• 2 days ago
八点最热报 | 从星期四开始,美国中部和南部多地遭遇了龙卷风、沙尘暴等恶劣天气的袭击。截至昨天,已经造成31人死亡,超过6千万人受到影响。美国气象频道表示,这次的风暴规模大、强度高而且席卷的范围广。其中,又以密苏里州的灾情最严重。(主播: 蔡心慧)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Heat Point website.
00:05Since Thursday, the United States has been hit by severe weather such as tornadoes, sandstorms, etc.
00:12As of yesterday, 31 people have died and more than 60 million people have been affected.
00:17The U.S. weather channel said that this storm is large in size and high in strength,
00:22and there is a wide range of tornadoes.
00:24Among them, Missouri's disaster is the most serious.
00:31Whoa, is this coming? Oh, it's here. It's here!
00:37The storm is coming, and the scenery is getting blurry.
00:41The tornado swept through the southern part of the United States on Sunday night.
00:45After the storm, the residential areas were all over the place,
00:48just like the disaster scene in the movie,
00:51the trees were pulled out and the debris of the houses scattered.
00:54When the tornado came, some people said it was a very difficult night.
00:59It was just a rough, it was a very rough deal last night.
01:02In Oklahoma, due to the strong wind and extremely dry weather,
01:06there were many fires in the area that burned 17 million acres of land
01:10and destroyed more than 290 houses.
01:13The governor of Oklahoma said that they will spread fires as soon as possible to prevent the fire from spreading.
01:18It was just a perfect storm.
01:20The humidity levels went down to kind of record lows, below 10%,
01:26and then with the winds, where they were, it just dried everything out.
01:29And so we should have a couple good days in a row here to get all the fires out
01:34because there's a little bit of risk coming back on Tuesday.
