• 2 months ago
Pengacara Gempak Most Wanted Awards (GMWA2024) Sherry Alhadad tidak berasa tertekan kerana belum mendirikan rumah tangga biarpun sudah berusia 41 tahun.

Bagaimanapun kata Sherry, dia tidak kisah jika bertemu jodoh dengan lelaki berstatus duda namun bukan suami orang.


00:00Actually, I think maybe they're the ones who are jealous of me
00:03Ah, who's single is it? DM me right now!
00:11Okay, we're back with Sherry Al-Haddad!
00:15Hello, assalamualaikum!
00:16What do we have to do?
00:19Back as a host?
00:20Okay, what's the matter?
00:22Back as a host, of course, I feel very happy
00:25Previously, the four of us, this time it's the three of us
00:27Missing our Zizan Razak
00:28But it's okay, he will perform that night
00:30Only as three trio that will succeed in the Most Wanted
00:35Inshallah, we hope that night will go smoothly
00:39It's not a secret that will be revealed later
00:42The name is also a secret
00:45Must be a secret
00:46Inshallah, we will always give the best
00:49And if last year we had a high benchmark
00:52This year, we have to think about what else we can do to surpass that benchmark
00:56Let's see later that night
00:58Okay, 2025 is still single
01:00Hashtag, if other people are single, why not us?
01:05Anyway, 2025 is still single, it's okay, it's not a match yet
01:09So, is it troublesome?
01:09If people meet, usually on this single, people will ask
01:12Why are you single?
01:14I'm not jealous because I know they are sincere
01:16And they pray for the best
01:17Actually, I think maybe they are jealous of me
01:21Why is he not married yet?
01:22Inshallah, if there is a blessing, there will be a match
01:25Pray for it
01:26Who is single? DM me now
01:29I will say it myself later
01:31Whatever, if there is a match, there is
01:33Cliché again
01:35Is there a free one?
01:36Where is the single?
01:37Why are you jealous?
01:39It's okay
01:41Maybe they want to talk, understand?
01:44Empty chit-chat
01:45So, he won't ask how heavy it is
01:47Then he asks, when do you want to get married?
01:51If rich, it's a bonus
01:53It's better to be rich than to be poor
01:58I want to get married
01:59My dreams when I was in Form 5
02:01When people asked, what do you see in 2020?
02:04I said, in 2020, I have married 3 children
02:06But, we can only dream
02:10But, fate and fate are in God's hands
02:132025, still single, hashtag
02:16It's okay, I'm okay
02:17Because I'm surrounded by friends
02:20My family and my mother are okay
02:21Actually, my mother is happy that I'm not married yet
02:24Because I will be with her 24 hours
02:26Because many men are afraid to be close to me
02:28They said, maybe because they said I'm too dominant
02:33And also, they said high maintenance
02:35Whereas, I'm not high maintenance
02:38I'm a very laid-back person
02:41But, maybe she's nervous
02:43Look at her, she's just kidding
02:44When is it true?
02:45She thinks my energy is too big
02:49Maybe they are afraid to be close
02:51So, after this, I will be more laid-back
02:53I don't have the same characteristics as men
02:55Because we are too old
02:58I don't have the same characteristics
02:59But, actually, if we can talk
03:02And he is a responsible man, it's okay
03:05If, for example, he lacks my opinion, I'm okay
03:08Because I'm just an ordinary person
03:11But, my job in front of the TV, people see it as a glamour
03:14Whereas, it's just normal
03:15I'm normal, like an ordinary person
03:17When I remove my make-up, people walk by and they don't recognize me
03:21Maybe because I'm a married woman
03:22If he's a man, it's okay
03:25Because I also like kids
03:26I like to spoil the kids, I like to take care of the kids
03:28So, if he has a kid, it's a bonus for me
03:31I'm already old
03:33So, if he has an instant kid, why not?
03:36I swear to God, I'm not pressured
03:39Because when there's a gathering or something
03:41I'm the one who will take care of their kids
03:42And I'm happy
03:43And they call me mummy
03:45They call me mummy or whatever they want to call me
03:48But I'm happy
03:49Because everyone, I feel like
03:51Even their kids, I say, that's my kid
03:53Thank you so much
03:54And I have a lot of kids
03:56I did research on why I don't meet my soulmate anymore
03:59Maybe because I work in the industry
04:01I will meet the same people every day
04:03And most of them are married people
04:06I mean, the same circle
04:08Then, I didn't have time to go out to meet new people and get to know them
04:12So, my circle is very small
04:14Then, if I want to use social media or get to know people through swipe right or left
04:19I don't want to do that
04:21I don't
04:21For me, I prefer the front
04:24So that they are still conservative
