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八点最热报 | 美国总统特朗普选在昨天2月5日“美国女孩和妇女体育日”,兑现他的竞选承诺,在多名女性的见证下签署了一项行政命令,禁止跨性别运动员参与女子体育赛事。这也是特朗普上任以来针对跨性别群体的最新举措。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the hotline.
00:30Last year, at the Paris Olympic Games, two transsexual athletes won the gold medal in boxing.
00:36It was a male athlete who stole the gold medal from a female athlete.
00:41He is obviously hinting at Algerian player Cliff and Taiwanese player Lin Yuting.
00:48Trump said his government would never stand by and watch men beat up female athletes.
00:55In addition, Trump also mentioned that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will refuse to allow any transsexual athletes to enter the U.S.
01:04Since Trump took office, he has implemented controversial policies.
01:09The protests against Trump are now flourishing in many cities in the United States.
01:15The U.S. people have launched a protest called 50501 on the Internet.
01:21This means that 50 states have launched 50 protests in one day.
01:25This is also the largest demonstration against Trump since he took office.
01:31I will sign a historic executive order to ban men from competing in women's sports.
01:38It's about time.
01:42U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to ban transsexual athletes from participating in women's sports.
01:51The war on women's sports is over.
01:54Trump did not forget to pressurize the International Olympic Committee to change the standards for transsexual athletes before the U.S. became the host country of the next Olympic Games in 2028.
02:03This caused a stir on the scene.
02:05With this executive order, the war on women's sports is over.
02:12In Los Angeles in 2028, my administration will not stand by and watch men beat and batter female athletes.
02:20We're just not going to let it happen.
02:22It's going to end, and it's ending right now.
02:25Nobody's going to be able to do a damn thing about it because when I speak, we speak with authority.
02:31Trump, who took office in the U.S., has launched many controversial policies to stir up dissatisfaction.
02:36This is a wave of protests against Trump.
02:40People are taking to the streets, raising slogans and shouting slogans of protest.
02:45Some have even accused the current administration of monopolizing power.
03:10This is what democracy looks like.
