• 13 years ago
Marion Harris (1896-1944) was most successful in the 20's. She was the first widely known white singer to sing jazz and blues; she first played in vaudeville in Chicago around 1914. Two years later she began recording. She continued to appear on Broadway in the 20s. She returned in 1927 to New York theater and appeared in an 80-minutes promotional film, Marion Harris, Songbird of Jazz. After a Hollywood film, Devil-May-Care with Ramón Navarro, an illness temporarily prevented her from performing. In 1931-33, she performed on NBC radio shows. In early 1931 she performed in London, returning for engagements at the Café de Paris. In London she appeared in the musical Ever Green and broadcast on BBC radio. She also recorded in England in the early 30s but retired soon afterwards. In 1944 she traveled to New York for medical treatment, where she died when she fell asleep while smoking in bed. This exquisite side was made in 1930. Miss Harris was accompanied by an uncredited studio orchestra.


