00:30Keep going, Larry, let's see some more.
00:52All right, I'll try.
00:53Come on now, get out of there.
00:54Take care.
00:55Come on, here we go.
00:57Minutes in the hospital pick when this troop tries that little trick.
01:00I'll say.
01:26Boy, look at that.
01:33Come on there, kid.
01:56Boy, that's really right.
02:14Great stuff, Larry.
02:15You and Rocky are going to be a hard combination to beat.
02:18Well, Rocky really deserves most of the credit, Tim.
02:20I'm going hook, line, and sinker on you and Rocky to win first prize.
02:25Thanks for your confidence, boys.
02:26I sure hope we don't disappoint you.
02:30Hey, what do you want?
02:31I want to give him his carrot.
02:33You always have to have that.
02:34Yeah, always hungry.
02:35Captain Saunders' orders, you're intended to have him at once.
02:38All right.
02:39Take care of my horse, will you, Joe?
02:40I sure will.
02:43Well, I guess that warms up out there, Tim.
02:45Well, I think you ought to brush up on that cartwheel a little.
02:48Yes, I will.
02:52Hey, what is this?
02:54What is this?
03:07A twin ruined by some half-wit.
03:10If I knew who did that, I'd punch him right in the nose.
03:12Well, here's the nose.
03:16Oh, so it's you.
03:18Don't hesitate because I'm a girl.
03:20Go ahead and smack it.
03:23I suppose you think that's funny, don't you?
03:26My nose funny?
03:28I'll have you know I'm real proud of it, although it may be shiny.
03:32Is it?
03:33Say, do you make it a habit of going around taking potshots at people, Ann, either?
03:37No, but I expect to be the first female ranger in Texas.
03:40You know, that's what your organization needs, the feminine touch.
03:43Hey, hey, look out there.
03:44Just point that somewhere else, will you?
03:46Oh, you don't need to be afraid.
03:47It's empty, see?
03:48Give me that before you hurt yourself.
03:51It's empty now, I think.
03:54Would you mind telling me just what you were shooting at?
03:57Why, uh, I was shooting at that target over there, behind the blanket.
04:03Well, that's probably why you shot my hat off over here.
04:06Gee, I'm sorry, Larry.
04:12It must have been the wind.
04:15Say, maybe we'd better get in out of this, uh, cyclone.
04:38Graham and Raymond reporting, sir.
04:40Have them come in.
04:41Yes, sir.
04:44And I don't want to be disturbed.
04:46Yes, sir.
04:49Hello, boys.
04:50Sit down.
04:57Looks like you won't get into contest at Amarillo this week, Larry.
05:00Oh, I don't mind that.
05:01Tim can do everything I can and do it a lot better.
05:03Yeah, well, that's what he thinks.
05:06This came this morning's mail.
05:08Better memorize it.
05:15This makes me a pretty tough mug.
05:18Have you familiarized yourself with the facts we have in the Belden case?
05:21That's all Tim and I've been doing since we reported here.
05:23That's why we sent for you.
05:25Prison officials have used every means in their power to get Belden to talk.
05:30But it hasn't done any good.
05:32He's tough.
05:35Take a look at this.
05:45He got away with bonds worth a quarter of a million dollars
05:48and managed to hide them before we caught him.
05:51Was there anybody else mixed up with him?
05:53We don't know.
05:55Apparently, he's a lone wolf.
05:58We've arranged to have you placed in Belden's cell.
06:02When you're ready to make your move,
06:04the warden will see that you get out of the cell block,
06:06but that's as far as he can go.
06:08From then on, you're on your own.
06:11From then on, you're on your own.
06:14Your job will not be easy.
06:16It is impossible for us to take the guards into our confidence.
06:19If anything goes wrong,
06:21you will not have the state of Texas backing you up.
06:24I won't be able to do a thing for you.
06:26And remember, stick to Ace Belden until you locate those bonds.
06:31I understand, sir.
06:32Tim, you'll be the outside man.
06:34Well, Captain, would it be all right with you
06:36if I were the one to handle the prison end of things?
06:39Well, you know...
06:41Tim thinks I'm getting the soft end of the job,
06:43and he doesn't like it, right?
06:45No, it isn't right, but I think I should be the one to handle it.
06:49You'll be on the outside
06:51and arrange things when Larry gets word to you.
06:53I'll leave at once, sir.
06:56Okay, Larry, and a lot of luck.
07:01So long, Tim.
07:03For the next couple of months, I'm gonna get an indoor tan.
07:05Well, so long, Larry, and watch your step.
07:07You sure got a tough assignment,
07:09and I'll be waiting to hear from you.
07:37Well, what's on your mind?
08:01After the count-up, I'm making a break.
08:03You're crazy.
08:05Nobody ever got out of this place that way.
08:07They got me in here for life,
08:09but they ain't keeping me.
08:11Ah, they give me life a couple of times.
08:14Life's a rap you can't beat, Ace.
08:17There's room for you if you want to come along.
08:24What makes you so sure you can make it?
08:27It's all set.
08:28There'll be a car waiting.
08:34And I got the swellest little hideout you ever saw.
08:39Tummy up.
09:39Tummy up.
09:56Tummy up.
10:22Tummy up.
10:50Tummy up.
11:19Tummy up.
11:48Tummy up.
12:18Tummy up.
12:46Tummy up.
13:14My last corona.
13:16Anita, will you quit playing?
13:20Oh, don't get up, Dad.
13:21I'll see who it is.
13:24A telegram for your father, Miss Saunders.
13:26Oh, thanks, Pop.
13:51That's a relief.
13:54Larry Graham effected escape from state prison.
13:58What does that mean, Larry Graham in prison?
14:01Why, uh, did he tell you anything about it?
14:04Not a word.
14:06Tell me, Dad, what did he do?
14:08He didn't do anything.
14:11Now, Dad, they don't put people in prison for doing nothing.
14:15Nobody put him in prison.
14:17He went of his own accord so he could escape.
14:21Sounds pretty silly, going to prison just to escape.
14:24Read the rest of the telegram.
14:27Accompanied by Ace Belden.
14:29Believe they are headed in your direction.
14:33It still doesn't make sense to me.
14:35We wanted Ace Belden out of prison, so Larry went in to help him escape.
14:40But you just put Belden in prison a short while ago.
14:43We wanted him out again.
14:46To see if he would lead us to the bonds he'd stolen.
14:49Why didn't you just open the doors and turn him loose?
14:52We were afraid he'd shake off whoever was trailing him,
14:55get the bonds, and leave the country.
14:58This way, Larry will stick right to him.
15:02Well, that's pretty dangerous for Larry, isn't it?
15:07Oh-ho, so that's the way it is.
15:12That's the way what is?
15:14You and Larry, right under my nose,
15:18and me never seeing it.
15:23You don't think I'd flirt with any of the rangers at the post, do you?
15:27Of course not, of course not.
15:30But he is nice, isn't he?
15:34He must be, if you say so.
15:49Hey, that looks like Ace Belden.
15:53That is Ace.
15:55I wonder who those two guys are with him.
15:57Hey, Dave, you'd better come out here.
16:18Hiya, boys.
16:22Well, Dave, ain't you gonna ask me and my pals to stop in for a spell?
16:38Nothing else I can do.
16:41Climb down and get in undercover.
16:46You boys stay here and keep your eyes open.
16:52How have you been, Dave?
17:11Well, boys, this is the place.
17:14Nothing out.
17:19You guys might as well get acquainted,
17:22because they're sticking with me until me and you settle things.
17:25Sort of bodyguards, is that right, boys?
17:28Right, Ace.
17:30This is Larry Graham and Tim Raymond, Dave Stone.
17:35Sit down, boys.
17:41If it's all the same to you, I'll take that chair in the corner.
17:44I like the feel of a wall against my back.
17:48No, just careful.
17:50Yeah, Graham made the mistake once before of sitting with his back to a door.
17:53That's how he happened to land in the pen.
17:59Well, they're all right.
18:01If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here.
18:03That'd suit me fine.
18:05I don't doubt it.
18:07Don't you realize you're putting my neck in a noose by showing up here in broad daylight?
18:11The whole state of Texas is looking for you.
18:13And if they find me before we get rid of them bonds,
18:16they're going to find you right with me.
18:18I am through being a sucker.
18:20We're both in on this deal, and I'm warning you right now,
18:23I ain't taking a rap alone no more.
18:26You're to blame for the way things turned out.
18:28What do you mean?
18:30You told me where you'd hidden the bonds.
18:32I could have sold them, got you a lawyer.
18:34Hey, Ace, who is this guy?
18:37Oh, don't mind him. He's harmless.
18:42Your bedtime story's got me sleepy.
18:45But before I crawl under the blankets, there's one thing I want to tell you.
18:49We've got to work together.
18:52I need you to sell them bonds,
18:54and you've got to have me to dig them up for you.
18:57So don't try to pull any fast ones.
19:05You've got to smile.
19:13Can I trouble you for a match, stranger?
19:21Sanders is waiting at Green's cabin.
19:29You're welcome.
19:32Hey, Sam.
19:34Do you know those two fellas sitting over there?
19:40I haven't seen them before.
19:42They've been watching me ever since I came in here.
19:44I wonder if they could be rangers.
19:46I don't think so.
19:48Well, let's go.
19:50Do you know those two fellas sitting over there?
19:56I haven't seen them before.
19:58They've been watching me ever since I came in here.
20:00I wonder if they could be rangers.
20:04Now listen, I don't want them to know I'm wise.
20:07I'll slide out.
20:09If they start to follow me, you pick an argument with them to make a getaway.
20:12I getcha.
20:21Well, hello, Joe. When did you get back in town?
20:24Why, hello, Buck. I just come in from the round-up.
20:27Sit down. Let's have a drink.
20:29Sure will.
20:30We're going to paint the town red.
20:32Say, bartender, bring us something to drink.
20:38You're going to make a sap out of me, huh?
20:51Hello, Larry.
20:53How are you, Captain?
20:55Nice work, son. For a while I didn't think you'd get away with it.
20:57Don't think you didn't have me worried.
20:59It was nip and tuck all the way.
21:01Sit down and tell me about it.
21:03Well, Ace led us straight to Dave Stone's ranch.
21:05He's hiding out there now.
21:07What? Dave Stone's mixed up in this?
21:09He and Ace engineered the deal.
21:21What about the bonds?
21:23Ace is the only one who knows where they are, and he's not telling.
21:26You and Tim better pull out of there.
21:28We'll throw a guard around the place and watch every move they make.
21:31If we do that, they'll become suspicious and we'll learn nothing.
21:34It's too dangerous. Pull out.
21:36I'm sorry, sir, but we're not quitting.
21:39You heard my orders.
21:42My orders from you, sir, were to stick to Ace and Belden until I recovered those bonds.
21:46My orders from you, sir, were to stick to Ace and Belden until I recovered those bonds.
21:50You're still a member of the Texas Rangers.
21:52Not according to the official records at headquarters.
21:55I'll soon fix that.
21:57You can't, not unless I agree to it.
22:01I guess you have me, Larry. You win.
22:04Good luck, boy.
22:16Hello! My luck's still holding up.
22:19Well, hello, Anita. What are you...
22:21For a while, I was afraid I couldn't catch up with you.
22:23Well, how'd you know where to find me?
22:25Well, when Dad left the house, I followed him.
22:27And when you left him, I followed you.
22:29Now, if you'll take my advice, you'll follow him right back again.
22:32Is that a nice thing to say when I haven't seen you for eight?
22:35You know, you don't look at all like an escaped convict in those clothes.
22:38Well, maybe not, but to you and everybody else I know, you look like an escaped convict.
22:42You don't look very dangerous to me.
22:44Anyway, I can take care of myself.
22:46I was more or less brought up that way.
22:48You know, we're an out-of-door family.
22:50Well, now, I'll admit, you're a very extraordinary young lady.
22:53But in spite of that, it's still dangerous.
22:55Have you stopped to figure the danger to yourself?
22:58Well, that's all part of the game.
23:00But can't I do something to help?
23:03Then you still think we need the feminine touch.
23:06Well, that's a good question.
23:08Can't I do something to help?
23:10Then you still think we need the feminine touch.
23:12Of course.
23:14Anita, you're a nice, sweet, lovely little girl.
23:17Then you'll let me help.
23:20By turning that horse around and heading him for home and staying there.
23:25All right, smarty, I'll show you.
23:32What are you going to do?
23:33You'll see.
23:35Now, as I was saying, I've got a reputation.
23:38My work's known from one end of this country to the other.
23:45If I'm seen in town when a bank's knocked off,
23:47well, the cops will put two and two together,
23:50and the answer wouldn't be four.
23:52No, sir, it'd be Tim Raymond, the best finger man in the business,
23:56and Raymond's me.
23:59Organization's a thing.
24:00There's a technique to my business which takes years of study.
24:04Science advances, and you've got to keep up with it.
24:06That sounds pretty complicated.
24:10I thought all you had to do was to pick out a bank,
24:13walk in,
24:15stick a gun under the cashier's nose,
24:17and gather up the coin and beat it.
24:19That's the way they worked in the old days.
24:21But times have changed.
24:23Banks are wired, and they've got guards and pillboxes with Tommy guns.
24:28Tommy guns are bad if you ain't the one behind them.
24:30You're right there.
24:32They are.
24:48Thanks, Ranger.
24:56Now you're on the wrong end of that Tommy gun you were talking about.
25:02Let's go.
25:32Let's go.
26:02Let's go.
26:32Let's go.
26:42Sam, get down there and make sure of him.
26:52Now we'll go back and wait for his partner.
28:02Let's go.
28:16Did you think a cyclone struck the place?
28:18It kind of looked like it. What happened?
28:20Oh, just a couple of boys wrestling around.
28:22Oh, just letting off steam, huh?
28:24Yeah, that's right.
28:26Hey, Sam, where'd you go?
28:30You guys better go in there and straighten things up a little.
28:34And fix Graham some grub.
28:36He looks kind of hungry.
28:40Kind of risky, wasn't it, going into town?
28:43Say, if you'd been in a pen as long as I have, you'd welcome a change of scenery, too.
28:47Guess maybe he works the same way as Tim.
28:50How's that?
28:52Oh, sort of getting everything set before you move in and mop up.
28:56Say, what was it Tim called himself?
28:58Do you remember?
28:59Oh, let me see.
29:01It was Finger something or other.
29:03Oh, Finger Man.
29:04That's right, Finger Man.
29:06Said he was the best in the business.
29:08Oh, you mean is.
29:10Hey, where is he?
29:12He didn't say where he was going when he left.
29:14In fact, I don't think he knew himself where he was headed.
29:17He's probably getting acquainted with his new surroundings.
29:20Did you reach for Eddie?
29:22Oh, coming right in, Sam.
29:24Hey, we better not keep our chef waiting.
29:26He's liable to get a little temperamental.
29:31Well, from all Tim was telling us, he was a great guy for detail.
29:34Yeah, detail's an important thing in our racket.
29:37One false move.
29:39Now see, there's a good example.
29:57Come and get it.
30:03You must be hungry.
30:04Yeah, I sure am.
30:06This looks good, too.
30:21You know, I've been puzzled
30:23how you and Ace were able to make the break from the state pen.
30:27First time was ever done, ain't it?
30:29First time for everything.
30:32Have any help from the inside?
30:35All my help came from outside.
30:37Oh, I see.
30:39From the organization Tim was telling us about, I suppose.
30:44Oh, yeah.
30:45Oh, they're a great bunch.
30:47Never forget a fellow when he's in trouble.
30:50You can always depend on them.
30:52We didn't have much trouble, did we, Ace?
30:55Everything went off like clockwork.
30:59Why, I'd think a couple of smart guys like you and Raymond
31:02would hate to split the credit.
31:05I mean, the profits with anybody else.
31:09Well, we found out it pays.
31:11Lone Wolf's having a chance the way things are today.
31:14You're using your brains when you say that.
31:16Science advances, and we have to keep up with it.
31:19Organization is the thing.
31:22Haven't I always told you that?
31:24You sure have.
31:26Go ahead, tell us some more.
31:27This is mighty interesting.
31:30Well, I'll show you what training does for you.
31:33How working with an organization will help you in a tough spot.
31:36Now, let's just say this is a bank.
31:39Dave, you'll be the president, and you, Ace, you'll be the cashier.
31:43Come over here.
31:48Now, get about in here.
31:50Let's see now.
31:52Yeah, that's about right.
31:53And you, Bart, you're our customer trying to get a loan.
31:58Now, come over here.
31:59Just to make it a little harder, suppose we let Bart stay where he is.
32:03Well, okay, yeah, that's all right.
32:06Now, let's see, yeah, about there like that.
32:09And you, Sam, you'll be in on this too.
32:11Now, you go into the end of the room, and as I start backing toward the door,
32:15you come out and jump me, understand?
32:17Yeah, I understand.
32:20If there's going to be any scrapping, I think I'd better take this.
32:23You know, in the excitement, somebody's liable to get hurt.
32:26Well, yeah, that's a good idea.
32:28I'll just pretend I have a gun.
32:30Now, I tried to pull this job alone, see?
32:34I didn't waste any time staking it out.
32:35The only mistake I made was not looking behind me.
32:38I gathered up all the coin in sight, and I was just backing away,
32:42keeping the three of them in front of me under my guns.
32:44I got closer and closer to the door,
32:46and I was just starting to turn to take it on the run
32:48when something hit me from behind.
33:46About time we were getting a little action around here.
34:05That's right.
34:07The Rangers allow us to drop in any minute.
34:11We'd better get those bonds and head for the border.
34:14What do you mean, we'd better pick up those bonds?
34:18You heard me.
34:20Listen, Stone, this is my party,
34:23and it's going to be run the way I say.
34:26What do you mean, your party?
34:28You're figuring on holding out on me?
34:30You catch on quick.
34:32I changed my mind about cutting anybody in.
34:35I'm running this alone.
34:38I'm not cutting anybody in.
34:40I'm running this alone.
35:08I'm running this alone.
35:38I'm running this alone.
35:40I'm running this alone.
36:08I'm running this alone.
36:10I'm running this alone.
36:12I'm running this alone.
36:14I'm running this alone.
36:16I'm running this alone.
36:18I'm running this alone.
36:20I'm running this alone.
36:22I'm running this alone.
36:24I'm running this alone.
36:26I'm running this alone.
36:28I'm running this alone.
36:30I'm running this alone.
36:32I'm running this alone.
36:35I'm running this alone.
36:55Bart, get me out of this!
37:04I'm not waiting for them to come back.
37:34Get Dave here as fast as you can.
37:42I'll take care of him if he tries to leave.
38:04I'll take care of him.
38:34I'll take care of him.
39:04I'll take care of him.
39:34I'll take care of him.
40:04I'll take care of him.
40:23I'll take care of him.
40:34I'll take care of him.
41:04I'll take care of him.
41:34I'll take care of him.
42:04I'll take care of him.
42:34I'll take care of him.
43:04I'll take care of him.
43:34I'll take care of him.
44:04I'll take care of him.
44:34I'll take care of him.
44:40I'll take care of him.
44:46I'll take care of him.
44:52I'll take care of him.
44:58I'll take care of him.
45:28I'll take care of him.
45:34I'll take care of him.