• last year
According to officials on Thursday, a power station in the Imphal West district of Manipur let out a lot of fuel. The leakage of fuel ended up draining into nearby streams. The episode occurred on Wednesday ie January 10 night at the Leimakhong power station. Officials said that streams going through towns, for example, Kanto Sabal and Sekmai were impacted by the spill.

#Manipur #Leimakhong #FuelLeak #ManipurPowerStation #LeimakhongPowerStation #Imphal #ImphalWaterway #KantoSabal
00:00 A major environmental crisis took place in the north-eastern state of Manipur.
00:05 According to officials on Thursday, a power station in the Imphal West District of Manipur
00:10 let out a lot of fuel.
00:12 The leakage of fuel ended up draining into nearby streams.
00:16 The episode occurred on Wednesday, i.e. on January 10 at the Leh Makhong Power Station.
00:22 Officials said that streams going through towns, for example, Kantu Sabal and Sekhmai,
00:27 were impacted by the spillage.
00:29 The officials added that these streams meet the Imphal waterway with the help of the district
00:34 downstream.
00:35 The Chief Minister's Office or CMO directed the departments concerned to take immediate
00:40 necessary action to prevent an environmental calamity, making use of all available resources
00:46 in terms of machinery, manpower and expertise.
00:49 An official informed the media that a large equipment was sent to redirect the progression
00:53 of the water in the impacted streams towards fields.
00:58 Police said that it was not really set in stone, assuming miscreants were associated
01:02 with this incident or on the off chance that it was just an accident.
01:07 Locals said that the water of the streams is utilised by them for day-to-day errands.
01:11 An inhabitant of Kantu Sabal said that not just aquatic life but also the communities
01:16 that depend on the water have been severely threatened by this spillage.
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