• 15 years ago
Feel the action and the heat as the Brooklyn Monk in Asia meets Mr.John Ledaskis, a martial arts specialist, and his team who worked with Jackie Chan and with over 50 action-packed movies. This 3D video showcases a stunt fighting done in the Bangkok, Thailand.

BUY FULL VERSION NOW! VISIT http://www.3dguy.tv/downloads/pay-per-download

Our team,Explore 3D, is a small team of passionate individuals headed by Al who teaches us about 3D production.

We launched a FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN (to fund Explore 3D Phuket film) on 5/24/11
with the hope to raise $7500 in 120days.

We'll appreciate any amount you can donate to make this project happen. To express our thanks, a digital copy of the film in 2D or 3D,Phuket souvenir shirts and website/film credits awaits you.

PLEASE HELP US. Check out the campaign details here: http://igg.me/p/29303?a=146562&i=shlk

OUR BIG BIG THANKS in advance.

-Rem of Explore3D
