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Harry Collett says Emma Darcy's like an 'off-screen parent!' Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00How are you? Let me not get make-up on that gorgeous jacket. If you come over this way
00:05a wee bit forward so we can get you in in all your glory. Oh, I love the pearls.
00:08Thank you very much.
00:09Is that for Derek?
00:10Yep. Just for you, Derek.
00:12We tried to get him to Dracarys earlier because it was obviously hailing, but still a baby.
00:16Still a baby.
00:17Yeah, that's alright.
00:18But your character is no longer a baby. Stepping up in season two. How does it feel?
00:24It feels, you know, scary in a good way. But no, it's so good and it's so exciting and
00:35I can't wait for everybody to see it.
00:37Have you seen the really nice thing that Emma Darcy said about you the other day?
00:41Yeah, oh my god. I love them. They are the most beautiful person inside and out. And
00:46they are like an off-screen parent to me as well. And I love them. I'll keep in touch
00:53with them for the rest of my life.
00:55And obviously the Game of Thrones cast kind of grew up on set of that. Do you feel like
01:00you've almost grown up a little bit on the House of the Dragons set?
01:03Yeah, well, I got the role when I was 16 and I'm now 20. So it doesn't matter. So I've
01:08grown up with everybody else. So, I mean, hopefully they've grown me up well, which
01:12I'm hoping is good.
01:14Credits to the parents for that as well. But yeah, no, it's been a very good experience
01:19and yeah, it's lovely.
01:21And how does it feel? We've been waiting for so long. How does it feel to be sharing it
01:24with everyone finally?
01:25It's like Christmas. You've got something for someone that you think is really, really
01:31good and you're giving it over as a gift and you hope that they like it. It's the same
01:36feeling and I just hope people like it.
01:38We love it. Thank you so much.
01:40Thank you.
01:41It's so nice to see you. Next time I see you, you're going to be like 25 or something.
01:44It better not be as long as that.
01:46I don't know. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see.
01:48Derek will be a big...
01:51Is he coming next time?
01:53Does he need a separate ticket?
01:54No, he's kind of more popular than me, so he's more likely to get an Amherst plus one.
01:59Right, okay, cool.
02:00That's what's happening.
02:02It's so nice to meet you. Bye.
