• 2 months ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌再有伊党领袖乱点族谱!霹雳州伊党主席兼新芒魏州议员拉兹曼早前在一场演讲宣称,青体部长杨巧双是已故富商杨忠礼的女儿。杨巧双随后发文驳斥,并不是所有姓杨的都有血缘关系。而拉兹曼今天紧急在面子书发文,承认自己犯错之外,也向杨巧双和杨忠礼公司道歉。

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#伊党 #杨巧双 #杨忠礼 #亲戚论
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to A.I. News, I'm Dai Yilin, your A.I. anchor.
00:16First, let's take a look at the first piece of news.
00:18After the first-party fake Pobati MP Sidi Mastula's statement that he was convicted of fining RM830,000,
00:24followed by a message from the first-party leader,
00:26Pili President and new Manchurian MP Razman gave a speech in the morning,
00:31pointing to the acquisition of Pili Mo Yang Huichang,
00:33claiming that Deputy Minister Yang Qiaoshuang is the daughter of former vice minister Yang Zhongli.
00:37She is the daughter of a rich man, the daughter of YTL.
00:41YTL used to be a big company.
00:44I'm sorry.
00:46YTL used to be a big company.
00:51She is the daughter of a rich man.
00:53Regarding Razman's statement,
00:54Yang Qiaoshuang later posted on social media that
00:57the first-party must be understood,
00:59not all believers have a blood relationship.
01:02Today, Razman urgently posted on Facebook,
01:04admitting that he made a mistake,
01:06and apologizing to Yang Qiaoshuang and Yang Zhongli.
01:10The Bincheng police broke the news that
01:12the gambling group used the mansion as a cover
01:14to carry out illegal gambling.
01:16Among the 13 arrested men and women,
01:18there are students, legal consultants, bankers, accountants and salespeople.
01:22U.S. President Trump described on Saturday
01:25that Gaza, which has been torched by war,
01:27has become a rubble and should be completely cleared.
01:30He called out to the Jews and Egyptians around Gaza,
01:33asking them to receive more than 1.5 million refugees from Gaza.
01:36However, this suggestion was immediately criticized by the Arab National Alliance,
01:40forcing migration and expelling Gazais from their land,
01:43which is basically a racial cleansing.
01:46Today's show comes to an end.
01:48More domestic and foreign information is locked on the hottest news at 8 o'clock tonight.
01:51I also wish you a safe return home for the New Year.
01:53Wish you all the best.
