• last year


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:05In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:11Indeed, Allah does not forgive to be associated with Him, but He forgives that which is other than that to whom He wills.
00:24And whoso associates others with Allah has indeed strayed far astray.
00:32They invoke besides Him none but females.
00:41And they invoke none but a rebellious Satan.
00:48Allah has cursed him, and he said, I will surely take from Your servants an obligatory share.
00:59And I will surely lead them astray, and I will surely cause them to go astray, and I will surely command them.
01:07So He will surely cause the ears of the cattle to go astray, and He will surely command them.
01:21So He will surely change the creation of Allah.
01:26And whoso takes Satan as an ally besides Allah has indeed lost a manifest loss.
01:39He promises them and grants them pleasure, but Satan promises them naught but delusion.
01:49Those will have their abode is Hell, and they will find no escape from it.
02:00And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever.
02:19The promise of Allah is truth, and who is more truthful than Allah? It has been said.
02:28It is not in your desires, nor in the desires of the People of the Scripture.
02:37Whoso does evil, he will be requited for it, and he will find besides Allah no protector or helper.
02:54And whoso does righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer,
03:05it is they who will enter Paradise, and they will not be wronged in the least.
03:14And who is better in religion than he who submits his face to Allah,
03:21while he is a doer of good, and follows the religion of Abraham, turning away?
03:28And Allah has taken Abraham as a friend.
03:33And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
03:39And Allah is, of all things, Encompassing.
03:46And they question you concerning women. Say, Allah will judge you concerning them,
03:57and what is recited to you in the Scripture concerning the orphans of women,
04:08except that you give them not that which is written for them,
04:14and desire that you marry them and the weak among the children,
04:27and that you stand up for the orphans with justice.
04:34And whatever good you do, indeed, Allah is ever Knowing of it.
04:44And if a woman should fear from her husband a transgression or a transgression,
04:52then there is no blame upon them that he should make peace between them.
05:08And the peace is good, and the ungrateful souls are brought forth.
05:15And if you do good and fear Allah, then indeed, Allah is ever Aware of what you do.
