• last year
Aslım, que llega a Ankara desde Esmirna para estudiar en la universidad, choca con Ozan desde el primer día. Ozan es un joven rebelde y colérico. Su amor con la inexperta pero testaruda Aslım es igual de tormentoso y apasionado.

Nuestros jóvenes no sólo son puestos a prueba por su amor. Su encuentro también abre los libros que se cerraron entre las familias años atrás.

La ambición, la arrogancia, el sacrificio, las diferencias socioeconómicas, las mentiras y los secretos del pasado pondrán patas arriba tanto la vida de los dos jóvenes como la de sus familias y las cenizas y las verdades encubiertas saldrán a la luz una a una y ya nada volverá a ser como antes.

Reparto: Yağmur Çokgenç, Oğuzhan Kayra Koç, Gonca Yakut, Volkan Murat Benli, Didem Aygün, İrfan Kılınç, Nur Yazar, Nevzat Can Rüzgar, Şifanur Gül, Berk Bakioğlu, Sevgi Temel, Yağmur Ilgım Öztekin, Tuana Tuzman, Zeynep Şirin Giobbi, Zafer Güllü, Önder Atakanlı, Pervin Balcı gibi isimler yer alıyor.
00:00Sevdim seni bir kere
00:30Mis cosas, sueltame mis papeles
01:00Se acabo, todo termino
01:30Se acabo, todo termino
01:57Mi vida ardió junto con esos papeles
02:21¿Qué miran? ¡Falta ni solución en esto!
02:26¡Tú también! ¡Ve y ocúpate rápido!
02:41¿Qué pasa?
02:43¿Por qué estás así?
02:45¿Qué te he hecho? ¿Qué hice para merecer esto? ¿Para que me trates así?
02:49¿En serio te preguntas eso? ¿No te das cuenta?
02:53No pasó ni un año de la muerte de papá y te casaste
02:57¿Y con quién?
02:59Con el hombre que comía con nosotros
03:02El hombre al que mi padre consideraba un amigo
03:06Para él era parte de la muerte
03:08¡Ozan, espera!
03:10No digas nada más, basta
03:14¿Y qué quieres que diga?
03:20De acuerdo, tienes razón
03:22Tienes razón, pero hay cosas que no sabes
03:28¿Qué cosas?
03:31No importa ahora
03:33Ozan, ya no importa
03:35Vamos, dilo
03:37Dímelo mamá, ¿qué cosas?
03:39¿Qué podría hacer que cambies de opinión?
03:41Sé que no puedo hacer que cambies de opinión
03:44Pero soy tu madre, confía en mí
03:48Ya no confío más en nadie
03:51¡Ah, Edie! ¡Toma, bebe esto! ¡Te ves muy mal!
04:25Ya ves, cuando no puedes contar con nadie, te aferras a cualquiera
04:32Yo sé muy bien qué clase de persona es Chengiz
04:36De acuerdo, Gediye, pero ¿por qué no lo dijiste antes?
04:40¿A quién más tienes aparte de nosotros?
04:43No podía decirlo
04:45Estaba todo planeado
04:47Y yo estaba embarazada
04:49No quería ser una carga para ti y con el bebé
04:53Si se entera de esto, mi hermano se avergonzaría
04:58No quiero que se entere, esto le caerá muy mal
05:02Tengo que esconderme, no me importa mientras que él esté bien
05:08Gediye, eso no es necesario, querida
05:10De acuerdo, guardaste este secreto durante todos estos años
05:16Estuviste 20 años con un infeliz como Chengiz
05:21Y sin embargo, criaste una hija brillante, lo hiciste
05:26No tienes nada de qué avergonzarte, querida
05:29Ese hombre que te abandonó embarazada debe tener vergüenza, no tú
05:35No lo sabía
05:37No sabía que estaba embarazada
05:39¿No se lo dijiste?
05:41Yo tampoco lo sabía
05:43Era demasiado tarde para cuando me di cuenta
05:48Estábamos muy enamorados
05:52Me dijo que esperara, me dijo que volvería
05:56Y se fue
05:58Lo esperé
06:00Por mucho tiempo
06:02Pero no regresó
06:06Nunca supo que tuvo una hija
06:10Será mejor que nos entere ahora
06:32Chicos, ¿qué pasa aquí?
06:36No pasa nada, Tarik
06:39No es el primer incidente que pasa en la escuela
06:42Y tal como están las cosas, no será el último
06:45Pero ya me estoy ocupando, no te preocupes
06:52Adelante, pon orden aquí
07:02Yulide, ¿estás bien, amor?
07:04Estoy bien
07:06Te pido disculpas por todo lo que pasó
07:09Es mi culpa
07:11Llamé a Ozan porque...
07:15Quería hacer las paces, quería acabar con el resentimiento, con la pelea
07:23Supongo que se molestó porque le dije que se reconciliara contigo
07:26Y este fue el resultado
07:29¿De verdad estás bien, cariño?
07:32Estoy bien, necesito un poco de espacio
07:35De acuerdo, puedo cancelar todas las reuniones si quieres
07:38¿Quieres salir a cenar?
07:40No, quiero irme a casa
07:56Nos vemos a la noche
08:05Ozan, igual que su padre
08:09Este chico me causará problemas, pero ya verá
08:31Sabes, no es el fin del mundo
08:34Además, no fue culpa tuya
08:36Les contaremos lo que pasó
08:41Mi madre estará decepcionada
08:44Ella me trajo aquí
08:47Y ahora por una estupidez, todo se ha arruinado
08:54Se terminó
08:56Mi vida se terminó aquí
09:00No puedo deshacer esto
09:05Quizás haya una manera
09:10Límpiate los ojos
09:12Mira, mira allí
09:14Mira al hombre que está ahí, el señor Montaz
09:16Es el director de la universidad
09:18Y padre del chico Ozan
09:20Quizás nos pueda ayudar
09:24Espera, Ilul
09:26Ya no tengo los papeles y el plazo de inscripción ha terminado
09:30¿Qué puede hacer él, aunque sea el director?
09:33No hay nada malo en preguntar, sígueme
09:36Señor Montaz, hola
09:39Soy Ilul, la hija del asistente de Yazar
09:41¿De Yazar?
09:43Sí, soy su hija
09:45Ella es mi prima
09:48Va a la facultad de derecho, pero no puede inscribirse
09:51Porque sus papeles se quemaron en el accidente
09:53Lo siento, el señor Montaz tiene una reunión muy importante
09:56Un segundo, señor Montaz
09:58Por favor, no hagamos un escándalo
10:00Pero es muy importante
10:02Tienen solo dos minutos
10:04Sus papeles de inscripción se quemaron en el accidente que ocurrió recién
10:08Y no puede matricularse sin ellos
10:11Solo queremos pedirle ayuda
10:13Se lo diré a señor Montaz, pero no creo que pueda ayudarlas
10:16No importa, dispre igual
10:24¿Qué voy a hacer?
10:26Oh, Dios mío
10:29¿A dónde voy a ir?
10:33¿A quién le pediré ayuda?
10:36Bueno, no estés triste
10:38¿Puedo ayudarlas, señoritas?
10:41El profesor Tarik
10:53Vamos, arriba
10:58No te desesperes
11:04¿De acuerdo?
11:06Estoy seguro de que hay una solución
11:09Él me mira
11:11Como si me viera por dentro
11:14Confío en él
11:16Le puedes creer
11:19Le puedes creer
11:24Puedes decir, si este hombre está a tu lado
11:26Nada ni nadie te detendrá
11:28Podrás con todo
11:51Éramos muy diferentes
11:54Él es un hombre culto
11:57Supongo que lo pensó y se dio cuenta de que no era para él
12:01¿Qué quieres decir, Hediye?
12:03Encontró a una chica decente, educada
12:06Inteligente y correcta, y no la quiso
12:09Debe ser un estúpido
12:11Es evidente que estaban muy enamorados
12:14Solo tenías ojos para él
12:16¿Quién sabe qué le viste?
12:19No era malo, ¿sabes?
12:21Estaba enamorado de mí y yo de él
12:23Quizás el amor cegó mis ojos
12:25Pero era una buena persona
12:27Tenía un buen corazón
12:29¡Ay, Dios mío!
12:30Te hubiera dejado así si tuviera buen corazón, Hediye
12:33Eh, por favor
12:36Lo sepa o no
12:38No debería sentir curiosidad por saber que fue de ti
12:46Para serte sincera
12:48No me gusta ese tipo de gente
12:53Lo peor de todo
12:55Es que tuviste que estar con alguien como Yengis
13:00¡Ay, Hediye!
13:02La verdad es que más lo pienso y más me duele
13:06¿Por qué no lo dijiste antes, Hediye?
13:16¿Por qué no lo dijiste antes, Hediye?
13:24¿Entonces por eso corrías detrás de Ozan?
13:28De haberlo sabido antes, hubiera ido tras él
13:31Pero no te conocía
13:35¿Me presentaré entonces?
13:37Soy Tarik
13:47Pero tenemos una amiga en común
13:50La querida hija del señor Yashar y la señora Nural
13:54Tienes mucha suerte
13:56Tienes una hermosa familia
14:01Vamos, no estés triste
14:03Hablaré con Montaz e intentaré resolver lo antes posible
14:06Has estudiado tanto y conseguiste la beca
14:09No queremos que tanto esfuerzo sea para nada, ¿verdad?
14:12No sé
14:13¿Cómo es que puedo agradecerte?
14:15Espera, aún no hice nada
14:18Ya nos veremos en clase
14:20De derecho, Roman
14:22Estudiarás mucho, sacarás buenas notas
14:25Y vas a ver cómo todo se soluciona, ¿sí?
14:30De acuerdo
14:35Muchas gracias por escucharme
14:39De nada
14:42Mira, tengo una hija de tu edad
14:46Si le ocurriera lo mismo, yo también querría que alguien la ayudara
14:55No estés tan triste
15:13No le diremos nada a tu hermano por el momento, ¿de acuerdo?
15:17Nural, tengo que contarle esto
15:19Tengo miedo de que Cengiz le haga daño a Aslim
15:24Me ha amenazado todos los días, durante años
15:27Se lo diré a tu hermano, se lo diré a tus amigos
15:29No aguanto más
15:30Tengo que contárselo
15:32Ediye, lo entiendo, pero...
15:35No te preocupes
15:37Ediye, lo entiendo, pero...
15:43En este último año, el pobre ha sufrido mucho luego del accidente
15:48Tiene el corazón débil
15:52¿Tuvo un accidente? ¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?
15:54No es nada importante
15:56Tu hermano no quería preocuparte
15:59Por favor, no cambies de tema, Ediye
16:03Después de todo lo que le pasó
16:05Si él se entera de algo así, quedará completamente destrozado
16:11Todo lo que hice fue para no entristecer a mi hermano
16:16Si le pasa algo, le pediré a Dios que me quite la vida
16:20Dios mío, no digas eso
16:22¿Por qué dices esas cosas?
16:24Solo digo que tienes que tener paciencia
16:26Solo ten un poco más de paciencia
16:29La pobre chica está por empezar la universidad
16:33No podrá soportarlo si se entera de algo así
16:38No te obsesiones con este problema de Cengiz, ¿de acuerdo?
16:42Si abre la boca, si dice algo, nos ocuparemos de esa sinvergüenza
16:47Lo haremos
16:48Solo quédate tranquila
16:50¿De qué sinvergüenza estás hablando?
16:55Ya, Char, ¿por qué apareces así de repente?
16:58Y de paso...
17:00¿Y qué haces aquí?
17:02¿Por qué entraste a la casa así de sucio?
17:05Ya limpiaré, Nuran, no es para tanto
17:07Bien, limpia y vete
17:08Vamos, vete al baño
17:13Anda, vete
17:32El maestro Tarik no es alguien que promete en vano
17:35Son uno de los fundadores de la escuela
17:39No mucho, me quedaré un día
17:42Yo veré más adelante
17:45Todo saldrá bien, no te preocupes más
17:48Estoy pensando qué le diré a mi madre, Eylul
17:51Si se lo cuento a mi tía, no dormirá hasta mañana
17:57El profesor Tarik dijo que podrías matricularte mañana
18:00No se lo diremos, ¿verdad?
18:03Odio tener que ocultarle cosas a mi madre
18:07Yo también
18:09Y además, no quiero que se preocupe si aún no pasó nada
18:18¿No ese es el desgraciado?
18:20¡Hey, tú! ¿No eres Ozen?
18:22Todo fue por tu culpa
18:26¿Qué haces, Aslin?
18:27¿Nos conocemos?
18:29Idiota, eres un egoísta
18:31Así que nos conocemos
18:33Eres una escoria que solo piensa en sí mismo
18:36Mi vida se arruinó por tu culpa
18:39Quemaste la moto y sus papeles también se quemaron
18:42Eran los documentos para que Aslin pudiera matricularse
18:46Esta era la última fecha de inscripción
18:48Estamos agotadas de haberlos buscado todo el día
18:52Cuando los encontramos, ya habías quemado la moto
18:55Un momento, ¿qué hacían sus papeles en mi moto?
19:06Tú los encontraste antes de la...
19:08¡Hey, Lu! Basta
19:13¡Aslin, espera!
19:18Mis papeles
19:30Mumtaz, no contesta el teléfono desde la mañana
19:34¿Estará en problemas?
19:36¿Llamamos a la policía?
19:38No, querida, es un hombre adulto
19:40Cuanta más atención le damos, peor se pone
19:43Por favor, trata de calmarte
19:47No puedo
19:48Quiero saber dónde está, soy su madre
19:52Querida, no digo que no te importe
19:55Solo, no quiero que estés así de triste
19:58Pero, nada de lo que digo ayuda
20:03Lo siento, cariño
20:04No, no, no, yo lo siento
20:08Estoy muy confundida
20:11Estoy muy preocupada por Ozan
20:15Sé que no quieres que me preocupe, pero es que él es mi hijo
20:20Intento ser mejor, pero termino complicándole la vida
20:30Gracias a Dios
20:32Cariño, me preocupé mucho
20:40Iba a llamar a la policía, cariño
21:09Los bollos ya están listos
21:11Buen provecho
21:14Oh, llegaron las chicas
21:17Supongo que vienen con buenas noticias, ¿eh?
21:20Tu tío se emocionó y quiso celebrarlo
21:22Hasta hizo una tarta
21:27Mi preciosa niña, ya es estudiante universitaria
21:32Sí, mamá
21:37¿Qué esperan?
21:38Lávense las manos y vengan a la mesa
21:41De acuerdo
21:44Déjame mirarte
21:45Que Dios te dé buena suerte, mi niña
21:50Mi hija estudiará y aprenderá mucho
21:52Y pronto la llamaremos abogada
21:56Bueno, ahora ve a lavarte las manos
22:00¿Podemos hablar un momento?
22:22¿Puedo hablar un momento?
22:28What are you doing?
22:45Packing, as you can see.
22:48I know it's a hassle, but I'm almost done.
22:51I'll be leaving soon.
22:57Hey, honey.
23:01I understand that you're mad at me.
23:06But why are you doing this? Why?
23:11Look at me. I can't stand seeing you like this, Osam.
23:15Please, let's talk.
23:19Listen to me for a second.
23:21Maybe you can give me a reason.
23:28But every time I say we can talk, all you do is get Muntaz involved.
23:32I don't want to continue with this.
23:34I don't trust him.
23:36I'm not blind like you.
23:38It's true, you become blind when you love.
23:41But I was blind long before Muntaz.
23:46It's what you always do.
23:49You say you want us to talk.
23:52Then tell me, Mom.
23:54Tell me already.
23:56What is it that I don't know and will make me change my mind when I find out?
24:00Tell me.
24:06All our conversations end like this.
24:10In silence.
24:17Well, it's okay if you don't love me in your life, I understand.
24:21But at least go to school, don't put your future in danger.
24:24Look, classes start tomorrow.
24:27I won't say anything if you don't want to.
24:29I won't say a word to anyone.
24:34As long as you stay here.
24:36It's not necessary.
24:39I'm leaving.
24:43The reception for the beginning of classes is in two days.
24:47Everyone will ask about you again.
24:51And I won't be able to say, as always,
24:54that my son hates me.
24:58That's why he doesn't come.
25:02I can't say that.
25:06That my only son can't stand being under the same roof as me.
25:11I can't.
25:36She will see your true face one day.
25:41I swear that if you do anything to my mother,
25:46I'll kill you, Mutas.
25:56If you love your mother so much,
25:58you'll go to school and be a good student,
26:00instead of burning motorcycles and putting people in danger, Osam.
26:04I don't need any advice from you.
26:11You'll need me, Osam.
26:13A little patience.
26:28Everyone is watching TV.
26:30We can be together, just mother and daughter.
26:33I already made another cup of tea.
26:35You must be cold.
26:36Have this.
26:49You didn't even touch the cake.
26:52I ate too much for dinner.
26:54I'm not hungry.
26:59You used to come home tired from school,
27:02and then study until dawn.
27:06And dad got mad because he left the lights on.
27:13But you tried, and you got into the school you wanted.
27:20Maybe it would be better if I didn't.
27:23What do you mean by that?
27:25If I stay in Esmirna and get a job,
27:29maybe I'll make money faster,
27:32and I'll get you out of my burden sooner.
27:35No way, my daughter.
27:37You're not a burden to me, my beautiful girl.
27:42I wish everyone had a daughter like you.
27:46A daughter who makes them feel proud,
27:49who makes them feel happy.
27:54You'll go to college, Asli.
27:58You'll be able to study.
28:00You'll study to have the chance to choose what's best in life.
28:06That way you won't suffer like me, my daughter.
28:31Mom, I'm not going to eat now.
28:35I'm taking it to kill myself.
29:01I couldn't sleep all night.
29:03I don't want to put you in a difficult situation,
29:06but I don't know what else to do.
29:08I'm not in a difficult situation at all.
29:11I'll talk and explain the situation to Mutas.
29:14Anyway, no one would want to lose a student like you.
29:17Go to the administration building in the middle of the street.
29:21Please, stop thanking me.
29:24Tarik will talk to the principal?
29:31What's wrong?
29:33Aren't you going to hit me this time?
29:38I want to help you.
29:42I want to help you.
29:46I want to help you.
29:51I want to help you.
29:54I don't want your help, thank you very much.
29:59I'm not responsible for what happened.
30:02Okay, let me fix it myself.
30:05It's not necessary.
30:07Don't get involved and don't cause any more problems.
30:10This is enough.
30:13And don't talk to me if it's not necessary.
30:25I wish everyone had a daughter like you.
30:30A daughter that makes them feel proud,
30:33that makes them happy.
30:37You will go to the university, Asli.
30:41You will be able to study.
30:49This poor girl is in a very difficult situation.
30:52She comes from Smyrna because she got a place here.
30:54Can we make an exception?
30:56Tarik, you know better than anyone that we can't do anything,
30:59but that doesn't stop you, of course.
31:01You come to complain at the first hour.
31:03Are you sure?
31:05If it weren't for a scholarship student,
31:07I would already be sitting with her,
31:09taking you and apologizing to you instead of making excuses.
31:12I ask you to make an exception.
31:14Let that girl enroll.
31:17That seems like an order more than a request, Tarik.
31:21Do I need to remind you that I am the director of this university?
31:27Montaz, I am not your employee.
31:31Don't forget that.
31:34Well, Tarik, don't pressure me.
31:36You know how things are.
31:37I don't need to repeat it.
31:38I would have to call the board for a meeting.
31:40Do it then.
31:41Of course, of course.
31:42And you think we'll meet now, right?
31:44People are busy, Tarik.
31:46If we call the board for a girl we don't even know who she is,
31:49they'll kick us both out.
31:55Tell me, Sibel.
31:57Tarik, where are you?
31:59Well, that doesn't matter now.
32:01Listen to me, you have to come to Boardroom right now.
32:04Well, Sibel, calm down.
32:06Oh, Berchin broke his leg.
32:09It's very bad, poor thing.
32:11How did it happen?
32:12How did he break his leg?
32:15I can't talk on the phone.
32:16Come here now.
32:20What happened?
32:21Who broke his leg?
32:24He broke his leg.
32:28I'll take the first flight to Boardroom.
32:30I can't attend the meetings.
32:34find a way to get the board together
32:36so that girl can sign up.
32:38Solve it before I come back.
32:44Of course, of course.
32:53I can't believe it.
32:55We bought the kilo because it was cheap.
32:57God doesn't want it,
32:58but it looks like we'll have to eat stones.
33:01It's not possible to find lentils in this.
33:09Ediye, don't worry anymore.
33:12Look, everything is back to normal.
33:14Your daughter is here.
33:16She was able to sign up.
33:18Today she'll choose her classes.
33:20When we least expect it,
33:21she'll have graduated.
33:26I'll ask you something.
33:28Do we know that man?
33:33Aslim's father, dear.
33:36The real father.
33:39No, Nuran.
33:41You don't know him.
33:54Don't look away.
33:56We won't be able to see each other for a while.
33:58My heart aches just thinking about it.
34:01I'll talk to my family when I come back.
34:04I'll tell them I'm in love.
34:07I'm in love with this girl.
34:09And I want to be with her for the rest of my life.
34:14Then we'll talk to your family
34:17and then we'll plan the wedding.
34:20I want that day to come now.
34:22It will come, dear.
34:24It will come.
34:26But I'll make you wait a little until then.
34:29No problem.
34:30I'll wait.
34:31As long as you come back for me.
34:37I love you.
35:05I'm sorry, Aslim.
35:06I have to go now.
35:07Is it bad news?
35:08I hope everything is okay.
35:09It's not very serious, but I'm worried.
35:11My daughter broke a leg.
35:13I don't know what happened, but I have to go see her quickly.
35:16I hope she recovers.
35:17Thank you, but don't worry.
35:19I spoke to Muntaz.
35:20It is necessary to meet the board in these cases.
35:23There will be a meeting and a decision will be made.
35:26I will continue the process even if I am not here.
35:29Don't worry, we will solve it.
35:32I won't take long if you're in a hurry.
35:35No problem.
35:36I'll take the next plane.
36:01Hey, Tariq.
36:06Do you have a moment to talk?
36:08I'm in a hurry, but tell me, is it urgent?
36:11You already know what happened yesterday.
36:13I know.
36:14You just arrived and you already get into trouble.
36:17No, it was my intention.
36:19I got angry with my mother and Muntaz and I ended up hurting an innocent girl.
36:25And now we don't know if there is a solution.
36:27Bossan, congratulations.
36:28I know, you're right.
36:30Bossan, when will your anger end?
36:34Look around you, it hurts others.
36:39That's why I came to talk to you.
36:42Is it possible that you can get the girl to sign up?
36:54For now, I can't do anything but wait.
36:58The result will be known in two days.
37:00That's what he said.
37:03Try to look at the bright side.
37:05At least it's in Mr. Tariq's hands.
37:09Tariq is a good man, but he won't be able to solve your problem.
37:13Do you have a bad memory?
37:15Didn't I tell you not to talk to me anymore?
37:17I don't die to cross paths with you all the time so you can yell at me.
37:21You follow your path and I mine.
37:25I just wanted to tell you that I talked to Tariq.
37:29And he can't do anything.
37:31Tariq told us he can help you.
37:33Will the board meet?
37:34They can't.
37:35Each of them is in a different place.
37:38And the other problem is Montaz.
37:41That guy doesn't do anything for charity.
37:45So it's difficult.
37:48I can't wait any longer.
37:51This won't happen, is that clear?
37:53Of course.
37:54Now we know it's impossible.
37:59I didn't say it was impossible.
38:03I just said Tariq can't.
38:08Who will do it then?
38:12Ozan, for the love of God, leave us alone.
38:16If what you want is to enroll, we'll have to put together a plan together.
38:20Very well, what do you have in mind?
38:23We have to register.
38:25There we can register without the board.
38:28They wouldn't do it if they hadn't crossed paths with me yesterday.
38:32If they don't want to, we'll do it.
38:35Forget about that.
38:36I won't put together any plan with you.
38:53Nuran, I'm going out.
38:55I'll buy the things for Mr. Izan and I'll be back.
38:58Don't carry too many things, Yashar.
39:00Or you'll get hurt again.
39:08Edi, your phone is ringing.
39:12It's Jenkins.
39:15Okay, thanks.
39:20Why don't you answer?
39:23You know him, he talks too much.
39:25I'll call him later.
39:27Okay, I'm leaving.
39:29Very well.
39:37Ediyek, what happened?
39:41Jenkins called.
39:42I was afraid Yashar would answer.
39:44I'm always with my heart in my mouth.
39:47This can't go on like this.
39:49You can't go on like this.
39:51It's not fair to you.
40:10So, what are we going to do?
40:14It seems they haven't reached an agreement yet.
40:18The lady hasn't said a word since you left.
40:22Can you believe it?
40:24What will happen if they find out?
40:26That won't happen.
40:27I don't know how you have so much confidence in yourself.
40:31I know how things are thanks to my family.
40:34There's no way that will happen.
40:36The list will be sent to the council.
40:40It's still dangerous.
40:42It would be better to wait and see what Tariq says.
40:45I'm not trying to get you into more trouble, girls.
40:48But Tariq won't be able to get the board together,
40:51despite all his goodwill.
40:59What's going on?
41:00I don't know.
41:01I don't know.
41:02I don't know.
41:03I don't know.
41:04I don't know.
41:05I don't know.
41:07Why do I have to make such a risky decision?
41:11I didn't do anything wrong.
41:13Of course not.
41:15You managed to get in only with your effort.
41:18You also got a full scholarship.
41:21You shouldn't let a rich and comfortable person like me
41:24and a greedy director take it away from you.
41:37I can't do it.
41:53Aslim, can you stop?
42:08Listen to me.
42:13Yesterday I heard you talk to your mother in the backyard.
42:17She thinks you got enrolled, right?
42:23You say you don't want to disappoint your family.
42:26Your mother won't be sad if she finds out.
42:35God bless your hands, Gediye.
42:37Enjoy your meal.
42:38After so much effort, this coffee will make you feel better.
42:42I'm sorry.
42:43I don't want you to get tired either.
42:45It's nothing.
43:05Gediye, call him.
43:07Tell him you're here.
43:09What can he do?
43:10Look, if you keep ignoring him, he'll suspect more.
43:13I'm afraid he'll find out, Nuran.
43:15For God's sake, how is he going to find out?
43:18You think so?
43:42What do you think? Will they load in the afternoon?
43:45Just a little slow.
43:47My God.
43:48I put it on the scale, thinking they'd take it before.
43:51That's bad.
44:00I've been calling you since morning. Why didn't you answer?
44:03Cengiz, I was washing the dishes.
44:05My hands were wet.
44:09Are you on your way back?
44:11No, I just got here.
44:12I'm in front of the store, waiting for them to load.
44:14I guess I'll be back in the afternoon if they finish.
44:18What are you doing, Aslim?
44:20You're not going to register, are you?
44:22No, no, that won't happen. Don't worry.
44:25Then I'm sure that issue is resolved.
44:29I want you to tell Aslim not to waste all the money.
44:32I have to make a payment when I get back.
44:35Okay, I'll tell him.
44:38Well, you have to be on the lookout.
44:40I'll call you when I get back.
44:47What am I going to do with this man?
44:49I don't know how to face him.
45:00I can't believe you got me to accept this madness.
45:03Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
45:05Don't worry?
45:06How do you always do these things?
45:09That's what it looks like when you look at me from your point of view.
45:12I expect anything from you after you burn your motorcycle.
45:22She was the last one.
45:24There's no one left inside.
45:26Okay, let's go then.
45:29Let's go.
45:46Well, let's see.
45:48Now where do I look?
45:52Not this one.
45:56Not this one either.
45:58You don't know how to do it.
46:02Look, that could be it.
46:06No, not that one.
46:08That one.
46:12Leave it to me.
46:26Don't despair.
46:28Ah, I found it.
46:32Give me your papers.
46:35But the others are missing.
46:38Well, we'll figure it out.
46:40Now we can search the files and records from the system.
46:45They don't want any trouble, so they don't register anyone without a document.
46:52Don't get upset.
46:54Don't make me regret bringing you here.
46:57Hurry up. Stop talking and search well.
47:12Hey, Lu!
47:14Come here!
47:18How many times have I told you not to put those glasses here?
47:22But I didn't do it.
47:24I'm sure it was the night shift. They always do it.
47:27Order them.
47:36Oh no.
47:38I left for a second and they left.
47:44Hey, Lu is calling you.
47:47Hi, Aslin.
47:48One of the secretaries got up.
47:50Maybe she's going there. Hurry, get out of there now!
47:53Okay, fine. We'll get out right away.
47:56One of the secretaries got up. She says we should get out now.
47:59Not yet. Unloading not completed.
48:02Leave it. It doesn't matter if it's not finished. Let's go.
48:05I'm going to finish it.
48:14God, can't you hear me?
48:16They're going to catch us.
48:18You're almost there. Jump if you want.
48:20Finish it or we don't have to go.
48:23If they catch you, it'll be me. You go.
48:26Let's go, Saul. Let's go.
48:43Let's go.
49:13Let's go.
49:21Why are you pulling me?
49:23We have to go now so they don't catch us.
49:26Nothing will happen.
49:27Let's go.
49:40I was scared to death.
49:42What did they do? They didn't catch you, did they?
49:51So, the inscription?
49:57It's already inscribed.
50:03Thank God. I had my heart in my mouth since morning.
50:07I thought something would happen, that they would catch you.
50:10Now it's done.
50:27Let's go.
50:50Good morning.
50:51I'm Jerem from Student Affairs.
50:53Can I speak to Mr. Mundas?
50:58I know Cengiz well.
50:59He'll make us pay for this.
51:00He'll find out that Aslim started college late or early.
51:04Wait a minute.
51:05Don't think about the worst now.
51:07Maybe we'll find a way to calm down Cengiz.
51:11You'll see.
51:12Not only will he torture us, he'll also tell my brother everything.
51:16I have to tell him before he does.
51:23What do you have to tell me?
51:41I have to go back to the bar so my boss doesn't scold me.
51:45I'm going home.
51:47See you.
51:48See you.
51:52Are you feeling better?
51:55I don't know.
51:56I still have a bad feeling.
51:59But it's hard to please you.
52:02I'll give you the keys to the school if you want them.
52:05Are you always thinking about doing illegal things?
52:08I don't know.
52:09Things are not fair anywhere in the world.
52:13Injustice is everywhere.
52:26Miss Aslim?
52:28Yes, it's me.
52:29Miss Aslim, Mr. Muntaz wants to talk to you immediately.
52:39Can you hear me, miss?
52:41Mr. Muntaz wants to talk to you right now.
