• il y a 15 ans

The Light, by haruka nakamura
Featuring Janis crunch (vocals)

Taken off haruka nakamura’s 2nd album, 「twilight」15th July 2010 release
Visit special site for more info kitchen-label.com/twilight
Original footage shot by haruka nakamura
Directed & produced by Kitchen.

Haruka Nakamura is a composer in Tokyo, Japan, and was born in 1982. As a child, Haruka learned to play keyboard and guitar on his own. He has been weaving his soothing acoustical sounds since 2006.

An emerging talent on the Japanese independent electro-acoustic scene, haruka nakamura's second solo outing refines the lyrical, pastoral imagery that inspired his first album "grace". Recorded in a studio overlooking the ocean as a tribute to the sight of the expiring sun falling slowly over the horizon at dusk, "twilight" .....

by Beautiful Noise

MORE INFO : http://bbpiratesradio.over-blog.com/article-haruka-nakamura-twilight-54831460.html


