Baba Abhay Singh's path to spirituality was not matter of decision, according to inclination, pull that aligned him with profound rhythms of devotion and service.
00:00Where do you have came here, what was the purpose of coming in spirituality and how
00:06do you connect spirituality towards the science, to the science, from the science?
00:11I have come from Haryana, I was born in Haryana, then like life took different turns, so I
00:18went to like IIT to study, then changed the path from engineering to arts and that also
00:25didn't work, then changed again, so kept changing, kept changing, unless like I arrived at the
00:31final truth, you can say.
00:33Then after that I started exploring, okay, so what is it like, what makes it, what is
00:38it the other people have discovered about it?
00:40Then I started like when you see, you know, Sanskrit, like how Sanskrit was written and
00:45composed, what makes Sanskrit so special?
00:49So if you see the Maheshwaraya Sutra, like he was in meditation, then he got this Sutra,
00:58it's like the Damru or Shiva, like Shiva gave him this, which is the base of the Sanskrit
01:02language, then how it is composed like with respect to grammar, so all of this knowledge
01:08like it should be combined, it's not like separate, you know, like linguistic is like
01:13this, this is a linguist guy, this is a spiritual guy, this is a Baba guy, no, because earlier
01:18the Rishi used to do both actually and that was the method of doing it, like if you study
01:23Ramajanujan, like this math equation come from Devi only, the same with me only, like
01:28I only do Bhakti or Shiva, all of my knowledge, like whatever I study, like very less, only
01:35some diagram I see, okay, this is it, then I understand, like Mahadev tells me, okay,
01:40like this is how it works, so that is the real way of doing it.
01:47What was the main thing that triggered you into spirituality?
01:51You can say like the quest for the answer, quest for the knowledge, it took different
01:56forms in outside, like initially you are searching for the, like when you apply to do what is
02:01like, you know, substantial in life, but then you shift, then it was like, then you are
02:07going through the mental health problem, then the question was like how mind works, how
02:12do you get rid of these unwanted thoughts in your mind, which I think is very popular
02:16question these days, like people, that's why a lot of people are actually getting attracted
02:21towards spirituality, not towards like getting Moksha, but towards like, okay, how do I actually
02:27calm my mind and reduce my anxiety and all of that, which is fine also, but then you
02:32have to connect it to the root also, like what is the base of it, why so many techniques
02:38and meditation techniques are there, it's not just to calm your mind, it's basically
02:43there is a different like, you know, motive to it and what is that motive and why is that
02:48motive so important that so many people have done and like, you know, given their entire
02:51life to it.
02:52You have lived a so smooth life and came into hard life, how was your experience and what
02:59you are experiencing here only?
03:02I won't say like that was smooth and this is hard, because what seems hard for you from
03:08outside, it might be a natural tendency for me, like sleeping outside in cold, it might
03:16not see it as hard, no, I might see like, you know, sleeping in a closed Delhi place
03:22where there is no air, you know, polluted air, no light coming, you don't even know
03:26when sun rises, sun don't rise, that I will consider hard, because then you have completely
03:31lost connection with the environment, now here at least you know, you are with the nature,
03:37so it's much better, much easier than staying in, you know, completely closed cities and
03:43like that life, so it's a perspective, like that was hard and this is like easy or like
03:48that was easy, this is hard, for me it's like same only.
03:52You was an aero engineer, which is so hard and so, did that help you to connect with
03:58the spirituality or astrology or anything else?
04:03Not really, but it does develop your logical thinking, reasoning capabilities, like because
04:10when you study science, your reasoning capabilities increase, right, your IQ that we say, but
04:16then when you do like arts and everything, your EQ increases, your emotional conscious,
04:20you become more empath, like when you are doing some story, like I have done like documentary
04:24projects on Kota, so there you go and you talk to the students there and then you try
04:29to connect with their emotions, so like why do they study, why do they commit suicide,
04:34what is the pressure on them, so that requires your EQ, so you need to develop both.
04:41What was the time when you came to spirituality and did you take Diksha or anything else?
04:47That's why I am saying, no, it's not like, I came into spirituality in a sense, it's
04:51like you arrived at the answer and then I start doing it intentionally, initially you
04:59don't know the answer, obviously that's why you are searching, if you already know
05:03the answer, why would you search, so initially you don't know the answer, but after knowing
05:07the answer or after experiencing the answer, much better words, then you like start seeing,
05:14ok, what is the scope of it, how far it extends, how many different ways it can be done and
05:22then you start reading all of these different forms, ok, this is how they have created Bharatanatyam,
05:28this is how they have created like Sanskrit, this is how they have created like all of
05:32these astrological charts, this is how you know the Rashi, which you say, the signs,
05:38the 12 signs, these works, so then you start seeing, ok, this was the base of it.
05:43You got the answer?
05:45Yeah, yeah.
05:46What was the answer?
05:48Answer to what?
05:50No, Moksha you cannot, see, Moksha is finally basically when there is no body, right now
05:58it's not complete liberation, complete liberation means that you are not in this world, you
06:03are liberated, right, you won't take birth only, if you don't have any karmic attachment
06:11to the world, then you will just go back, so that will happen in the end, complete Moksha
06:18that you are saying, complete Mukti, like liberation.