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00:00:00When people hassle me about actually liking airplane or cafeteria food, I try to explain
00:00:10to them.
00:00:11I grew up with a divorced, working mom who never had the time or patience for anything
00:00:17Frozen or packaged was what I was weaned on, except for when she made her one dish, disguised
00:00:24a hundred different ways.
00:00:27Chicken cacciatore.
00:00:29Chicken Florentine.
00:00:30Hawaiian chicken.
00:00:37Then mom had it with working and the single parent gig, and moved us from New York to
00:00:42California with this swell guy she married.
00:00:49Marty Swell.
00:00:50At one time, the name must have been Swellstein or Svelovitz, but somehow, back at Ellis Island,
00:01:00someone must have gotten lazy, or impatient, or inspired, and entered my step-granddad
00:01:09into the U.S. of A as just plain old Swell.
00:01:14At least they had the decency not to add another L to make it a synonym for wonderful.
00:01:23I remember my summer vacation home after my first year away at college.
00:01:30I'd gone back to New York to study creative writing at NYU, so I was eager to show off
00:01:34my new, sophisticated persona, but at the same time, probe my roots.
00:01:39My plan was to write a book, my story, and return to the Big Apple with a definitive
00:01:44tale of the dysfunctional family, and launch my literary career.
00:01:48I was only 19, but I saw myself as someone distant and apart, an able observer to dissect
00:01:55and expose the key to what makes a family tick, or in this case, twist.
00:01:59I'd only been gone nine months, but that household seemed like a million light years away.
00:02:06That was, until I stepped off the plane.
00:02:09Welcome aboard flight 584 departing New York's JFK International Airport for Los Angeles.
00:02:20Our flight time will be five hours and forty-nine minutes.
00:02:26Mom, hi!
00:02:28Oh, darling!
00:02:29Oh my goodness!
00:02:30Let me look at you!
00:02:31Did you get one of those New York haircuts?
00:02:32Yes, of course.
00:02:33Did you get one of those New York haircuts?
00:02:35Yes, it's adorable.
00:02:36It's so glad to see you, my darling.
00:02:39I've missed you so much.
00:02:40I can't believe it's been a whole year.
00:02:44Okay, where am I going to get my luggage?
00:02:59Is that your backpack?
00:03:01No, that's not mine.
00:03:02Wait, no, I think that's it over there.
00:03:04Sir, could you help us?
00:03:06Thank you so much.
00:03:07You're such a kind person.
00:03:09It's okay.
00:03:12No, no, you're a lady.
00:03:13You should let a nice gentleman take your baggage.
00:03:15Thank you so much.
00:03:25Can we go?
00:03:26Of course, honey.
00:03:27I need the keys to open the trunk.
00:03:29All right.
00:03:30Okay, it's just down this aisle.
00:03:31I'm sure of it.
00:03:32Yeah, that's it.
00:03:33That's the car right there.
00:03:34Remember this car?
00:03:35Yeah, I remember it.
00:03:36What is that?
00:03:37A ticket?
00:03:43How could they give me a ticket?
00:03:45How can they give anybody a ticket around here?
00:03:47I'm going to fight this.
00:03:49You need to put enough change in the meter.
00:03:50Of course I put enough change in the meter.
00:03:52I loaded it up with change.
00:03:54It's only for like a half an hour.
00:03:57Oh, how could there be traffic on the 405 at 7.30 in the morning?
00:04:01LA, Mom, there's always traffic.
00:04:03That's why it's so great in New York.
00:04:05You don't even need a car.
00:04:07You know, I've been talking to Marty about getting one of these car phones.
00:04:10Oh, Mother, that's so Hollywood.
00:04:12They're very expensive.
00:04:13You should see the bills we've been racking up lately.
00:04:15Marty is on the phone all the time.
00:04:21Fire! Fire! Fire!
00:04:25Fire! Fire!
00:04:35Fire! Fire!
00:04:37My half-sister.
00:04:39Although I'd get a smack if I ever called her half to her face.
00:04:43You ruined the toast and Tracy almost set the goddamn house on fire.
00:04:46I was making pizza!
00:04:47Look! More fire!
00:04:50The housekeeper's daughter.
00:04:52A tidbit of normality.
00:04:55You're right, kid, you're right. Hand me that baking soda.
00:04:58Here, Daddy. He's not your Daddy. You don't have one.
00:05:02Where you been, huh? I've been here waiting for you.
00:05:04Don't aggravate me. The traffic was murder.
00:05:06Yeah, well, the kids almost burned the house to the ground, for Christ's sake. I mean...
00:05:09I leave for one hour and you can't take care of them.
00:05:13Well, hon, Estelle's supposed to be here.
00:05:15She's been gone all morning.
00:05:17Oh, Marty.
00:05:19Estelle, the housekeeper.
00:05:21Will she ever have the guts to leave?
00:05:24Stop barking! Mom!
00:05:27Oh, stop it, Tracy! You're driving me nuts!
00:05:29Your skin looks good. Real good.
00:05:31You only got a few of them left.
00:05:33A real piece of work.
00:05:35And he always knew where to hit.
00:05:40Stand still!
00:05:41The door wasn't even locked. I can't believe you just leave it open.
00:05:44Silly, it's broad daylight. Marty's here.
00:05:49What the killers do now is they get rid of the men first,
00:05:52and then they rape and kill the women.
00:05:55Or they kill them, and then they rape them.
00:05:58Can we please not talk about such things?
00:06:01I can't believe you don't know all this.
00:06:03You live in L.A. Don't you read the paper?
00:06:05Did you take my paper?
00:06:07How could I take your paper? I just got here.
00:06:10What's rape, Mommy?
00:06:12You see? You see the ideas you're giving your little sister?
00:06:15How do you tell your mother she's in denial,
00:06:17when her only response is,
00:06:19I am not.
00:06:21I'm not giving them to her. They exist.
00:06:24Mr. Park, my friend, I was just going to call you.
00:06:27No! My wife, she tell me call you.
00:06:34Go get ready for the party.
00:06:35What party?
00:06:37Aunt Sherry's birthday.
00:06:39I just got off a plane. I'm exhausted.
00:06:41How come no one told me about this?
00:06:43You no understand, my friend.
00:06:45You no sell fruit juice, huh?
00:06:47You sell soda and cigarettes, huh?
00:06:50No, my wife, she say buy fruit juice machine.
00:06:53Where is that little bitch?
00:06:55Hey, watch that language.
00:06:56God, where is it?
00:06:58My blood sister gone bad.
00:07:01You know, I'm just going to let you see for yourselves
00:07:03how the whole mess played out that day.
00:07:07God damn it!
00:07:10No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:07:11You know, the kids, they come.
00:07:12They see the fruit juice.
00:07:13They go to the 7-Eleven mini mall
00:07:15and they buy soda and cigarettes.
00:07:21That brat steals my makeup that I saved my allowance for,
00:07:24for months.
00:07:25And all you have to say is watch that language.
00:07:28She talks like a truck driver.
00:07:30If I would have talked like that when I was her age,
00:07:32I would have been grounded for a month.
00:07:34But no, not her.
00:07:36She's your daughter.
00:07:37Have you cleaned the pool yet?
00:07:39Mr. Swell!
00:07:42I have to clean the pool.
00:07:43I have to wash the cars.
00:07:44Why can't Estelle do it?
00:07:45She's the maid.
00:07:46She ain't the maid.
00:07:47She is the housekeeper.
00:07:49Yeah, right.
00:07:50Mr. Swell!
00:07:51Okay, wise-ass.
00:07:52Now you're not going to the party.
00:07:53Go to your room.
00:07:59Mr. Swell!
00:08:02Mr. Park.
00:08:05It's the age.
00:08:06She's like a firecracker about to explode.
00:08:08Go get ready.
00:08:09Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:08:36You give kids what they want, Mr. Park.
00:08:39They pay money.
00:08:40No, we don't make money.
00:08:42We lose money.
00:08:47It reeks of weed, you know?
00:08:49Who cares?
00:08:50I can walk down the hall with a needle sticking out of my arm.
00:08:53You'd think they'd notice.
00:08:59And Mr. Swell has to come to your store and wheel away machines.
00:09:04Marty, get on.
00:09:05We have to get going.
00:09:06Then you know to be happy, Mr. Park.
00:09:41The effects of neglect.
00:09:47Are you two ready?
00:09:49I'm not going.
00:09:50I'm grounded.
00:09:52Don't be silly.
00:09:53This is family.
00:09:54I'm not one of you.
00:09:56That's just biological.
00:09:58Oh, that's real nice.
00:10:00What am I going to tell your Aunt Sherry?
00:10:02Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
00:10:03Hi, honey.
00:10:04I love you, Mommy.
00:10:06I love you too, sweetheart.
00:10:08Can I go swimming, Mommy?
00:10:09No, we're going to Aunt Sherry's birthday.
00:10:17Oh, Tracy.
00:10:19Oh, you've been tracking it all over the house.
00:10:23It smells.
00:10:26Here I am, Mrs. Swell.
00:10:29We were looking everywhere for you.
00:10:32Have you been?
00:10:33I was jogging.
00:10:35Oh, Tracy stepped in poopoo.
00:10:37Hi. Come here, Tracy.
00:10:38What is this dog doing in the house?
00:10:40I'm sorry, Mrs. Swell.
00:10:41I put him in my room.
00:10:43Come on, dog.
00:10:44Estelle, you don't have to put them in your room.
00:10:47I'll see you next week.
00:10:49Mr. Swell will see you next week.
00:10:51Bye-bye, Mr. Park.
00:10:57I'm talking to a client.
00:10:58We are supposed to be at the party already.
00:11:00You're not even dressed.
00:11:01I'm trying to make some money.
00:11:02Party? Party?
00:11:04What's this about a party?
00:11:05Oh, hi, Pop.
00:11:06Good morning.
00:11:08Did I hear you say good morning, young lady?
00:11:11Good morning, Dad.
00:11:12Now, what's all this about a party?
00:11:15I've been asking you all week.
00:11:16If you wanted to come, you told me no.
00:11:18Nobody told me anything about a party.
00:11:27Well, well, well, look who's here.
00:11:30It's Wilma.
00:11:34Did I hear you say good morning?
00:11:38Oh, thank you.
00:11:39Oh, please, Mrs. Swell.
00:11:44Hey, get off of my jacket, Tracy.
00:11:46Tracy, off the jacket.
00:11:49Aren't you coming?
00:11:51Yes, you and Chrissy are part of the family.
00:12:01The air, pregnant with chaos.
00:12:06You're hurting me.
00:12:07Say it!
00:12:20I'm sorry.
00:12:21I'm sorry.
00:12:22I'm sorry.
00:12:23I'm sorry.
00:12:24I'm sorry.
00:12:25I'm sorry.
00:12:26I'm sorry.
00:12:27I'm sorry.
00:12:28I'm sorry.
00:12:30He's whacking him up, whacking him up.
00:12:32Wendy, hand me that cake, will you?
00:12:34Mom, can't you redecorate or something?
00:12:36This place looks like 1970.
00:12:38If I have the time.
00:12:40Dad, you coming?
00:12:41I wasn't invited.
00:12:48Nothing, let's go.
00:12:50A soul is coming too?
00:12:51Um, Sherry can use some help in the kitchen.
00:12:54Lock up, Dad.
00:12:59Mom, did you have to smoke that thing?
00:13:07No, I like cigars, senor.
00:13:09All right, all right. Pipe down, geez.
00:13:12Don't say his name in vain.
00:13:14I didn't. I said, geez, like cheese.
00:13:17The prices tell you I'm making my kid into a fanatic.
00:13:20Let's go. The machine will pick up.
00:13:22My dad might answer. Not know what he's saying.
00:13:25Could be a client.
00:13:27They call all day and night.
00:13:29Could be a deal.
00:13:30Go get it, then.
00:13:31You go.
00:13:49Hello? Hello?
00:13:52Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
00:14:00Gracias, Tocotinco.
00:14:12They hung up.
00:14:15It was that crazy friend of yours, that drunken Peggy person.
00:14:19So what do you want me to do?
00:14:21You expect me to believe that she's a client.
00:14:26Oh, Marty.
00:14:28Hey, I told you. She gives me leans.
00:14:30I gotta be nice to her.
00:14:32Oh, you're so nice.
00:14:33You are nicer to her than you are your own family.
00:14:37Come on, girls. We go pick lemons.
00:14:40Is that the only time you're nice?
00:14:42When you're with your little whore?
00:14:44Hey, hey, watch your mouth.
00:14:51The familiar isolation.
00:14:56I'll be the mommy picking lemons for my family.
00:14:59I want to.
00:15:01Mommies have blonde hair like me.
00:15:03Chrissy, you let Tracy be the mommy this time.
00:15:05You be it next time.
00:15:06Don't give in to her, Estelle.
00:15:08She's a spoiled little brat.
00:15:10Fuck you.
00:15:11Oh, Mr. Big Shot Nice Guy.
00:15:14Oh, yeah.
00:15:15What do you think?
00:15:16You want to take me for an idiot?
00:15:17You think I'm stupid?
00:15:19Like your first wife?
00:15:20Like Sheila you used to lock in the closet?
00:15:23I'm like no one in the closet.
00:15:24What are you talking about, huh?
00:15:26Yeah, that's not what someone told me.
00:15:28I heard about you and your filthy ways.
00:15:31Your hair's cute.
00:15:33You think?
00:15:35It's the new wave look.
00:15:37Looks good on skinny girls with no tits.
00:15:43My finger.
00:15:44You beast.
00:15:47She comes after you with a nutcracker.
00:15:49The woman is loony.
00:15:51Keep it down in there, will ya?
00:15:53The car is still running.
00:15:54Well, turn it off then.
00:15:56I thought we were going.
00:15:58I will go by myself.
00:16:04Careful, now. We're out of my way.
00:16:06Oh, God.
00:16:08Poor little baby.
00:16:11What'd she do to you, huh?
00:16:13Oh, could you, could you, you sweet little thing?
00:16:15You want some love, huh?
00:16:17How about Daddy make you some eggs?
00:16:19Some eggs with cheese, huh?
00:16:22We try to be with the neighbor's dog,
00:16:24but this one won't give her the time of day.
00:16:26Your mother thinks she's a homo.
00:16:29Here you go, sweetheart.
00:16:32So, uh, you hungry?
00:16:35No, I ate on the plane.
00:16:40Now, let's see what we got.
00:16:44Hey, uh, Marty?
00:16:47I asked my mom to ask you...
00:16:49Ask me what?
00:16:52Well, then I guess she didn't.
00:16:54Ask me what?
00:16:56Well, I was telling Mommy that my friend Malcolm
00:16:59is coming from New York for the summer.
00:17:01You know, his parents wanted to get him out of the city and...
00:17:04You want some Jack or you want some chair, huh?
00:17:09Anyway, um...
00:17:13His family has treated me like their own daughter,
00:17:15and I was wondering, you know,
00:17:17if we move a mattress into the den, could he stay?
00:17:19Absolutely not. No boys stay in the house.
00:17:24I'm almost 20 years old.
00:17:26My mother said it was all right.
00:17:28Look, I make the rules around here.
00:17:30No boys in the house, and that is it.
00:17:35Oh, come again, my boy.
00:17:37Oh, come here, my boy.
00:17:39Why does he always have to do this when it's my family?
00:17:42You said you were going to ask him.
00:17:44About what?
00:17:45About Malcolm.
00:17:46Oh, I did ask him.
00:17:48He said he'd have to think about it.
00:17:52What do you want me to do?
00:17:54He's only coming tonight, Ma.
00:18:05Look, Marty, he's my best friend.
00:18:07He's coming 3,000 miles.
00:18:09I don't care if he comes from Kalamazoo.
00:18:11He can stay in a hotel.
00:18:13He can come here to swim.
00:18:19Look, the truth is, he's gay.
00:18:22We're like sisters.
00:18:24Well, now he's not swimming here.
00:18:26The fairy's in my pool.
00:18:30Are you from the Ice Age?
00:18:32They're called gay.
00:18:33Gay, get it?
00:18:34Because they're happy.
00:18:35Happy fairies.
00:18:38I knew you would say no.
00:18:41Certainly I would say no.
00:18:42He is not staying in my house.
00:18:46Your house.
00:18:48Your pool.
00:18:49Your kingdom, Mr. Big Authority.
00:18:51As it so happens, it is my mother's house,
00:18:53and it was her parents'.
00:18:55You better quit while you're ahead.
00:18:59That's just swell.
00:19:01My best friend can't come and stay for one summer,
00:19:04but your mistresses can call all day long.
00:19:07You were just lucky my mother's in denial.
00:19:09She only sees what she wants to.
00:19:11The rest of us knows, you scum.
00:19:13I hope one morning you never wake up.
00:19:21Why did you have to marry him?
00:19:23I've done nothing before.
00:19:26She started it.
00:19:28She's home from college for the summer.
00:19:30I don't want any trouble.
00:19:33I'm going.
00:19:35Now you're going, like that?
00:19:38I'm going for the grub.
00:19:39There's nothing to eat in this house.
00:19:41You look like a ghoul.
00:19:43I think I look good.
00:19:45Now what are boys going to say
00:19:46when they see you walking around like that?
00:19:48Well, they'll think that she comes from the circus.
00:19:52If anyone looks like a circus performer, it's you.
00:19:55And plus, that's not my aim in life, to have a boyfriend.
00:19:58I hate men.
00:20:00You're such a beautiful girl.
00:20:02I don't know why you have to mess yourself up.
00:20:05Beauty sucks.
00:20:06Don't say that word.
00:20:08It's an onomatopoeia.
00:20:10Sounds like it means sucks.
00:20:12Watch it.
00:20:13Can we just go?
00:20:23Tracy, sit in front with me.
00:20:25I want to sit with you, Mom.
00:20:27You'll sit in front with me.
00:20:29I'm your mother.
00:20:30Come on.
00:20:36Let me air.
00:20:37I can't breathe.
00:20:38Hold your horses.
00:20:40Mom, I'm going to barf.
00:20:43What now?
00:20:44I forgot the cake.
00:20:45I'll get it.
00:20:46I'll get it.
00:20:47I'll get it.
00:20:48I'll get it.
00:20:49I'll get it.
00:20:50What now?
00:20:51I forgot the cake.
00:21:02What the hell is it?
00:21:05Mira, I don't see the ivy's been watered.
00:21:08Why don't you do it yourself?
00:21:10You're lazy, Senor Suel.
00:21:12You'd be sad when you see you're no more lazy.
00:21:15Then no more work.
00:21:16Then you and Chrissy no more home.
00:21:18Then back to El Casa y Miracle.
00:21:21Bye, Dad.
00:21:38Move over.
00:21:40I am.
00:21:42Where is it?
00:21:49It's right around here, Missy Suel.
00:21:54Is my sister's cake in there?
00:21:59We're leaving as soon as I find it.
00:22:27Honey, you gotta stop calling me here.
00:22:31Let me call you.
00:22:32You said you were gonna take me to Palm Springs today.
00:22:36You promised.
00:22:45Mira, make me some meat, huh?
00:22:48I've had my breakfast, son.
00:22:50It's almost lunchtime.
00:22:51I don't want to be any trouble.
00:22:53No trouble, Bob.
00:22:55Right, Mira?
00:22:56No problem.
00:23:06Baby, you're back.
00:23:08How you doing, man?
00:23:10It's good to see you, too.
00:23:11Did they let you out of the slammer?
00:23:13You okay, Pamela?
00:23:14Lovely as ever.
00:23:15She sure is.
00:23:16Pammy's grown since the last time you seen her, Ernie.
00:23:19She's a big girl now.
00:23:24Not out of the bottle.
00:23:26It makes me feel like I'm in a commercial.
00:23:28I don't care how it makes you feel.
00:23:30Not out of the bottle.
00:23:31It's disgusting.
00:23:40Excellent kippers, Mira.
00:23:44Hello, Ernie.
00:23:47I'm going to call Sherry and tell her we'll be there for dessert, okay?
00:23:50We have to.
00:23:51We're bringing the cake.
00:23:56If I ever find the goddamn thing.
00:23:59Hey, Sherry.
00:24:00Are you coming?
00:24:02I have the cake.
00:24:03We're coming.
00:24:04Why are you doing this to me?
00:24:07Why does everything have to be about you?
00:24:12Well, I'm your baby sister.
00:24:15I need you here.
00:24:27What do you want me to say?
00:24:28I can't get any cooperation around here.
00:24:30Mira, I'm off the phone, huh?
00:24:32Honey, I'm going to have to call you back.
00:24:34You ever going to bring me my cake?
00:24:37What do you want to go there for?
00:24:39You said we were going to Europe in the fall.
00:24:50Breaking the chain.
00:24:54That's not it.
00:25:00She put my brush.
00:25:01It only works for blondes.
00:25:02Everybody outside.
00:25:03It's mine.
00:25:04Everybody outside.
00:25:06What are you doing?
00:25:07This is my stuff.
00:25:08Get out of here, you little brat.
00:25:10Get out of my bathroom.
00:25:13We can go to Europe anytime.
00:25:15And Philly we can stay with Sally and the kids.
00:25:17I am not staying with your sister.
00:25:20There's no vacation for me.
00:25:22I'm still recovering from when they were here at Christmas.
00:25:28So am I recovering.
00:25:30In my wallet.
00:25:33Knott's Berry Farm.
00:25:35The money just goes like water.
00:25:36The first number.
00:25:37The first number.
00:25:38I see a finger up there.
00:25:39It must be the number one.
00:25:41That is correct.
00:25:42It is the number one on our way to ten.
00:25:45That's why I'm thinking, honey.
00:25:47We should take advantage of this.
00:25:50Don't you want to see someplace new?
00:25:53My daughter has been to Europe twice already.
00:25:56I don't care.
00:25:57I don't care.
00:25:59My daughter has been to Europe twice already.
00:26:01And I've never been.
00:26:03Honey, we're going to come home broke.
00:26:06I mean, I hear the food is lousy.
00:26:08They make these tiny little sandwiches.
00:26:10And all that walking you got to do it.
00:26:11That's a fortune of love and shoes.
00:26:22Don't you have any sense of appreciation of beauty?
00:26:26The only time that I've been out of the country is when I went to Canada with Ted.
00:26:31Look where beauty got him, huh?
00:26:33In the poorhouse.
00:26:39What are you complaining about, huh?
00:26:41You have a house, a pool, a fancy car.
00:26:44It's always in the shop.
00:26:45So it's in the shop.
00:26:46It's still yours.
00:26:47It's got a license.
00:26:48It reads Swell too, huh?
00:26:52Look, what do you want now?
00:26:53What else?
00:26:54What do you want?
00:26:55I'm not saying that Ted is a better man than you.
00:26:58He's a bum.
00:26:59Don't you call my father a bum.
00:27:01Look, any man who doesn't support his kid is a bum.
00:27:04Give me that.
00:27:06Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:27:08What do you think you're doing?
00:27:09Cut it out.
00:27:11What do you think you're doing, you little buggers?
00:27:15What are you wearing those crosses for?
00:27:18You're a little Jewish girl.
00:27:19Didn't you know that?
00:27:26Dear Reverend Tom,
00:27:28You, and only you, have helped me to see the way each day.
00:27:35Even in my saddest times,
00:27:38when I feel like
00:27:40the little meatball
00:27:41that's first to be eaten on a plate of spaghetti,
00:27:45I know the work of God is being done.
00:27:49And I become happy
00:27:51accepting myself for exactly who I am.
00:27:56I know that evil will get its just due in this world,
00:28:00but it's hard waking up to it each day.
00:28:05I am sending you another $50
00:28:08so that you can keep on helping people like me.
00:28:11I love you very much.
00:28:14Hugs and kisses,
00:28:16Estel Rodriguez.
00:28:54Who are you?
00:28:56I said, I'm going to turn that music down, young lady.
00:29:16I didn't know it was bothering anyone.
00:29:19It should take a minute to clean this thing out
00:29:20before you go sunbathing.
00:29:24I thought it would be okay to relax for a few minutes.
00:29:26I only slept an hour on the plane.
00:29:31Your sister's been cleaning up out here all year.
00:29:35Am I supposed to feel guilty because I've been away at school?
00:29:38Don't be ridiculous.
00:29:39I'm just saying,
00:29:40you're going to have to help out around here this summer.
00:29:43Who said I wouldn't help?
00:29:44It's just,
00:29:46I came home to try to get some writing done.
00:29:49Not about all the promotion.
00:29:50I don't know how you could forget.
00:29:55I thought you said you were going to work.
00:29:59That is work, Mom.
00:30:05I only paid for my own ticket.
00:30:09Look, you had a job at the university.
00:30:12When I was your age,
00:30:13I never took a vacation.
00:30:16When you were my age,
00:30:17you were married and pregnant with me.
00:30:19No difference.
00:30:21There is a difference.
00:30:22It's a different world, Mom.
00:30:25God, you will just never let me be
00:30:27because I didn't work at Sparky Shoe Repair
00:30:29for ten bucks a week when I was thirteen.
00:30:31My father wanted me to learn the value of a dollar.
00:30:37I never expected to live off of them
00:30:39when I was grown up.
00:30:41Don't worry.
00:30:42I don't expect anything from you.
00:30:48who's talking?
00:30:49You live in your parents' house
00:30:50and your husband hardly has a job.
00:30:52He is a responsible man.
00:30:54He brings in a good living.
00:30:56More than your own father.
00:31:03Hey, I know that guy.
00:31:05Factor of fiction.
00:31:06You need a reason to sue somebody.
00:31:10Factor of fiction.
00:31:11You need substantial evidence
00:31:13or a reliable eyewitness to prove a crime.
00:31:16Fiction again.
00:31:18Factor of fiction.
00:31:20You don't need lots of money
00:31:22to take legal action.
00:31:26He got Barry a lot of money
00:31:27when he sued Pants Galore.
00:31:30Why'd he sue him?
00:31:31He made it look like he tripped on the hangout
00:31:33and then made it look like it was their fault.
00:31:36This guy got him a lot of money.
00:31:39Lewis, Lewis, Lewis and Clark.
00:31:42Four fellas you can trust.
00:31:45That's 1-800-G-T-T-H-E-F.
00:31:51Don't be a wimp.
00:31:53Send your kid to college.
00:32:09You must be Marty.
00:32:10I'm the handyman.
00:32:14Hold on.
00:32:30Yeah, I'm Marty.
00:32:34You met Ernest here?
00:32:38Huh, English?
00:32:39That's right, born and raised.
00:32:41But I live in Manhattan now.
00:32:46I always thought moms and dads
00:32:47were supposed to love each other.
00:32:55Wendy, someone at the door for you.
00:32:57For me?
00:33:00Oh, this is Malcolm here, Papa.
00:33:02He's from Great Britain.
00:33:07What you studying this year, mija?
00:33:10Literature, philosophy.
00:33:13Well, that sounds interesting.
00:33:22It is.
00:33:24Your hair's so pretty.
00:33:33You're all grown up.
00:33:36Oh, yeah.
00:33:38Oh, yeah.
00:33:42You know,
00:33:43you should think about college one day, Estelle.
00:33:49No, really, I mean it.
00:33:52You're only four years older than me.
00:33:55Come on, let's go.
00:34:00I meant to get you a present for your birthday,
00:34:02but I forgot.
00:34:03I promise I'm gonna get you one this summer.
00:34:05Don't be silly.
00:34:06I came here in 1921.
00:34:09My parents packed me away in a pot-bellied stove.
00:34:18What are you doing here?
00:34:20Coronelly Flight Hunts standby.
00:34:22Been up all night.
00:34:24Too much coke.
00:34:26You look smart.
00:34:28Could use a swim myself.
00:34:30Can you believe these dogs?
00:34:32Always the same story.
00:34:34Mom, this is Malcolm.
00:34:40I must say,
00:34:41beauty certainly does run in the family.
00:34:45I just wanted to show him your bathroom, Mom.
00:34:47Oh, it's a trip.
00:34:49Oh, I hope Marty didn't leave it in the mess.
00:34:55Marty, what am I going to do with you?
00:34:57You are such a slob.
00:35:02Do what?
00:35:15Take me out.
00:35:16Get me out of here.
00:35:19It's, um, it's absolutely fabulous.
00:35:29There's the damn cake!
00:35:33That kid, English, you know?
00:35:38You know...
00:35:42Nah, not him.
00:35:44No, I'm telling you, Ernie. Wendy told me.
00:35:46I've known plenty of them where I've been. They ain't like them.
00:35:50Hey, this is the more refined kind. Different kind of breed.
00:35:54I saw the way he looked at Wendy back there.
00:35:57It's time to go home, man.
00:35:59I found it!
00:36:01Let's go!
00:36:04This is my grandparents' house.
00:36:06And all the best memories I have of being a kid were here.
00:36:09Oh, look, the waterfall's working! I love the waterfall!
00:36:14Do you see this rock garden?
00:36:16I love the rock garden. My grandpa built this for me.
00:36:20Well, I helped him. I helped him pick out all the little people and little animals.
00:36:24There's the goose. There's the bunny. Chipper, the bunny.
00:36:28I call him Chipper because he looks so chipper.
00:36:30And there's the turtle, and this is the princess.
00:36:34Oh, and the elf. I love the elf. He's my favorite.
00:36:38I used to spend hours sitting next to that elf.
00:36:40And he tells us a little drink here.
00:36:46So what are we waiting for?
00:36:48I can't leave right now, doll. Ernie's here.
00:36:51Don't mind me.
00:36:53No, I can't leave my right-hand man all alone while I'm having a ball at the party.
00:36:59Maybe you want to come?
00:37:01Marty, could I talk to you for a second?
00:37:04All right, Ernie. All right, all right, all right.
00:37:10I'm not taking him to Sherry's. He's a thief. He just got out of jail.
00:37:13How many times do I have to tell you? He didn't do it.
00:37:16He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
00:37:19You know, Ernie, he's not too bright.
00:37:21I mean, he didn't know how to defend himself.
00:37:24Why do you always have to make things so difficult for me?
00:37:27Your father lives here to grab the slack, doll.
00:37:33I'm getting on.
00:37:35No, I want to.
00:37:37It's my house. I can't swim.
00:37:39Go buy one.
00:37:44Marty distributes to vending machines.
00:37:48But he used to stock hotel bars.
00:37:54The whole closet's full of his stuff.
00:37:56It's just sitting around collecting dust.
00:37:58Nobody touches it.
00:37:59Did you get this?
00:38:05Scored a Q.P. in Washington Square.
00:38:08What can I say, Ernie?
00:38:10You can't go anywhere without me.
00:38:12You don't want to.
00:38:14We're going!
00:38:16We're going!
00:38:18We're going!
00:38:20We're going!
00:38:22We're going!
00:38:24We're going!
00:38:26We're going!
00:38:27We're going
00:38:47Maybe you could pay me for half of that. See you're smoking it, too
00:38:51I'm serious
00:39:03Just one more
00:39:48Don't like the sound of that
00:40:02You look at that I can't believe it
00:40:09Hey a little hero
00:40:21Girl Marilyn call the papers. What are you crazy? I happen to be serious. This is big news. I caught saved by tyke
00:40:28I like that
00:40:31I'll tell you man. They're gonna eat this thing up by tomorrow. The phone is gonna be rigging off the hook
00:40:35Oh just what we need
00:41:40Don't you come on over here and sit next to me
00:42:19Was totally blasted
00:42:37Wendy if you don't get off me, I'm gonna fuck you lights out and it won't be sweet. I
00:42:46Should call Brian
00:42:48What for?
00:42:50He's out here
00:42:51Comes from LA
00:42:56He said he'd take me clubbing
00:43:08Wendy there's paparazzi out here. What do you think they want?
00:43:18Some famous athlete moved in across the street. There's always shit going on
00:43:27Write this way boys. Come on in
00:43:35Channel 81
00:43:41Okay, okay you stand right here are you family
00:43:50Of course your family we know that
00:43:55Hi, I'm Pam hi nice camera, I'm the neglected middle child
00:44:05Hot saved by tyke that was my idea
00:44:09For the record Tracy. She's my half-sister. Thank you could spit some water out of your mouth
00:44:16Must be the time. Are you family?
00:44:18God, though. Oh
00:44:21But I live here
00:44:48Name is Steve and this is Raphael. We're from the helping hands program
00:44:51We're asking for donations from the community helps in inner-city kids like Raphael the summer camp. Oh
00:44:59Will you take a check sure. Okay, just a minute. Oh
00:45:06What a babe
00:45:10Will you take cash no problem
00:45:14Can we take pictures here me and my two girls
00:45:20We need her Marty, will you give me ten bucks the water man's here what water man we don't get no water
00:45:28Mom ordered it the taps disgusting
00:45:31It's true tap water is very unhealthy
00:45:35They only give us filter in the Islamic. Yeah. Well, I just don't like the tap water
00:45:41They only give us filter in the Islamic, yeah, well, I just don't like the ordering things without informing me
00:45:46I'm sure it wasn't oversight. Just give me ten bucks Marty. Well, tell me wait, I'm busy here
00:46:03Do you have ten bucks it's for a good cause
00:46:26You're here
00:46:29Yeah, yeah, aren't you going to the freaking party welcome to smell a baby
00:46:47Know mom keeps a hundred bucks in here somewhere for emergencies
00:46:52I'm sorry, Pammy. I'm just going to have to wait. Tell your mommy face me next
00:46:58Dang still why do you have to give all your money to that stupid preacher?
00:47:09Where are you in the valley, right? No, it sucks with Wendy that wench
00:47:21You want to see me don't you
00:47:38Why don't you get that pretty little butt of yours up here and join the party, huh? No, I'm coming. I'm coming. Trust me
00:47:49Mom the water man stuck with your story and I am NOT giving you money for drugs
00:48:25Rehearsal look right into the camera and tell us what happened
00:48:29Was trying to help get the raft out of the pool and then she fell in I yelled for help
00:48:34But no one heard me. They had the TV on don't say that Tracy. I mean
00:48:44Over the house
00:48:48That's really sweet of you pop
00:48:50Look here Ernie pops contributing. You see this Marilyn, huh? It's a very thoughtful gesture
00:48:57Where did you get these pop?
00:49:00Carl's jr
00:49:02Calls jr. No kidding
00:49:06You'll never guess who I saw when I was there
00:49:09Carrie Grant
00:49:11Carrie Grant's dead pop. No, no, it was Carrie Grant
00:49:15Handsome devil, but I kept saying to myself
00:49:18What is Carrie Grant doing in Carl's jr?
00:49:41Don't think you understand where we need funds to help send the kids to the summer camp. This is
00:49:47You don't want it
00:49:51Fine you don't want it
00:49:54Fine you don't want it. I
00:49:59Hate this house
00:50:06This is not what I expected
00:50:08Nothing like what I expected. What did you expect?
00:50:12What did I expect? What did you a little bit more than this shit?
00:50:16Bunch of weirdos
00:50:21Hey still
00:50:23Want to go to church
00:50:30Hey still you want to come to church with me
00:50:42Why can't you drive me to Brian's you were supposed to come here to see me we were supposed to be together
00:50:47Brian's parents are gone for the summer
00:50:50He's all alone in some huge mansion in Bel Air Brian's a creep
00:50:58He's okay company if you're not sober
00:51:10Well, give me 20 bucks
00:51:14I'll take a cab
00:51:18Blew all my money coming back from duty-free. That'll wire me some more cash tomorrow. I don't have 20 bucks
00:51:28Ask your mother
00:51:31You are so pathetic you were the most selfish immature
00:51:36Narcissist at least I'm not some pretentious suburban wannabe like you
00:51:49Guess I'll just have to call Brian then won't I ask him to come and pick me up
00:52:12Excuse me, sir. Mr. Mr. Swell. Mr. Swell, please come over here. Okay. Yes
00:52:43You look great
00:52:47Thank you welcome
00:52:51Do you want to
00:52:53Want to go to church sometime?
00:52:56You got a church. Yeah, really? I didn't think of you as a church man, really
00:53:03I'm a church man. St. Christopher
00:53:35Mean how many times
00:53:38I'm calling in TV. Everyone's gonna watch you
00:53:54Day all this excitement no different from any other day, right on
00:54:03You know, I've had it with these backyard stories
00:54:08I want to do hard news
00:54:25Thanks so much for the hospitality anytime Judy
00:55:01Know I know your friend left and you're upset about it
00:55:08You understand well, he seemed to take it very well
00:55:17What is it honey, what is it? Oh
00:55:25What is it Cousin Nova
00:55:34I'm in love with him
00:55:38Oh, well, he seemed to be a very nice young man
00:55:49He said he was coming here to see me he just ended up using me for his own pathetic purposes
00:56:07You've been intimate
00:56:15And then he's just pretending like it didn't even happen
00:56:25And I hate Marty, you know that disgusting convict chased him away. No, you don't know that
00:56:32I do
00:56:35You're so low-class, you know, nobody even understands when you marry that pig
00:56:43Wendy please. Why did you marry him?
00:56:53Well, he used to be really nice to me
00:57:10Now there's a little kind of a business matter I've been meaning to talk to you about
00:57:18Ain't done my time
00:57:20No, wait, wait, Ernie, baby. That was not my fault. Okay, I
00:57:25Mean, I just told the machine. How was I supposed to know that these bums gonna put alarm on it?
00:57:30I mean who ever heard of such a thing, huh? A lot maybe but not an alarm
00:57:37I'll try to get you out of there
00:57:45Well, thanks for coming to visit and the cookies
00:57:50Hey the least I can do for my partner, huh?
00:57:58Now look this situation no risk, huh?
00:58:06Marilyn's got this coat
00:58:09Mean coat, huh?
00:58:11She don't use it no more because it's a gift. I got her, you know about ten years ago when we were dating
00:58:18We keep up insurance on it, you know, so the coat is still worth a lot
00:58:24Get my drift. Yeah
00:58:27Okay, I think good
00:58:30What I'm suggesting
00:58:33Take a look at the coat, huh? It's in the closet in the study in Estelle's room
00:58:39Estelle ain't there at night because she's up there watching that preacher man. She's so much in love with you know
00:58:44What I want you to do is
00:58:46Examine the merchandise
00:58:49Okay, take the coat with you and then see if you can find us a buyer
00:58:54We make an insurance claim on it. Like it's been stolen and Marilyn
00:58:59She buys herself a new coat
00:59:02She's gonna be a lot more happier and we keep the money exactly. Yeah
00:59:0850-50 this time
00:59:16Boy, oh let us sell get it. She's the maid Estelle the doorbell
00:59:28My mic is windy here she's in her room you could go back
00:59:36Hey, hi Mike, how's school good? Mr. Swale real good
00:59:45I'm joining the college track team this fall important for men to be able to run, huh?
01:00:05It's for you
01:00:11Monty swell
01:00:15Shut it you are quick you have lied to me since the day we met Peggy calm down take it easy
01:00:41Mike I
01:00:45Heard you were home
01:00:53She was a place that felt like home
01:01:01Tell me about it. I've been home a week. My parents are already driving me nuts
01:01:28Made it back to Berkeley tonight
01:01:32How am I gonna hang out with all summer?
01:01:34You want to do a bong hit?
01:01:37Why not?
01:01:41Fuck reality
01:01:54I can just see you in New York sitting in the back of a cab
01:01:58Going down Fifth Avenue
01:02:00smoking a doobie
01:02:03Don't you come and visit?
01:02:23You should come to Berkeley if you want to get away I'll make you bed on the dorm floor
01:03:02Sometimes I just fantasize about never coming back
01:03:11Did you see a car here when you drove up?
01:03:14the mom's car
01:03:15No, Marty's the caddy. My mom's is in the shop
01:03:20No, I don't think so
01:03:36No, no, he couldn't have done that to me no, that's just that's just way too fucked
01:03:44What's going on
01:03:49Okay, maybe they went
01:03:51Maybe mom went alone. Maybe Marty left with a jerk
01:03:55Is there something I can do listen Mike? I think something really bad has gone down. I mean really bad
01:04:02You sure you're not just being paranoid
01:04:05No, maybe oh
01:04:07God, I hope so. I
01:04:09Think I'm not sure listen. Can you just hang out a second?
01:04:14You just might be witness to a murder
01:04:51Thought maybe you went to the party after today forget it. I'm pooped. I'll take Sherry for breakfast this week
01:05:19Birthday Oh dinner. Well, maybe we'll get takeout. Huh? Maybe tie
01:05:24Delivery. Yeah, I'll have it delivered. I'm not going anywhere
01:05:29Okay, that's a good idea. Mom. You look tired you rest. Okay
01:05:54Hello, hi, uh, mrs. Thomas
01:05:58Yeah. Hi. This is all Wendy
01:06:01Wendy Wendy Schumann, you know, I'm Malcolm's friend. Are you were here for dinner last week, weren't you?
01:06:07We had lamb
01:06:08Yeah, right, right. Oh Malcolm's on his way out to see you. Isn't he has he arrived yet? No
01:06:16No, he's he's not here yet
01:06:18No, I'm expecting him later
01:06:21yeah, um
01:06:22Listen, the reason I'm calling is um, I just I just want to know do you happen to know Malcolm's friend Brian Brian?
01:06:30No, I don't think I ever recall a Brian having dinner here. No, he lives out here in LA and in Bel Air
01:06:35I was wondering if maybe you knew his number and why don't you try for one one? I
01:06:41Don't know his last name
01:06:49Yeah, well see, um, I was thinking you know since Malcolm's coming out to LA and everything
01:06:54That maybe I could get together some of his friends. He knew from school
01:06:57I mean we could have a little welcome to LA party for him
01:07:02Yes, I'm sure he'd adore that yeah, I know how he likes parties
01:07:08Look, I'm sorry. I really can't help you, but I just don't recall a Brian
01:07:13No, no, that's okay. I think I have to go now
01:07:17Bye-bye, dear
01:07:29What's going on something really awful come on
01:07:35You don't understand I'm talking about grand theft auto here
01:07:40Look this friend of mine came from New York for a visit. He stole the car
01:07:46Kind of my ex-boyfriend
01:07:49Your boyfriend. Oh, yeah, it's a long idiotic story, but this is not just gonna blow over
01:07:56You know where he went yeah to the palace of some Queen named Brian and Bel Air
01:08:04Can't you call his parents I
01:08:06Tried believe me. They don't know anything about Brian
01:08:13Look if you know it's in Bel Air the cops are gonna track it down
01:08:24Some vacation
01:08:26It's not your fault. It is he was my friend. And of course it has to be Marty's car
01:08:33I just want to disappear and die
01:08:54Hey, here it is
01:09:02And then she fell in I
01:09:05Jumped in and then I put my arm around her neck and then I carried her to shore. Hey, you carry it ashore. Yeah
01:09:13Excuse me. Are you with the family?
01:09:16You are with the family and were you here when she dropped
01:09:23Hot safe I think we have two little stars right here at the table
01:09:27Yeah, and one of them nearly had to drown to get there. Why do you always have to be so negative?
01:09:32Tracy Jamaica, I don't want to it's good. It tastes like candy. I want candy for dinner. Where's Wendy?
01:09:40Hope in our room sleeping or crying. I'm gonna go tell her we're eating
01:09:47Why do I have to
01:09:52Yo, bitch
01:10:02She's not there mom, maybe she went out, but you better not taking the car. She's not insured
01:10:07I thought you said you were gonna take care of that for the summer
01:10:10I'm not in my car. You drive yours when he gets out of the shop. This calls for a celebration
01:10:16for the hero
01:10:18And the hearing
01:10:23Don't get a Danish or something for a candle my sister's cake. There you go
01:10:34Sometimes I envy Estelle having something to belong to something to believe in
01:10:48And in I
01:10:50Know what he can deny
01:11:15Less than a few hours ago. I still thought someday I'd have a little flat with Malcolm maybe a family
01:11:25Fantasies how much they fulfill the true sense of the word they fill you up
01:11:34And you've been away a while you think your family has the potential to be the Brady Bunch and it's just your bad attitude
01:11:41That's causing the rupture
01:11:44Then you get home and you realize that it's much more than that
01:11:47You never felt connected in the first place if you ever did
01:11:56It's a long time ago
01:12:09Why do we need to connect
01:12:11Why do we need to connect
01:12:15The highest good we can strive for is to live with happiness and contentment
01:12:22Webster's dictionary defines
01:12:24contentment as the ability to be happy with what one has or is
01:12:31Not desiring something more or different to be satisfied
01:12:36the Bible tells us to bless those who persecute you
01:12:44Needed anything pop it's drafty in here. I'll get you some extra blankets, huh?
01:12:55Why can't we just get by alone in our own little bubbles
01:13:34Seem so fleeting
01:13:41They come and go but we want to hold on to them
01:14:23Obviously involves a lot more alone time than it does together time
01:14:40Even though together is what we seem to strive for
01:15:23Thought I heard something
01:15:25You scared me scared the shit out of me. What are you doing? I'm hiding don't tell
01:15:39Malcolm stole the car. No way. Are we gonna bust him?
01:15:48I'm to be back in New York. Yeah
01:15:52I'm leaving mom a full electronic explanation
01:15:59Do you ever see dad in New York
01:16:06He sent me a stuffed walrus last Christmas
01:16:09Remember how I used to love walruses
01:16:12when I was six
01:16:14Yeah, well, I
01:16:16Guess that's where he kind of left off
01:16:19You're so lucky, I mean you can just go I'm still in prison
01:16:26You'll be out soon
01:16:28When I get older
01:16:31I'm gonna be a singer in a really cool band. I'm gonna blow everyone away you watch
01:16:39I'm gonna go on tour all around the world
01:16:44And my picture is gonna be plastered everywhere
01:16:48And when they want to see me, they're gonna have to pay
01:16:52big time
01:16:59Good night. I
01:17:04Love you
01:17:48Love you
01:17:53You could just drop me off at SFO I'll wait for the next flight
01:17:57You sure you don't want to come across a bay?
01:18:00You can crash at my place for a while
01:18:05No, I gotta get back to New York, you know recruit for the summer
01:18:14I can get my old job back at school
01:18:19Oh, I need the drive though, you know clear my head clear out
01:18:31Do you ever wonder what your kids will be like I wonder if they'll have buck teeth like me
01:18:39But teeth
01:18:42No, I mean are they gonna hate us as much as we hate our parents
01:18:49I've got the same screwed up relationships
01:18:54Don't know
01:18:57They say you end up just like your folks
01:19:17Sorry bong water
01:19:26Mike pull over I think I need a hair
01:20:13What's wrong
01:20:21I just gotta know things will be different
01:20:28There's there's got to be a chance things will change I
01:20:33Mean things will be different for us
01:20:40They will be when we have our own families, right
01:20:49Come on
01:20:54You can sleep in the car I'll wake you when we get there
01:21:02That was my last summer home
01:21:06For a long time anyway, I thought I'd walk away with all the answers but
01:21:12Only ended up with more questions
01:21:17Never did finish my book
01:21:19Maybe it'll take a lifetime to get it, right
01:21:23Because the more I wonder the more I write