• 4 years ago


00:55And now, the Pacific boils over.
01:02To Americans, an enchanting island territory 2,000 miles from the mainland.
01:08To the Japanese, Pearl Harbor, an enemy bastion.
01:14For two years, Europe has been at war.
01:16But in Honolulu, people talk of pineapples, sugar cane, money and toast.
01:21The year is 1941.
01:25There is still time for one more aloha.
01:28Still time to enjoy tropical skies and sweet music.
01:32The flowered leaves and the hula.
02:08On another Pacific island, beyond the international date line,
02:12events which will change the course of history are maturing with reckless rapidity.
02:16Tokyo, the brain of the Japanese empire, looks brisk, efficient, modern,
02:21as is proper for the capital of the most thoroughly industrialized nation in the East.
02:26Simultaneously, two opposed levels of culture exist side by side.
02:31Oriental and Occidental.
02:34Social, economic, and religious ideas from an isolated past
02:38thrive with superimposed industrial methods and Western ways.
02:42The face of Japan is baffling.
02:45A strange mixture of the very ancient with the brand new.
02:53But one face is familiar.
02:55The world has learned to recognize aggression.
02:58Japan is marching.
03:00Techniques she has learned so well from the West are harnessed into ideas cultivated in the East.
03:12Hakko Ichu.
03:14Japan's divine mission to bring the eight corners of the world under one roof.
03:20The sacred code of the warrior.
03:22The glory of conquest.
03:26First Japan conquered Manchuria.
03:28Later she struck China.
03:30Incident after incident.
03:32Victory after victory.
03:34Forging her new empire, the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere.
03:39The world is beginning to catch the ominous sound of a strange new word.
03:49But behind bright banners and arrogant words,
03:51the Japanese high command ponders a dilemma.
03:54To realize the dreams of conquest,
03:56the war machine must have the oil of Southeast Asia.
04:00Japan has none.
04:02With the European powers locked in a war of survival,
04:05America's Pacific fleet is the major obstacle to Japanese domination of Asia and the Pacific.
04:11The ruling militarists hatch a fateful plan to eliminate the obstacle.
04:16Sink the United States Navy.
04:23Guns are sighted on Pearl Harbor.
04:25The key to America's defense in the Pacific.
04:28The headquarters of the United States Pacific fleet.
04:31Japan knows the attack she is planning means war.
04:34But if she sinks the principal striking force of the United States Navy,
04:38the prize is worth the risk.
04:41Such bold designs demand hard study and exact intelligence.
04:52The Hawaiian island was scrutinized, especially Oahu, with its principal targets.
04:59Pearl Harbor.
05:00The major airfields.
05:02Installations of every kind.
05:05Naval bases.
05:09Dry docks.
05:10Every military factor of importance is pinpointed for the coming attack.
05:20But the heart of the assault will center on Ford Island in the middle of Pearl Harbor,
05:24around which the American fleet is moored.
05:26Intelligence reports.
05:28Main enemy force here.
05:30Destroyers here.
05:33Converted target ship Utah.
05:35Seaplane tender.
05:37There is little the Japanese do not know in advance.
05:41The Navy's finest pilots are picked to deliver the assault,
05:44which will be carried out entirely by carrier-based aircraft.
05:47Technically and emotionally,
05:49their indoctrination is as perfect as human ingenuity can make it.
06:06By late October 1941,
06:08dress rehearsals for the attack are secretly staged over terrain
06:11chosen for its resemblance to Pearl Harbor.
06:14Air crews hold repeated, highly realistic maneuvers,
06:17perfecting their teamwork, practicing approaches,
06:20sharpening their marksmanship.
06:23Plans and decisions become orders and action.
06:38Events move with relentless precision toward their climax.
06:41In early November, Admiral Yamamoto,
06:44designer of the Pearl Harbor attack,
06:46orders his striking force to advance into Hawaiian waters,
06:49and upon the very opening of hostilities,
06:51attack the main force of the United States fleet.
07:04On November 16th, the ships, singly and in small groups,
07:07slip out to sea to rendezvous in a hidden harbor
07:09in the remote Kuril Islands, far north of Tokyo.
07:13A week later, the Pearl Harbor striking force
07:15is assembled and weighs anchor for Hawaii,
07:174,000 miles and 12 days away.
07:20The task force maintains radio silence
07:23and travels a roundabout course off normal shipping lines.
07:26Dirty weather and heavy seas help bail its progress.
07:47There has never before been so powerful
07:49a striking force in the Pacific.
07:52Two vast battleships,
07:55six of Japan's newest and finest carriers,
07:59a screen of eight destroyers,
08:01three cruisers, and three submarines.
08:04Aboard the carriers are 40 torpedo bombers,
08:07135 dive bombs,
08:09104 horizontal bombers,
08:12and 81 strafing planes.
08:15A total of 360 aircraft.
08:22Preparing themselves for the attack,
08:24pilots pause at Shinpo Shrine
08:26to renew their dedication to the spirits of their ancestors.
08:38On every flight deck,
08:39pilots receive last-minute intelligence on Pearl Harbor.
08:43They prepare to strike for the glory of Japan.
08:54Admiral Nagumo, commander of the task force,
08:57delivers a final message from Imperial headquarters in Tokyo.
09:01Niitakayama, nobore.
09:04Climb Mount Niitaka.
09:07The code to attack.
09:30A fresh northwesterly trade is blowing,
09:32and the helmsmen swing their carriers into the wind
09:34for launching the planes.
09:52Latitude, 26 degrees north.
09:54Longitude, 158 degrees west.
09:58The launching point.
10:00Pearl Harbor lies 275 miles to the south.
10:04It is 0600.
10:06It is X day.
11:135,000 miles away in Washington, it is almost noon.
11:17At the Navy Department, intelligence experts
11:19have had a puzzling Sunday morning.
11:21Some time ago, they broke Japan's most carefully guarded code.
11:25They've deciphered a dispatch from Tokyo to the Japanese embassy.
11:29Secret instructions reject America's request
11:31for mediation in the Far Eastern crisis.
11:33Order negotiations broken off.
11:36Exactly what this means, no one knows.
11:43The State Department is uneasy.
11:48Secretary Cordell Hull awaits another crucial conference
11:51with the Japanese ambassador
11:53and a special envoy from Tokyo scheduled for 1 o'clock.
11:57The Japanese ask for a 45-minute postponement.
12:01There is no delay in the flight of their warplanes toward Hawaii.
12:32Oahu, sunny, relaxed, peaceful.
12:38Flying weather good, visibility clear.
12:41Slowly life begins to stir on the island.
13:16At an Army radar station, a private practices
13:18as he waits for the breakfast truck.
13:20He picks up planes approaching from the north
13:22and tracks them for a few minutes
13:24before reporting to Air Force headquarters, Hickam Field.
13:27But the planes are thought to be American.
13:36Ten minutes to eight.
13:38December 7, 1941.
20:32The pilots and the planes depart.
20:36Never in modern history has a war begun with so smashing a victory.
20:41In one hour and 50 minutes, the Japanese have sunk or shattered eight battleships.
20:46Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arizona, Nevada, California, Tennessee, Maryland, Pennsylvania.
21:00Three cruisers and three destroyers and four smaller ships are sunk or battered.
21:19One hundred and eighty-eight planes and most of their hangars demolished.
21:47The Japanese have lost 29 planes.
21:50Sixty-eight of their pilots and sailors are dead.
21:53And five midget submarines which tried to penetrate Pearl Harbor are beached or sunk.
21:58One of the cheapest military triumphs on record.
22:16One thousand one hundred and seventy-eight men wounded.
22:21Sixty-eight civilians dead.
22:25One hundred and nine Marines dead.
22:29Two hundred and eighteen soldiers dead.
22:34Two thousand and eight sailors dead.
22:44In Tokyo, the government loses no time in exploiting the news of Pearl Harbor.
22:48Japan's greatest victory.
22:51With pride, an autocratic regime informs an amazed population of its newly won prize.
22:56Propaganda carries on where the bombers left off.
22:59Japan's mission is being fulfilled.
23:02The eight corners of the world will be under one roof.
23:05The militarists have kept their promise.
23:08They have demonstrated the power of the Japanese Empire.
23:11They have done the impossible.
23:14Sunk the United States Navy.
23:23The head of their government, war minister and dictator Tojo,
23:26accepts a conqueror's laurels and rejoices with his subjects.
24:01Pearl Harbor looks as though the Japanese propagandists are right.
24:06So it seems in the aftermath.
24:09But while the hulks are still hot from the attack,
24:12experts and technicians are being flown in from the mainland.
24:16The most extraordinary salvage job in history begins.
24:20Hidden in the havoc wrought by the new enemy
24:24are the seeds of a miracle.
24:27In the ruins, there is life.
24:31In the ruins, there is life.
25:31With the dead lies the vision of a shattered fleet,
25:37hidden in a pall of fire and smoke,
25:42and the vengeance of the United States.
25:56Dead ships sail again.
26:00The fleet has arisen from Pearl Harbor.