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(Adnkronos) - 'Fattorie aperte in Sila 2024', natura e innovazione in Calabria
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00:00Fattorie Aperte in Sila 2024, Natura e Innovazione in Calabria
00:28120 seconds of news
00:31Window on the markets
00:39Natura e Innovazione, Agriculture and Enogastronomia, with the cleanest air in Europe
00:45These are the ingredients of Fattorie Aperte in Sila 2024
00:49The event that opens the doors of the agricultural and agritourism companies of the Silano highland in Calabria
00:54to visitors from all over Italy and abroad
00:58Fattorie Aperte in Sila is reaching its 19th edition
01:01This year a new company enters
01:03a company that makes high-quality wine
01:06so, let's say, heroic agriculture, as they say in modern times
01:10We have technological innovation thanks to the synergy made with the ITS Iridea
01:16The region of Calabria has always supported us in this initiative
01:20Our most important sponsors are PCC Mediocrati, the Sila National Park, the Calabrian Region
01:27and, above all, the companies that are committed to welcome visitors
01:32and, above all, the Sila is welcome
01:36because, in addition to welcoming visitors, we also welcome those who want to work with dignity
01:41in our companies
01:43and, with the introduction of new technologies, the work also becomes interesting
01:50For tourists, let's say that a day in Sila is made of many experiences, of many declinations
01:57an extraordinary territory, but which is an important heritage of our humanity
02:09One billion euros per day taken from Italians to the bank
02:12but if in 2022 the taken amount is estimated at 350 billion euros
02:17in 2023, after a year, the figure has risen to 360 billion, equal to 10 billion more, plus 2%
02:24an increase of 18 billion if we consider that in 2021 the taken amount was estimated at 352 billion
02:32In essence, almost a billion euros are withdrawn every day in ATM gates throughout Italy
02:39and this is evidenced by a report from the Center for Business Studies
02:42according to which, last year, the transactions reached 11 billion euros
02:46between bonuses, loans and credit or debt cards
02:50Italy is still behind in the digitalization of public administration relations with citizens and companies
02:56Only 41.3% of Italians interact with public entities through the Internet
03:01compared to 54.3% of the European Union
03:05and we are in the 23rd place in Europe for the offer of digital public services to companies
03:09to launch the alarm and confartigianato that has presented a report on the bureaucracy
03:14elaborated on data from Eurostat and Eurobarometro
03:17from which it emerges that the beautiful country is still distant from the standards of European innovation
03:22Severe droughts in the south and abundant and prolonged rains in the north
03:26weigh on the Italian production of fruit orchards, which is worth more than 16 billion euros
03:32present 25% of the total of national agricultural production
03:35To launch the alarm is Confagricultura explaining how, as far as fruit is concerned
03:40we are among the largest producers in the world of apples, pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, melons and kiwis
03:45The climate, however, is influencing on the caliber, quantity and conservability of the product
03:50in addition to the proliferation of phytopathies
03:53Ferragossi is now behind, but not the controversies about the prices of holiday parks
03:57commenting on Dianecronos the data of the ConfoCommercio Tourism Observatory
04:01the president of FIADET, Giuseppe Cimminisi
04:04which underlines that for 4 Italians out of 10
04:06the Ferragosto period is the only one in which you can go on vacation
04:09but it is also the period that this year is more likely to be full
04:12a trend that is putting in crisis above all the family tourism
04:16the increases involve in particular the destinations of the Mediterranean
04:19such as Spain and Greece, which are the most affected
04:23especially on air transport and receptivity, therefore also on holiday parks
04:32During the week that has just ended
04:34the main indices of the Old Continent
04:36have completely recovered the losses related to Monday last week
04:41even the American markets, epicenter of recent concerns
04:44have almost compensated the losses of August 2
04:47Despite this recovery, concerns have not disappeared
04:50from investors' wallets
04:52This is the comment of Gabriele De Bac
04:54Italian market analyst of eToro on the financial markets
04:58With the recession that now exceeds inflation as the main concern of the market
05:03underlines the analyst
05:04fixed income shows its effectiveness as a projection against share turbulence
05:09In August, investors allocated 8.9 billion dollars
05:14in government bonds and US companies
05:17adding to the 57.4 billion dollars in July
05:22the highest monthly value since January
05:24and the second highest since mid-2021 according to EPFR data
05:29Global shares have risen thanks to the optimism
05:32aroused by the reading of the PPI, the production price index
05:36result lower than expected
05:38This data, underlines De Bac
05:40have contributed to reduce the obligatory yields
05:43both in Europe and in the United States
05:45allowing shareholders, in particular in the industrial and technological sectors
05:49to earn ground
05:51In Europe, companies like Schneider, Siemens and SAP
05:54have recorded increases between 1% and 2%
05:57while ADN and Nexi have respectively earned
06:01more than 3% and 2.43%
06:04However, the economic sentiment indicators
06:08for the Eurozone and Germany have fallen more than expected
06:11limiting further earnings
06:38Italians and sustainability
06:40make more sustainable
06:42circular economy and climate
06:46Global warming
06:4880% of the world population
06:50asks for more incisive actions
06:55For most citizens
06:57Italy must make more sustainable
06:59circular economy
07:01and fight the climate crisis
07:03This is the picture that emerges from a survey
07:05commissioned by Lega Ambiente, Chioto Club, Conow
07:09and Editoriale Nuova Ecologia
07:11Clean sources and circular economy
07:13represent two wings for the country
07:15allowing to create new green jobs
07:17In addition to an Italian out of two
07:19he believes that in the future they will increase
07:21Two, then, the priorities of action that emerge from the survey
07:24incentives and simplifications for the production of renewable energies
07:28and to develop the circular economy
07:30As for the climate crisis
07:33citizens are more and more aware
07:35of the economic impacts
07:37and impacts on territories and health
07:39In particular, for 61% of the respondents
07:41the increase of natural disasters
07:43is due to the climate crisis
07:45For 45%
07:47climate change
07:49has an effect on the cost of life in general
07:51For 44%
07:53they determine an increase
07:55of food costs
07:57For 29%
07:59an increase of food costs
08:01For 53%
08:03an increase of chronic diseases, allergies and intolerances
08:05The commitment to counter the climate crisis
08:07must see in the front row
08:09for 72% of the interviewees
08:11the national governments
08:13followed by companies and consortia
08:15local administrations, citizens and the media
08:17On the front of the circular economy
08:19according to the IPSOS survey
08:21the share of connoisseurs
08:23remains stable at 45%
08:25as in 2023
08:27As for the correct disposal
08:30of waste, families and individuals
08:32are the most virtuous subjects
08:34followed by the public sector
08:36and by companies
08:38In addition to an Italian out of 5
08:40believes that there are no difficult materials
08:42to dismantle
08:44Those who find it difficult to dismantle
08:46some types of waste
08:48see in the front row electronic waste
08:50and vegetable oil from the kitchen
08:52They follow iron, ceramic,
08:54stainless steel and lubricating oil
08:56What emerges from the survey
08:58is that the interviewees
09:00are aware of
09:02different positive characteristics
09:04of our country's waste cycle
09:06We are the European leaders
09:08of the circular economy
09:10even if not all the interviewees
09:12know it
09:14They are aware of the difficulty
09:16of some sectors
09:18especially in the final recycling sector
09:22What emerges from the survey
09:24is that there is still a need
09:27for correct information
09:29because the industry can do its part
09:31and the local authorities
09:33must do their part
09:35but the citizen
09:37is the first link in the chain
09:39who must know where to give what
09:41to guarantee to the Italian industry
09:43to be able to give a new life
09:45to those materials
09:5180% of the world population
09:53or 4 people out of 5
09:55want their governments
09:57to take stronger action
09:59to face the climate crisis
10:01Even more, 86%
10:03would like their countries
10:05to put aside geopolitical differences
10:07and work together
10:09on climate change
10:11This is what emerges
10:13from the People's Climate Vote 2024
10:15second edition of the survey
10:17promoted by the United Nations Development Program
10:19in collaboration with the University of Oxford
10:21and Geopol
10:24The survey involved over 73,000 people
10:26in 77 countries
10:28which represent 87%
10:30of the world population
10:3215 questions were asked
10:34on climate change
10:36The survey revealed the support
10:38for a stronger climate action
10:40in 20 of the world's largest
10:42greenhouse gas emitters
10:44with majorities ranging from 66%
10:46in the United States and Russia
10:48to 67% in Germany
10:50from 73% in China
10:52and 57% in Italy
10:54In addition to a strong call
10:56for a more courageous climate action
10:58the survey shows the support
11:00of a global majority of 72%
11:02in favor of a rapid transition
11:04from fossil fuels
11:06Only 7% of people believe
11:08that their country should not
11:10make any transition
11:12Not only that, the climate crisis
11:14generates concern
11:16At a global level, 56%
11:18has declared to think about it regularly
11:20and the rest of the population
11:22has declared to be more concerned
11:24than last year about climate change
11:26with 71% in the nine small
11:28island states on the way to development
11:3069% of people globally
11:32say that big personal decisions
11:34like where to live or work
11:36are influenced by climate change
11:38with higher values
11:40in less developed countries
11:42and significantly lower
11:44in Western and North American
