👉 Agustín Medina, miembro de la UOCRA en la zona sur, responde a las acusaciones y ofrece su versión de los hechos en medio de un conflicto interno del sindicato. En una entrevista con Facundo Pastor, Medina discute las comparaciones con su padre y los supuestos manejos violentos y extorsivos que se le atribuyen. Además, menciona las irregularidades judiciales que han afectado al sindicato desde 2017.
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00:00We see gunfire. Is Agustín Medina there?
00:04Remember, the UOCRA in the South Zone is intervening and there are factions.
00:09And we were just talking to Marcelo, a worker from one of the factions.
00:13He wrote to me, Agustín Medina, to have his right to reply and give his explanation.
00:17Agustín Facundo Pastor, how are you? How are you?
00:19Hello, how are you? Facundo, good afternoon.
00:22Let's see if we can hear you a little low. Wait, Agustín.
00:25Let's see if we can improve a little, because here on the floor I hear it low.
00:29Let's see, Agustín, can you hear me better there?
00:32Yes, yes, I can hear you well.
00:33There it is. Perfect.
00:35Good afternoon, everyone.
00:37And thank you for giving me the right to reply.
00:39No, no, it is what corresponds.
00:41To have a defense, right?
00:44Of course.
00:45I was listening to this boy, Marcelo, and he always makes the comparison with the section of La Plata,
00:51with the alleged handling that my father had of extortion, violence, verbal, physical.
00:58And I think we are forgetting something very important.
01:02In 2017, my father was arrested, along with my family,
01:08the members of the board of directors of the section of La Plata de UOCRA,
01:12for an illicit association of money laundering and others.
01:18Simultaneously, with three causes that were also put together in Provincia,
01:23there were four causes.
01:24A federal one, which the judge Armela had, which had no competition,
01:29because it belonged to Quilmes, and this was La Plata.
01:35After they operated on him, defamed him, with falsehoods, with lies,
01:40that he was not imprisoned for three years, the video of the Gestapo comes out.
01:45A lot of trade unionists turned on the video of the Gestapo.
01:49It has nothing to do with it, because the video of the Gestapo simply spoke of the Pata de Medina.
01:54And they were involved, the businessmen who were the alleged denunciators, alleged victims,
02:00who were part of the provincial government, who were part of the justice system.
02:06Thanks to that video, all the causes of the Pata de Medina fell.
02:10And nobody talks about that.
02:12Agustin, of what you see on the screen, this battle that you see, what is this?
02:23Why does the UOCRA dispute like this?
02:25Do you know why?
02:26Because in the UOCRA there are a lot of sectionals involved,
02:30and with interveners who are not present, and they do not normalize them.
02:35In the UOCRA, factions are generated that dispute violently to see who can be profiled,
02:42who can dominate the sectional.
02:44Now, Agustin.
02:46That's why. Here, what would have to act is Gerardo Martínez,
02:51throw a call for elections, and that the best wins democratically,
02:56and everything is dissipated.
02:58So the problem, Agustin, is that Martínez ...
03:01That sectional belongs to Ladar Tolmedo.
03:05But wait, Agustin.
03:07They set up a cause like they set up Miguejo.
03:10But wait, help us understand something.
03:13The UOCRA guild is managed by Gerardo Martínez, historically.
03:17He manages the central, at the national level.
03:20Sure, but there are some places intervened because they do not agree with Martínez.
03:26Your father did not agree with Martínez or yes?
03:29No, that's not it.
03:31For different reasons, the central intervenes.
03:38And Gerardo decides who is the normalizing delegate,
03:43which goes in a provisional way until a call for elections is set up,
03:47and there it is defined.
03:50The issue is as follows.
03:52The central intervenes, Gerardo Martínez, because UOCRA is a union.
03:57Where the government intervenes, the Ministry of Security or the Ministry of Justice,
04:01the whole union intervenes at the national level.
04:04Now, Agustin, the sectional, Quilmes, Florencio Varela and Berazategui, is intervened?
04:10Yes, it is intervened.
04:12That belonged to Ladar Tolmedo, who set up a cause.
04:15A year later, I think they set up Miguejo,
04:18and it is also intervened, and obviously the man, one way or another,
04:22must continue to dispute power.
04:26Now, Agustin, Gonzalo Prado greets you here.
04:30How are you, Gonzalo?
04:32Very well. You mentioned that you alluded to what Marcelo said about your father.
04:39Excuse me, can I interrupt you for a minute to finish concretizing the idea that I was developing?
04:44Yes, please.
04:45And that interrupted me with another question, Facundo.
04:49You think about the following.
04:52From the year 2017, all the politicians who set up a cause,
04:58all the unionists who set up a cause, were arrested, prosecuted, had a trial,
05:03but everything is concluded.
05:06The one who was not convicted, and the one who was convicted, has already fulfilled you.
05:11The issue of us is nailed.
05:13The court gave us, through the video of the gestapo, which no one talks about,
05:19the nullity of the trial of the cause.
05:22He appealed to the prosecutor's office, he went to the trial.
05:25In the trial, they confirmed the nullity, he appealed again to the prosecutor's office,
05:30and they declared in a missile the appeal resource.
05:33And now they went to the extraordinary resource of complaining to the court,
05:37because they did not allow him to appeal in the trial, and there he is sleeping.
05:41As everything sleeps in the court.
05:45They took the cause from here, from La Plata to Creplak,
05:49and they passed it to Comodoro Pi, and with Martínez de Giorgi,
05:53they nailed it, they slept the cause.
05:55But to do shit to my old man, trying to distort it,
05:59they were pretty fast.
06:01Well, but wait, Agustín, with all due respect,
06:03your old man was not a bare carmelita either, right?
06:05No, no, my old man was not a bare carmelita,
06:09but you know what happens when you have a guy who does not have sex with the government on duty?
06:13When you have a guy who cares about businessmen,
06:16why does he care?
06:18It is true that here in La Plata a 40% more expensive was built,
06:23but do you know why?
06:25Because El Pata had a regional agreement parallel to Gerardo Martínez's,
06:30which is an agreement on the salary of hunger,
06:33which we have at the national level.
06:35Do you understand?
06:36And did you know that they prayed that agreement?
06:38No, Agustín, sorry.
06:41Agustín, that is the bell of the defense of El Pata Medina,
06:47which we are doing.
06:48Well, listen to me, before 2017, tell me how many complaints did El Pata have?
06:52Wait, I am from Plata and I can realize this.
06:55On the other side, on the other side of the other bell,
06:59that you spoke without talking about the Gestapo or anything else,
07:02in the photo that you have, it was clear and it was very clear in the file,
07:06there was also a question of extortion,
07:09and they denounced each other.
07:11Did you have access to the complaint?
07:13Because before 2017 I had no criminal complaint, my old man.
07:18Off the record, off the record.
07:20No, no, no, sorry, sorry, sorry.
07:22You talk to any official of the administration of Scioli,
07:24with any official of the administration of Solano,
07:26with any ...
07:27No, sorry, but they are the ones with whom your father lived in the province of Buenos Aires.
07:31If you talk to the people of the administration of Ebruera,
07:34of Alac when he was an intendant, or of Barro himself,
07:36to whom you referred a little nothing more,
07:38they tell you a lot about this management.
07:40Let's see, they had to change the route of the collective
07:42that came from the city of Buenos Aires,
07:44because they cut off 44th Street between 4 and 3.
07:47We are going to talk with the bullet above the table, Garro.
07:50The number one mafia in La Plata.
07:52We are going to talk with the bullet above the table.
07:54But I'm telling you it was ...
07:56Wait, wait, Agustín, I think you are confusing the terms of what you are saying.
08:00Wait a minute, wait, let's take the opportunity to listen to each other.
08:03Of course, Juan Tango has a good relationship,
08:06he was a witness in the case of my father,
08:08the minister of the province of Trabajo.
08:11But wait, Agustín, it seems valuable to me that you can explain ...
08:15I don't know what you're talking about, kid.
08:16... that you can explain beyond the incendiary and logical defense
08:19that you make of your father,
08:21which surely any son would do ...
08:23No, but it is because it is a reality.
08:25They said that my father had a Ferrari.
08:27I wish I had a Ferrari, my father.
08:29Do you know who was the first to use it? It was me.
08:31Let me ask you something.
08:32Do you know Damián Vázquez?
08:34From the internal group Saul Ubaldini?
08:38No, I don't know him.
08:39Because that boy belongs to another section.
08:41It has nothing to do with our section.
08:43Of course.
08:44Because it is assumed that the information of what happened today
08:48reconstructs that they went to attack Vázquez,
08:51who was the one who had called the draw to assign jobs
08:55in the extension that was made of this housing project.
08:58Of course, that's because of the labor market.
09:01So, since everything is not normalized,
09:04and it is true,
09:06they are going to draw for who goes to the positions with violence.
09:11It is like that.
09:12But it is normalized, it is true.
09:14Agustín, it is also crazy that it is true,
09:17that it is normalized, that the positions are achieved like this.
09:22You see what happened the first few years here
09:24when the section was intervened.
09:26That was Vergara,
09:27that Vergara ends up in prison with Pichín,
09:30who is a general secretary of Rosario,
09:34who was brought by Gerardo Martínez
09:36and put him in La Plata as a normalizer.
09:40Of course.
09:41He grabbed and dragged the bosses of La Hinchada from here,
09:46as students,
09:47and they began to have confrontations with our colleagues.
09:50Well, without going any further, your family was ...
09:53Sorry, without going any further,
09:55I think they are your brothers,
09:57they also had a very strong confrontation with the people of ...
10:00Yes, my brother, my nephew.
10:04Were they arrested?
10:06No, he is not working with my father.
10:09My father is calm at home, waiting for the court's ruling
10:13to return to the union activity,
10:15because without a doubt it will return to the union activity.
10:17Agustín, finally, thanking you, of course,
10:19for your testimony,
10:21and I think it is important that we always listen to all sides,
10:26that is what our work is about,
10:29what should happen so that a field battle does not happen again,
10:34with wounded, with destroyed, with gunfire,
10:37the images are tremendous.
10:39And there would have to be elections in a democratic way,
10:43and that there is a conduct,
10:45and then that's it,
10:48of course.
11:02Of course, of course.
11:04You have to see what is Gerardo's reading,
11:08and Gerardo is an intelligent colleague,
11:13and he knows how to manage time,
11:15you have to see what is the reading that he is having in that section.
11:19Well, Agustín, a big hug and thanks for these minutes,
11:24as I was just saying,
11:26you have to listen to all the voices,
11:28with the hope that it will not happen again,
11:31seeing workers face each other with firearms is tremendous,
11:35this had already happened with the UOCRA at the time,
11:38we just told you,
11:40disputing to know what is the proximity with the body of Perón,
11:43you remember, you are very young,
11:45No, Agustín, yes, yes, my father was in that confrontation,
11:49but well, thank God I was able to make my father make peace with Pablo and Hugo,
11:56and that was already ...
11:58Well, it's not a small thing,
12:00that task, perhaps of a look that you have,
12:03of a trade unionism, of course,
12:06but of course, that's why you will always find the chance to be able to give your look,
12:12and to be able to exchange ideas.
12:15Do you want to add something else?
12:17Yes, no, no, I don't have any political or trade union position,
12:22nor am I looking for it,
12:24but it does generate impotence for me as a son,
12:26because my father is robbed of everything, you know?
12:29But I would like him to be given the opportunity to speak,
12:33and to defend us, but to defend us based on the whole judicial issue,
12:37not to speak for speaking, you know?
12:39So nothing, I thank you Facundo for these minutes.
12:43Please, please, it is what corresponds.
12:45Agustín, thank you.
12:47Agustín Medina is the son of Pata Medina,
12:50on a very complicated day.
12:53Yes, yes.
12:57What I had said, what Agustín also commented,
13:00the last big confrontation, that at least I have a record,
13:04was last year, just in the section of La Plata,
13:06where a part of the Medina family confronts
13:09the one who is managing the intervention there,
13:14who links it.
13:15Now they identify a certain Damian Vásquez,
13:17from the internal group Saul Ubaldini,
13:21who called this draw to extend the number of jobs
13:26and assign more jobs.
13:28Another faction of the UOCRA, an intervened UOCRA,
13:31went to the place to prevent this from happening.
13:33In a moment, of course, we will be live with much more material.