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Shan e Ghareeb Nawaz RA | Speaker: Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi

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00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:22Sultan ul Hind, Sultan ul Awliya, Naib ul Rasool fil Hind, Hind ul Wali, Wali ul Hind,
00:31Ata-e-Rasool, Ghareeb Nawaz, Hazrat Khawaja Sayyed Moeen-ud-Din Chishti,
00:41Sijzi, Jinn-e-Aamlog, Sanjari, Ajmeri, Rahmatullah-e-Tala Alai.
00:47In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:50Today, on the occasion of your Zikr-e-Pak, we will discuss the topic of our Ghareeb Nawaz
00:58and under the title of the Holy Qur'an and Seerat-e-Auliyah.
01:09In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has mentioned four titles for those who have been bestowed with rewards by the Lord of the Universe.
01:33The Prophets, the Siddiqun, the Martyrs and the Righteous.
01:49The personality we are going to discuss today,
01:53all the people of the world, including themselves and others,
01:57without any hesitation or hesitation,
02:02they are not only counted among the righteous, the perfect saints and the righteous, but they are also accepted.
02:13When we study the Holy Qur'an,
02:17the Lord of the Universe has given a title for these personalities in the name of the Saints of God.
02:24The Lord of the Universe says in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
02:28''Ala inna awliya Allah laa khawfun alaihim walahum yahzanoon allatheena aamanu wa kaanu yattaqun''
02:37Those who have been bestowed with rewards by the Lord of Dignity,
02:43the Lord of the Universe has given a title for them in the name of the Saints of God.
02:50When we look at these fortunate people, the first of the Ummah and the first of the Ummah,
03:03the Holy Qur'an, for those who have faith and for those who are righteous,
03:09it mentions all the qualities and excellences
03:13and because of these qualities and excellences,
03:19the Lord of the Universe has counted them among the Saints of God and among the righteous.
03:25I would like to share a few things with you in light of the time.
03:32I have read the Holy Qur'an.
03:33God and the Lord of Dignity have mentioned their character and their identity first.
03:39''Allatheena aamanu wa kaanu yattaqun''
03:43These saints and righteous people are the ones whose character you will be able to check and see.
03:53The title of those saints and righteous people you will be able to see first of all is their faith and their actions.
04:03''Allatheena aamanu''
04:05Their faith and their ideas will be correct about Allah, the Lord of Dignity and Prophet Mohammad.
04:13And after that, all the teachings in the world of faith and the importance of religion
04:21which have been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an and Hadith,
04:25the saints and righteous people of Allah are not only the bearers of all the faiths,
04:32but they are also the propagators and representatives of those faiths.
04:37What does this mean?
04:39When it comes to the faith of Tauheed, there will be no greater Mubahid than them.
04:44When it comes to the faith of Prophethood, there will be no greater lover of the Prophet.
04:49And when it comes to adopting the example of the Prophet, there will be no greater follower of the Prophet's character.
04:58When it comes to character and morals, there will be no greater moral character than them.
05:07When it comes to actions, worship and sincerity,
05:12you will see that these personalities, saints, righteous people, Zulfiqar,
05:15will fulfil all the parameters, all the necessities and all the matters.
05:23Let me continue.
05:26Allah the Lord of Dignity has mentioned the righteous deeds along with faith in many places.
05:39He has mentioned the righteous deeds along with faith in many places.
05:44However, when it comes to the saints, remember that it is about Taqwa along with faith.
05:50Let's understand the subtle difference without going into the details.
05:53Taqwa is the act before Taqwa.
05:58It is the righteous deed.
05:59Now, what is the difference between the two?
06:01If it is a righteous deed, then it is accepted, it is praised, it is rewarded, it is rewarded.
06:11However, remember that when a righteous deed is accompanied by sincerity,
06:24when sincerity is accompanied by Taqwa, that is when Taqwa begins.
06:30And the higher the sincerity in a righteous deed, the higher the standard of Taqwa.
06:39This is why God said,
06:41In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:46Who is the closest to God?
06:49The one who has the greatest respect, the one who is loved, the one who is close to God and the one who is lost in His glory.
06:54Who is the closest to God?
06:57The one who is the most righteous among you.
06:59What does this mean?
07:00The higher the sincerity in a righteous deed, the higher the standard of Taqwa.
07:08And the higher the Taqwa in a righteous deed, the higher the standard of Taqwa.
07:15This is the fundamental difference.
07:18In the Wali-e-Kamil and Seerat-e-Awliya,
07:22when you look at their actions, you will see sincerity and Taqwa in their every action, their every character and their every style.
07:39There will be sincerity and Taqwa in their every action.
07:42Let's move on.
07:44Allah, the Lord of Glory, has said,
07:53They have no fear or sadness.
07:57They have no fear or sadness.
08:01Without going into detail, the Wali of God is afraid, but he is only afraid of God.
08:08The Wali of God is sad, he is only sad for the love of God.
08:15He has no fear of anyone except God.
08:17This is why I say, the one who is afraid of God is not afraid of anyone.
08:23The one who is afraid of God is not afraid of anyone.
08:26And the one who is not afraid of God is afraid of everyone.
08:29The first quality of a Wali is that he has no fear or sadness
08:34because he is filled with the love of God.
08:37He is filled with the love of God, his heart, his eyes, his thoughts.
08:45He is so filled with the love of God that he has no fear of anyone except God.
08:54If we look at Khwaja Gharib Nawaz's Seerat-e-Paq,
09:09we will see that he has no fear, no sadness,
09:13his faith is perfect and his understanding of God is also perfect.
09:20Along with that, God has also blessed him with Taqwa and Parhizgari.
09:26When you go to Ajmer, you will see how fearless he is.
09:31He is afraid of God.
09:32After going through all those stages, he is already connected to God.
09:39Therefore, no matter what the circumstances are,
09:42even if he is in contact with a Yogi or a ruler of the time,
09:47even if he is in contact with anyone,
09:49he will face them with all his might and glory.
09:56And because he was not afraid of anyone except God,
09:59God's help and support is always with him.
10:03If we look at Khwaja Gharib Nawaz's Taqwa and Parhizgari,
10:09when he was about to pass away,
10:14Khwaja Gharib Nawaz called all the Khulafah to him and said,
10:20''All of you should pray for me.''
10:23The Khulafah said, ''Huzoor, we have learnt all these qualities of faith,
10:27action, sincerity, worship and courtesy from you.
10:32We have come to know what love is.
10:36We have come to know what love is.
10:39We have come to know how to accept the love of Prophet Mohammad and the beauty of his character.
10:46We have come to know the ways of loving God.
10:51We have come to know how to act with sincerity.
10:56Huzoor, how can we pray for you?''
10:58Khwaja Gharib Nawaz said,
11:00''Pray that there is no doubt that Allah the Almighty has enabled me to do all kinds of good deeds.
11:07Pray that when I present those good deeds before Allah the Almighty,
11:14when I present them before Him,
11:16may He not reject them and say,
11:19''Mu'inuddin, you have done all of this for another purpose, not for me.''
11:26This is sincerity, fear of Allah the Almighty, love of Allah the Almighty, piety and good deeds.
11:33Huzoor, if you look at Sayyid Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chishti Ajmeri,
11:39you will see simplicity in his way of life.
11:43If you look at his diet, you will see a lack of food.
11:50The Khulafa of the Prophet said,
11:54''Food was never finished for those who came to his house.''
12:00What does this mean?
12:01The food that was prepared in advance was never finished
12:05so that new food could be prepared for the guests who came to his house.
12:13However, all day long, food was being served to all the guests.
12:19This is the tradition of the Langar at the Dargahs of the elders.
12:25The Langar is always there.
12:27But at night, when it is time for you to eat,
12:30you do not get fresh food,
12:32but sometimes you get leftover pieces of food from the guests
12:36or sometimes you get dry bread soaked in water
12:39and then you thank God for the blessings of Allah the Almighty.
12:43The lack of food and all the etiquettes that go with it.
12:50Then in worship and asceticism,
12:52remember that there is a significant difference between worship and asceticism.
12:56When you perform the things that Allah has made obligatory,
13:01then you are worshipped.
13:04And when you are engaged in other activities,
13:12then you are called an ascetic,
13:14which you do for the benefit of your Lower Self.
13:16Khawaja Gharib Nawaz's life is full of worship and asceticism.
13:22There is no concept of shortcomings in worship.
13:25And the state of asceticism is such that his companions, the Caliphs, say
13:29that Khawaja Gharib Nawaz used to recite the Holy Qur'an every day
13:35and sometimes he used to recite the Holy Qur'an twice in 24 hours.
13:39Allah is Great.
13:40And I would like to say that he did not recite the Holy Qur'an in a way that no one could understand.
13:49He did not recite it with his heart.
13:51He used to recite it with his tongue.
13:53And the state of reciting the Holy Qur'an was such that
13:56the researchers have proven that
13:59in the region of Bar-e-Sagheer,
14:02Khawaja Mu'inuddin Chishti was the first Imam to recite the Holy Qur'an with Tajweed and Talafuz.
14:12And remember that he was not just a reciter of Hafs and Qiraat-e-Imam-e-Asim,
14:18he was a scholar of all the Qiraat and a reciter of all the Qiraat.
14:22According to this, he used to recite the Holy Qur'an himself
14:25and teach it to his disciples and Caliphs.
14:28This is the realm of reciting the Holy Qur'an.
14:30This is the realm of worship.
14:32Other than that, there are many other things.
14:35Other than that, there is teaching and education.
14:40Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, may God bless him and grant him peace,
14:48has spent every moment of his life in worship, in the service of God's creation,
14:51in the love of God and the Beloved of the Universe.
14:57Along with that, he is known for his humility.
15:00His humility is such that he has never mentioned any of his deeds as a source of pride.
15:06Whenever he prostrates in the presence of God,
15:09when he prays in the presence of God after his worship,
15:14he speaks about his worship and his humility in the presence of God
15:24and seeks the blessings of God.
15:27And then, all the aspects of Sufism, the symbols of Sufism,
15:32in the forms of worship,
15:33remember that the first five elders of the Khwajgan-e-Chisht
15:38did not write a book on Sufism themselves,
15:43especially not Hazrat Khawaja Mu'inuddin Chishti Ajmeri,
15:47Hazrat Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar-e-Kaqi,
15:50Hazrat Nizamuddin Ma'boob-e-Ilahi,
15:53Hazrat Baba Fareeduddin Masood Ganj-e-Shakar,
15:57Hazrat Naseeruddin Charaag-e-Dehlvi.
16:00After a long time, Hazrat Khawaja Fakhruddin Fakhr-e-Jahan-e-Dehlvi
16:04wrote Muraqqah Kaleemi and other books.
16:08What is the reason for this?
16:10The reason is that Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz's view and teachings are that
16:17Sufism is not about writing.
16:20Sufism is not about writing.
16:24Sufism is not about reading and teaching.
16:26Sufism is about acting with sincerity.
16:30And all those principles were written much later.
16:33And this is the proof of your actions and sincerity.
16:37Huzoor, Syedna Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Rahmatullahi Ta'ala alaih.
16:42In Sufism and the Seerat-e-Auliyah,
16:49the elders of the religion have summarised the whole system in three things.
16:55The elders of the religion have summarised the whole system in three things.
17:00The first is Qillat-e-Ta'am, Qillat-e-Kalaam and Qillat-e-Manaam.
17:07In simple words, when a saint of God is on the path of sainthood,
17:12when a Mujahideen is on the path of sainthood,
17:14then he has to follow three things.
17:18One is to eat and drink less. This is called Qillat-e-Ta'am.
17:23The second is Qillat-e-Kalaam.
17:26Qillat-e-Kalaam is to talk less.
17:28Allah Akbar.
17:29Huzoor, Syedna Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Rahmatullahi Ta'ala alaih.
17:32He says,
17:33and this is mentioned in the words of Huzoor,
17:35that when you talk, talk only about the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
17:42Otherwise, it is better for you to remain silent.
17:44You should talk with a purpose.
17:47Otherwise, you spend more time in contemplation, silence,
17:50in the love of Allah and His knowledge.
17:55And the third thing is to sleep less.
17:59Syedna Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Syed Muinuddin Chishti Ajmeri, Rahmatullahi Ta'ala alaih.
18:03In his holy biography, it is mentioned that after Isha' prayer,
18:07he would take a short break.
18:09He would take a short break after Isha' prayer
18:13because the biography of the saints of God
18:15is embedded in the biography of the Prophet.
18:21How is this possible?
18:22How is it possible that he is a saint of God,
18:26claims to be a saint of God,
18:27is on the list of Sufis,
18:29and is not a part of the biography of the Prophet at all?
18:36He is not a part of the teachings of the Holy Qur'an.
18:40So he would take a short break at night
18:42and after that, he would wake up according to the Sunnah of the Prophet.
18:46And he would spend the whole night in worship and contemplation of Allah.
18:51He would spend the whole night in the service of God and in the teachings of God.
18:55He would take a short break at night
18:58and after a short sleep, he would spend the night in worship of Allah.
19:03And if I say that Allah says,
19:11that no doubt, Allah likes those who repent and remain pure.
19:17When we look at this standard,
19:23Allah likes those who repent abundantly
19:28and always keep their hearts and minds pure from all kinds of sins and sins.
19:34And if we recite Surah Al-Mu'minun,
20:08And go on.
20:26When we look at Khwaja Gharib Nawaz's character,
20:31he is a part of the Holy Qur'an, the Holy Qur'an's commandments,
20:33the Holy Qur'an's teachings, the Holy Qur'an's instructions.
20:36Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, in every word, every command, every instruction,
20:41in the way of the Sunnat-e-Mustafa Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
20:45we all see him acting with sincerity.
20:48This is the reason why even after centuries,
20:52those who love him and follow him,
20:55their hearts and minds are enlightened by his remembrance.
20:58May the Lord of the Universe grant us the opportunity to act upon
21:03his blessed example and his blessed way.
21:08May the Lord grant us the opportunity to spread love, peace, happiness, love,
21:13and the love of Allah the Lord of Glory.
21:16Wa Akhiru Dawaiyaan. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
21:33Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
