"Thanks to its flax fiber cabin and the solar energy used to charge its batteries, ECOTRAIN is the least polluting public transport on the planet. By reusing the railways, ECOTRAIN brings rural areas back to life. With 20 trips per day, stops on demand in all stations, he redraws the map of the territory, puts back the honor of alternative mobility to "all cars", revitalizes the hearts of the town. In addition to passenger transport, a “Micro-freight” version of the ECOTRAIN, intended to promote short circuits, will be deployed on the same lines, promoting the revival of local shops and better promotion of local agricultural production. Using a consortium of industrial benchmarks to build it, it gives engineers and technicians in the railway world the place that is theirs: spearhead of citizen innovation, respectful of the environment and public finances . Open and public design, ECOTRAIN can be deployed and produced locally in all countries of the planet, the fight against global warming does not stop at our borders ! Thanks to their know-how, industrial partners of ECOTRAIN will carry out the first tests of the prototype line in 2022 in France. Commercial production will be available from 2024 depending on the country "