00:01:35Hiya, Emmett.
00:01:39Hello, Sally.
00:01:40Hello, Emmett.
00:01:44How are you, Mr. Blair?
00:01:45Oh, good, good.
00:01:47I came over to take you and Sally for a ride.
00:01:49I'd like to, Emmett, but Alexander Botts is in town and we're expecting him.
00:01:53You still get letters from that guy?
00:01:55Oh, yes.
00:01:56And what letters?
00:01:58What's he doing now?
00:01:59Oh, well, he wrote me he's selling some absolutely sensational products.
00:02:03You know, he's a wonderful salesman.
00:02:05Oh, he's a salesman.
00:02:07Well, don't laugh.
00:02:08From what he says in his letters, he's a natural-born salesman.
00:02:12I'll just take the pie. How about it?
00:02:14Well, it was going to call on a prospect, but I guess I can always take time out for a piece of one of Ma's pies.
00:02:39Hiya, folks.
00:02:40Hiya, Sally.
00:02:41Hiya, Mr. Blair.
00:02:42Hiya, Emmett.
00:02:43Hello, Botts.
00:02:44Gosh, it's great to see you, Sally.
00:02:46Oh, it's good to see you, Alexander.
00:02:49Did you get my letter?
00:02:51Two a day?
00:02:52Come on, Pop.
00:02:53Let's go get that pie.
00:02:57What kind of pie?
00:02:59Green apple pie.
00:03:00Green apple?
00:03:02That's my favorite color.
00:03:05You talk about salesmanship.
00:03:07Say, I had a letter from the factory this morning telling me that I was out selling every man on the sales force.
00:03:11If I wasn't a natural born salesman, I wouldn't have been able to sell the Pleap Tool Company.
00:03:15Gosh, you must have had a fine commission.
00:03:17Why, that Pleap Tool Company is one of the biggest tool concerns in the country.
00:03:21I guess I did get a pretty big commission at that.
00:03:23I haven't figured it out yet.
00:03:24I guess I better.
00:03:26Let me see.
00:03:27Six times six is thirty-six and four.
00:03:31FOB plus the insurance, six.
00:03:35Almost forgot the zoning rates.
00:03:37Plus seventeen and six.
00:03:42Plus four, six, and eight.
00:03:45Times seven.
00:03:47There you are.
00:03:48There it is.
00:03:49What is it?
00:03:50Three dollars and five cents.
00:03:52Three dollars and five cents?
00:03:54Oh, Alexander, I thought you were selling something worthwhile.
00:03:57Oh, what are you doing, butt?
00:03:59Selling bird seed?
00:04:01Bird seed nothing.
00:04:04Now, folks, undoubtedly you want to know what this is.
00:04:07The idea of this little novelty is to bring you health.
00:04:09It opens the pores, clears the eyes, takes your mind off business worries,
00:04:13and last but not least, brings laughter back into the life of the working man.
00:04:17All you do, folks, is just to blow through the little pipe and attach the cork onto the hook.
00:04:22It's simple.
00:04:31There you are, folks.
00:04:32But don't take my word for it.
00:04:33Here, try it yourself.
00:04:35So this is what you sell.
00:04:37Well, butts, you're nothing but a peddler.
00:04:38Well, is that so?
00:04:39Well, let me tell you something.
00:04:41It takes real salesmanship to sell a thing like that.
00:04:43I'll tell you right now, butts, I don't want my daughter to have anything to do with a peddler.
00:04:47And I'll appreciate it if you don't bother Sally anymore until you become a more respectable citizen.
00:04:51Come on, Emmett, let's you and I go get a piece of Mars pie.
00:04:54Goodbye, Mr. Butts.
00:04:56I hope.
00:05:03Sally, you don't think I'm a peddler, do you?
00:05:07Of course not, Alexander.
00:05:09I mean, selling little gadgets like that, well, it's not dignified.
00:05:14Oh, I see.
00:05:17Oh, gosh, I just happen to think I've got an appointment out at the hotel.
00:05:21I'm sorry, Alexander, but you really ought to get out and do something important.
00:05:26If you're going to be a salesman, well, sell something big, something worthwhile.
00:05:30Say, you don't have to feel sorry for me.
00:05:32I won't always be selling little gadgets.
00:05:34A natural born salesman like me can sell anything.
00:05:44That's it.
00:05:45That's what I'll sell.
00:05:46Say, that ought to be big enough for anyone.
00:05:49You can't sell steamships.
00:05:51Be practical.
00:05:57What about bridges?
00:05:59Yeah, sure.
00:06:00Some people buy bridges.
00:06:02Oh, no.
00:06:05Well, then.
00:06:09Earthworm tractors.
00:06:11That's it.
00:06:12That's big.
00:06:13That's important.
00:06:14That's worthwhile.
00:06:15Well, that's right.
00:06:16Now you're talking.
00:06:17Can I have this?
00:06:18Oh, sure.
00:06:19Look, Sally, I've got to be running along, but I'll write to you.
00:06:21The next time you hear from me, I'll be selling earthworm tractors.
00:06:24I'm going to make a big success of this.
00:06:26And when I do, I'm going to come back for you.
00:06:28Will you be waiting for me?
00:06:29Why, certainly, Alexander.
00:06:32Goodbye, Sally.
00:06:33Goodbye, Sally.
00:06:56Alexander Botts listening.
00:06:59You want to laugh, H.J.?
00:07:01Read this.
00:07:04Earthworm Tractor Company.
00:07:05Earthworm City, Illinois.
00:07:07I am a natural-born salesman, have a very quick mind, am honest and reliable.
00:07:11In fact, I have a positive genius for ferreting out sales.
00:07:14I became acquainted with your earthworms as a member of the motorized field artillery in the army.
00:07:19I am an expert on tractors, as well as a super salesman.
00:07:22And I might add that I am also a master mechanic.
00:07:25When do I start to work?
00:07:26Very truly yours, Alexander Botts.
00:07:28Have you ever heard of this Alexander Botts, Henderson?
00:07:30No, sir, never.
00:07:31And I think I know if he's a tractor salesman or the country.
00:07:33This man's either a phony or a nut.
00:07:35Maybe you're right, but I like his letter.
00:07:37It shows the kind of nerve it takes to make sales.
00:07:39Let's give him a chance and see what he can do.
00:07:41Oh, now, please, Mr. Russell, not as a salesman.
00:07:43Now, let's see.
00:07:44He has been asking me for a mechanic, and Botts says he's a master mechanic, doesn't he?
00:07:48According to his letter, he's a master of everything.
00:07:50Personally, I am a master mechanic.
00:07:52According to his letter, he's a master of everything.
00:07:54Personally, I like a man who knows his own abilities and isn't afraid to tell them.
00:07:58I'm going to give him a trial.
00:07:59Okay, you're the boss.
00:08:00Listen, take a letter, Alexander Botts.
00:08:03I'm going to have him meet Healy at the Robert E. Lee Hotel in Cypress City, Mississippi.
00:08:23Alexander Botts, come in.
00:08:26How do you do, sir?
00:08:27Are you Alexander Botts?
00:08:28That's me, brother.
00:08:29Well, I'm George Healy of the Earthworm Tractor Company.
00:08:31Well, Mr. Healy, how do you do, sir?
00:08:34Come right in and sit down.
00:08:37I was just writing another letter to the home office.
00:08:39I understand, Mr. Healy, that you need a lot of help down here.
00:08:42Oh, you do, do you?
00:08:44And with me on the job, Mr. Healy, your troubles are over.
00:08:47Now, wait a minute.
00:08:48I think there's a slight misunderstanding.
00:08:49I've been getting along very, very well.
00:08:50I merely sent to the home office for a man to demonstrate a tractor for me.
00:08:53Well, I can do that and more.
00:08:55You're new in the tractor line, aren't you?
00:08:58Well, in a sense, yes.
00:09:00And in a sense, no.
00:09:01But in any sense, selling is my meat.
00:09:03Mr. Healy, you see in me a natural-born salesman.
00:09:07That's very interesting, Mr. Botts, but I understood I was getting a mechanic.
00:09:10That's right, you are.
00:09:11You're not only getting a mechanic, Mr. Healy, you're getting a master mechanic.
00:09:15And think how much better it'll be to get a master mechanic who also is a super salesman.
00:09:20Now, where are those tractors?
00:09:22Let's get right to work on this.
00:09:23The tractor is down at the freight depot.
00:09:25But let's drop that for a moment.
00:09:26All I want to know is, can you operate an earthworm tractor?
00:09:29Can I operate an earthworm tractor?
00:09:32That's what I said.
00:09:33Well, generally speaking, yes and no.
00:09:36It says here that you were in the motorized field artillery, which used earthworms exclusively.
00:09:41Is that right?
00:09:42Yes, sir.
00:09:43That's right.
00:09:44That's right.
00:09:45Mr. Botts, I don't like to doubt your veracity, but I don't believe you've ever seen the Army.
00:09:51Oh, you don't, huh?
00:09:53Well, just maintain your predicament.
00:10:02Let's take a look at that.
00:10:04I was company cook, battery 127 field artillery.
00:10:09A cook?
00:10:11Have you ever handled any kind of machinery?
00:10:13I certainly have.
00:10:14For two years, I sold the Jiffy razor blade sharpener.
00:10:17Well, this is grand, fine, splendid.
00:10:20Here I've got a tractor down at the depot, only waiting for a man to drive it for me.
00:10:23I've got a deal all set with Jackson, the biggest lumber dealer in town, and then I draw a blank like you.
00:10:28Calling me names won't do you any good, Mr. Healy.
00:10:30Just think how lucky you are to have me here to work shoulder to shoulder with you.
00:10:34With me on the job, this fellow Johnson is practically sold.
00:10:38The man's name isn't Johnson.
00:10:39It's Jackson.
00:10:40Well, Johnson or Jackson, they're all the same to me.
00:10:42I sell anybody.
00:10:44Excuse me.
00:10:46Just want to tell them at the home office that you've reported.
00:11:02What's in that bottle?
00:11:03Oh, shoe polish.
00:11:05Shoe polish in a Scotch bottle?
00:11:08You poisoned me, you lunatic.
00:11:10You killed me and killed my sale.
00:11:13Say, I'll put your sale through better than you could have done it yourself.
00:11:16You stay away from my prospect.
00:11:18Just relax, Mr. Healy.
00:11:20I'll go right down there now, get the tractor, find Johnson, and sell him quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.
00:11:25Isn't Johnson is Jackson.
00:11:26Don't you dare go near my prospect.
00:11:29Mr. Healy, I'm an independent sailman.
00:11:31I take orders from no one.
00:11:33You come back here.
00:11:34Come back.
00:11:37No, thanks.
00:11:38Just breaking in a new pair of shoes.
00:12:00Cease firing.
00:12:01Oh, God.
00:12:03Cease firing.
00:12:04Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:12:06Oh, that's all right.
00:12:08What's the matter?
00:12:09Stuck in the mud?
00:12:10What do you think?
00:12:11Well, I think that just the right young man came along to help you out.
00:12:14Oh, I don't think anything short of a Derek is going to get me out of here.
00:12:18You got a tow rope?
00:12:19No, I'm afraid I haven't.
00:12:21No tow rope.
00:12:25Well, stay right where you are.
00:12:27I'll be right back.
00:12:33Come on.
00:13:06Change your mind?
00:13:07Yeah, I forgot my rubbers.
00:13:09Where to?
00:13:10Oh, drive me to the Elks.
00:13:27Come on.
00:13:28Can't we go a little faster?
00:13:31Come on.
00:13:32Can't we go a little faster?
00:13:33I guess I should have put on my chains, but I'll make out all right.
00:13:42I say faster.
00:14:01Let's go see what it is.
00:14:03Where is it?
00:14:04I see it.
00:14:07Let's get going.
00:14:08Wait a minute.
00:14:09Wait a minute.
00:14:10Wait a minute.
00:14:11You'll pay for that glass, or you'll see what our jail looks like.
00:14:14Listen, smart guy, you pay for my remand, or I'll lay one on your chin.
00:14:19Quiet, please.
00:14:21Friends, there's nothing to get excited about.
00:14:23After all, if any damage has been done, it'll be paid for gladly.
00:14:26Money talks louder than words.
00:14:28Who are you?
00:14:29My name is Botts.
00:14:30Alexander Botts.
00:14:31My card, please.
00:14:32I represent the Earthworm Tractor Company, Earthworm City, Illinois.
00:14:35My company will take care of everything.
00:14:37Fully take care of everything.
00:14:39How do we know that?
00:14:40Well, Alexander Botts' word is his bond, sir.
00:14:43Do you doubt my veracity?
00:14:49Get going.
00:14:55Where can I take you?
00:14:56I'm calling on a man named Johnson who owns a lumberyard down near the railroad station.
00:15:00I'm going to sell him a tractor.
00:15:03He's not interested in a tractor.
00:15:05How do you know?
00:15:06Because I know him.
00:15:07He happens to be my father.
00:15:09Your father?
00:15:11Well, that's great.
00:15:13This is a break.
00:15:15I'm afraid you're wasting your time, Mr. Botts.
00:15:17That won't be time wasted, Miss Johnson.
00:15:19The harder they come, the easier I crack them.
00:15:21That's salesmanship.
00:15:27Wait a minute. I'll see if he's busy.
00:15:36Can't go in now. The doctor's there.
00:15:38Doctor? Is your father sick?
00:15:40Get out of here! I'm a sick man!
00:15:44How is he today, Doctor?
00:15:46He hasn't changed a bit.
00:15:50Well, I guess we can go in now.
00:15:53Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you.
00:15:55You'll have to talk rather loud.
00:15:57Father's a little hard of hearing.
00:16:04Dad, I want you to meet...
00:16:06Young lady, why are you late for work?
00:16:08It's that car of mine. It got stuck in the mud again.
00:16:11You shouldn't allow for accidents like that.
00:16:13Who's this?
00:16:14Mr. Johnson, I am Alexander Botts
00:16:16of the Earthworm Tractor Company, Earthworm City, Illinois.
00:16:19My company manufactures...
00:16:20What are you shouting at me for?
00:16:22Well, I...
00:16:24Mr. Johnson, I am Alexander Botts
00:16:26of the Earthworm Tractor Company, Earthworm City, Illinois.
00:16:28My company manufactures...
00:16:29Speak up! Speak up!
00:16:32What'll I do now?
00:16:33Come up closer and raise your voice just a little.
00:16:37Mr. Botts, I am Alexander Johnson of the...
00:16:39Sir, I mean...
00:16:40I mean, Mr. Johnson, I am Alexander Botts
00:16:42of the Earthworm Tractor Company, Earthworm City, Illinois.
00:16:45I answered your... You got... You came...
00:16:48I came in answer to your letter.
00:16:50Letter? What letter?
00:16:52I haven't written a letter in 15 years.
00:16:54Well, I...
00:16:55Well, Mr. Johnson,
00:16:56the earthworm is the finest tractor on the market today.
00:16:59Earthworm tractor? Never heard of it.
00:17:01Stop watching that clock.
00:17:04I was just going to remind you to take your pink pills.
00:17:09Mr. Johnson, as I was saying, the earthworm is...
00:17:12Young man, I have no use for any newfangled inventions.
00:17:15Go save your breath.
00:17:17Well, but, Mr. Johnson,
00:17:19the earthworm is no newfangled invention.
00:17:21Why, way back as far as the war...
00:17:23War? What war?
00:17:30Well, Mr. Johnson,
00:17:31the earthworm tractor has the most powerful motor in the world.
00:17:34Young man, if you were selling mules, I'd listen to you.
00:17:36But motors?
00:17:38Two months ago, someone finally talked me into buying a truck.
00:17:41And do you know where it is now?
00:17:43Do you? No, you don't.
00:17:45Well, I'll tell you where it is.
00:17:46It's buried up to its axles in mud down in Chippewa Swamp.
00:17:49Yes? Well, Mr. Johnson, may I make a little suggestion?
00:17:51No. What is it?
00:17:53Well, I have an earthworm tractor down at the freight station.
00:17:55It'll get your truck out of that swamp just like that.
00:17:57You come along with me and I'll show you.
00:17:59And if I don't get that truck out of that swamp,
00:18:01you can chase me out of town.
00:18:03No. I haven't got time to run you out of town.
00:18:06Why don't you let him try it?
00:18:08That truck isn't doing any good stuck in the swamp.
00:18:10Why should I waste my time?
00:18:12There's no machine ever built that could stay on top of Chippewa Swamp.
00:18:15Mr. Johnson, the earthworm tractor can stay on top of a cup of coffee,
00:18:18and not a strong cup of coffee at that.
00:18:21Now, if you want your truck back in the service,
00:18:23I'm the young man that can help you.
00:18:25Oh, go on, Dad. It won't cost you anything,
00:18:27and you might get the truck back.
00:18:29Well, it's only a waste of time.
00:18:31But I'll go. You stay here.
00:18:33Somebody's got to watch that clock watcher.
00:18:35Come on. Let's see that machine of yours, young man.
00:18:38Good luck.
00:18:45Hey, don't look now, but your clock has stopped.
00:18:54There she is, Mr. Johnson.
00:18:59There we are.
00:19:04There. Isn't she a beauty?
00:19:07I don't see anything beautiful about her.
00:19:09Well, hop in, and we'll take a little spin.
00:19:11What, me ride in that lopsided merry-go-round?
00:19:13No, sir.
00:19:15Why, she's just as safe as your own front porch.
00:19:17Speak up. Speak up.
00:19:19I say she's just as safe as on your own front porch.
00:19:22Well, let's go over there and talk it over.
00:19:24No, no, no, no, Mr. Johnson. Up you go.
00:19:26Upsy-daisy. Up you go, sir.
00:19:28There you are. No trouble at all.
00:19:30I know I'm not going to like this.
00:19:32Oh, you'll love it, Mr. Johnson.
00:19:34Go right over there and sit down.
00:19:38Well, now, here we are.
00:19:40Now, let's see.
00:19:42This is the choke, I think.
00:19:44This is the ignition, I believe.
00:19:47And there is the clutch, I imagine.
00:19:51You think, you believe, you imagine.
00:19:53Don't you know?
00:19:55Well, yes and no.
00:19:57Now, oh, yes.
00:19:59There is the starter.
00:20:06Listen to that motor purr.
00:20:10Well, a poor run to me.
00:20:12Now, come on, you folks. Hang on to the way there.
00:20:40Come on.
00:21:10Come on.
00:21:40Come on.
00:22:03Get me out of here. Do you want to drown me?
00:22:06Just relax, Mr. Johnson. Just relax.
00:22:09We'll have your truck out of here in just a minute.
00:22:22Just as simple as ABCs.
00:22:36Are you going to start guessing again?
00:22:53Ha, ha. You pulled the radiator off.
00:22:56Well, that just goes to show you, Mr. Johnson,
00:22:59the earthworm don't know its own strength.
00:23:02The earthworm don't know its own strength.
00:23:21You ruined my truck. Let me out of here.
00:23:24Oh, no, no, no. Top cut, Mr. Johnson. Top cut.
00:23:33Stop it. This thing's going.
00:23:35Stop it. Help me. Somebody help me.
00:23:40Hey, Mr. Johnson.
00:23:43Just take it easy.
00:23:49How do you like this thing?
00:24:03Hey, Johnson.
00:24:22Hey, Johnson.
00:24:24Hey, just take it easy. Take it easy.
00:24:32Just take it easy, Johnson.
00:24:48Hey, mister, can you tell me where the other end of this swamp is?
00:24:51That tractor of yours will come out of the south road if it don't sink.
00:24:54Don't worry. The earthworm never sinks.
00:24:57Hop in and I'll drive you over there.
00:24:59The earthworm never sinks.
00:25:01Hop in and I'll drive you over there.
00:25:30There we are, safe and sound.
00:25:32Come on. Can I help you?
00:25:35Come, come, come.
00:25:37There you are.
00:25:39Now, what did I tell you?
00:25:41Just as safe as on your own front porch.
00:25:51H.J. H.J.
00:25:53Well, you said that Alexander Botts would boost business all right.
00:25:57And he has. He's been a one-man recovery in Cypher City.
00:26:00What did I tell you?
00:26:02You told me all right.
00:26:04He's boosted business for the taxi company.
00:26:06For the hardware company.
00:26:08For the city power and light company.
00:26:10For the Johnson Lumber Company.
00:26:12Why, he's even built them a new freight depot.
00:26:14Look at the money he's poured into that town.
00:26:16And we're paying the bills.
00:26:18Why, this is outrageous. What can we do about it?
00:26:20We can't do anything about the bills.
00:26:22But there's one thing I can do.
00:26:24I can fire Botts and Healy, too.
00:26:26Wire them to that effect at once.
00:26:28With pleasure.
00:26:40Alexander Botts approaching.
00:26:44Ah, Mr. Healy.
00:26:46Well, how do you do, sir?
00:26:48Come right in.
00:26:50You half-witted foreflush, are you?
00:26:52Why, what's the matter?
00:26:54This is what's the matter. You got me fired.
00:26:56Well, that's nothing.
00:26:58I got fired also.
00:27:00But don't you worry, Mr. Healy. Everything is going to be all right.
00:27:02I was just writing another letter to the Home Office.
00:27:04Explaining everything.
00:27:06Why, you idiot. You don't think I'm worried about the job, do you?
00:27:08I wasn't going to stay with Earthworm anyway.
00:27:10I've got a better proposition with the Elephant Tractor Company.
00:27:14How about taking me with you as your mechanic?
00:27:16You? If I ever catch you in the same town with me again, I...
00:27:20Excuse me, Mr. Healy.
00:27:22Seems to be my busy day.
00:27:24How do you do, sir?
00:27:26Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. I can explain everything.
00:27:28Explain everything about what?
00:27:30About your car, Mr. Jackson.
00:27:34Well, you see, my company will pay for everything.
00:27:36My card.
00:27:38Oh, forget it. I'm insured.
00:27:40I came here to congratulate you.
00:27:42Congratulate me for what?
00:27:44That's the finest demonstration I ever saw.
00:27:46Yes, I guess it was.
00:27:48I'm fired.
00:27:50Fired? Well, I just wired an order in for six tractors.
00:27:52Is that so?
00:27:54Well, whether you did or not, I'm still fired.
00:27:56Mr. Johnson?
00:27:58Not Johnson. Jackson.
00:28:00Are you Tom Jackson of the Jackson Lumber Company?
00:28:02That's me.
00:28:04I don't know why you went to see Johnson first.
00:28:06You can't sell him anything.
00:28:08You're telling me.
00:28:10Well, anyway, you've got commission coming on six tractors.
00:28:14What did I tell you, Mr. Healy?
00:28:16That's right. We've got commission coming on six tractors.
00:28:18Here's looking at you.
00:28:20Hey, Johnson.
00:28:22Mr. Johnson.
00:28:26Oh, don't drink that.
00:28:28Why, but you don't begrudge a six tractor customer a little drink, do you?
00:28:30No, but...
00:28:32Well, so long, and thanks again for the demonstration.
00:28:36That's the finest liquor I ever tasted.
00:28:46Wait, Mr. Healy.
00:28:48You're not going to drink that.
00:28:50Excuse me, Mr. Healy.
00:28:54Just send the mail to Earthworm Tractor Company.
00:28:58Hello, Miss Johnson.
00:29:00Could you come down to the lobby for a moment?
00:29:02I'll be right down.
00:29:08You poisoned me again!
00:29:12You big sissy.
00:29:14You knew all the time that was shoe polish.
00:29:20Well, here I am.
00:29:22I thought I'd drop by for a few seconds
00:29:24and tell you how sorry I am the way things turned out.
00:29:26I should have warned you that Dad has a ferocious temper.
00:29:28Oh, forget it.
00:29:30He didn't hurt me.
00:29:32Hmm, much.
00:29:34What really hurts is
00:29:36I lost my job.
00:29:38Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:29:40I wish there was something I could do for you.
00:29:44That's all right.
00:29:46Well, now that you've lost your job, what are you going to do?
00:29:48I don't have to worry.
00:29:50A natural-born salesman like me can always find something to sell.
00:29:52The thing is, I...
00:29:54I hate to leave this town now.
00:29:58Oh, I... I don't know.
00:30:00Well, this is the same as any other town, isn't it?
00:30:02Well, in a way, yes.
00:30:04And in a way, no.
00:30:08There's more no than yes, I guess.
00:30:16Gosh, there's something about the name of Mabel that...
00:30:18Telegram for Mr. Botts.
00:30:20Telegram for Mr. Botts.
00:30:22A telegram for Mr. Botts.
00:30:24Oh, boy.
00:30:26Excuse me.
00:30:28How do you spell that?
00:30:30With a B.
00:30:32With a B. I guess that's for me.
00:30:34There you are.
00:30:36Gee, thanks.
00:30:38Don't give it a thought.
00:30:44I wonder who this can be from.
00:30:46Why don't you open it?
00:30:50That's a pretty good idea, that.
00:30:58Listen to this.
00:31:00We have reconsidered our decision.
00:31:02Re your discharge. Stop.
00:31:04You are back on the payroll as a full-fledged salesman.
00:31:06Stop. Proceed to Smedleyville.
00:31:08Instructions to follow.
00:31:10Oh, it's C. Henderson.
00:31:12Wow! Oh, gee, I'm glad.
00:31:14Well, I guess they know a natural-born salesman
00:31:16when they see one.
00:31:18Wait till I get to Smedleyville.
00:31:20I'll knock them dead.
00:31:26Say, I'll sell tractors
00:31:28to people in that town that don't even need them.
00:31:30Why go to that trouble when there's someone
00:31:32right here in this town who needs them?
00:31:34Oh, leave me to them. Is there someone that I overlooked?
00:31:36Say, I'll sell them before I catch the train.
00:31:38Who is it?
00:31:40My father.
00:31:42Oh, well, I don't think I'll have time on this trip,
00:31:44but someday I'll come back and sell him, too.
00:31:46I'm afraid it might be too late then.
00:31:48You know, someday some real live wire salesman
00:31:50is going to come in and show Dad where he's losing money
00:31:52by not having tractors to work his timberlands.
00:31:54What do you mean, live wire salesman?
00:31:56I mean someone who won't run away
00:31:58the first time he's turned down.
00:32:00Turned down?
00:32:02Oh, I was knocked down.
00:32:04Dad owns half the timberland around here.
00:32:06If he ever decides to buy tractors,
00:32:08he'll have to buy an awful lot of them.
00:32:10It'll be a big feather in the cap of the salesman
00:32:12who finally sells him.
00:32:14I could sell him.
00:32:16I wonder if I ought to take the time.
00:32:18No, you'd better go on to Smedleyville.
00:32:20It'd probably be too big a job for you.
00:32:22Too big?
00:32:24Say, no job is too big for Alexander Botts,
00:32:26and just to prove it to you,
00:32:28I'm going to stay right here and sell your father,
00:32:30Mabel Jackson.
00:32:32Not Jackson, Johnson.
00:32:34I'm pleased that our earthworm, RD8,
00:32:36has lived up entirely to your satisfaction.
00:32:38We trust that...
00:32:40H.J.! H.J.!
00:32:42What's the trouble now?
00:32:44The only trouble we've ever had around here.
00:32:46But, read that.
00:32:48Dear sir,
00:32:50the greatest tractor prospect in the country,
00:32:52Sam Johnson, is right here in Cypress City.
00:32:54I've decided not to go to Smedleyville.
00:32:56I think it best that I stay here and make the sale.
00:32:58We'll let you know how many I sell.
00:33:00Very truly yours, Alexander Botts.
00:33:02Sam Johnson.
00:33:04The one man that every tractor salesman in the country
00:33:06gave up trying to sell ten years ago.
00:33:08I'll wire Botts to proceed to Smedleyville at once.
00:33:10Now, wait a minute, Henderson.
00:33:12This fellow Botts sold Jackson. Maybe he can sell Johnson.
00:33:14Give him a chance and see what he can do.
00:33:16I think it's a waste of time, but you're the boss, H.J.
00:33:18I don't think it's a waste of time.
00:33:20I'll bet you right now, at this moment,
00:33:22Botts is selling Johnson.
00:33:24Now you get out of here.
00:33:36And don't come back.
00:33:54And stay out.
00:34:12Oh, I know if you'll only keep at it,
00:34:14you'll eventually sell him some tractors.
00:34:16Oh, what's the use? If I'm not alive to spend the commissions?
00:34:18Oh, I know if you'll only keep at it,
00:34:20you'll eventually sell him some tractors.
00:34:22Oh, what's the use? If I'm not alive to spend the commissions?
00:34:24Oh, you're not going to stop trying now, are you?
00:34:26Oh, I don't know.
00:34:28I got a wire from the factory this morning.
00:34:30I think I'd better get down to Smedleyville.
00:34:32I was afraid the job might be too big for you.
00:34:34I was afraid the job might be too big for you.
00:34:36The first few times he threw me out, I didn't mind,
00:34:38but I'm beginning to think that he don't want any tractors.
00:34:40but I'm beginning to think that he don't want any tractors.
00:34:42Of course, a master salesman would find some way
00:34:44to show Dad how necessary tractors are to his business.
00:34:46to show Dad how necessary tractors are to his business.
00:34:48Say, listen, I'm a natural-born salesman.
00:34:50That's even better than a master salesman.
00:34:52If a master salesman can sell him, so can I.
00:34:54If a master salesman can sell him, so can I.
00:34:56Say, I'm going right down there now
00:34:58and come out with an order for 72 tractors.
00:35:00Oh, no, Alexander, not today.
00:35:02No? Why not today?
00:35:04Well, you see, we're moving.
00:35:06Our house is up on rollers and ready to be moved to the other side of town.
00:35:08Oh, is that so?
00:35:10What's the new address?
00:35:12352 Spruce Street.
00:35:14I can remember that.
00:35:16Dad's more upset than ever.
00:35:18I think the $500 it's costing
00:35:20is the real reason he feels so badly.
00:35:24Say, excuse me,
00:35:26with an earthworm tractor...
00:35:30Oh, nothing.
00:35:32When are you moving the house?
00:35:34Tomorrow morning.
00:35:36Dad and I are going to stay at the hotel tonight.
00:35:44Close that door!
00:35:46Is it cold?
00:35:52Yes, Dad?
00:35:54I've decided not to go to the hotel tonight.
00:35:56But we've arranged to have all the utilities cut off.
00:35:58We can't stay in the house without any light, gas, or water.
00:36:00I've arranged to have them put back on again.
00:36:02I'm a sick man.
00:36:04I just caught a cold from that door being open.
00:36:06I'm nearly dying.
00:36:08You wouldn't want a dying man to go to the hotel, would you?
00:36:10Of course not, Dad. I'll call them.
00:36:12But they won't be able to move the house tomorrow.
00:36:14Stop watching that clock!
00:36:24Time for my pill!
00:36:28Here they are, Dad.
00:36:32How are you feeling now?
00:36:34Why do you ask me that for?
00:36:36You know I feel terrible.
00:36:38I told you not to eat that steak tonight.
00:36:40At least not the whole two pounds.
00:36:42That had nothing to do with it.
00:36:44I would have felt terrible anyway.
00:37:04Anything else, Dad?
00:37:12Earthquake rocks Tibet.
00:37:16Where's Tibet?
00:37:18In Asia, Dad.
00:37:20That's right. I didn't think you knew.
00:37:28It's here! It's here!
00:37:32Mabel! Don't you realize what's happened?
00:37:34It's an earthquake!
00:37:36Quick, Dad! Get under an arch!
00:37:38An arch! What a great one!
00:37:40Help! Help!
00:38:12The worst I ever saw!
00:38:14Help! Help! Mabel!
00:38:24Oh, my head!
00:38:32Oh, my corn!
00:38:36I'm dizzy!
00:38:42Just relax, Mabel.
00:38:44Everything is going to be all right.
00:38:56Earthquake! Lightning! Flood!
00:38:58All the world has been wicked!
00:39:00Mabel! Mabel!
00:39:10I can't see a thing!
00:39:12Come on! Let's get out of here!
00:39:14Oh, no, Dad!
00:39:16The only safe place is under this arch!
00:39:22Oh! Oh, this is terrible!
00:39:24Listen to that thunder!
00:39:32Oh, my back!
00:39:40This will go down as the greatest earthquake in history!
00:39:42If anyone lives to tell it...
00:40:04Oh, I hope it's over.
00:40:10I hope it's over.
00:40:26It's time for my bail.
00:41:10Well, Mr. Johnson, I saved you $500, and the earthworm tractor did it all.
00:41:23There you are, all moved to 352 Pine Street.
00:41:27You idiot!
00:41:28It wasn't Pine Street.
00:41:30It was Spruce!
00:41:32But Alexander, you know it was all your fault.
00:41:41You should never have tried to move our house without saying something about it.
00:41:45I'll bet if I hadn't moved the house to the wrong end of town, I'd have sold him.
00:41:49Mr. Henderson is beginning to think that your father isn't a very good prospect.
00:41:52Oh, but he is.
00:41:54You'll sell him if you'll only keep trying.
00:41:57Something tells me he's weakening.
00:41:59It didn't feel like it.
00:42:01Gosh, this is awful good apple pie.
00:42:05Almost as good as Ma Blair's.
00:42:06Who is Ma Blair?
00:42:08Oh, she's... she's Sally's mother.
00:42:12And just who is Sally?
00:42:14She's a girl in Frozen Falls that I promised to marry.
00:42:19You see, when I left Frozen Falls to make my way in the world, I promised Sally that
00:42:23someday I'd come back and marry her.
00:42:26Alexander Botts never goes back on his word.
00:42:28Well, I hope you two will be very happy.
00:42:31I won't be able to see you tonight or any other night.
00:42:41Boys, these advanced sales reports indicate that this is going to be one of the biggest
00:42:46years that the Earthworm Tractor Company has ever had.
00:42:49Telegram, Mr. Henderson.
00:42:50Oh, thanks.
00:42:57Listen to this.
00:42:58I agree with you that Johnson is not a good prospect.
00:43:01I'm proceeding to Smedleyville by way of Frozen Falls where I am going to marry a girl by
00:43:06the name of Sally.
00:43:08Congratulate me.
00:43:09Alexander Botts.
00:43:12I certainly feel sorry for Sally.
00:43:22You can wait right there, if you will.
00:43:26You can wait right there.
00:43:56Goodbye, Alexander.
00:44:01Sally, I came back for you.
00:44:04You mustn't do that, Alexander.
00:44:06The same old bashful Sally.
00:44:10Look what I brought you.
00:44:12Oh, these are beautiful, Alexander.
00:44:16Oh, I don't know.
00:44:17Not any more beautiful than the smell of that pie.
00:44:23Won't you come in?
00:44:24Will I?
00:44:26I can smell it better inside.
00:44:30Hey, Pop, look who's here.
00:44:34Hiya, Mr. Blair.
00:44:36Alexander Botts.
00:44:37What kind of a do-jigger are you selling now?
00:44:39The little do-jigger that I am now selling weighs 16 tons.
00:44:43Have a card.
00:44:49Earthworm Tractor.
00:44:51Well, I always told you had it in you.
00:44:54You did?
00:44:55Oh, yes, yes, yes.
00:44:57I remember.
00:44:58Well, Sally, I told you I'd make a success and sell big things.
00:45:02Didn't I?
00:45:03And I promised that I'd come back for you.
00:45:06Well, here I am.
00:45:07And what I said about your father not coming to live with us?
00:45:10Forget it.
00:45:12Oh, hello, Emmett.
00:45:13How are you?
00:45:14I'm all right, I guess.
00:45:15Well, Emmett, congratulate me.
00:45:17I'm going to get married.
00:45:19Who's the lucky girl?
00:45:23Well, that's fine.
00:45:24I'd like to go to a wedding.
00:45:25I haven't been to one in three months.
00:45:27Is that so?
00:45:28Who got married then?
00:45:29I did.
00:45:30You got married?
00:45:31Well, congratulations, Emmett.
00:45:34Who'd you marry?
00:45:54This loafer married her the minute you left here.
00:45:56And he hasn't had a job since.
00:45:59Congratulations, Emmett.
00:46:01I wanted Sally, but I guess the best man won.
00:46:11Goodbye, Sally.
00:46:14Oh, Alexander.
00:46:17Don't take it too hard.
00:46:18You know, I'm not the only girl in the world.
00:46:20Oh, I know.
00:46:21That's easy enough for you to say, Sally,
00:46:23but there's an old saying in the true one.
00:46:26It's better to have loved and lost than...
00:46:30than never to have loved at all.
00:46:38Try not to go to pieces.
00:46:40I'll try, Sally, but...
00:46:42after all, there's...
00:46:44there's always the river.
00:46:53Poor Alex.
00:46:55When he can't swim a stroke.
00:47:08To the telegraph office!
00:47:09Oh, where are you?
00:47:11Mr. Henderson.
00:47:13Telegram, Mr. Henderson.
00:47:23I disagree with you.
00:47:24I think Johnson is still a fine prospect.
00:47:27I'm proceeding back to Cypress City
00:47:29where I'm going to marry a girl named Mabel.
00:47:33Congratulate me.
00:47:35Alexander Butz.
00:47:39Is that man crazy or am I?
00:47:41I wouldn't know.
00:47:50Look, I've been trying to get in touch with Mabel
00:47:52and her father won't tell me where she is.
00:47:54Do you know?
00:47:55Well, I know she bought a ticket for Chicago.
00:47:59Where's she going in Chicago?
00:48:00Well, she didn't say, but she's got an uncle there
00:48:02and I imagine that's where she's bound for.
00:48:04Yeah, what's her uncle's name?
00:48:06As far as I remember, it's Johnson too.
00:48:09Well, that's easy.
00:48:10Thank you very much.
00:48:19Good evening, sir.
00:48:20How do you do, sir?
00:48:21My card.
00:48:23Well, I'm glad to know you, Mr. Butz.
00:48:25You expect to be in Chicago long?
00:48:26Well, maybe yes and maybe no.
00:48:29I see.
00:48:30It all depends.
00:48:31Yes, sir.
00:48:33Boy, take Mr. Butz's bag to 502.
00:48:37Where's the nearest telephone?
00:48:38Just around the corner, Mr. Butz.
00:48:40You're welcome, sir.
00:48:45I'm sorry, ma'am, if he doesn't answer.
00:48:47Excuse me.
00:48:48I'm looking for a man named Johnson.
00:48:50Can you tell me how I can find him?
00:48:52Well, the Johnsons in Chicago are as thick as the smiths in New York.
00:48:55And you know how thick the smiths are in New York.
00:48:58Which particular Johnson are you looking for?
00:49:00Well, he's got a niece in Cypress City by the name of Mabel.
00:49:04Well, now, ain't that nice?
00:49:05I've got an uncle in Topeka, Kansas named Oscar.
00:49:08Well, is that so?
00:49:09Don't you know this Johnson's first name?
00:49:11No, I...
00:49:13Do you mind if I look at your book?
00:49:14Why not?
00:49:16I'll bet there's a whole page full of them.
00:49:20I'm sorry, he doesn't answer.
00:49:23Johnson, Johnson.
00:49:30Do you mind if I use your telephone?
00:49:32Go ahead, you're paying for it.
00:49:39I'm sorry, you've been disconnected.
00:49:40I'll try again.
00:49:44Get me Oswebo 3412, please.
00:49:47Oswebo 3412?
00:49:49Just a minute.
00:49:56Is this Mr. Aaron A. Johnson?
00:49:58Hello, Mr. Johnson, this is Alexander Botts calling.
00:50:01Have you a very beautiful, charming niece by the name of Mabel?
00:50:05This is the aquarium.
00:50:07Well, then you have no niece.
00:50:29Okay, I got it.
00:50:31Bay 1420.
00:50:43Is this the home of Thomas Johnson?
00:50:47Is Mabel Johnson there?
00:50:51She is.
00:50:53Hello, is this you, Mabel?
00:50:55This is Mabel.
00:50:56Is this you, Mabel?
00:50:57This is Mabel.
00:50:59Mabel, this is Alexander.
00:51:04Botts to you, mister.
00:51:15All right.
00:51:16Crestdale 5952.
00:51:27Is this the home of Ulysses Johnson?
00:51:32Have you got a niece by the name of Mabel?
00:51:37You haven't.
00:51:40Well, thank heavens you're here.
00:51:42What a night.
00:51:44I'm exhausted.
00:51:46Zebula Zachary Johnson.
00:51:51Get me Crest 4436.
00:51:57Sorry, the phone's been disconnected.
00:52:00Well, I guess I'm through.
00:52:03That was the last Johnson in Chicago.
00:52:10No, not the very last Johnson.
00:52:12Oh, yes, it was.
00:52:13No, there's one more left.
00:52:15One more?
00:52:16Who's that?
00:52:17Mabel Johnson.
00:52:19Mabel Johnson.
00:52:20Mabel Johnson.
00:52:21Mabel Johnson.
00:52:22Mabel Johnson.
00:52:23Mabel Johnson.
00:52:24Who's that?
00:52:25Mabel Johnson.
00:52:29Gosh, I've called every Johnson in Chicago trying to find you.
00:52:32Where are you?
00:52:33I'll come to you wherever you are.
00:52:35Well, just a minute.
00:52:36What about Sally?
00:52:37Oh, that's all a thing of the past.
00:52:40She don't mean a thing in the world to me.
00:52:42What made you change your mind?
00:52:44Why didn't you marry her?
00:52:45Well, when I got there, she was already married to another fella.
00:52:51Oh, so Sally was already married.
00:52:53Yeah, wasn't that funny?
00:52:55And then you decided to look for me.
00:52:57Yes, and Mabel, I could hardly wait till I found you.
00:53:01Alexander Botts, I hate you.
00:53:13Gosh, I don't know what she got mad at.
00:53:24That new starter's quite an improvement, eh, Hank?
00:53:29What's the trouble now?
00:53:30Listen to this.
00:53:31Trace Botts to Cramer Hotel, Chicago, where he reserved room, then disappeared.
00:53:36On the last scene, he was going into a telephone booth.
00:53:38Wells Detective Agency.
00:53:39If they can't find him in a telephone booth, they might as well give up.
00:53:42If I ever get my hands on him, I'll...
00:53:44Telegram, Mr. H.J.
00:53:47You're right.
00:53:48My girl Mabel left for Cypress City, I hope.
00:53:51I'm following.
00:53:53Understand, Cypress County in market for tractors.
00:53:57Wire Cramer Hotel $162 telephone bill.
00:54:02Keep in touch with me.
00:54:03Alexander Botts.
00:54:05Now that we finally found him, we can fire him.
00:54:07Oh, will I.
00:54:08Henderson, let us send another man down to get that order.
00:54:10I haven't a man available right now, but don't worry, I'll go down there myself.
00:54:13I wish I could have seen him just once before we fired him.
00:54:16I wish I could have seen him just once before you hired him.
00:54:29Caught ya.
00:54:30Stop watching me.
00:54:34I just wanted to tell you, Mr. Johnson,
00:54:36that those two tractor salesmen are still waiting.
00:54:39Well, send one of them in here.
00:54:41Well, Botts, I'm glad I was here first.
00:54:43I've got a luncheon date with an old friend of yours.
00:54:45Yeah, who's that?
00:54:46Miss Johnson.
00:54:48Miss Johnson?
00:54:49Is she back and...
00:54:50Mr. Healy, you can come in now.
00:54:54She's back.
00:54:57Well, good morning, Mr. Johnson.
00:54:59My name is George Healy of the Elephant Tractor Company.
00:55:02Talk louder.
00:55:03How do you expect me to hear you when you whisper?
00:55:05I said my name is George Healy of the Elephant Tractor Company.
00:55:08Tractors, huh?
00:55:09I hate tractors.
00:55:10But I represent the taxpayers of this county and I've got to listen to you.
00:55:13How much is your tractor?
00:55:15Well, now, the kind that your community needs costs only $4,750 FOB.
00:55:21I asked you the price of your tractor.
00:55:24I said it costs $4,750.
00:55:28Fine salesman.
00:55:29Don't even know the price of your own product.
00:55:31I said the price is...
00:55:32Never mind the price.
00:55:34Have your tractor ready for demonstration this afternoon.
00:55:37Now get out of here and send another fellow in.
00:55:44Me neither.
00:55:48Fine fellow, that Johnson.
00:55:50Speak up. Speak up.
00:55:59Good morning, Mr. Johnson.
00:56:00Good morning.
00:56:01What, you?
00:56:02Tut, tut, Mr. Johnson. Come now.
00:56:04Let's let bygones be bygones.
00:56:06After what you did to me, I don't see how you got the nerve to come in here.
00:56:10All right, Mr. Johnson.
00:56:11I apologize.
00:56:12I demand you apologize to me.
00:56:14All right, then I apologize.
00:56:17So you won't apologize, huh?
00:56:19All right, don't.
00:56:20I ought to kick you out of here.
00:56:22But as road commissioner of this county, I can't be prejudiced.
00:56:26What's the price of your tractor?
00:56:34Is your tractor any good for road building?
00:56:37What kind of an engine's it got in it?
00:56:45What's the horsepower?
00:56:51All right, all right.
00:56:53I'm a sick man.
00:56:54I've got to have my lunch.
00:56:55You know where to bring the tractor for demonstration.
00:56:57Be there on time.
00:57:01Do you mind if I join you?
00:57:05Do you mind if I use your telephone?
00:57:07No, go right ahead.
00:57:15Get me the Robert E. Lee Hotel, please.
00:57:21Robert E. Lee Hotel.
00:57:22Alexander Botts inquiring.
00:57:24Have there been any telephone messages for me?
00:57:26No, sir.
00:57:28You're sure Mabel Johnson hasn't called?
00:57:30Yes, sir, I'm sure.
00:57:31But there's a telegram for you.
00:57:32Oh, yes?
00:57:33Will you read it?
00:57:39You are absolutely, completely and finally fired.
00:57:43Kindly don't annoy our customers.
00:57:45Another man is taking over your territory.
00:57:47Gilbert Henderson.
00:57:58How do you do, Mr. Johnson?
00:58:00My name is Henderson.
00:58:01I represent the Earthworm Tractor Company.
00:58:03Mr. Johnson, I'm very, very happy to find you alone, sir.
00:58:05I won't take up a minute of your time.
00:58:07I just want to tell you a few facts about our product.
00:58:10Speak up, speak up.
00:58:12I understand that you've been ill.
00:58:14How do you feel today?
00:58:17Oh, I feel terrible.
00:58:19I always feel terrible.
00:58:21Oh, that's too bad.
00:58:24Mr. Henderson, whatever happened to that young salesman,
00:58:26Alexander Botts, that used to work for you?
00:58:30He was the world's worst.
00:58:32They fired him.
00:58:35Well, I think you made a mistake there, Mr. Henderson.
00:58:38Alexander Botts impressed me as being a natural-born salesman.
00:58:42Yeah, that's what he thought.
00:58:44Well, let's not bandy words.
00:58:46I'm a man that judges by results.
00:58:49What I'm interested in is your small tractor.
00:58:52Where will the demonstration take place?
00:58:55Oh, oh, yeah, where?
00:58:56Well, now let's see.
00:58:58Here we are.
00:59:01Here's Cypress City.
00:59:03There is the railroad station.
00:59:05Now, you take your small tractor and run it right down over the ramp.
00:59:09Continue right straight ahead due west for four and a half miles.
00:59:14You'll come to a large sycamore tree with a hornet's nest.
00:59:18I don't think you'll stop there,
00:59:20but you'll go right straight ahead till you come to a big stump.
00:59:25There you are, there's the stump, and that's where you stop.
00:59:27You mean that's where the demonstration will take place?
00:59:30Oh, no, no, no, but that's where we're going to meet you.
00:59:34Now, do you know how to find the place?
00:59:36Oh, surely, surely.
00:59:37Well, that's good.
00:59:39And I'll keep this map so we'll be able to find you.
00:59:42Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I'll be there.
00:59:44All right, do it.
00:59:53And so, fellow citizens,
00:59:54as chairman of the board of road commissioners,
00:59:57I have been chosen to make the final decision
01:00:00as to which tractors we will buy for Cypress County.
01:00:07I have mapped out a very difficult course
01:00:10for these tractors to give us a demonstration.
01:00:17Just one more thing.
01:00:19I have practically made up my mind which tractor it will be.
01:00:27But, in all fairness, we will go on with this demonstration.
01:00:33How about a picture, Mr. Johnson?
01:00:35A picture?
01:00:37One of the finest speeches I've ever heard.
01:00:53Hello, Mabel.
01:00:55Gosh, I don't see why you want to be mad at me.
01:00:58If you'll just let me explain, I know we can patch this up.
01:01:02Gosh, Mabel, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't even think.
01:01:07Well, that's not unusual, is it?
01:01:09Well, you just wait till I get your father on my tractor.
01:01:12Seems to me you had him on your tractor once before.
01:01:15Oh, all right, if that's the way you want to act, go on.
01:01:18But I'm going to sell your father, and after I sell him,
01:01:20you know what I'm going to do?
01:01:22No, you don't know.
01:01:24Well, I'm going on to Smedleyville and sell some more tractors.
01:01:30And that's one of the reasons it has so much power.
01:01:33Well, young man, looks like you've got something here.
01:01:36Yes, Mr. Johnson, and you'll never regret your decision.
01:01:38Mr. Johnson, will you pose on the earth for him?
01:01:41Well, I don't want to, but I guess I will.
01:01:45And you, none of your milky business.
01:01:52Hey, what are you doing?
01:02:22Stop, don't you see that sign?
01:02:24The road's closed.
01:02:28The earthworm don't believe in signs, Mr. Johnson.
01:02:32Come back!
01:02:34Don't go up there!
01:02:36Mr. Johnson, come back!
01:02:42Which way did that tractor go?
01:02:44Straight up a mountain, Miss Johnson.
01:02:46The boat's been blown up.
01:02:48That hill's full of dynamite.
01:02:50Well, somebody has to warn them.
01:02:52Don't go up there, Miss Johnson, if I'm you.
01:02:54Don't go up there, you'll get killed.
01:03:00Stop, don't try to climb that mountain.
01:03:04The earthworm, that's only a molehill.
01:03:09The earthworm can climb the mountains of Tibet.
01:03:15Let me out of here.
01:03:19Put on that brake!
01:03:24Be careful!
01:03:28That's my middle name.
01:03:30Alexander C. Fox.
01:03:32C for careful.
01:03:36Stop, you're going to kill me.
01:03:47I said you can't just put it up there,
01:03:49somebody's got to get to the right.
01:03:53I wouldn't buy a tractor that made so much noise.
01:03:57Well, we have them with mufflers, Mr. Johnson.
01:04:02Mufflers, mufflers!
01:04:04Oh, I thought you said mufflers.
01:04:12Turn back, turn back!
01:04:14They're dynamite.
01:04:16Turn back!
01:04:18Turn back!
01:04:20Turn back!
01:04:22They're dynamiting for the parole.
01:04:24They're dynamiting to the left of us,
01:04:26they're dynamiting to the right of us.
01:04:31They're dynamiting behind us.
01:04:35Retreat, retreat.
01:04:37Alexander Fox never retreats.
01:04:43Take me home, take me home.
01:04:47Where do you live now?
01:04:49Spruce Street or Pine?
01:04:53Turn to the right.
01:04:55Hold it there.
01:04:57Make a...
01:05:00Make a...
01:05:15Whoa, whoa, wake up, quiet.
01:05:18Quiet, wake up, whoa.
01:05:22Help, help.
01:05:24Whoa, whoa, get us off this building.
01:05:26Whoa, we're vanishing, we'll tip over.
01:05:38You can't go over that bridge, it's unsafe.
01:05:41Johnson, don't worry, the earthworm is safe anyplace.
01:05:53Stop, stop, stop.
01:06:01Well, all right, if you're afraid, Mr. Johnson, we'll back up.
01:06:04No, no, no, no, don't back up.
01:06:06Keep on going, go ahead.
01:06:08Well, make up your mind what you want.
01:06:10Go ahead, go ahead.
01:06:12All right, away we go.
01:06:41What are you stopping for?
01:06:43Looks pretty wobbly up ahead there, Mr. Johnson.
01:06:45I think we better go back.
01:06:47No, no, no, don't go back.
01:06:49Keep on going, ahead, ahead.
01:06:50All right, anything you say, Mr. Johnson.
01:07:17Look out for those brakes.
01:07:20Brakes, stop.
01:07:33Fellow citizens, as chairman of the board of road commissioners of Cypress County...
01:07:39Alexander Butz, you're gonna pay for this.
01:07:42You hear what I'm saying?
01:07:46I say you're gonna pay for this.
01:07:48Speak up, speak up, I can't hear you.
01:07:53I can hear you.
01:07:55I'm cured, I'm cured.
01:07:57I say I can't hear you, speak up.
01:07:59I'm cured, I can hear you.
01:08:01Stop whispering.
01:08:03My boy, this is the greatest tractor in the world.
01:08:05I'm gonna buy six of them for the county,
01:08:07and eight of them for my lumber company.
01:08:09What did you say?
01:08:11Alexander, are you all right?
01:08:13All right, I just bought 14 tractors from this young man.
01:08:15I always knew you were a master salesman, darling.
01:08:29Oh, darling.
01:08:31I can hear that.