八点最热报 | 印尼苏门达腊红毛猩猩,懂得用草药制成药膏,来涂抹脸部伤口,还成功在1个月后治愈伤口的新发现,最近被记录于国际期刊《科学报告》,这是有记录以来,第一次有野生动物懂得使用具有药性的植物来治疗伤口。(主播:庄文杰)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 The Indian Sumatra Red-Haired Star knows how to use herbal medicine to make ointment to apply on the face wounds.
00:10 It also successfully cured the wound's new discovery a month later.
00:13 Recently, it was recorded in the International Journal of Science, causing a lot of domestic and foreign media to report.
00:18 This is the first time in history that a wild animal has known how to use a medicinal plant to treat wounds.
00:24 So this Red-Haired Star uses a leaf called "yellow cicada".
00:29 According to research, this medicinal plant is said to help relieve pain, burn down, and treat malignancies in traditional medicine.
00:35 It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory effect.
00:39 So how does the Red-Haired Star make herbal medicine to treat wounds?
00:44 This Sumatra Red-Haired Star is today's protagonist.
00:53 In June of the previous year, a German scientist found this Red-Haired Star in the National Park of Leser in Indonesia,
00:59 and suspected that it was a Red-Haired Star that had fought with other male stars.
01:02 At that time, the wound on his face still had blood, but he knew how to use a herbal medicine called "yellow cicada" to treat wounds.
01:07 He first observed feeding on this plant for 13 minutes, and then he continued chewing but stopped swallowing,
01:14 and put the plant sap from his mouth precisely onto the wound.
01:19 And then later, he also took the more solid plant matter from his mouth and put it on top of his wound, fully covering the wound.
01:26 After observation by scientists, it was found that the wound on the Red-Haired Star was healed within 5 days.
01:31 A month later, he was completely healed and almost no old wounds were seen.
01:34 It was at this time that we observed a wild great ape using a plant, a potent medical plant, in order to treat his wounds.
01:42 Scientists do not rule out that he learned how to heal wounds by observing other stars.
01:47 He might have learned it from his mother or another orangutan.
01:51 And we know that orangutans do social learning, so they show peering, which is close-distance observation of another.
02:00 For example, processing and opening a fruit in order probably to learn the mechanism how to do it.
02:06 In fact, scientists have discovered that the Black-Haired Star would use insects to apply wounds.
02:10 It is still not certain whether these insects have the potential to help heal wounds.
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02:20 [Silence]