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Breaking fast in the Emirati Majlis. Opening the family Majlis during Ramadan is a tradition going back many generations. For Dr Khalifa Rashid Al Sha'ali from Ajman it's a way of showing charity to friends and family. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Traditionally, as you know, Ramadan is really an occasion where all the family collect.
00:22Although we are, to some extent, collecting almost 4 to 5 teas a week.
00:29But Ramadan, Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen, makes us sit with many friends.
00:35I mean, we celebrate daily iftar about 70, 80 persons here.
00:42Friends from all over the country come to visit us here.
00:48I mean, we are maintaining this because our grandfathers, our father, and others
00:55used to have such majlis in Ramadan.
00:58Friends also bring their friends and so on.
01:02So this majlis, sometimes we feel that it is very small for the occasion.
01:11I read Qur'an, and I pray, and then I play.
01:19Children grow in a house where people are passing, people are celebrating.
01:25So we are trying to pass this tradition to them.
01:28Hopefully, and as we maintain it, we hope that our sons and our grandsons
01:34will maintain this majlis and other majlis in the country.
01:38We feel very happy to maintain such a tradition.
