:33But oh wait. Oh
22:36Ramp dog am I about to ramp it up right now um I think so no you fell off
22:53Notice you've been falling quite a lot recently, but listen everyone is good at something
22:58So even if this isn't is there even a second level to this you have something beautiful to offer to this world
23:04And so when you're feeling like this game is too much, and it's time to give up
23:09We've added a fun little button to let you know that you are a quitter a big old quitter a big fat
23:16Quitty McQuitterson, that's us joy. Oh shit
23:36Uh down came the rain and wash the spider out material
23:42Here we go bro, you're straight-up a parable
23:47I'm reminded of a parable
23:54Flying up in the air. Yeah going so fast baby so fast
24:01Daddy legs going fast now
24:10I'm lining up a shot so he can go fast over the little things that are like ramps, but they're not ramps
24:15They're kind of like you shaped
24:18We like me no letter you
24:25I'm a letter. No if you're chronically online, then you probably spell it like that anyway
24:35But what if I have to use and put a W in between them, that's
24:41Dude we are like I feel like we're like
24:44Five years away from them being like why don't we just make it the letter you why oh, that's so like
24:51More letters to type it could be I could see it all build up that speed dog
24:58Build up that speed
25:04On the outside
25:06No, you need you need the same amount of speed. That's okay. That's good. It's it's okay. We can build it up right here
25:11Oh, oh no. Oh no
25:14my god
25:19Dude it's okay. I have to build up the speed. Oh god. This is so nerve-wracking
25:26Agility strength oh
25:35Well, they you now have a give up button what yep RB. No
25:40Yeah, that's the point for that to be a big ol quitty McQuitterson like you said I
25:45Don't want to do that though. All right. I
25:49Don't want to give up. I want to never surrender
25:58If I gave up then I wouldn't get 25 quid
26:02Nice an hour from working at Toys R Us pretty good decent wage honestly. Yeah, really I'm dude
26:13Dude I'm getting sloppy all right next time on Game Grumps. Unforced error. Next time on Game Grumps. Oh, man
26:18That was sloppy as fuck. Do you want to do another one? I gotta clean up. Oh, yeah
26:22Yeah, I mean it would be great to do another one of this, but I don't know you know I got a I understand
26:27Yeah, cuz I'm a little better. You gotta raise your game. You gotta raise your game
26:31Let's have a little like lunch break and then come back to it. Okay. Yeah, we'll be refreshed. Yeah, maybe maybe yeah
26:37Yeah, wait wait, maybe you're doing it right now am I doing it right now dude just don't even think just do it
26:42All right, uh-huh all right, uh-huh all right
26:45Yep, don't slow down because slowing down
26:49It's for pussies. Okay
26:51Yep, and I'm not a pussy. Boom. I'm not boom
26:57I'm an anatomically correct vagina
27:03Capable of giving birth to babies
27:07The secret of life
27:12You all right?
27:16Oh no. It's okay. Yeah, I don't know if that's a one you can do quickly
27:26Nothing wrong with me two nothing
27:30Nothing wrong with me four
27:33Something's gotta give
27:37Something's gotta give
27:42Something gave
27:47All right next time on Game Grumps. Oh, man. Oh, yeah right down to the very parking lot. All right, bye. Bye
27:54She wanted but nothing wrong with me two nothing
27:57with me nothing wrong with me four
28:01Something's gotta give
28:07Something's gotta give
