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Bad Ass Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:00 Hey, old man, you mind moving? We gotta sit together. How about you just leave me alone?
00:07 There's two seats in the back. I told you I didn't wanna fight. I fuckin' told you.
00:20 This old guy is badass. Awesome. He's a senior citizen. He's been given the name "Badass"
00:29 Badass? The boys at the station, they send their best. I didn't know how good looking I was. Yeah, me neither.
00:35 Nobody move! Give me what's in that register!
00:39 I think the bounce is slowing down.
00:48 They find the guys that killed Klondike yet? There's more homicides than there are investigators. You gotta have patience.
00:55 What the hell was Klondike involved in?
00:57 I'm running for re-election in 90 days and I got confidential information of mine out there on the streets.
01:06 They say you've been leaving a bloody trail all across the city.
01:09 Doesn't sound familiar to me.
01:12 Now we got this freakin' geriatric going around kicking everybody's fuckin' asses.
01:16 Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Tell me your sins, my son.
01:19 I'm about to do something tonight that will not sit well with the eyes of heaven, Father.
01:46 Badass. Excuse me? Badass. That's what they're calling him. He's painting my fuckin' ass.
