• 12 years ago
Shen Yun Performing Arts played Phoenix, Arizona, on March 10 at the Orpheum Theatre. Practicing Psychiatrist Robert Costace and his wife were delighted by the show.

[Robert Constace, Psychiatrist]:
"A beautiful synthesis, a unity of music, color, dance, motion and spiritual message. I just enjoyed to see interwoven into the dance routines, and the vocalists. It gives me great, great hope, I feel so much, I feel better, after having been here. It gives me hope that such beauty, such dance groups are alive, and thriving."

[Lynn Costace, Audience, Robert's Wife]:
"I didn’t know what to expect. I've always been attracted to oriental, Asian entertainment but I had no idea what to expect here. I was just amazed at the overall influence of the dance, and how everyone just had so much energy, the dance and the song, the songs and the orchestration behind the dance. It was just a lovely combination of music, and movement and color, oh, that was amazing, and it just left me feeling very uplifted and very happy to have been here today."

[Robert Constace, Psychiatrist]:
"The very beginning, where this view of infinity, and this magnificent Buddha of infinity of the cosmos, is coming here to earth, to bring a message of joy, and beauty, and salvation of humanity. That was astounding. The special effects of photography, and the stage sets. I have a hobby of painting which I haven’t done a long time, and I was trying to paint the sets to copy them in my mind. What I would like to do in the future. All of this came together in such wonderful, wonderful, amazing beauty. And I wish, wish American youth could appreciate this. I'd like to see American youth get involved in this kind of classical traditional beauty."

The couple say they will recommend Shen Yun to all their families and friends and want sound recordings of the show to give as Christmas and birthday presents.

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