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00:00:30Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:01:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:01:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:02:22hi charlie here's your death warrant stick it up when you got the time
00:02:24Good morning, Charlie.
00:02:27Good morning, sir.
00:02:29Morning, sir.
00:02:50Here you are, Charlie.
00:02:55Right away.
00:02:56Can't go yet.
00:02:57Squaring out here.
00:03:02I'm having a sink, Hattie.
00:03:04What am I supposed to do, hedgehog?
00:03:28Bear a hand here!
00:03:31Come on, Don!
00:03:41Can't wait any longer.
00:03:42We're three minutes late already.
00:03:43Three and a half, to be exact.
00:03:44And I'm due in court at ten o'clock.
00:03:46Just go in now, sir.
00:03:48Can't go yet.
00:03:49Squire's here.
00:03:55What's the idea of leaving me behind on market day?
00:04:00Four minutes late, Mr. Chesterford.
00:04:01Chess clock says four minutes early.
00:04:03British Railway's run by Greenwich, not Titfield Times.
00:04:05My great-grandfather built this railway for Titfield, not Greenwich.
00:04:43Honk, honk, honk!
00:04:55Honk, honk, honk!
00:04:59My, my!
00:05:01So they let you up on loan, eh?
00:05:02We bought her!
00:05:05Railway's had it?
00:05:06Closure notice went up this morning.
00:05:08At last!
00:05:09Now, that's just the beginning.
00:05:11Five years from now, and they'll be calling this place Pierstown.
00:05:24Honk, honk, honk!
00:05:26Honk, honk, honk!
00:05:47Yes, Emily?
00:05:48The squire and Mr. Blakeworth, sir.
00:05:50Oh, well, well, well, come in.
00:05:53Emily, the ginger wine.
00:05:54I hope we're not interrupting the sermon.
00:05:56Oh, no matter, no matter.
00:05:57I think you'll find some cigarettes in the pocket of my cassette.
00:05:59Sam, we've come to talk about the railway.
00:06:01The railway!
00:06:03You haven't heard the news?
00:06:05The news?
00:06:06They're closing it down.
00:06:24Cannot believe it.
00:06:26The oldest surviving branch line in the world.
00:06:28It's unthinkable.
00:06:30They cannot possibly close it.
00:06:32What about the old Canterbury-Witstable line?
00:06:34They closed that.
00:06:36Perhaps there were not men of sufficient faith in Canterbury.
00:06:42Sam, we've got to fight this.
00:06:43It means virtual monopoly for Pierce and Crump and their buses.
00:06:46That'll be the end of Titfield as we know it.
00:06:48It must never happen.
00:06:49Our railway must be kept running.
00:06:51Our railway must be kept running.
00:06:52Yes, but how?
00:06:53There's no solution I can see, short of buying up the line.
00:06:56Dear Mr. Blakeworth, you can't buy a railway nowadays.
00:06:58They're all nationalised.
00:06:59The Transport Act of 1947 only nationalised existing railways.
00:07:03A new company formed now wouldn't come under the Act.
00:07:10Of course, there'd be hundreds of conditions to fulfil.
00:07:12Nonsense. Get a light railway order, most of them won't apply.
00:07:14Well, how do we get a light railway order?
00:07:16By means of a prayer.
00:07:17Oh, Sam.
00:07:18Prayer to the Minister of Transport's a legal term.
00:07:20Where are you going to get your staff?
00:07:21We need an engine crew, signalmen, plate layers.
00:07:24He's right, Sam. The railways are shorthanded.
00:07:26They'll never let anyone go.
00:07:27Good gracious, boy.
00:07:29You whose great-grandfather built the railway?
00:07:33What are you thinking of?
00:07:34We'll run it ourselves.
00:07:36Good heavens.
00:07:37Yes, we will, Sam.
00:07:38Oh, what a thought.
00:07:39By heavens, we will.
00:07:40I'll drive the engine.
00:07:41I'll be the guard.
00:07:43Oh, good heavens.
00:07:46Where are you going to get the money from?
00:07:48Oh, we'll raise it.
00:07:50We'll organise a raffle, a jumble sale, a fete.
00:07:53We'll revive the flower show, have a flag day, a silver collection, a line of pennies.
00:07:58We'll put on the Mikado again.
00:08:00Sam, you've done all that for the organ fund, and how much have you raised?
00:08:05Forty-nine pounds, three shillings.
00:08:07We'll need at least ten thousand.
00:08:19But if we could interest Mr. Valentine...
00:08:22Mr. Valentine?
00:08:24He's spent the last forty years turning people's dreams.
00:08:26Why shouldn't he stand us a railway?
00:08:27Oh, it's impossible.
00:08:28Sam, a railway of our own?
00:08:43Good heavens.
00:08:46And a large gin for me.
00:08:48In your hand, Mr. Valentine.
00:08:51Ladies and gentlemen, here's to our magnificent generals, General Gordon and General Boo.
00:08:59No, no, no.
00:09:00Leave it there, my dear. Time we all had another little drink.
00:09:04Ah, our good chaplain.
00:09:06I was just about to invite the company to take wine with me.
00:09:09Mr. Hampton.
00:09:10No, please let me.
00:09:11Oh, I've already staked my claim, sir.
00:09:12You must accept defeat like a gentleman now, Mr. Weech.
00:09:14Well, it's very kind of you.
00:09:15Perhaps a glass of sherry.
00:09:17A sherry wine.
00:09:18And for you, Mr. Chesterford, the same again.
00:09:20Well, I haven't had one yet.
00:09:21Oh, well.
00:09:22Let us not...
00:09:23Let us not quibble over the lapse of a few empty hours since we last stood here together.
00:09:26Was it not a blend of mild ale and bitter beer?
00:09:28I could, well...
00:09:29Mild and bitter.
00:09:32Mr. Weech, you're looking solemn.
00:09:33Mr. Weech has had a very nasty shock.
00:09:35You've heard they're closing our railway.
00:09:37Oh, my dear Padre.
00:09:39All this time together, not one word of sympathy from me.
00:09:42You must think me a very cruel and unfeeling old man.
00:09:44Oh, not at all.
00:09:45Oh, but I insist.
00:09:46But we're planning to take it over.
00:09:48Work it ourselves.
00:09:50Indeed, and why not?
00:09:52I've the very man for you.
00:09:53Mr. Taylor.
00:09:54If we can find the capital.
00:09:56Mr. Taylor.
00:09:57Mr. Taylor.
00:09:58Ah, there you are.
00:09:59Stop dodging about, sir.
00:10:00Now, come here, Mr. Taylor.
00:10:01You're going to drive an engine for these ladies and gentlemen.
00:10:04Oh, no.
00:10:05Oh, yes, sir.
00:10:06Mr. Taylor is a railway servant of long experience.
00:10:09Forty-one years.
00:10:10Yes, I know, I know.
00:10:12I can drive an engine.
00:10:14Better than what you can.
00:10:15At what percent of piston travel does an engine cut out before she starts her run?
00:10:20She doesn't even know that.
00:10:21First blood to the cloth.
00:10:22Come on, Mr. Taylor.
00:10:23Have at him.
00:10:24What's a Sampson?
00:10:25Answer me that.
00:10:26One doesn't need a knowledge of working slang to operate a locomotive.
00:10:29Ah, head for Mr. Taylor.
00:10:30Get into him, Dad.
00:10:31What's a petticoat pipe?
00:10:32Wrong stage.
00:10:33Come on, Mr. H.
00:10:34What's the purpose of the firebox throat plate?
00:10:36When does an engine bark?
00:10:37What's a stuffing gland?
00:10:38How long's your J-rod?
00:10:39How do you free a clogged blower?
00:10:40How do you treat a big end brass?
00:10:41Will you answer my questions, man?
00:10:43Will you answer mine and take your paws off me?
00:10:46Gentlemen, gentlemen, all repeat.
00:10:48I declare the contest a draw.
00:10:50They must both drive the engine.
00:10:53If they ever get the chance.
00:10:55Look, Mr. Ballantyne.
00:10:56We need 10,000 pounds to float our company.
00:10:58My dear Mr. Chesterford, what is 10,000 pounds between friends?
00:11:01Oh, nothing, we're hoping.
00:11:02Nothing indeed.
00:11:03Money is only a symbol.
00:11:04Come along.
00:11:05Let's drink to your success.
00:11:06Miss Hampton, dear, set them up.
00:11:08You'll finance us?
00:11:10Aye, dear boy.
00:11:11Oh, charming gesture.
00:11:12But what right have I to exploit your enterprise for gain?
00:11:15I a weak and foolish old man.
00:11:17You certainly won't gain by it.
00:11:19I, who already have enough for my simple needs?
00:11:21But don't you understand?
00:11:22This line has been losing money for years.
00:11:24And it's bound to go on losing money.
00:11:26There's an honest man.
00:11:28Thank you, my dear sir.
00:11:29But for your timely warning,
00:11:31I might have made a very foolish investment.
00:11:34Come along, Miss Hampton, dear.
00:11:36Mr. Valentine,
00:11:37what do you do in the mornings before this place opens?
00:11:40I wait around in patience for the day to dawn.
00:11:42Yes, well, suppose the day dawned at 13 minutes to nine.
00:11:46Mr. Chesterford, you're a poet.
00:11:48A dreamer of beautiful dreams.
00:11:52There is nothing in law to prevent a railway company
00:11:54from opening a bar in one of its trains
00:11:56whenever that train is underway.
00:11:59Look, give us your backing,
00:12:00and we'll run a bar on the Titfield-Mallingford line
00:12:02every morning and every afternoon.
00:12:04I've sung this excepted.
00:12:07You, you wouldn't tease an old man, would you?
00:12:10Mr. Weed, you, you wouldn't joke about a sacred subject?
00:12:13I'm assured it will be quite, quite legal.
00:12:16You can write your own timetable.
00:12:18My very dear sir,
00:12:20I'm afraid I can't.
00:12:22I'm afraid I can't.
00:12:24I'm afraid I can't.
00:12:26My very dear sir,
00:12:28you can write your own cheque.
00:12:54Morning, Todd.
00:12:55Morning, sir.
00:13:06Morning, sir.
00:13:13Morning, Mr. Clegg.
00:13:15Titfield branch line.
00:13:17British Railways are prepared to sell.
00:13:19These people are only determined to run it themselves.
00:13:21That is their intention.
00:13:23You will be conducting an official inquiry
00:13:25at Mallingford next Tuesday.
00:13:27It's going to be tough.
00:13:29There's going to be a lot of local opposition.
00:13:32Amateurs running a railway.
00:13:34There is.
00:13:35You will ascertain whether or not
00:13:37such opposition is justified.
00:14:08You know, Sam, this is serious.
00:14:11Gross libel.
00:14:12Yes, but we are amateurs.
00:14:55Come on up, Mr. Wheat.
00:14:57I say, Ben, you are a brick.
00:14:59Did the guard see you?
00:15:00No, I don't think so.
00:15:02Come in, Mr. Chesterford. Make yourself comfortable.
00:15:04Thanks a lot, Joe.
00:15:05Driver didn't see you, did he?
00:15:07I don't think so.
00:15:10That's the lot.
00:15:27Open the load, Ben, may I?
00:15:44Steady now. Steady.
00:15:57Faster, Alec, faster.
00:16:21It's safer by road.
00:16:26Despite the very great dangers of a privately run railway,
00:16:29I feel the only solution to the problem is a privately run bus.
00:16:42Quiet, please.
00:16:44All right.
00:16:45So it all boils down to a question of safety first.
00:16:48And there's no dodging the fact that Titfield people as a whole
00:16:51are somewhat disturbed at the idea of an amateur run railway.
00:16:55I don't know, of course, how many have reasons of their own for opposing it.
00:17:01But I do wish I could be sure of at least one impartial view.
00:17:04I think I can provide that, sir.
00:17:06As a town clerk here, I am able to keep a close touch on the pulse of local opinion.
00:17:11And I feel it my public duty to say that the opposition does indeed arise
00:17:15from a genuine doubt as to whether these gentlemen can provide a safe and efficient service.
00:17:20If, however, you decide that they can...
00:17:22May I say, sir, that I've recently taken a course of private tuition as an engine driver?
00:17:25And I'm learning how to be a guard.
00:17:27Where, Al, and oh, from?
00:17:29And who may you be, sir?
00:17:31The name is Coggett, Mr. Coggett.
00:17:34I'm here to enter a protest on behalf of the National Association of Railway Workers.
00:17:38I see.
00:17:39And what is the nature of your protest, Mr. Coggett?
00:17:41My association would take a grave view of the proposal to employ stuff on this line
00:17:46in flagrant disregard of the scale of wages laid down for railway workers.
00:17:49Hear, hear.
00:17:50This is where we can get some railway workers and we'll use them with pleasure, at full union rates.
00:17:53My association is not an employment bureau.
00:17:56My association is concerned only to prevent the exploitation of cheap labour.
00:18:00But we want to be exploited.
00:18:02It doesn't matter what you want, brother.
00:18:04It's what the bosses want that we're out to stop.
00:18:06But we are the bosses.
00:18:08Yes, in our company there's no quarrel at all between capital and labour.
00:18:12My association will view any such situation as evidence of exploitation.
00:18:17Thank you, Mr. Coggett.
00:18:19As an old railwayman myself, I cannot help sympathising with those people who want to keep this line in operation.
00:18:25And I can see that they are ready to make every effort to fit themselves for their duties.
00:18:30But, in their enthusiasm, I don't think they realise quite as clearly as the rest of the community
00:18:36what a very big responsibility it would be.
00:18:39And if I were to grant the order they've applied for,
00:18:42I think they might easily find in a few weeks' time
00:18:45that they've taken on something more than they can manage.
00:18:48In view of this, I do not feel justified in recommending that they should be granted it.
00:19:01Don't you realise you're condemning our village to death?
00:19:04Open it up to buses and lorries, and what's it going to be like in five years' time?
00:19:07Our lanes will be concrete roads.
00:19:09Our houses will have numbers instead of names.
00:19:11There'll be traffic lights and zebra crossings.
00:19:14And that'll be twice as dangerous.
00:19:16Don't believe me? Go by bus.
00:19:18We're not asking for a monopoly like you are.
00:19:20All we're asking for is the chance to keep our train running.
00:19:23Mr Blakeworth, you spoke out frankly just now.
00:19:25You said people were scared of our idea. Well, that's quite true.
00:19:27Perhaps they are. Perhaps you're one of them.
00:19:29But give us a chance and we'll prove we can do it.
00:19:33Just give us this one chance, sir.
00:19:35It means everything to our village.
00:19:40Besides, we want to run the railway.
00:19:42Bravo! Bravo!
00:19:54I was about to add that I do not feel justified in recommending their order should be made permanent...
00:19:58...until they've had a chance of proving their capabilities.
00:20:01I shall therefore recommend to my minister that they be granted a probationary period of one month...
00:20:06...after which an inspector of railways, appointed by the minister...
00:20:09...shall report whether or not the efficiency with which the line is run...
00:20:13...justifies the said order being made permanent.
00:20:26Sing while you can, you poor fool.
00:20:29You won't last a week.
00:20:44Morning. Morning, sir.
00:20:46Better than housework, Mrs. Davies?
00:20:48Spend it, Mrs. Stanley. Morning.
00:20:50Morning, Mr. Weed. Good morning, Fred.
00:20:52Morning, Pickard. Morning, Mrs. Enstead.
00:20:54Hello, Joan. Morning.
00:20:56Good morning.
00:21:13Good morning.
00:21:43Good morning.
00:22:05Well done, everybody. Time for evensong.
00:22:09That'll do. That'll do.
00:22:11Pick it up. Pick it up.
00:22:41Pick it up.
00:22:43Pick it up.
00:23:09Walter, do you know what time it is?
00:23:11Yes, my love. Summer double time.
00:23:13Come, Dan.
00:23:29Where's Dan? He should have been here half an hour ago.
00:23:32That lazy good-for-nothing. You didn't ought to mix with the likes of him, sir.
00:23:36He ought to have had the fire lit by now.
00:23:38Our first run, and we shall be late.
00:23:42My dear, Seth, don't tell me you've been here all night.
00:23:45When I do a job, sir, I like to do it proper.
00:23:48Good old Seth. Morning, Mr. Weed.
00:23:50Have you seen Dan about? No, I haven't.
00:23:52Look, I've got half a dozen gin, two of whiskey and a third can of beer.
00:23:55That do you? For the week, I hope.
00:24:00Our very first day.
00:24:02We can't fail.
00:24:04We can't fail.
00:24:11Oh, girl, no.
00:24:13Our technique here's a little different.
00:24:15Now, you get down to Dan's place as fast as your legs can carry you.
00:24:18Send him back here at the double.
00:24:20Tell him it's vital.
00:24:42Are you there, Dan?
00:24:45Dan! Dan!
00:24:47Get out of bed this minute.
00:25:35All right, don't go panicking like an amateur.
00:25:45They're coming!
00:25:47How many? Six.
00:25:49And Mr. Blake works with them.
00:25:53Only another three minutes. I know.
00:26:05You rang, sir?
00:26:09No, no, no. Day return.
00:26:11I want to see how they get on first.
00:26:13There you are, sir. Thank you.
00:26:15Aha! Well, Mr. Blakeworth, a memorable day, sir.
00:26:18It certainly will be if this train departs on time.
00:26:20Oh, the law compels it.
00:26:22Landlord's in danger of losing his license otherwise.
00:26:25Merciful heaven! We've made it!
00:27:13Jolly good! Jolly good!
00:27:15Bravo, Mr. Wheaton! Bravo! Well done!
00:27:18Hooray! Splendid!
00:27:33Oh, but it's beautiful. Quite beautiful.
00:27:36Try it for height, Mr. Valentine.
00:27:40Oh, most comfortable, my dear fellow.
00:27:42Most comfortable. Congratulations.
00:27:44About half an inch lower than the grasshopper, I'd say.
00:27:46Oh, I'm very adaptable.
00:27:48Well, the usual, please, Miss Hampton.
00:27:50Right. Take her out.
00:28:05Stop it, William. We're the staff.
00:28:08All things bright and beautiful.
00:28:28All creatures great and small.
00:28:31Each little flower that opens.
00:28:38Each little bird that sings.
00:28:41He made glowing colors.
00:28:44He made their tiny wings.
00:29:01Though I don't usually drink at this time.
00:29:14You've never had the chance before.
00:29:16Oh, indeed I have. I keep a small stock in the house.
00:29:18But at 9 o'clock in the morning, it's never occurred to me.
00:29:21I should hope not, sir.
00:29:22Drinking alone out of hours on unlicensed ground,
00:29:25I'd hesitate to believe that of a teetotaler.
00:29:27Good gracious!
00:29:29Good gracious! What's happened?
00:29:31It's all right. They're only stopping to take on water.
00:29:42It's a little provoking, not having a supply at the sheds.
00:29:47Dan! Dan!
00:29:53Dan, where are you?
00:29:56Just coming, reverend.
00:30:00What have you been doing?
00:30:01Them that ask no questions.
00:30:02What's that in your pocket?
00:30:04I see, on the squire's land, too.
00:30:06And I suppose they were shot yesterday, Sunday.
00:30:09Never! Never shot a rabbit on a Sunday and may I drop down dead.
00:30:12Traitor! What's the difference?
00:30:14I should report this, Dan.
00:30:17Turn off! Turn off, man!
00:30:19If I'm going to do this job, I don't let it interfere with my business any more than it do with yours.
00:30:23This service is going to be efficient whether you like it or not.
00:30:26We cannot afford to...
00:30:29Come back! Come back!
00:30:31We need you!
00:30:39All right.
00:30:41So long as we understand each other, that's all.
00:30:56Crossing ahead, look out your side.
00:31:04Stop! Lane's blocked! Stop!
00:31:23Get that thing off the track!
00:31:24What else do you think we're trying to do?
00:31:26You amateurs evidently don't realize you're supposed to keep this track in good condition.
00:31:29We've a case against you here.
00:31:30There's nothing whatever wrong with the track. This is deliberate.
00:31:33And that's slander. Two cases.
00:31:35You might have expected something like this. How are we running, Sam?
00:31:37On time. That's what makes it so criminal.
00:31:39I'll give you one more minute or we'll shift her ourselves.
00:31:41That's very kind of you, old man.
00:31:43She's full of bricks.
00:31:45That's done it.
00:31:49I'll move her.
00:31:51You can't do that. Can't I?
00:31:53We'll have the law on you.
00:31:55Three cases.
00:31:57Stop him!
00:31:58Ah, you're insured, ain't you?
00:32:00Stand clear!
00:32:01Go on, Reverend! Let her have it! Go on!
00:32:03Go on, Reverend!
00:32:06Stop him! Stop him!
00:32:08Go on, Reverend! Let her have it! Go on!
00:32:10Go on, Reverend! Let me do it! Go on!
00:32:18I say, is this a normal hazard of railway travel?
00:32:22I think we'd better get out of here.
00:32:24What? Yes.
00:32:26Right! Punch more, Jim! He's through!
00:32:31Hey, you! Walk in!
00:32:34Come on as fast as you can!
00:32:36Are you all right, Reverend? Go on! Let him have it! Go on!
00:32:41That's it! Get back there, you...
00:32:44Oh, a duel! How very delightful!
00:32:50You get this thing off the track or I'll never speak to you again!
00:32:52Here, it's all yours!
00:32:53Don't you touch it!
00:32:58I'm sorry, Mr. Pierce, but if my young lady doesn't like it...
00:33:00Hey! Walk down the street for one moment! Your opponent is not quite ready!
00:33:04No, no! Stop!
00:33:12Hey! I'll do you for that!
00:33:25Take that!
00:33:29Right! Come on as fast as you can!
00:33:38Come along! Have at him!
00:33:40You're backing the wrong team, Mr. Ballantyne! That's your engine!
00:33:42Cost you a packet if she's beaten!
00:33:44Money is the curse of all modern sports, sir!
00:33:46Roll on, my beauty!
00:33:56Come on! Come on!
00:34:09Come on! Come on!
00:34:22Take that!
00:34:24Well done, Sam! All right, everybody, back aboard!
00:34:27Come on, Reverend! Come on! All aboard! All aboard!
00:34:30Oh, a foul! A foul! A probable foul!
00:34:36All aboard, quickly!
00:34:56It was a foul, you know!
00:35:00Take the check out to the company!
00:35:29Don't take it so bad, Harry! You put up a good fight!
00:36:00Oh, thanks!
00:36:04Public bath!
00:36:17So you have to go out and hire a bunch of whooping redskins that couldn't stop a two-bit clock!
00:36:22You're dumb, Palooka!
00:36:24Pot gutter!
00:36:25How was I supposed to know they were toting guns on a choo-choo?
00:36:29Scram, baby!
00:36:31Let's put that freeze on his alibis, huh?
00:36:34Grab, sister!
00:36:35Thank you, handsome!
00:36:37Not today, thank you!
00:36:38Yeah, let's not waste time on recriminations!
00:36:40Here you are, miss!
00:36:41Thank you very much!
00:36:43No, no, no!
00:36:45Now, how would you like an opportunity to get your realm back?
00:36:49Steady on!
00:36:51Reckon you'd go in a big way to put the fix on them steam cars?
00:36:54Shoot, bub!
00:36:56And that's a big steamboat beside that!
00:36:57All you gotta do is free up your horses around the side, see?
00:36:59Get round behind that, and I say come down!
00:37:00All you gotta do is free up your horses around the side, see?
00:37:02Get round behind that, and I say come down!
00:37:21Stop that!
00:37:22I got it!
00:37:24A pheasant!
00:37:25Don't you dare!
00:37:26I got a pheasant, I tell you!
00:37:27I got a pheasant!
00:37:28I got a pheasant!
00:37:29Well, I've got a pheasant!
00:37:30I've got a pheasant!
00:37:55I've got him, beauty, ain't he?
00:38:02Come along, man, come along!
00:38:03All right, all right!
00:38:04Ain't he a beauty, hey?
00:38:07You've lost us nearly two minutes!
00:38:09All right!
00:38:10Now, you get up there.
00:38:31What, me?
00:38:32Yes, I will operate the chain today.
00:39:06Nearly out!
00:39:07Drop the fire!
00:39:08I'll lose my honour as a driver, never!
00:39:11You shall blow up!
00:39:13Quickly, all out!
00:39:14All out, quickly, everybody!
00:39:15Quickly, all out!
00:39:16What's up?
00:39:17Your water!
00:39:18All out, quickly!
00:39:19Down to the river, everyone!
00:39:20All out, everybody!
00:39:21Quickly, all out!
00:39:53Come on!
00:39:54Miss Hampton, dear, manner!
00:39:55We're going to blow up!
00:39:57Minds and spirits first!
00:39:58Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:27on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:51on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:52on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:53on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:54on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:55on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:56on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:57on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:58on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:40:59on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:41:00on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
00:41:01on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
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