• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’impegno dell’Italia in Africa parte dalla notte dei tempi. Il Piano Mattei sta dando grandi risultati. Oggi abbiamo la consapevolezza che l’Africa chiede all’Italia un partenariato tra eguali”. Lo ha detto il vice direttore generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese, Ministero degli Affari esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale, Fabrizio Lobasso, a valle della presentazione di Africa champion program, nella sede di Sace a Roma. Il programma formativo e di business matching, che gode del patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, offre alle imprese italiane le conoscenze e gli strumenti utili per un più consapevole approccio al mercato africano e favorisce un partenariato costruttivo tra le imprese italiane e quelle africane.


00:00The commitment of Italy to Africa dates back to the night of the times, but we can say that with the Mattei plan we have achieved a much greater systemic self-awareness than in the past.
00:16Meanwhile, we are all moving together, at the level of institutions and also at the non-institutional level, through missions, tools, complementarity, we, Palazzo Chigi, other ministries, confederate associations, foundations and also individual entrepreneurs, all towards the same goal.
00:38I would also add that there is even more awareness that the African message has passed, that is, partnership between equals.
00:47Include us from the beginning in your initiatives, in the same creativity that you can put in the new exercises you want to do in Africa, also through our imagination, our vision, our participation, from the first steps of the ladder.
01:04Mattei, the report has just come out in the Senate, which I invite you to go and read.
01:11We have pilot countries, we are having, before it was mentioned, the electrical connections between Italy and Tunisia, we have training centers, recently in Morocco, in Uganda, we have in Mozambique the Manica project for a great optimization of agribusiness processes.
01:34We have the energy that somehow is also bringing Africa to develop a new attitude towards sustainability, while keeping in mind the peculiarities of certain countries.
01:46Today we have hundreds of millions already invested, we have employment, we have thousands of employees and many young people who are slowly beginning to rediscover the taste of feeling middle class, of feeling small, micro, medium, entrepreneurs and finally to be able to make a path of autonomy always under an Italian benevolent hat.
