• 2 years ago
Saturday marked 60 years to the day that this cohort walked through the gates of Roundhay Grammar School.

Around 40 classmates reunited at the school to share memories and enjoy refreshments.
00:00 I'm Irving Gale. I went around a grammar school in 1963 till 1970 and it's 60 years today
00:18 that we first walked through the gates of this school. So the boys and girls from the
00:23 grammar school and high school having a reunion and we're all looking forward to it. We've
00:30 circulated on Facebook and there's even a few teachers.
00:38 I'm John Shepherd. I joined the staff here in January 1970 for PE and I retired 16 years
00:46 ago and I've come back just to see Irving, you know, because he was a rugby player, I
00:52 was a rugby player and, you know, keep in touch with people that you knew who coached
00:58 him when he was a pupil here.
