• 2 days ago

Roza (Fasting) is the fourth pillar of Islam and an essential part of the Islamic faith. Here are some key points about Roza:

1. *Meaning of Roza*: Roza means abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset.

2. *Purpose of Roza*: The purpose of Roza is to develop self-control, empathy for the poor, and devotion to Allah.

3. *Benefits of Roza*: Roza has numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, including improved health, increased willpower, and spiritual growth.

4. *Rules of Roza*: During Roza, Muslims must abstain from food, drink, and other physical desires from dawn to sunset.

5. *Starting and Ending Roza*: Roza begins at dawn and ends at sunset.

6. *Dua during Roza*: Muslims are encouraged to make dua (supplication) during Roza, seeking forgiveness, guidance, and mercy from Allah.

7. *Importance of Roza*: Roza is an essential part of the Islamic faith and a means of seeking Allah's pleasure and forgiveness.

8. *Exemptions from Roza*: Certain individuals, such as the sick, travelers, pregnant women, and the elderly, are exempt from fasting.

9. *Making up missed fasts*: Muslims who miss fasts due to valid reasons must make up the missed fasts later.

10. *Reward for Roza*: The reward for fasting is immense, and Muslims who fast sincerely and devoutly are promised forgiveness, mercy, and spiritual growth.

1. #Roza
2. #FastingInIslam
3. #IslamicPillars
4. #Ramadan
5. #FastingBenefits
6. #RozaRules
7. #DuaDuringRoza
8. #ImportanceOfRoza
9. #RozaExemptions
10. #RewardForRoza


