• 2 days ago
THE SHROUDS new Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:10When they lowered my wife into the coffin I had an intense urge to get into the box with her you never considered cremation
00:19How dark are you willing to go?
00:24Those are the shrouds you mean like burial shrouds not exactly
00:32It's basically a kind of camera in her grave
00:37Don't you find it hard to take comforts me like she's floating in outer space
00:45Word of warning if they shrouds can be weaponized people will find a way to do it
00:53They found something
00:56What is that
00:58Where did that video come from? It's walking amongst the wreckage brutal some real hatred there. What's the motive?
01:08You used to say that they were killing your sister in the hospital
01:11I just knew they were constantly edging towards experimental treatments. They weren't being up front about
01:17You see I have a dent a wreckage here. I still do do you want JPEGs?
01:23It's obvious they were tracking you through her why would anyone want to try
01:29Well, you tell me made a career out of bodies
01:32I'm so happy to be involved involved
01:36It makes me feel so alive
01:41Paranoid now
01:43Things are getting weird
01:45Desecration wasn't just random. She's in my head and my dreams my life
01:51What's going on I can't believe it
02:03The shrouds maybe not meant for the dead either