

I recycle junk, working or not, expensive or not, rare or not! buy it, if your so worried about collecting the material junk!

from prophecy 107:

"Let satan know you'll have no part of him.(James 4:7) Run from him. Run from anyone who entices you to sin. Rebuke them and fear not offending them.

And as for anyone who calls these prophecies false. Just know this; you revealed who your true father is. How can you call this Prophet false when every word is preached Holiness and a rebuke to sin? It shows who you really belong too. It shows where you are destined to go too. By your actions I rip the mask off your face so all can see the rotten fruit within you."

Salvation Prayer from


I accept you now as my LORD and SAVIOR, You are the God I love. I believe you paid the price for my sins at Calvary, you died and arose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am sorry I have sinned, and I turn away from those sins. Thank you for filling me with your Holy Spirit, and giving me the desire to serve you all the days of my life, and live your life in me YAHUSHUA, so you will be Glorifed! Thank you for giving me the desire to read your Bible, and give me the wisdom to understand it. Thank you for Loving me and Saving my soul, causing my Faith to grow, so one day I will be with YOU in Heaven.

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