PART 2 - THE CUTE SHOWCAT CHAMPIONS! Part 1 of 2 The 2007 CFA finals at Madison Square Gardens in New York. What does CFA stand for? Why, Cat Fanciers Association of course. From Host Amy Kellner: We went to the CFA-IAMS Cat Championship at Madsion Square Garden and yes, it was a dream come true. Ironically, I am allergic to cats, and my nose was pretty much sealed shut after five minutes of being there—but wow, was it worth it. Wall-to-wall beautiful cats and the crazy people who love them as far as the eye could see… This is like the biggest thing that’s ever happened to The Cute Show and it’s going to be a two-parter. Here is part one of the excitement, and keep your eyes peeled for a special cameo from a member of one of my all-time favorite bands! Cute Show’s got cool cred, man! xo amy